

  • Introducing of the new KOROKU bags!

    Introducing of the new KOROKU bags!

    KOROKU スタイリッシュで丈夫なバッグKOROKUを見る KOROKUのバッグは、岡山県津山市で創業以来培ってきた経験と縫製技術を活かし、熟練した職人の手によってひとつひとつ丁寧に作られています。誰にも作れない、自分たちにしか作れない鞄を作りたいという想いから、KOROKUは生まれました。KOROKUのバッグは、完璧な縫製と磨き上げられた技術による高い品質だけでなく、機能性、耐久性にも優れています。KOROKUは、MADE…

  • SUMMER 2022

    SUMMER 2022

    Summer 2022もっと見る 暑い夏でもデニムを!軽量のジーンズとショートパンツをリストアップしました。きっとあなたにぴったりのものが見つかります。 鬼デニム 鬼デニムが得意とするラフでスラブな素材感を、12ozのデニムで実現!今までにない夏の快適な穿き心地を体感してください。 ONI-202 KIRAKU 12OZ NATURAL INDIGO KIRAKU セルビッチデニム ワイドストレートジーンズ…

  • The Denim Holiday Gift Guide 2021!

    The Denim Holiday Gift Guide 2021!

    What to Gift Yourself Let’s get hyperspecific. This is your time to splurge. A week of Triple Points but all you’re thinking about is the standard ONIs in black. No offense with the standards but… It’s…

  • The Greatest Fabrics Ever Existed: Japan.

    The Greatest Fabrics Ever Existed: Japan.

    The age old question: is it worth it? Why is Japanese fabrics so different? How many do I have to get? No matter what the answer is, the only perfect answer we’ve ever gotten is ‘do whatever makes you…

  • Fabrics: ONI Denim

    Fabrics: ONI Denim

    We’ve done a comprehensive rundown on some (probably just a few if we really want to document all ONI) ONI fabrics here: OUR EPIC ONI COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE | ONI DENIM ONI SECRET DENIM X DENIMIO EXCLUSIVE:…

  • Fabrics: TCB Jeans

    Fabrics: TCB Jeans

    TCB Jeans 50s Shop 50s Jeans here The origins of TCB: a truly vintage reproduction as the makers studied a vintage 50s piece TCB got their hands on. They sampled every single detail from shape, yard…

  • Fabrics: Samurai Jeans

    Fabrics: Samurai Jeans

    S510SXJ-IDY Shinsengumi Ikedaya Shop IKEDAYA here Talked about in the famous anime Rurouni Kenshin, the Ikedaya incident happened at the end of the Edo period, when at that time, political chaos ensued.…

  • Fabrics: Japan Blue

    Fabrics: Japan Blue

    Cote d’Ivoire Cotton Shop JAPAN BLUE Why Côte D’Ivoire Cotton? Japan Blue is a brand that has been cultivating the best qualities of cotton for its denim. With decades of manufacturing prowess, Japan …

  • Fabrics: Graph Zero

    Fabrics: Graph Zero

    GRAPH ZERO: Arrow Feather Denim & Herringbone Shop GRAPH ZERO here Kendo Baker Shorts These are Graph Zero’s original shorts with a twist, based on the weave of kendo kimono with denim base. The…