[:en]Burgus Plus: Perfect Jeans, Chinos, and Jackets Crafted with over 60 Years of Experience within the Raw Denim Industry[:id]Burgus Plus: Hasil Karya Sempurna Jeans, Chinos, dan Jaket yang Dibuat dengan lebih dari 60 Tahun Pengalaman dalam Industri Raw Denim[:zh]BURGUS PLUS: 用60载的成衣经验制造出完美的牛仔裤、休闲裤和夹克[:ru]Burgus Plus: Превосходные джинсы, чино и куртки, созданные с 60-летним опытом в индустрии сырого денима[:th]Burgus Plus: สุดยอดยีนส์ ชิโน่ และ แจ็กเก็ต ด้วยประสบการณ์จากแบรนด์ช่างฝีมือกว่า 60 ปี[:ja]Burgus Plus:60年もの経験から生み出される完璧なジーンズ[:ms]Burgus Plus: Hasil Karya Sempurna Jeans, Chinos, dan Jaket Yang Direka Dengan lebih dari 60 Tahun Pengalaman Dalam Industri Raw Denim[:]

[:en]We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.

We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, established 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.

These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!
If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

Denimio sangat menggemari Burgus Plus dan dengan bangga menyatakan bahwa Burgus Plus berhasil memproduksi beberapa hasil jeans selvedge, celana chinos, kemeja flanel yang terbaik dan jaket denim dibuat dengan sempurna di dalam industri denim.


Kami menerima banyak pertanyaan mengenai Burgus Plus: Mengapa kami sangat antusias dengan Burgus Plus yang merupakan merek baru dalam dunia raw denim?Sebenarnya, Burgus Plus merupakan bagian dari merek Hinoya – retailer denim Jepang yang terkenal di dunia sejak tahun 1949. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya Burgus Plus telah memiliki pengalaman selama 67 tahun dalam industri raw denim.


Pada tahun 1997, para ahli profesional dalam industri raw denim ini mendirikan merek denim Burgus Plus. Selama hampir dua puluh tahun, mereka memanfaatkan pengetahuan industri denim dan akses luas yang dimiliki ke berbagai pabrik terbaik Jepang untuk menfokuskan diri dalam memproduksi jeans berkualitas tinggi yang ditawarkan pada harga yang sangat kompetitif.

Osamu Taniguchi yang bertanggung jawab dalam Perencanaan & Pengembangan Produk, menekankan kesan vintage pada kain, potensi fades, hardware dan cita auntentitas setiap produk Burgus Plus yang juga memberikan tampilan modern pada cutting kontemporer yang menawan.


Pada musim panas, celana chinos Burgus Plus merupakan produk yang sangat kami rekomendasikan. Cutting celana chinos ini memberikan tampilan kasual sekaligus preppy dengan kain yang nyaman dikenakan, mudah disesuaikan dengan sepatu boots, sepatu formal ataupun sneakers Anda!


Apabila Anda menginginkan proyek fade baru pada musim gugur atau musim dingin mendatang ini, Anda boleh mempertimbangkan produk Burgus Plus dengan menyimak contoh fade yang telah disediakan. Silahkan akses https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus untuk koleksi Burgus Plus yang mengagumkan lainnya.

denimio非常肯定的说: Burgus Plus 制造出了最好的赤耳牛仔裤,耐用的休闲裤,舒适的法兰绒衬衫以及剪裁完美的牛仔夹克


我们可能会质疑,为什么我们会用如此高的评价去评论一个进入牛仔领域时间不长的品牌。事实上,Burgus Plus是由Hinoya创立的一个子品牌。Hinoya是日本最大的牛仔销售商,成立于1949年,拥有67年牛仔成衣经验



因此BURGUS PLUS在1997年成立了,这20年来,BURGUS PLUS在日本最好的工厂内被生产,同时坚持对一条质量上乘,制作精细的牛仔裤给出一个超级给力的定价。

Osamu Taniguchi,BURGUS PLUS产品规划与发展的负责人,强调BURGUS PLUS的产品是复古与时尚的完美结合。其面料和五金都质感非凡,旧化后非常古着,而剪裁又十分合体。


BURGUS PLUS的休闲裤是我们最好的休闲裤之一,其完美的剪裁使得裤型无比百搭,靴子、帆布鞋运动鞋脚到擒来,舒适的面料简直让您无法脱下。



We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

Мы в Denimio любим Burgus Plus и смело можем сказать, что они производят один из лучших селвидж денимов, прочный чино, комфортные фланелевые рубашки и прекрасно сделанные джинсовые куртки.


Мы получили множество вопросов о Burgus Plus: Как мы можем с таким упоением говорить о бренде-новичке в мире сырого денима? Burgus Plus является детищем Hinoya – самого известного продавца денима в Японии, основанного в 1949 году. Это целых 67 лет опыта.


Эти ребята знают толк в дениме и, благодаря своим знаниям о рынке, чувствуют, что способны производить товары, пользующиеся наибольшим спросом в индустрии японского денима.
Соответственно, они основали свой домашний бренд Burgus Plus в 1997 году. В течение почти 20 лет, они использовали доступ к лучшим фабрикам Японии, концентрировались на высоком качестве и производили прекрасные джинсы за приемлемую цену.

Осаму Танигучи, отвечающий за планирование и развитие товаров, утверждает, что каждое изделие Burgus Plus является частично винтажным – ткань, потенциал выцветания, металлические элементы и ощущение подлинности; и модным – их покрой современный и просто хорошо смотрится.


В летнее время, их чино является одним из лучших, которые мы предлагаем. У них есть разнообразные виды покроя, а ткань удобная и отлично сочетается с ботинками, туфлями и кедами!


Если Вы ищете новые стили фейдинга для наступающей осени или зимы, взгляните на эти примеры. Пройдите по ссылке https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus , чтобы посмотреть товары этого восхитительного бренда.[:th]

ทางเรา Denimio ชื่นชม Burgus Plus และกล้าพูดเลยว่า ทางแบรนด์เป็นหนึ่งในผู้ผลิตยีนส์ กางเกงชิโน่ เสื้อลายสก็อต และแจ็กเก็ตยีนส์ที่ดีที่สุด


หลังจากที่ได้รับคำถามมากมายจากหลายๆคนเกี่ยวกับ Burgus Plus หลายคนถามว่าเรากล้าพูดว่าแบรนด์น้องใหม่นั้นดีที่สุดได้อย่างไรในวงการยีนส์? ง่ายๆเลย Burgus Plus เป็นแบรนด์ลูกของร้านขายยีนส์ชื่อดัง Hinoya ซึ่งก่อตั้งเมื่อปี 1949 ลองนับดูแล้ว มีประสบการณ์มากถึง 67 ปีเลยทีเดียว


หลังจากที่มีประสบการณ์ในวงการยีนส์มายาวนาน ทางแบรนด์ได้เรียนรู้หลายๆสิ่งและคิดว่าพร้อมแล้วกำการทำผลิตภัณฑ์ของตัวเอง
ดังนั้น ทางร้าน Hinoya ก็ได้กำเนินแบรนด์ Burgus Plus ขึ้นมาในปี 1997 ด้วยประสบการณ์กว่า 20 ปี ทาง Burgus Plus ได้ใช้ผ้าจากหนึ่งในโรงทอที่ดีที่สุดมาใช้สำหรับแบรนด์ตัวเอง โดยมีเป้าหมายที่จะผลิตสินค้าที่มีคุณภาพสูงในราคาที่จับต้องได้สำหรับลูกค้าหลายๆคน

นาย Osamu Taniguchi เป็นคนดูแลเรื่อง Product Planning & Development ได้ย้ำว่าสินค้าของ Burgus Plus ทุกชิ้นจะต้องมีความวินเทจอยู่ในตัว – ผ้า การเฟด ฮาร์แวร์ หรือ ความรู้สึกถึงความดั่งเดิม – และความทันสมัย – ด้วยทรงกางเกงร่วมสมัยที่ใส่แล้วดูดีไม่แพ้ใคร


สำหรับช่วงฤดูร้อน กางเกงชิโน่จาก Burgus Plus เป็นสินค้าตัวหนึ่งที่ขายดีมากสำหรับร้านเรา สินค้าจาก Burgus Plus นั้นมีหลายทรงมาก ตั้งแต่ใส่เล่นจนถึงสไตล์ Preppy พร้อมด้วยผ้าที่นุ่ม ใส่สบาย สามารถใส่ได้คู่กับรองเท้าอะไรก็เช่น บูท รองเท้าหนัง หรือ รองเท้าผ้าใบ ก็ตาม


หากท่านกำลังหาสินค้าใหม่ๆ หรืออยากเห็นเฟดตัวอย่าง สามารถแวะเขามาดูได้ที่ https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus
[:ja]はっきり言って、Burgus Plusが作るセルビッチジーンズやラギッドなチノ、ゆったりとしたフランネルシャツ、そして完璧に作られたデニムジャケットは最高の製品だと思う。


Burgus Plus:生デニムの世界に新たに誕生したこのブランドの情熱は説明できる範疇を超えているかもしれない。1949年に創業した日本の最も有名なデニムの小売であるHinoyaの新構想がBurgus Plusになる。67年もの経験に裏打ちされた紛れもない本物のデニムだ。



そうして、1997年にオリジナルブランドであるBurgus Plusを生み出したのです。約20年間、Hinoyaは日本最高のデニム工場ですばらしい質と技術が組み合わされた上に納得のいく価格のデニムを作ってきました。

企画&開発担当の谷口さんはBurgus Plusのどの製品にもヴィンテージ感を感じられることを大切にしてきました。生地や色落ちの仕方、耐久性、オーセンティックさ、そしてモダンな雰囲気。カットはモダンでシンプルに。


Burgus Plusのチノは夏には最適でおすすめ。チノのカットとシルエットはカジュアルからプレッピースタイルまで応用がききます。ブーツからドレスシューズ、さらにはスニーカーまで全てにマッチします!

https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plusであなたにあったBurgus Plusをチェックして。[:ms]

Denimio sangat menyukai Burgus Plus dan dengan bangga mengatakan bahawa Burgus Plus berjaya menghasilkan beberapa jeans selvedge, seluar chinos, kemeja flanel yang terbaik dan jaket denim direka dengan sempurna dalam industri denim.


Kami menerima banyak pertanyaan mengenai Burgus Plus: Mengapa kami sangat teruja dengan Burgus Plus yang merupakan jenama baru dalam dunia raw denim? Sebenarnya, Burgus Plus merupakan sebahagian dari jenama Hinoya – retailer denim Jepun yang terkenal di dunia sejak tahun 1949. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa sebenarnya Burgus Plus telah mempunyai pengalaman selama 67 tahun dalam industri raw denim.


Pada tahun 1997, para profesional dalam industri raw denim ini menubuhkan jenama denim Burgus Plus. Selama hampir dua puluh tahun, mereka memanfaatkan pengetahuan industri denim dan akses luas yang dimiliki ke pelbagai kilang terbaik Jepun untuk memberi tumpuan dalam menghasilkan jeans berkualiti tinggi yang ditawarkan pada harga yang sangat kompetitif.

Osamu Taniguchi yang bertanggungjawab bagi Perancangan & Pembangunan Produk, menekankan bahawa setiap Burgus Plus produk memberi gambaran vintaj dalam kain, potensi pudar, hardware dan authenticity yang juga memberikan gambaran moden pada cutting kontemporari yang menawan.


Pada musim panas, seluar chinos Burgus Plus merupakan produk terbaik yang sangat kami cadangkan. Cutting seluar chinos ini memberi gambaran kasual dan juga preppy dengan kain yang selesa dipakai, mudah disesuaikan dengan kasut boots, kasut formal ataupun sneakers Anda!


Apabila Anda mahukan projek fade baru pada musim luruh atau musim sejuk yang akan datang ini, Anda boleh mempertimbangkan produk Burgus Plus dengan menyimak sampel fade yang tersedia. Sila akses https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus untuk koleksi Burgus Plus mengagumkan lainnya.

We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.

We at Denimio love Burgus Plus and boldly say that they make some of the best selvedge jeans, rugged chinos, laid back flannel shirts and perfectly crafted denim jackets.


We’ve received a lot of questions regarding Burgus Plus: How can we talk with such passion about a brand that feels like a newborn in the world of raw denim? Well, Burgus Plus is the brain child of Hinoya – Japan’s most famous denim retailer, establishd 1949. That’s a solid 67 years of experience.


These guys know their way around denim and due to their broad market knowledge, they felt that they were are able to produce some of the most fashion-relevant and relateable products in the Japanese denim industry.
Thus, they established their in-house brand Burgus Plus 1997. For almost twenty years, they used their access to the best mills in Japan, focused on stellar quality and crafted amazing jeans at a very competitive price.

Osamu Taniguchi, in charge of Product Planning & Development, emphasizes that every Burgus Plus product is part vintage – the fabrics, fading potential, hardware and a feeling of authenticity – and part modern – their cuts are contemporary and simply look good.


In the summer time, their chinos are among the best we offer. Their cuts cover everything from casual to preppy, their fabrics are comfy and work with your boots, dress shoes or sneakers!


If you look for a new fade project for the coming autumn or winter, look at these fade samples. Head over to https://blog.denimio.com/burgus-plus for a great selection of this amazing brand.



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