The Simple White Ts
Sometimes, we lean toward the tagline” Less is More.” (To be honest, this happens on my lazier days.) What could go wrong, when you KNOW that your jeans are the total highlight of the show? Simple, easy, and effective, just a simple and nice Tshirt can direct everyone’s’ gaze to your new Tanukis, without having to go to the whole “I’m bending down in a weird way so my back pocket would show up in your face way” saga. So what’s the secret to choosing the perfect white? First of all, the fabric. Softer fabrics may be more comfortable to wear, but choosing ones that slouch down (let’s say silk) are a bad addition to your frame, giving off a ragged look. Those that can stand straight and be pressed neatly to your shoulder line will be the best- even a cheap Tshirt, if fitted well, can have a huge impact. Another detail is the “whiteness”. (We know, this sounds like something your girlfriend would say). But it’s true! “Creamy white” (like the one below from Burgus Plus ) goes well with the jeans that have bluer/more indigo tones, while the “blank white” (that’s the fancy name for pure, as-white-as-paper color- see Studio D’Artisan below) shocks the grey hues of darker jeans.
Loopwheeled Indigo
This is the one treasure that I’m actually reluctant to give away…but oh well. Behold, the indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan! If you didn’t know much about this technique before, you will now. Loopwheeled clothes are the top-notch fabric for menswear, and while they’re popular everywhere, you can only find a few that comes from the real vintage factories and machineries- which are only based in Japan and Germany. This is where the magic lies- for the real loopwheel feel, which is extremely soft and comfortable due to the sluggish pace at which they’re woven, one MUST try a authentic loopwheel Tshirt (beware, a lot of the imposters out there are merely tube-knitted, which is an alternative to loopwheel but can prove to be drastically different as time goes on.) These two pieces are actually highly sought after in major Loopwheel fields (hey, you’re a multitasker. Just call yourself the Yoda of denim and loopwheel.), so let’s just quietly sneak these into the cart….
Prints of Personality
Hey, you’re an interesting person. You’re a walking encyclopedia for denim, love dogs, use French aftershave and perhaps indulge in an avocado toast from time to time. What’s to stop you from shouting out your thoughts? Invest in a Tshirt that mirrors the ideas or pictures you have on your mind today. Check out the colors as well- you don’t want to be the monotone of the party! Pink is actually a very flattering color for men as it brings out the deep red skin undertones. Yellow or brown can make you look more tan, and blue…well, let’s just say they go perfect with jeans. These tops are the perfect way to contrast a pair of simple/straight legged jeans (and a straw hat, if summer vacations are your thing.)
African Cotton
Zimbabwe cotton- the ancient white gold that has so fueled the basics for raw selvedge denim. Hardened by the harsh African sun, this results in long, hard spools of thread that from the perfect mix for clothes. Added on with the hand-picked quality of the crops, this results in much better usage of the whole batch- it is easy to eliminate unfit cotton in the early process of harvesting. And of course, it’s all organic! Now to the benefits: Zimbabwe cotton is cool and sturdy, to say the least. We get great fits when the Tshirts are made with harder thread- it sticks to your body’s silhouette and perfects the cross between casual and edgy. What we must also stress is that this is a Tshirt emblazoned with the Momotaro mark- a high quality brand on a high quality tee. (Also, who doesn’t like a pair? Wear this with your Momotaro jeans and you’ll feel well-coordinated without even having to take 10 minutes to figure out the suitable top for the day…)
Heavyweight Wear
Let’s be clear- when we say heavy, this is not in the sense of “heavy” weight of “heavy looks”. We mean sturdier and better quality fabric, the kind where you stroke it and you’ll nod your head in approval because you can actually feel the gauges and delicate but strong weaves in the pattern. Different knits provide different textures and looks, so while you may only prefer simple cotton tees, the groove and feel of a high quality cloth will lure you away forever from those H&M lightweights. (Anyway, why would you make the effort to buy those raw denim jeans if only to ultimately pair them with a nondescript top? A heinous crime, that.) These Ts featured are all made with super hard inlay, a special technique to lessen the “sticky” feel of Ts and give you an all-around airy experience- a feeling you’ll never want to forget.
There you have it. Our picks for the summer, and some cool tips on those Ts too (so you can again wow people with your knowledge:). If you’ve still got cravings though, check out our whole summer collection and prepare to browse and shop for a long, long, time….[:id]Musim panas telah tiba dan fabrik berat tidak lagi cocok untuk musim ini. Kapas dan muslin lebih direkomendasikan, apalagi dengan kesejukan yang nyaman sebagai pakaian keseharian Anda. Sebagai contoh, imajinasikanlah diri Anda di pantai Californian, bersandar di pulau tropis pada musim panas…mengenakan T-shirt keren namun menyejukkan dengan jeans Anda (hey, jeans merupakan pakaian favorit di pantai tersebut). Kini, kami di Denimio mendengarkan keinginan Anda- inilah panduan sempurna T-shirt yang seharusnya Anda miliki, dan hati-hati, mereka merupakan koleksi HOT HOT HOT!
T-shirt Simple Putih
Terkadang, bergantung kepada tagline “Less is More.” (Sejujurnya, konsep ini berlaku sebagai alasan kemalasan saya.) Tidak ada yang akan salah, apabila jeans Anda menarik perhatian publik. Hanya dengan T-shirt yang sederhana dapat membuat setiap orang melirik jeans Tanuki Anda tanpa harus tampil berlebihan. Lantas apa rahasia dalam memilih T-shirt putih yang sesuai? Pertama-tama, fabrik. Kain yang lebih lembut akan terasa lebih nyaman untuk dipakai, namun memilih kain yang terlalu lembut (sebagai contoh kain sutra) akan memberikan tampilan buruk kepada gaya Anda. T-shirt yang kokoh dan sesuai dengan garis bahu Anda memberikan tampilan terbaik walaupun dengan harga murah. Detail lainnya adalah “warna putih”. Betul sekali! “Creamy white” (seperti Burgus Plus di bawah) akan tampil sesuai dengan celana jins yang bernada lebih biru / indigo, sedangkan warna “blank white” (warna putih seperti kertas pada umumnya – dapat Anda simak pada Studio D’Artisan di bawah ini) dengan warna abu-abu jeans yang lebih gelap.
Loopwheeled Indigo
Ini merupakan salah satu T-shirt berharga yang sebenarnya saya tidak ingin berbagi kepada orang lain … namun, baiklah. Simaklah, kaus indigo loopwheeled Studio D’Artisan! Jika Anda tidak mengetahui banyak mengenai kaus ini sebelumnya, Anda akan memahaminya sekarang. Pakaian loopwheeled merupakan pakaian pria berkelas atas dan mereka sangat populer, namun Anda hanya bisa menemukan T-shirt ini dari pabrik mesin vintage – yang hanya beraada di Jepang dan Jerman. Inilah ketakjubannya – dengan kesan loopwheel yang sesungguhnya, yang sangat lembut dan nyaman karena ketelitian proses penenunan, Anda SEHARUSNYA mencoba T-shirt loopwheel yang otentik (hati-hati, banyak produk tiruan yang hanya menggunakan teknik rajutan tube, merupakan alternatif dari penenunan teknik loopwheel dimana hasil terbukti sangat berbeda seiring berlalunya waktu.) Kedua pakaian ini sebenarnya sangat banyak dicari di industry Loopwheel (hei, tentu saja kepadanan sempurna denim dan loopwheel.) Jadi ayo segera tambahkan koleksi ini ke dalam troli belanja Anda ….
Cetakan Personalitas
Hei, Anda mungkin seorang yang menyenangkan. Anda mencintai denim, anjing peliharaan Anda, menggunakan pencukur Prancis dan mungkin menikmati roti alpukat dari waktu ke waktu. Apa yang menghentikan Anda untuk berekspresi? Berinvestasilah ke dalam T-shirt yang mengekspresikan suasana hati Anda hari ini. Perhatikan juga warna kaus ini – Anda tidak ingin tampil membosankan! Pink sebenarnya merupakan warna yang sangat menyanjung karena menekankan nada kulit Anda. Warna kuning ataupun coklat bisa membuat Anda tampil lebih cokelat, dan biru … baiklah, anggap saja mereka tampil sempurna dengan jeans Anda. Pakaian ini merupakan pakaian sempurna yang menekankan tampilan Anda dengan jins lurus sederhana (dan topi, jika Anda berada pada liburan musim panas.)
Kapas Afrika
Kapas Zimbabwe – harta berharga yang selalu melengkapi raw selvedge denim Anda. Dikokohkan oleh sinar matahari Afrika, kapas ini dihasilkan dengan gulungan benang panjang dan keras yang merupakan campuran sempurna untuk berbagai pakaian. Ditambah dengan proses panen tangan, hal ini menghasilkan kualitas yang jauh lebih baik – mudah untuk mengeliminasi kapas yang tidak sesuai pada proses pemanenan awal. Dan tentu saja, seluruh kapas ini berkualitas organik! Keuntungannya: kapas Zimbabwe sangat sejuk dan kokoh. Kita akan mendapatkan fit sempurna ketika mengenakan kaos yang dibuat dengan benang yang lebih keras – ia akan menempel pada siluet tubuh Anda dan menyempurnakan kombinasi tampilan santai dan edgy. Highlight hari ini yaitu kaos Momotaro – brand berkualitas dengan kaos berkualitas tinggi. (Tentu saja, siapa yang bisa menolak penawaran denimnya? Kenakan kaos ini dengan jins Momotaro Anda dan Anda memiliki tampilan terbaik tanpa harus menghabiskan waktu 10 menit untuk menentukan pakaian yang sesuai untuk hari Anda …)
Pakaian Berat
Mari kita jelaskan – ketika kita mengatakan berat, ini bukan berarti bobot “berat” dari “penampilan berat”. Kami bermaksud kain berkualitas yang lebih kuat dan lebih baik, sejenis fabrik di mana Anda dapat merasakan ketelitian penenunan dengan rajutan kuat polanya. Rajutan yang berbeda memberikan tekstur dan penampilan yang berbeda, jadi ketika Anda memilih kaos kapas sederhana, alur dan nuansa kain berkualitas tinggi akan memikat Anda jauh dari kaos ringan H&M. (Bagaimanapun, mengapa Anda berusaha untuk membeli jins raw denim jika hanya untuk memadankannya dengan pakaian biasa?.) Fitur T-shirt ini semua dibuat dengan tampilan super kokoh dan teknik khusus untuk mengurangi tampilan “lengket” juga memberikan kesan airy – perasaan yang takkan pernah Anda lupakan.
Ini dia akhir daftar T-shirt rekomendasi kami. T-shirt pilihan kami untuk musim panas, dan beberapa tips tampilan T-shirt keren tersebut (jadi Anda akan membuat orang lain takjub dengan ide Anda). Jika Anda masih memerlukan inspirasi lainnya, silahkan simak koleksi musim panas kami dan bersiaplah untuk bereksplorasi dan berbelanja hingga Anda melupakan waktu….[:zh]毫无疑问,T恤永远是夏天的主角,准备够好看的T恤,你才能安心度过一整个夏天。最佳百搭单品——T恤。作为最基本的百搭潮流单品之一,T恤无疑是最受大众欢迎的搭配武器。以下Denimio推荐的5类T恤看看有你喜欢的吗?
要说春夏季最百搭的单品莫过于一件T恤,纯色的T恤可以搭配任何一种服装,干净简单,方便好穿马上就到了夏季。简单,容易,有效,只需一个简单而美丽的T恤可以引导大家的目光聚集到你身上。那么选择完美T恤的秘诀是什么?首先,面料。较柔软的面料可能会更舒适 (看看下面的 Burgus Plus ),但选择那些懒散(就是说丝绸),会显得衣型不整,即使是一些便宜的T恤,穿着妥当也会有不一样的效果(像纸一样白的Studio D’Artisan)。
环形靛蓝染T恤就像T恤里的宝藏一样,蓝色的深浅,经过了反复的斟酌和设计。一块看似纯色的面料,实际包含了不同深浅的蓝色棉线。如果你以前对蓝染不了解的话,现在你就明白了。一块极为轻薄的单层棉布,反复8次只能染出浅浅的蓝。而这次T恤的蓝色,深邃饱满,需要几十甚至上百次的染色。天然蓝染最大的魅力,在于它会随着时间褪色。褪色的位置、速度因每个人的体质,生活习惯而不同。当时光流逝,所留下的,是带着你的印记,独一无二的衣服。例如Pure Blue Japan 还有Studio D’Artisan!
注意挑选颜色颜色,没有人想成为排队中单调无味的人! 粉红色其实是男人的一种非常艳丽的色彩,因为它带出了深红色的皮肤底色。 黄色或棕色可以让你看起来更灿烂。 这些上衣搭配一条简单/直腿牛仔裤(和一个草帽)。
棉花选择很多种,大家熟悉的加州棉,德州棉,秘鲁棉,到很贵的Supima,埃及棉…… 等等都是选择,而津巴布韦棉就是非常适合生产牛仔裤的棉花。津巴布韦棉色白,单强度高,马克隆值相对适中,含杂率和短绒率低,纤维可纺性好。因为非洲太阳强烈,津巴布韦棉的特征是让这些棉花纤维长的特别长FC,Momotaro 等都是使用这种长绒棉来制作牛仔裤,摸起来手感舒适柔软,适合夏季穿着。想想一下用这种高等棉花制成的T恤是何等的清凉舒适。
先表明一下,这里的“重”不是重量上的“重”,而是观感上的“重”。摸起来厚实,高质量的棉纤维。可以感觉到尺度和细腻而强烈的编织。 不同的针织物提供不同的纹理和外观,高品质的布料的凹槽和感觉会让你远离H&M轻量级T恤。 所有编制手法让T恤更加透气舒适,让你远离黏腻的夏天。
如果你还在犹豫,不知道夏天该买些什么,查看Denimio推荐的 夏日衣着合集 吧[:de]Summer’s here and we’re getting sick of heavy fabrics. Cotton and muslin are much better, we say, in providing the cool (both meanings apply) in your daily outfit. For instance, imagine yourself on the sunny Californian coast, a Long Island in hand…dressed in the most cool and breezy Tshirt one can pair with jeans (hey, jeans are beach apparel here;). Now, luckily, we at Denimio can read minds- here is the perfect guide to your must-have summer Ts, and be warned, they’re HOT HOT HOT!
The Simple White Ts
Sometimes, we lean toward the tagline” Less is More.” (To be honest, this happens on my lazier days.) What could go wrong, when you KNOW that your jeans are the total highlight of the show? Simple, easy, and effective, just a simple and nice Tshirt can direct everyone’s’ gaze to your new Tanukis, without having to go to the whole “I’m bending down in a weird way so my back pocket would show up in your face way” saga. So what’s the secret to choosing the perfect white? First of all, the fabric. Softer fabrics may be more comfortable to wear, but choosing ones that slouch down (let’s say silk) are a bad addition to your frame, giving off a ragged look. Those that can stand straight and be pressed neatly to your shoulder line will be the best- even a cheap Tshirt, if fitted well, can have a huge impact. Another detail is the “whiteness”. (We know, this sounds like something your girlfriend would say). But it’s true! “Creamy white” (like the one below from Burgus Plus ) goes well with the jeans that have bluer/more indigo tones, while the “blank white” (that’s the fancy name for pure, as-white-as-paper color- see Studio D’Artisan below) shocks the grey hues of darker jeans.
Loopwheeled Indigo
This is the one treasure that I’m actually reluctant to give away…but oh well. Behold, the indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan! If you didn’t know much about this technique before, you will now. Loopwheeled clothes are the top-notch fabric for menswear, and while they’re popular everywhere, you can only find a few that comes from the real vintage factories and machineries- which are only based in Japan and Germany. This is where the magic lies- for the real loopwheel feel, which is extremely soft and comfortable due to the sluggish pace at which they’re woven, one MUST try a authentic loopwheel Tshirt (beware, a lot of the imposters out there are merely tube-knitted, which is an alternative to loopwheel but can prove to be drastically different as time goes on.) These two pieces are actually highly sought after in major Loopwheel fields (hey, you’re a multitasker. Just call yourself the Yoda of denim and loopwheel.), so let’s just quietly sneak these into the cart….
Prints of Personality
Hey, you’re an interesting person. You’re a walking encyclopedia for denim, love dogs, use French aftershave and perhaps indulge in an avocado toast from time to time. What’s to stop you from shouting out your thoughts? Invest in a Tshirt that mirrors the ideas or pictures you have on your mind today. Check out the colors as well- you don’t want to be the monotone of the party! Pink is actually a very flattering color for men as it brings out the deep red skin undertones. Yellow or brown can make you look more tan, and blue…well, let’s just say they go perfect with jeans. These tops are the perfect way to contrast a pair of simple/straight legged jeans (and a straw hat, if summer vacations are your thing.)
African Cotton
Zimbabwe cotton- the ancient white gold that has so fueled the basics for raw selvedge denim. Hardened by the harsh African sun, this results in long, hard spools of thread that from the perfect mix for clothes. Added on with the hand-picked quality of the crops, this results in much better usage of the whole batch- it is easy to eliminate unfit cotton in the early process of harvesting. And of course, it’s all organic! Now to the benefits: Zimbabwe cotton is cool and sturdy, to say the least. We get great fits when the Tshirts are made with harder thread- it sticks to your body’s silhouette and perfects the cross between casual and edgy. What we must also stress is that this is a Tshirt emblazoned with the Momotaro mark- a high quality brand on a high quality tee. (Also, who doesn’t like a pair? Wear this with your Momotaro jeans and you’ll feel well-coordinated without even having to take 10 minutes to figure out the suitable top for the day…)
Heavyweight Wear
Let’s be clear- when we say heavy, this is not in the sense of “heavy” weight of “heavy looks”. We mean sturdier and better quality fabric, the kind where you stroke it and you’ll nod your head in approval because you can actually feel the gauges and delicate but strong weaves in the pattern. Different knits provide different textures and looks, so while you may only prefer simple cotton tees, the groove and feel of a high quality cloth will lure you away forever from those H&M lightweights. (Anyway, why would you make the effort to buy those raw denim jeans if only to ultimately pair them with a nondescript top? A heinous crime, that.) These Ts featured are all made with super hard inlay, a special technique to lessen the “sticky” feel of Ts and give you an all-around airy experience- a feeling you’ll never want to forget.
There you have it. Our picks for the summer, and some cool tips on those Ts too (so you can again wow people with your knowledge:). If you’ve still got cravings though, check out our whole summer collection and prepare to browse and shop for a long, long, time….[:es]Summer’s here and we’re getting sick of heavy fabrics. Cotton and muslin are much better, we say, in providing the cool (both meanings apply) in your daily outfit. For instance, imagine yourself on the sunny Californian coast, a Long Island in hand…dressed in the most cool and breezy Tshirt one can pair with jeans (hey, jeans are beach apparel here;). Now, luckily, we at Denimio can read minds- here is the perfect guide to your must-have summer Ts, and be warned, they’re HOT HOT HOT!
The Simple White Ts
Sometimes, we lean toward the tagline” Less is More.” (To be honest, this happens on my lazier days.) What could go wrong, when you KNOW that your jeans are the total highlight of the show? Simple, easy, and effective, just a simple and nice Tshirt can direct everyone’s’ gaze to your new Tanukis, without having to go to the whole “I’m bending down in a weird way so my back pocket would show up in your face way” saga. So what’s the secret to choosing the perfect white? First of all, the fabric. Softer fabrics may be more comfortable to wear, but choosing ones that slouch down (let’s say silk) are a bad addition to your frame, giving off a ragged look. Those that can stand straight and be pressed neatly to your shoulder line will be the best- even a cheap Tshirt, if fitted well, can have a huge impact. Another detail is the “whiteness”. (We know, this sounds like something your girlfriend would say). But it’s true! “Creamy white” (like the one below from Burgus Plus ) goes well with the jeans that have bluer/more indigo tones, while the “blank white” (that’s the fancy name for pure, as-white-as-paper color- see Studio D’Artisan below) shocks the grey hues of darker jeans.
Loopwheeled Indigo
This is the one treasure that I’m actually reluctant to give away…but oh well. Behold, the indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan! If you didn’t know much about this technique before, you will now. Loopwheeled clothes are the top-notch fabric for menswear, and while they’re popular everywhere, you can only find a few that comes from the real vintage factories and machineries- which are only based in Japan and Germany. This is where the magic lies- for the real loopwheel feel, which is extremely soft and comfortable due to the sluggish pace at which they’re woven, one MUST try a authentic loopwheel Tshirt (beware, a lot of the imposters out there are merely tube-knitted, which is an alternative to loopwheel but can prove to be drastically different as time goes on.) These two pieces are actually highly sought after in major Loopwheel fields (hey, you’re a multitasker. Just call yourself the Yoda of denim and loopwheel.), so let’s just quietly sneak these into the cart….
Prints of Personality
Hey, you’re an interesting person. You’re a walking encyclopedia for denim, love dogs, use French aftershave and perhaps indulge in an avocado toast from time to time. What’s to stop you from shouting out your thoughts? Invest in a Tshirt that mirrors the ideas or pictures you have on your mind today. Check out the colors as well- you don’t want to be the monotone of the party! Pink is actually a very flattering color for men as it brings out the deep red skin undertones. Yellow or brown can make you look more tan, and blue…well, let’s just say they go perfect with jeans. These tops are the perfect way to contrast a pair of simple/straight legged jeans (and a straw hat, if summer vacations are your thing.)
African Cotton
Zimbabwe cotton- the ancient white gold that has so fueled the basics for raw selvedge denim. Hardened by the harsh African sun, this results in long, hard spools of thread that from the perfect mix for clothes. Added on with the hand-picked quality of the crops, this results in much better usage of the whole batch- it is easy to eliminate unfit cotton in the early process of harvesting. And of course, it’s all organic! Now to the benefits: Zimbabwe cotton is cool and sturdy, to say the least. We get great fits when the Tshirts are made with harder thread- it sticks to your body’s silhouette and perfects the cross between casual and edgy. What we must also stress is that this is a Tshirt emblazoned with the Momotaro mark- a high quality brand on a high quality tee. (Also, who doesn’t like a pair? Wear this with your Momotaro jeans and you’ll feel well-coordinated without even having to take 10 minutes to figure out the suitable top for the day…)
Heavyweight Wear
Let’s be clear- when we say heavy, this is not in the sense of “heavy” weight of “heavy looks”. We mean sturdier and better quality fabric, the kind where you stroke it and you’ll nod your head in approval because you can actually feel the gauges and delicate but strong weaves in the pattern. Different knits provide different textures and looks, so while you may only prefer simple cotton tees, the groove and feel of a high quality cloth will lure you away forever from those H&M lightweights. (Anyway, why would you make the effort to buy those raw denim jeans if only to ultimately pair them with a nondescript top? A heinous crime, that.) These Ts featured are all made with super hard inlay, a special technique to lessen the “sticky” feel of Ts and give you an all-around airy experience- a feeling you’ll never want to forget.
There you have it. Our picks for the summer, and some cool tips on those Ts too (so you can again wow people with your knowledge:). If you’ve still got cravings though, check out our whole summer collection and prepare to browse and shop for a long, long, time….[:fr]Summer’s here and we’re getting sick of heavy fabrics. Cotton and muslin are much better, we say, in providing the cool (both meanings apply) in your daily outfit. For instance, imagine yourself on the sunny Californian coast, a Long Island in hand…dressed in the most cool and breezy Tshirt one can pair with jeans (hey, jeans are beach apparel here;). Now, luckily, we at Denimio can read minds- here is the perfect guide to your must-have summer Ts, and be warned, they’re HOT HOT HOT!
The Simple White Ts
Sometimes, we lean toward the tagline” Less is More.” (To be honest, this happens on my lazier days.) What could go wrong, when you KNOW that your jeans are the total highlight of the show? Simple, easy, and effective, just a simple and nice Tshirt can direct everyone’s’ gaze to your new Tanukis, without having to go to the whole “I’m bending down in a weird way so my back pocket would show up in your face way” saga. So what’s the secret to choosing the perfect white? First of all, the fabric. Softer fabrics may be more comfortable to wear, but choosing ones that slouch down (let’s say silk) are a bad addition to your frame, giving off a ragged look. Those that can stand straight and be pressed neatly to your shoulder line will be the best- even a cheap Tshirt, if fitted well, can have a huge impact. Another detail is the “whiteness”. (We know, this sounds like something your girlfriend would say). But it’s true! “Creamy white” (like the one below from Burgus Plus ) goes well with the jeans that have bluer/more indigo tones, while the “blank white” (that’s the fancy name for pure, as-white-as-paper color- see Studio D’Artisan below) shocks the grey hues of darker jeans.
Loopwheeled Indigo
This is the one treasure that I’m actually reluctant to give away…but oh well. Behold, the indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan! If you didn’t know much about this technique before, you will now. Loopwheeled clothes are the top-notch fabric for menswear, and while they’re popular everywhere, you can only find a few that comes from the real vintage factories and machineries- which are only based in Japan and Germany. This is where the magic lies- for the real loopwheel feel, which is extremely soft and comfortable due to the sluggish pace at which they’re woven, one MUST try a authentic loopwheel Tshirt (beware, a lot of the imposters out there are merely tube-knitted, which is an alternative to loopwheel but can prove to be drastically different as time goes on.) These two pieces are actually highly sought after in major Loopwheel fields (hey, you’re a multitasker. Just call yourself the Yoda of denim and loopwheel.), so let’s just quietly sneak these into the cart….
Prints of Personality
Hey, you’re an interesting person. You’re a walking encyclopedia for denim, love dogs, use French aftershave and perhaps indulge in an avocado toast from time to time. What’s to stop you from shouting out your thoughts? Invest in a Tshirt that mirrors the ideas or pictures you have on your mind today. Check out the colors as well- you don’t want to be the monotone of the party! Pink is actually a very flattering color for men as it brings out the deep red skin undertones. Yellow or brown can make you look more tan, and blue…well, let’s just say they go perfect with jeans. These tops are the perfect way to contrast a pair of simple/straight legged jeans (and a straw hat, if summer vacations are your thing.)
African Cotton
Zimbabwe cotton- the ancient white gold that has so fueled the basics for raw selvedge denim. Hardened by the harsh African sun, this results in long, hard spools of thread that from the perfect mix for clothes. Added on with the hand-picked quality of the crops, this results in much better usage of the whole batch- it is easy to eliminate unfit cotton in the early process of harvesting. And of course, it’s all organic! Now to the benefits: Zimbabwe cotton is cool and sturdy, to say the least. We get great fits when the Tshirts are made with harder thread- it sticks to your body’s silhouette and perfects the cross between casual and edgy. What we must also stress is that this is a Tshirt emblazoned with the Momotaro mark- a high quality brand on a high quality tee. (Also, who doesn’t like a pair? Wear this with your Momotaro jeans and you’ll feel well-coordinated without even having to take 10 minutes to figure out the suitable top for the day…)
Heavyweight Wear
Let’s be clear- when we say heavy, this is not in the sense of “heavy” weight of “heavy looks”. We mean sturdier and better quality fabric, the kind where you stroke it and you’ll nod your head in approval because you can actually feel the gauges and delicate but strong weaves in the pattern. Different knits provide different textures and looks, so while you may only prefer simple cotton tees, the groove and feel of a high quality cloth will lure you away forever from those H&M lightweights. (Anyway, why would you make the effort to buy those raw denim jeans if only to ultimately pair them with a nondescript top? A heinous crime, that.) These Ts featured are all made with super hard inlay, a special technique to lessen the “sticky” feel of Ts and give you an all-around airy experience- a feeling you’ll never want to forget.
There you have it. Our picks for the summer, and some cool tips on those Ts too (so you can again wow people with your knowledge:). If you’ve still got cravings though, check out our whole summer collection and prepare to browse and shop for a long, long, time….[:it]Summer’s here and we’re getting sick of heavy fabrics. Cotton and muslin are much better, we say, in providing the cool (both meanings apply) in your daily outfit. For instance, imagine yourself on the sunny Californian coast, a Long Island in hand…dressed in the most cool and breezy Tshirt one can pair with jeans (hey, jeans are beach apparel here;). Now, luckily, we at Denimio can read minds- here is the perfect guide to your must-have summer Ts, and be warned, they’re HOT HOT HOT!
The Simple White Ts
Sometimes, we lean toward the tagline” Less is More.” (To be honest, this happens on my lazier days.) What could go wrong, when you KNOW that your jeans are the total highlight of the show? Simple, easy, and effective, just a simple and nice Tshirt can direct everyone’s’ gaze to your new Tanukis, without having to go to the whole “I’m bending down in a weird way so my back pocket would show up in your face way” saga. So what’s the secret to choosing the perfect white? First of all, the fabric. Softer fabrics may be more comfortable to wear, but choosing ones that slouch down (let’s say silk) are a bad addition to your frame, giving off a ragged look. Those that can stand straight and be pressed neatly to your shoulder line will be the best- even a cheap Tshirt, if fitted well, can have a huge impact. Another detail is the “whiteness”. (We know, this sounds like something your girlfriend would say). But it’s true! “Creamy white” (like the one below from Burgus Plus ) goes well with the jeans that have bluer/more indigo tones, while the “blank white” (that’s the fancy name for pure, as-white-as-paper color- see Studio D’Artisan below) shocks the grey hues of darker jeans.
Loopwheeled Indigo
This is the one treasure that I’m actually reluctant to give away…but oh well. Behold, the indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan! If you didn’t know much about this technique before, you will now. Loopwheeled clothes are the top-notch fabric for menswear, and while they’re popular everywhere, you can only find a few that comes from the real vintage factories and machineries- which are only based in Japan and Germany. This is where the magic lies- for the real loopwheel feel, which is extremely soft and comfortable due to the sluggish pace at which they’re woven, one MUST try a authentic loopwheel Tshirt (beware, a lot of the imposters out there are merely tube-knitted, which is an alternative to loopwheel but can prove to be drastically different as time goes on.) These two pieces are actually highly sought after in major Loopwheel fields (hey, you’re a multitasker. Just call yourself the Yoda of denim and loopwheel.), so let’s just quietly sneak these into the cart….
Prints of Personality
Hey, you’re an interesting person. You’re a walking encyclopedia for denim, love dogs, use French aftershave and perhaps indulge in an avocado toast from time to time. What’s to stop you from shouting out your thoughts? Invest in a Tshirt that mirrors the ideas or pictures you have on your mind today. Check out the colors as well- you don’t want to be the monotone of the party! Pink is actually a very flattering color for men as it brings out the deep red skin undertones. Yellow or brown can make you look more tan, and blue…well, let’s just say they go perfect with jeans. These tops are the perfect way to contrast a pair of simple/straight legged jeans (and a straw hat, if summer vacations are your thing.)
African Cotton
Zimbabwe cotton- the ancient white gold that has so fueled the basics for raw selvedge denim. Hardened by the harsh African sun, this results in long, hard spools of thread that from the perfect mix for clothes. Added on with the hand-picked quality of the crops, this results in much better usage of the whole batch- it is easy to eliminate unfit cotton in the early process of harvesting. And of course, it’s all organic! Now to the benefits: Zimbabwe cotton is cool and sturdy, to say the least. We get great fits when the Tshirts are made with harder thread- it sticks to your body’s silhouette and perfects the cross between casual and edgy. What we must also stress is that this is a Tshirt emblazoned with the Momotaro mark- a high quality brand on a high quality tee. (Also, who doesn’t like a pair? Wear this with your Momotaro jeans and you’ll feel well-coordinated without even having to take 10 minutes to figure out the suitable top for the day…)
Heavyweight Wear
Let’s be clear- when we say heavy, this is not in the sense of “heavy” weight of “heavy looks”. We mean sturdier and better quality fabric, the kind where you stroke it and you’ll nod your head in approval because you can actually feel the gauges and delicate but strong weaves in the pattern. Different knits provide different textures and looks, so while you may only prefer simple cotton tees, the groove and feel of a high quality cloth will lure you away forever from those H&M lightweights. (Anyway, why would you make the effort to buy those raw denim jeans if only to ultimately pair them with a nondescript top? A heinous crime, that.) These Ts featured are all made with super hard inlay, a special technique to lessen the “sticky” feel of Ts and give you an all-around airy experience- a feeling you’ll never want to forget.
There you have it. Our picks for the summer, and some cool tips on those Ts too (so you can again wow people with your knowledge:). If you’ve still got cravings though, check out our whole summer collection and prepare to browse and shop for a long, long, time….[:pt]Summer’s here and we’re getting sick of heavy fabrics. Cotton and muslin are much better, we say, in providing the cool (both meanings apply) in your daily outfit. For instance, imagine yourself on the sunny Californian coast, a Long Island in hand…dressed in the most cool and breezy Tshirt one can pair with jeans (hey, jeans are beach apparel here;). Now, luckily, we at Denimio can read minds- here is the perfect guide to your must-have summer Ts, and be warned, they’re HOT HOT HOT!
The Simple White Ts
Sometimes, we lean toward the tagline” Less is More.” (To be honest, this happens on my lazier days.) What could go wrong, when you KNOW that your jeans are the total highlight of the show? Simple, easy, and effective, just a simple and nice Tshirt can direct everyone’s’ gaze to your new Tanukis, without having to go to the whole “I’m bending down in a weird way so my back pocket would show up in your face way” saga. So what’s the secret to choosing the perfect white? First of all, the fabric. Softer fabrics may be more comfortable to wear, but choosing ones that slouch down (let’s say silk) are a bad addition to your frame, giving off a ragged look. Those that can stand straight and be pressed neatly to your shoulder line will be the best- even a cheap Tshirt, if fitted well, can have a huge impact. Another detail is the “whiteness”. (We know, this sounds like something your girlfriend would say). But it’s true! “Creamy white” (like the one below from Burgus Plus ) goes well with the jeans that have bluer/more indigo tones, while the “blank white” (that’s the fancy name for pure, as-white-as-paper color- see Studio D’Artisan below) shocks the grey hues of darker jeans.
Loopwheeled Indigo
This is the one treasure that I’m actually reluctant to give away…but oh well. Behold, the indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan! If you didn’t know much about this technique before, you will now. Loopwheeled clothes are the top-notch fabric for menswear, and while they’re popular everywhere, you can only find a few that comes from the real vintage factories and machineries- which are only based in Japan and Germany. This is where the magic lies- for the real loopwheel feel, which is extremely soft and comfortable due to the sluggish pace at which they’re woven, one MUST try a authentic loopwheel Tshirt (beware, a lot of the imposters out there are merely tube-knitted, which is an alternative to loopwheel but can prove to be drastically different as time goes on.) These two pieces are actually highly sought after in major Loopwheel fields (hey, you’re a multitasker. Just call yourself the Yoda of denim and loopwheel.), so let’s just quietly sneak these into the cart….
Prints of Personality
Hey, you’re an interesting person. You’re a walking encyclopedia for denim, love dogs, use French aftershave and perhaps indulge in an avocado toast from time to time. What’s to stop you from shouting out your thoughts? Invest in a Tshirt that mirrors the ideas or pictures you have on your mind today. Check out the colors as well- you don’t want to be the monotone of the party! Pink is actually a very flattering color for men as it brings out the deep red skin undertones. Yellow or brown can make you look more tan, and blue…well, let’s just say they go perfect with jeans. These tops are the perfect way to contrast a pair of simple/straight legged jeans (and a straw hat, if summer vacations are your thing.)
African Cotton
Zimbabwe cotton- the ancient white gold that has so fueled the basics for raw selvedge denim. Hardened by the harsh African sun, this results in long, hard spools of thread that from the perfect mix for clothes. Added on with the hand-picked quality of the crops, this results in much better usage of the whole batch- it is easy to eliminate unfit cotton in the early process of harvesting. And of course, it’s all organic! Now to the benefits: Zimbabwe cotton is cool and sturdy, to say the least. We get great fits when the Tshirts are made with harder thread- it sticks to your body’s silhouette and perfects the cross between casual and edgy. What we must also stress is that this is a Tshirt emblazoned with the Momotaro mark- a high quality brand on a high quality tee. (Also, who doesn’t like a pair? Wear this with your Momotaro jeans and you’ll feel well-coordinated without even having to take 10 minutes to figure out the suitable top for the day…)
Heavyweight Wear
Let’s be clear- when we say heavy, this is not in the sense of “heavy” weight of “heavy looks”. We mean sturdier and better quality fabric, the kind where you stroke it and you’ll nod your head in approval because you can actually feel the gauges and delicate but strong weaves in the pattern. Different knits provide different textures and looks, so while you may only prefer simple cotton tees, the groove and feel of a high quality cloth will lure you away forever from those H&M lightweights. (Anyway, why would you make the effort to buy those raw denim jeans if only to ultimately pair them with a nondescript top? A heinous crime, that.) These Ts featured are all made with super hard inlay, a special technique to lessen the “sticky” feel of Ts and give you an all-around airy experience- a feeling you’ll never want to forget.
There you have it. Our picks for the summer, and some cool tips on those Ts too (so you can again wow people with your knowledge:). If you’ve still got cravings though, check out our whole summer collection and prepare to browse and shop for a long, long, time….[:ru]Приходит лето, и нам уже надоели тяжелые ткани. Хлопок и муслин намного лучше, ведь они помогают сохранить прохладу летом. Такие футболки отлично сочетаются с джинсами. Теперь, к счастью, у нас в Denimio есть отличный путеводитель по потрясающим футболкам!
Простые белые футболки
Простая и красивая футболка направит взгляды окружающих на Ваши новенькие Tanuki. Так в чем же секрет выбора идеальной белой футболки? Для начала, ткань. Мягкая ткань очень удобная, однако, например, шелк будет плохо смотреться. Более жесткий материал будет отлично выглядеть даже при небольшой стоимости. Другая деталь – оттенок белого. Более кремовые футболки (например, представленная ниже от Burgus Plus ) отлично смотрятся с джинсами, в которых присутствуют оттенки индиго (например, представленные ниже Studio D’Artisan).
Loopwheeled индиго
Потрясающие индиго loopwheeled футболки от Studio D’Artisan! Одежда loopwheeled обладает прекрасной тканью. Хоть такая одежда и популярна, но есть только несколько настоящих винтажных фабрик и они расположены в Японии и Германии. Вам обязательно нужно попробовать подлинную футболку loopwheel. Эти несколько футболок являются идеальным примером. Давайте просто добавим их в корзину…
Футболки с принтами
Эй, а Вы – интересная личность. Вы – ходячая энциклопедия денима, любите собак, пользуетесь французским кремом после бритья и, возможно, иногда любите тосты с авокадо. Так купите футболку, которая отражает все Ваши мысли дня. И обратите внимание на цвета. Розовый отлично подходит мужчинам, так как он придает красивый оттенок коже. Футболки с принтами прекрасно сочетаются с обычными прямыми джинсами.
Африканский хлопок
Зимбабвийский хлопок является базой сырого селвидж денима. Он является органическим материалом. Помимо этого он крепкий и отлично смотрится. Футболки с жесткими нитями всегда прекрасно выглядят. У этой футболки есть значок Momotaro – высококачественный бренд на высококачественной футболке. Наденьте такую футболку с Вашими джинсами Momotaro и Вы будете отлично выглядеть, не потратив даже 10 минут на выбор одежды…)
Тяжелая одежда
Мы имеем ввиду более качественную ткань. Существует множество текстур, и, хоть Вам и могут нравиться простые хлопковые футболки, однако высококачественная одежда покажет Вам огромную разницу с простыми легкими футболками из H&M. Представленные ниже футболки сделаны по особой технологии и подарят Вам незабываемые ощущения.
Вот то, что мы выбрали для лета, а также подсказки для этих футболок. Посмотрите всю нашу летнюю коллекцию и подготовьтесь к долгому шоппингу…[:th]ในที่สุดซัมเมอร์ก็มาถึง และพวกเราก็เริ่มจะเบื่อกับเสื้อผ้าหนักๆกันแล้ว หันมาหาผ้าฝ้ายและผ้ามัสลินกันดีกว่ามั้ย เราจะบอกว่ามันจะเพิ่มสีสัน (หมายถึงทั้งคู่) การแต่งกายในชีวิตประจำวันของคุณ อย่างเช่นลองจินตนาการว่าตัวเองอยู่ท่ามกลางแสงแดดชายฝั่งทะเลใต้ ตามแนวเกาะที่อันสวยงาม…ใส่เสื้อยืดที่สบายๆและสดชื่นที่สุดคู่กับยีนส์สักตัว (อ้าว!ยีนส์ก็ใส่ไปทะเลได้นะที่นี่ 😉 เดี๋ยวนี้โชคดีจริงๆ เพราะที่ Denimio สามารถอ่านใจได้- ที่นี่ มีคำแนะนำที่เพอร์เฟคสำหรับเสื้อยืดที่คุณต้องมีและไว้ใส่ในซัมเมอร์นี้ พวกมันฮ็อต ฮ็อต ฮ็อตมากๆเลย!
ในบางครั้ง เราก็เอนเอียงไปทางเส้น “มินิมอลลิสต์”. (ที่จริงแล้ว มันเกิดขึ้นในวันที่ขี้เกียจมากกว่า) มันจะผิดอะไร เมื่อคุณรู้ว่ายีนส์ของคุณเป็นจุดเด่นของโชว์นั้น? ง่ายๆ สบายๆ และมีประสิทธิภาพ เพียงเสื้อยืดเรียบและดีก็สามารถทำใไ้ทุกคนมองที่Tanuki ตัวใหม่ของคุณได้ โดยไม่ต้องไปแบบว่า “ฉันกำลังก้มลงท่าแปลกจนกระเป๋ากางเกงหลังของฉันโชว์ต่อหน้าคุณ” เหมือนซาก้า แล้วจะมีเคล็ดลับในการเลือกสีขาวที่สมบูรณ์แบบอย่างไรล่ะ? อย่างแรกเลย เนื้อผ้าผ้าที่นิ่มกว่าอาจใส่สบายกว่า แต่การเลือกตัวที่ Slouch ลง (อย่างผ้าไหม) เป็นอะไรที่แย่ในการเพิ่มเข้าไปบนรูปร่างของคุณ ทำให้ออกมาดูมอมแมม เสื้อผ้าที่สามารถเหยียดตรงและทาบลงอย่างเรียบร้อยบนใหล่ของคุณจะดีที่สุด- เเม้แต่เสื้อยืดราคาถูกก็ตามหากมันใส่ได้พอดีก็มีอิทธิพลมากเช่นกัน ราจละเอียดอื่นไคือ “ความขาว” (เรารู้ว่านี่ฟังดูเหมือนอะไรที่แฟนสาวของคุณจะพูด) แต่มันคือเรื่องจริง! “ครีมขาว” (เหมือกับตัวด้านล่างที่มาจากแบรนด์ Burgus Plus ) ดีมากเมื่อใส่กับยีนส์ ที่มีสีน้ำเงินมากกว่า/โทนครามมากกว่า ในขณะที่ “แบล๊งค์ไวท์” (มันเป็นชื่อที่เก๋มากสำหรับความบริสุทธิ์ ขาวอย่างกับสีกระดาษ- เยี่ยมชม Studio D’Artisan ด้านล่างได้) ช็อคสีเทาเป็นเฟดของยีนส์ที่มืดกว่า
สีครามแบบ Loopwheeled
นี่เป็นอีกหนึ่งของสะสมที่ผมไม่อยากจะให้ใครเลย…แต่ก็เอาเถอะ ประเดิมด้วยสีครามแบบ loopwheeled ของ Studio D’Artisan นี่แหละ!หากคุณไม่รู้เกี่ยวกับเทคนิคนี้มาก่อน คุณจะได้รู้ตอนนี้แหละ เสื้อผ้า Loopwheeled เป็นเสื้อผ้าชั้นนำของสภาพบุรุษ และในขณะเดียวกันมันก็เป็นที่ยอดนิยมในทุกๆที่ คุณจะสามารถพบที่มาจากโรงงานและเครื่องจักรวินเทจจริงๆไม่มากนัก- เพราะจะมีอยู่ในญี่ปุ่นและเยอรมนีเท่านั้น นี่คือที่ที่มีความมหัศจรรย์- สำหรับความรู้สึกแบบ loopwheel จริงๆ ที่ให้ความนุ่มและสบายมากๆ ซึ่งทำให้การทอเป็นไปอย่างชช้าๆ ควรจะต้องลองเสื้อยืด loopwheel จริงๆสักครั้ง (ระวังด้วย เพราะมีของลอกเลียนแบบเยอะที่เป็นแค่ tube-knitted ซึ่งอาจจะอยูในตัวเลือกแบบ loopwheel ได้ แต่ก็จะถูกพิสูจน์ว่าไม่ใช่ เมื่อเวลาผ่านไป) ทั้งสองส่วนพยายามอย่างมากที่จะบรรลุส่วนสำคัญตามแบบของ Loopwheel (คุณทำอะไรหลายๆอย่างพร้อมกันได้ แค่เรียกตัวเองว่าโยดาของเดนิม และ loopwheel ) ว่าแล้วก็ย่องไปที่รถเข็นของเราเพื่อสั่งซื้อกันเถอะ….
คุณคือคนที่น่าสนใจ คุณคือคนที่น่าสนใจ คุณคือคนขับเคลื่อนนิยามของเดนิม รักสุนัข ใช้โลชั่นหลังโกนหนวด และบางทีก็ดื่มด่ำกับอโวคาโด้โทสต์ตามกาลเวลา อะไรจะหยุดไม่ให้คุณตะโกนในสิ่งที่คุณคิดได้? การลงทุนกับเสื้อยืด ที่สะท้อนไอเดียหรือรูปภาพที่คุณมีอยู่ในหัววันนี้ และต้องดูสีด้วย – คุณคงไม่อยากให้สีมันกลือไปกับปาร์ตี้! สีชมพูที่จริงแล้วเป็นสีที่แนะนำมากสำหรับผู้ชาย เพราะมันจะดึงเอาสีแดงที่มีเพียงเล็กน้อยในผิวของเราออกมาสีเหลือหรือน้ำตาล จะทำให้ผิวคุณดูแทนขึ้น และสีน้ำเงิน…อืม พูดก็พูดนะ มันเข้ากันมากกับยีนส์ เสื้อพวกนี้เป็นทางเลือกที่เพอร์เฟคตักกันกับยีนส์ขากระบอกแบบเรียบๆ (และหมวกฟางสักใบหากวันหยุดซัมเมอร์เป็นของคุณ)
ผ้าฝ้าย Zimbabwe – ทองคำขาวเก่าแก่ที่จุดประกายเริ่มแรกสำหรับเดนิม selvedge ทำให้แข็งขึ้นด้วยแดแที่ร้อนแรงในแอฟริกัน ผลลัพธ์ในระยะยาวนี้ การม้วนที่ลำบากของด้ายที่การผสมอย่างสมบูรณ์สำหรับเสื้อผ้า เพิ่มมาด้วยการคัดเลือกผลผลิตอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพด้วยมือผลลัพทธ์นี้ดีกว่ามากในหมู่การใช้- มันง่ายต่อการกำจัดฝ้ายที่ไม่เข้าที่ในกระบวนการเบื้องต้นของผลผลิต และแน่นอน ทั้งหมดมันคือออร์แกนิค! ทีนี้ก็มาถึงคุณประโยชน์: ผ้าฝ้าย Zimbabwe มันดูดีและเเข็งแรงในการพูดถึงอย่างน้อย เราจะได้เสื้อที่เหมาะกับเราเมื่อเสื้อยืดนั้นทำมาจากด้ายแข็ง- มันจะแบนติดกับรูปร่างของคุณและไขว้อย่างเพอร์เฟคระหว่าง casual กับ edgy สิ่งที่เราต้องกังวลคือ นี่เป็นเสื้อยืดที่ตกแต่งด้วยเครื่องหมาย Momotaro – แบรนด์ที่มีคุณภาพสูงบนแท่นที่มีคุณภาพสูง (แล้วใครจะไม่ชอบยีนส์? ใส่เสื้อยืดนี้กับยีนส์ Momotaro และคุณจะรู้สึกดี-เข้ากันโดยไม่ต้องใช้เวลาถึงสิบนาทีในการคิดว่ามันจะเหมาะสมกันมั้ยในวันนั้น…)
ต้องชัดเจนก่อนว่า – เมื่อเราพูดว่าหนัก นั่นไม่ได้หมายถึง “หนัก” แบบน้ำหนักแต่หมายถึง “ดูหนัก” เราหมายถึงแข้งแรงกว่าและเสื้อผ้าคุณภาพดีกว่า ประเภทที่คุณจับดูแล้วคุณจะต้องพยักหน้าตอบรับเพราะคุณจะรู้สึกได้ถึงเกณมาตรฐานและความละเอียดอ่อนแต่ตัดเย็บอย่างเเข็งแรงในรูปแบบนั้น การถักทอที่แตกต่างจะให้ความแตกต่างของเนื้อผ้าและรูปแบบ ดังนั้นในขณะที่คุณอาจต้องการแค่ผ้าฝ้ายเรียบๆ ระยะและความรู้สึกของเสื้อผ้าคุณภาพสูงจะเย้ายวนคุณให้ออกห่างจาก H&M ไลท์เวท (อย่างไรก็ตาม ทำไมคุณถึงจะพยายามซื้อยีนส์เดนิมดิบ หากแค่จะจับคู่มันเข้ากับเสื้อที่อึมครืม? ) เสื้อยืดที่โดเด่นเหล่านี้ ทำมาแบบเลี่ยมหนักมากๆ ทคนิคพิเศษที่ทำให้ความรู้สึก “หนืด” ของเสื้อยืดลดลงและให้ประสบการณ์ที่ปลอดโปร่ง – คุณความรู้สึกที่คุณไม่อาจลืมได้
เอาไปเลย การเลือกสรรของเราในซัมเมอร์นี้และเคล็ดลับดีๆในเสื้อยืดพวกนี้ด้วย (แล้วคุณจะได้ทำให้ผู้คนตะลึงกับความรู้ของคุณจนร้องว้วว:) หากคุณยังมีความต้องการ เข้าไปดู คอเล็คชั่นซัมเมอร์ทั้งหมด ของเราและเตรียมตัวช๊อปกันนานๆได้เลย….[:ms]Musim panas telah datang dan fabrik berat tidak lagi sesuai untuk musim ini. Kapas dan kain kasa lebih disyorkan, apalagi dengan kesejukan yang selesa sebagai pakaian seharian anda. Sebagai contoh, imajinasikan diri anda di pantai Californian, bersandar di pulau tropika pada musim panas … memakai T-shirt bagus namun sejuk dengan jeans anda (hey, jeans adalah pakaian kegemaran di pantai tersebut). Kini, kami di Denimio mendengar keinginan anda- inilah panduan sempurna T-shirt yang seharusnya anda punyai, dan hati-hati, mereka adalah koleksi HOT HOT HOT!
T-shirt Simple Putih
Kadang-kadang, bergantung kepada tagline “Less is More.” (Sejujurnya, konsep ini berlaku sebagai alasan kemalasan saya.) Tidak ada yang salah, apabila jeans anda menarik perhatian awam. Hanya dengan T-shirt yang sederhana boleh membuat setiap orang melihat jeans Tanuki anda tanpa perlu tampil berlebih. Apa rahsia dalam memilih T-shirt putih yang sesuai? Pertama-tama, fabrik. Kain yang lebih lembut akan terasa lebih selesa untuk dipakai, namun memilih kain yang terlalu lembut (sebagai contoh kain sutera) akan memberikan gambaran buruk kepada gaya anda. T-shirt yang kukuh dan sesuai dengan garis bahu anda memberikan gambaran yang terbaik walaupun dengan harga murah. Butiran lain adalah “warna putih”. Betul sekali! “Creamy white” (seperti Burgus Plus di bawah) akan tampil sesuai dengan seluar jeans yang bernada lebih biru / indigo, sedang warna “blank white” (warna putih seperti kertas pada umumnya – dapat Anda simak pada Studio D’Artisan di bawah ini) dengan warna abu-abu jeans yang lebih gelap.
Loopwheeled Indigo
Ini adalah salah satu T-shirt berharga yang sebenarnya saya tidak ingin berkongsi kepada orang lain … namun, baiklah. Semak, kaus indigo loopwheeled Studio D’Artisan! Jika anda tidak tahu banyak mengenai kaus ini sebelum, anda akan memahaminya sekarang. Pakaian loopwheeled adalah pakaian lelaki berkelas atas dan mereka sangat popular, tapi anda hanya boleh mencari T-shirt ini dari kilang mesin vintage – yang hanya berada di Jepun dan Jerman. Inilah ketakjuban – dengan kesan loopwheel yang sesungguhnya, sangat lembut dan selesa kerana ketelitian proses penenunan, anda SEHARUSNYA cuba T-shirt loopwheel (hati-hati, banyak produk tiruan yang hanya menggunakan teknik rajutan tube, yang merupakan alternatif dari penenunan teknik loopwheel di mana hasil terbukti sangat beza seiring berlalunya waktu.) Kedua-dua pakaian ini sebenarnya sangat banyak dicari di industry Loopwheel (hei, pasti saja kesesuaian sempurna denim dan loopwheel.) Jadi jom segera tambahkan koleksi ini ke dalam troli membeli-belah anda ….
Cetakan Personaliti
Hei, anda mungkin seorang yang menyenangkan. Anda mencintai denim, anjing kesayangan anda, menggunakan pencukur Perancis dan mungkin menikmati roti avokado dari masa ke masa. Apa yang menghentikan anda untuk berekspresi? Berinvestasi dalam T-shirt yang mengekspresikan suasana hati anda hari ini. Perhatikan juga warna sarung ini – anda tidak ingin tampil membosankan! Pink sebenarnya adalah warna yang sangat menyanjung kerana menekankan nada kulit anda. Warna kuning ataupun coklat boleh membuat anda tampil lebih coklat, dan biru … baiklah, anggap saja mereka tampil sempurna dengan jeans anda. Pakaian ini adalah pakaian sempurna yang menekankan pandangan anda dengan jeans lurus sederhana (dan topi, jika anda berada pada cuti musim panas.)
Kapas Afrika
Kapas Zimbabwe – harta berharga yang selalu melengkapi raw selvedge denim anda. Dikukuhkan oleh sinar matahari Afrika, kapas ini dihasilkan dengan gulungan benang panjang dan keras yang merupakan campuran sempurna untuk pelbagai pakaian. Ditambah dengan proses tuaian tangan, hal ini menghasilkan kualiti yang jauh lebih baik – mudah untuk menghapuskan kapas yang tidak sesuai pada proses penuaian awal. Dan tentu saja, seluruh kapas ini berkualiti organik! Kelebihannya: kapas Zimbabwe sangat sejuk dan kukuh. Kita akan mendapat fit sempurna ketika memakai kaos yang dibuat dengan benang yang lebih keras – ia akan melekat pada siluet tubuh anda dan menyempurnakan kombinasi mod santai dan edgy. Highlight hari ini iaitu kaos Momotaro – brand berkualiti dengan kaos berkualiti tinggi. (Tentu saja, siapa yang boleh menolak tawaran denimnya? Pakai baju ini dengan seluar jeans Momotaro anda dan anda mempunyai pandangan terbaik tanpa harus menghabiskan masa 10 minit untuk menentukan pakaian yang sesuai untuk hari anda …)
Pakaian Berat
Mari kita jelaskan – ketika kita mengatakan berat, ini bukan bermakna berat “berat” daripada “penampilan berat”. Kami bermaksud kain berkualiti yang lebih kuat dan lebih baik, sejenis fabrik di mana anda boleh merasakan ketelitian penenunan dengan rajutan kuat polanya. Rajutan yang berbeza memberikan tekstur dan penampilan yang berbeza, jadi apabila anda memilih baju kapas sederhana, alur dan warna kain berkualiti tinggi akan memikat anda jauh dari kaos ringan H & M. (Bagaimanapun, mengapa anda berusaha untuk membeli seluar jeans raw denim jika hanya untuk memadankannya dengan pakaian biasa ?.) Ciri-ciri T-shirt ini semua dibuat dengan pandangan super kukuh dan teknik khusus untuk mengurangkan mod “melekat” juga memberikan kesan airy – perasaan yang takkan pernah anda lupakan.
Ini dia akhir senarai T-shirt cadangan kami. T-shirt pilihan kami untuk musim panas, dan beberapa tips pandangan T-shirt keren tersebut (jadi anda akan membuat orang lain takjub dengan idea anda). Jika anda masih memerlukan inspirasi lain, sila semak koleksi musim panas kami dan bersedia untuk bereksplorasi dan membeli-belah sehingga anda melupakan masa ….[:ko]여름이 다가왔고, 이제 무거운 직물에는 질리기 시작하고 있죠. 코튼과 모슬린이 훨씬 낫습니다. 시원함을 제공하는 (‘멋있는’이라는 의미까지 포함) 데일리로 입기 좋은 아이템입니다. 예를 들어서, 햇빛이 쨍쨍한 캘리포니아 해안, 롱 아일랜드에서 가장 멋있고 시원하면서 바람이 솔솔 부는 티셔츠와 청바지를 입었다고 생각해보세요. (여기서 청바지는 해안에서 입기에 좋은 옷입니다.) 이제, 운 좋게도, Denimio 는 여러분의 마음을 읽을 수 있습니다. 여기에서 머스트 해브 티셔츠를 확인하실 수 있습니다. 미리 말씀 드리는데, 정말 좋은 제품입니다!
심플 화이트 티셔츠(The Simple White Ts)
때때로, 저희는 “적을수록 많다”라는 말에 기울기도 합니다. (솔직히 말해서, 게으를 때 그렇게 됩니다.) 여러분의 청바지가 그 쇼의 하이라이트라는 것을 여러분이 안다면, 무엇이 잘 못 될 수 있었을까요? 간단하고, 쉽고, 효과적인, 그저 간단하고 좋은 티셔츠는 “이상한 방향으로 숙이고 있으니 뒷 주머니가 너의 얼굴 쪽으로 향할 거야”라는 느낌 없이 모든 사람들의 시선을 여러분의 새로운 Tanuki로 향하게 할 수 있습니다. 완벽한 하얀색 티셔츠를 고르는 비결이 무엇일까요? 첫째, 직물입니다. 더 부드러운 직물은 입기에 더 편안하지만, 구부정한 (실크라고 합시다) 것을 고르는 것은 해진 듯한 느낌을 주며 여러분의 프레임에 좋지 않습니다. 스트레이트하며 여러분의 어깨 라인에 깔끔하게 붙는 것은 최상입니다. 값이 싼 티셔츠일지라도, 잘 맞는 다면 엄청난 효과를 줄 수 있습니다. 또 다른 디테일은 “하얀색”입니다. (이건 여러분의 여자친구가 할 거 같은 말이라는 걸 알고 있습니다.). 하지만 사실입니다! “아이보리 화이트” (아래의 Burgus Plus 처럼)는 좀 더 파란색을 띄는/좀 더 인디고인 톤의 청바지와 잘 어울리고, “블랭크 화이트”(이건 종이처럼 하얀색을 부르는 특별한 이름입니다. 아래 Studio D’Artisan을 보세요.)는 좀 더 진한 색의 청바지의 회색빛을 놀라게 할 것입니다.
룹휠드 인디고(Loopwheeled Indigo)
이건 정말 드리기가 살짝 꺼려지는 보물과도 같은 아이템입니다. 이걸 보세요… indigo loopwheeled tees of Studio D’Artisan입니다! 이전까지는 이 테크닉에 대해서 잘 몰랐다면, 이제 알게 되실 겁니다. 룹휠(loopwheel) 로 짜여진 의상은 남성 의류 중 최고급이며 어디서나 인기 있고, 일본 및 독일의 진정한 빈티지 공장 및 기계를 통해서 만들어지는 것은 찾아보기 힘듭니다. 느리게 짜여져서 정말 부드럽고 편안한 진정한 룹휠(loopwheel) 의 느낌을 얻을 수 있는 아이템이 있습니다. 여러분들은 진정한 룹휠 티셔츠를 한 번 입어봐야 할 것입니다. (주의 깊게 살펴 보면, 룹휠을 따라하는 많은 것들은 룹휠 (loopwheel)의 대체물인 tube로 짜여진 형태일뿐이지만, 시간이 지날수록 극명하게 차이가 증명됩니다.) 이 두 가지 아이템은 사실 주요한 룹휠(Loopwheel) 분야에서 요구된 것입니다. (멀티태스킹이 되기에.. 데님과 룹휠의 요다라고 합시다.), 자, 조용히 이 아이템들을 카트에 넣어봅시다!
성격의 프린트
여러분은 정말 흥미로운 사람입니다. 걸어 다니는 데님 사전이고, 강아지를 좋아하며 프랑스 애프터쉐이브 로션을 좋아하며 아마 가끔 아보카도 토스트를 탐닉할 것입니다. 여러분이 의견을 소리치는 것을 무엇이 막을 수 있죠? 오늘 마음 속에 있는 생각 혹은 사진을 대변할 수 있는 티셔츠에 투자해보세요. 색깔도 확인하세요. 파티에서 모노톤을 입을 수는 없죠! 핑크는 딥 레드 피부톤을 표현하기 때문에 사실 남자들에게 돋보이게 하는 색깔입니다. 노란색 혹은 브라운은 좀 더 햇볕에 탄 것처럼 보일 수 있고 파란색은.. 청바지와 완벽히 잘 어울린다고 합시다. 방금 말한 것들 것 심플한/스트레이트 청바지와 대조하기에 완벽한 방법입니다. (여름 휴가를 간다면, 밀짚모자도 좋죠.)
아프리카 목화(African Cotton)
짐바브웨 코튼 – 로우 셀비지 데님(Raw selvedge denim)의 기본 가치를 높여주는 고대의 화이트골드. 아프리카의 햇볕 아래에 단단해진 짐바브웨 코튼은 의상에 완벽한 실의 길고 단단한 스풀을 만들었습니다. 손으로 직접 딴 품질의 작물에 더해져서, 이것은 전체 배치의 훨씬 더 유용하게 되었습니다. 수확 중에 맞지 않는 코튼을 제거하기가 쉽습니다. 그리고 물론, 이건 모두 유기농입니다! 이제 이점에 대해 말하자면, 조금도 과장하지 않고, 짐바브웨 코튼은 멋있고 튼튼합니다. 티셔츠가 더 단단한 실로 만들어졌을 때, 핏이 좋습니다. 이렇게 되면 몸의 실루엣에 잘 붙고, 캐주얼과 딱 달라 붙는 것의 중간을 맞춰줍니다. 저희가 또한 강조해야 하는 것은 Momotaro 마크가 새겨진 티셔츠라는 점입니다. 고품질의 티셔츠에 고품질의 브랜드가 새겨져 있죠. (또한, 짝 맞춰 입는 것을 싫어하는 사람이 있나요? 이 제품을 Momotaro 청바지와 함께 입으면 이에 맞는 상의를 찾느라 10분도 쓰지 않고도 잘 어울리는 것을 입을 수 있을 것입니다…)
정확히 말해서, 저희가 헤비라고 말할 때는, “무거워 보이는 느낌”의 “헤비” 웨이트가 아닙니다. 저희는 좀 더 튼튼하고 품질이 좋은 직물을 의미하며 이 제품을 보고 섬세하면서도 튼튼한 짜임새를 패턴에서 볼 수 있기에, 고개를 끄덕이게 되는 종류를 의미합니다. 다른 뜨개질은 다른 직물과 외형을 제공하기에, 단순한 코튼 티셔츠만 선호한다면, 고품질 의상의 그루브와 느낌이 H&M 라이트 웨이트에서 유인해서 꾀어낼 것이니다. (어쨌든, 별 특징 없는 상의와 입으려고 한다면, 왜 로우 데님 청바지를 사려고 애쓸 것인가요? 그건 좋지 않죠.) 이러한 티셔츠는 “끈적이는” 느낌을 줄이기 위해서, 매우 단단한 인레이와 특별한 테크닉으로 만들어졌고, 여러분이 결코 잊을 수 없는 전반적으로 공기가 잘 통하는 경험을 제공합니다.
저희가 골라본 여름 의류와 티셔츠에 대한 팁을 포함했습니다. (그래서 다시 여러분의 지식으로 사람들을 놀랍게 할 수 있습니다. ). 하지만 아직도 더 알고 싶다면, 당사의 홀 서머 컬렉션을 확인하시고 찾아보신 후 길고 긴 시간 동안[:ar]
الصيف هنا وقد مللنا من الأقمشة الثقيلة. القطن والموصلين أفضل بكثير فى منح الإنتعاش للبسك اليومى. على سبيل المثال، تخيل نفسك على ساحل كاليفورنيا المشمس، جزيرة طويلة فى نطاق يديك… وأنت تلبس أكثر تيشيرت كول ومنعش مع الجينز (نعم، الجينز يصلح للشاطىء أيضا). الآن، لحسن الحظ، نحن فى دينيميو نقرأ الأفكار- فهذا هو دليلك الأمثل للتيشيرت التى يجب إمتلاكها فى الصيف. نحذركم! إنهم فى غاية الإثارة.
التيشيرت البيضاء البسيطة
فى بعض الأحيان، نميل لشعار “الأقل أكثر.” (لنكن صرحاء، هذا يحدث فى الأيام التى أكون كسلان فيه) ما الخطىء الذى يمكن أن يحدث عندما تعلم أن الجينز الذى ترتديه هو محط الأنظار؟ ببساطة، وسهولة وفاعلية، تيشيرت لطيف وبسيط يمكن أن يوجه الأنظار لبنطلونك ماركة Tanuki الجديد. فما هو السر لإختيار التيشيرت الأبيض المثالى؟ أولا، القماش. الأقمشة الناعمة قد تكون أريح أكثر فى اللبس، ولكن إختيار واحدة تكون مترهلة بالأسفل (كالحرير مثلا) هى إضافة سيئة لمظهرك، وتعطيك شكل غير مهندم. أما التى تكون مستقيمة وملتصقة بكتفك بشكل مهندم ستكون الأفضل حتى لو كانت أرخص. من التفاصيل أيضا هو “البياض”. (نعلم، أنها كلمة تبدو كإحدى الكلمات التى تقولها شريكتك). ولكنها حقيقة! “الأبيض الكريمى” (مثل التى بالأسفل من Burgus Plus) تتماشى جيدا مع الجينز الذى به درجات أكثر من الأزرق/النيلى، أما “الأبيض السادة” (ذلك هو الإسم المتكلف للأبيض النقى مثل الورقة – أنظروا إلى Studio D’Artisan بالأسفل.) يبرز درجات الرمادى فى الجينز الغامق.
ال Loopwheeled النيلى
إنها الكنز الذى أنا متردد فى إعطاؤه… ولكن. أنظروا إلى التيشيرت ال loopwheeled لStudio D’Artisan! إذا كنتم لا تعرفوا الكثير عن هذة التكنية من قبل، ستعرفوا الآن. ملابس ال Loopwheeled هى القماش الأفضل للرجال، وفى وقت شهرتهم فى كل مكان، تستطيع أن تجد القليل منهم فقط الذى يأتى من المصانع والآلات العتيقة من ألمانيا واليابان. وهنا يكمن السحر- لإحساس ال loopwheel الحقيقى، الذى هو فى غاية النعومة والراحة نيجة للرتم المتأنى الذى يُنسجون عليه. يجب على الواحد تجربة تيشيرت ال loopwheel الفريد (إحذر، هناك الأنواع الزائفة التى هى فقط tube-knitted وهى بديل عن ال loopwheel ولكن يثبت إختلافها الشديد مع مرور الوقت.) تلك القطعتين يتم ملاحقتهم فى مجالات ال Loopwheel (نعم، أنت متعدد المهام. فقط أطلق على نفسك إسم يودا الدنيم وال Loopwheel) فهيا نضيفهم لعربة التسوق.
مطبوعات الشخصية
أهلا، آنت شخص مثير للإهتمام. أنت إنسيكلوبيديا متحركة للدنيم، تحب الكلاب، تستخدم كريم ترطيب فرنسى لبعد الحلاقة وإحتمال أن تكون بتأكل توست الأفوكادو من حين للآخر. ما الذى يمنعك من الصراخ بأفكارك عاليا؟ إستثمر فى تيشيرت يعكس الأفكار والصور برأسك اليوم. إلقى نظرة على الألوان أيضا- لا تريد أن تكون الشخص الممل بالحفلة! اللون الزهرى فى الحقيقة لون مثير جدا للرجال لإنه يظهر درجات البشرة الحمراء الغامقة. اللون الأصفر والبنى يضيفان بعض السمار، والأزرق… حسنا، لنقل أنه مثالى مع الجينز. تلك التيشيرت هى الطريقة الأمثل لدمج جينز بسيط/مستقم الأرجل (وقبعة من القش، إذا كنت من هواة الإجازات الصيفية.)
القطن الإفريقى
القطن الزيمبابوى- الذهب الأبيض الأثرى الذى غذى آساسيات الدنيم ال selvedge الخام. أصبح أكثر صلابة من شمس أفريقيا القاسية، وذلك ينتج فى خيوط ملتفة طويلة التى تكون الخليط الأمثل للملابس. بالإضافة إلى المحاصيل المنتقاه بجودة عالية، ما ينتج عنه إستخدام أفضل للكمية كلها- من السهل حذف القطن الغير مؤهل فى بداية عملية الحصد. وبالطبع، كله عضوى! والآن للفوائد: القطن الزيمبابوى منعش ومتين. نحصل على مظهر أحلى عندما تكون التيشيرت مصنوعة بنسيج قوى. ما الذى يجب أيضا أن نوضحه هو أن التيشيرت عليها علامة Momotaro التى تعكس الجودة العالية. (إرتدى هذة التيشيرت مع بنطلونك الجينز ال Momotaro وستشعر بالتجانس بدون أن تأخذ ١٠ دقائق لتجد التيشيرت المناسب لليوم… )
الملابس ثقيلة الوزن
لنكن واضحين- عندما نقول ثقيل، لا نعنى “الوزن الثقيل” إنما “المظهر الثقيل”. نعنى قماش أكثر متانة وجودة، النوع الذى سيدهشك لإنك تستطيع الشعور بالنسيج الرقيق وفى نفس الوقت متين. الخياطات المختلفة تعطى ملمس ومظهر مختلف. فعندما تفضل فقط التيشيرت القطن البسيط، الإحساس بالجودة العالية للقماش سوف تبعدك عن نظيره منخفض الجودة ب H&M. (على أى حال، لماذا تبذل كل ذلك المجهود لشراء الجينز الدنيم الخام وفى الآخر تلبسه مع تيشيرت بدون وصف؟ جريمة شنعاء.) جميع التيشيرت المعروضة مصنوعة ببطانة سميكة، تكنية مميزة للتقليل من إحساس الإلتصاق وإعطائك تجربة منعشة لا يمكن نسيانه على مدار اليوم.
الآن لديك إختياراتنا للصيف، ونصائح لطيفة لتلك التيشيرت أيضا (لتبهر الناس بمعلوماتك). إذا كنت ترغب فى المزيد، تصفح تشكيلة الصيف الكاملة وإستعد للتبضع…