Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語. 「国産デニム」という名前が各メディアの影響力によって、徐々に認知され始めてきました。 今回はその中でも ジーンズマニア達が熱狂する「サムライジーンズ」についてご紹介します。 目次 1.サムライジーンズとは? 2.サムライジーンズの成り立ち 3.サムライジーンズ定番モデル 4.まとめ…
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a denimhead in possession of a enough raw Japanese selvedge denim, must be in want of a leather bag to accompany all his indigo dyed treasures. “…why would…
Kami sangat senang kerana Mike – yang anda kenal sebagai indigoshrimp pada Instagram ataupun dari blog menariknya – berkongsi ulasan tentang jenama yang membuat banyak daripada anda tertanya-tanya:…
We at Denimio believe that you deserve the best of everything. Not only the best jeans, shirts, jackets, sunglasses, and bags, but also gadgets. We have been scouting the market for quite some time and…
We’re always stoked to introduce a new brand to our lineup. Pherrow’s is a fantastic example of why we’re stoked. Flashback to the (very) early nineties. Some of us on Team Denimio are older, some of …