[:en]Denimio Lookbook – July Edition[:id]Denimio Lookbook – Edisi Bulan Juli[:zh]Denimo穿搭誌:7月刊[:de]Denimio Lookbook – July Edition[:es]Denimio Lookbook – July Edition[:fr]Denimio Lookbook – July Edition[:it]Denimio Lookbook – July Edition[:pt]Denimio Lookbook – July Edition[:ru]Июльский лукбук Denimio[:ms]Denimio Lookbook- Edisi Bulan Julai[:ko]Denimio Lookbook – 7월 에디션[:]

[:en]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out there proved awesome by fellow denimheads. 


Functional design is the best characteristic for workwear. Thus, no surprise here that the best surface texture for workwear is predominantly matte. A simple Chambray shirt looks brilliant when paired with off-white jeans– Modern, elegant, and classy.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

This is a light, white color denim with only 12oz weight. Made from American cotton with a slim straight silhouette.


Western Style

This look is the modern/urban/western style. These are practical and reliable clothes in cowboy aesthetics which may well compliment the image of a modern urban man. Western styles of clothing will always remind you of the spirits of hardworking individuals. A simple denim shirt with lightweight denim might be the best companions for you if you want this style.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8oz denim woven fabric is used for this vintage denim shirts. In addition, 3 buttons are used to hold the double flapping stitching pocket. This is a contemporary style shirt with a perfect silhouette.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

A shirt that is knitted using “Suvin Gold”- the world’s finest super long cotton material which is can only be produced by 1 meter knitted material per hour, deliciously soft. Available in 3 different colors.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

This is a lightweight denim yet durably designed with military atmosphere and stretchable materials.


Smart Casual

Smart casual is where you can let your fashion sense shine, but also look polished and well-groomed for your best look. For example, an eye-catching design shirt, a ‘pressed’ denim, and polished shoes are all key points of the ensemble. It should be noted that colors play a big part. Black is the smartest, brown is more casual and tan, even more casual still. Silhouette: a round or almond toe is more casual than a pointy one, as is a chunky sole. In terms of fabrics, shiny, smooth leather is smarter than matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

A typical summer-themed open collar shirt designed in botanical pattern printed on Rayon, available in 3 different colors.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

This is a quite narrow and tight silhouette denim. Only available for the one-washed selections.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

This is a 7 holes Hunting Boots made from Horween Chromexcel Leather, super comfortable and with a trendy design.


Street Wear

When it comes to streetwear, does it always come with varsity jackets and Japanese-brand jeans? We’re pretty sure you know the looks of streetwear style: on fabrics (cotton is the king), on style: a printed t-shirt and on top of it: a pair of good quality Japanese raw denim. The key point of these streetwear outlooks are the flaunting of their style, and at the same time setting your own trends.  


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

A soft and comfortable T-shirt with printed framework helmet designed T-shirt, available in 4 colors.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

This is a 15.7oz sanforized denim made from Zimbabwe cotton with high-rise silhouette.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

These Momotaro jeans are exactly the same as the previous one. The specific difference between these 2 jeans is that the patterns of Momotaro stripe paint.



These are our best-seller items at Denimio for your fashion styles references. You may refer to this lookbook and find your own style.

Enjoy Shopping 🙂

 [:id]Denimio merupakan salah satu online shop yang menyediakan berbagai jenis denim dengan promosi terbaik dan tentu saja berkualitas tinggi. Untuk menyambut musim panas ini, Kami ingin merekomendasikan gaya busana yang akan membuat Anda tampil trendi dan pasti diakui yang terbaik oleh para penggemar denim.


Pakaian Pekerja

Desain fungsional merupakan karakteristik utama dari pakaian pekerja. Jadi, tidak heran kalau tekstur terbaik untuk pakaian bekerja sebagian besar adalah matte. Kemeja Chambray yang sederhana merupakan pasangan paling istimewa apabila digabungkan dengan sepasang jeans berwarna off-white– Modern, elegan, dan berkelas.


Kemeja- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


Kemeja TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western

Kemeja denim natural terbuat dari 8.5oz kapas California.


Kemeja Denim TCB Ranchman

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

Ini merupakan jeans ringan berwarna putih dan berberat 12oz. Terbuat dari kapas Amerika dengan cutting slim straight.

Gaya Bule (Western Style)

Ini merupakan gaya modern / urban(perkotaan)/ western style. Ciri utama dari gaya berpakaian ini adalah praktis dan dapat diandalkan dalam estetika Koboi yang melengkapi citra seorang lelaki urban modern. Gaya Bule ini selalu saja mengingatkan Anda pada individu yang bekerja keras. Kemeja denim dengan jeans ringan tentu saja akan menjadi pilihan terbaik Anda apabila Anda ingin tampil dengan gaya ini.


Kemeja: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Kemeja Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western

Kemeja denim vintage berberat 8oz ini terbuat dari bahan denim tenunan. Dilengkapi dengan 3 kancing tambahan untuk mengokohkan posisi saku jahitan double flapping. Ini merupakan kemeja kontemporer dengan cutting yang spektakuler.


Kaos Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt

Kaos yang dirajut menggunakan “Suvin Gold”- bahan kapas terbaik di dunia dengan menggunakan serat super panjang yang hanya diproduksi 1 meter dalam waktu 1 jam saja,  bahan yang sangat halus. Tersedia dalam 3 pilihan warna.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

Ini merupakan denim ringan yang tahan lama didesain dengan konsep atmosfera tentara dan berbahan stretchable.

Gaya Smart kasual

Smart casual adalah gaya pakaian yang membuat Anda tampil ‘bersinar’, tetapi juga rapi dan terawat untuk tampilan terbaik Anda. Seperti contohnya, kemeja yang mencolok atau dalam Bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai desain eye-catching, denim ketat, dan sepatu yang disemir merupakan kata kunci dari gaya ini. Perlu dicatat bahwa warna memainkan peranan besar. Warna hitam adalah paling smart, coklat lebih kasual dan tan, bahkan lebih santai lagi. Cutting: ujung bulat atau almond toe lebih kasual daripada cutting runcing, seperti sol chunky. Dalam fabrik, bahan yang mengkilap, terbuat dari bahan kulit pasti lebih smart dari matte.



Kemeja: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Sepatu: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Tipikal kemeja kerah terbuka bertema musim panas yang dirancang dengan pola botani tercetak pada Rayon, tersedia dalam 3 pilihan warna.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Denim dengan cutting ketat dan meruncing pada bagian paha kecil. Hanya tersedia dalam pilihan one-washed saja.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

Ini adalah sepatu 7 holes Hunting Boots terbuat dari kulit Horween Chromexcel, super nyaman dan desain trendi.

Gaya Street Wear

Apakah gaya streetwear, selalu datang dengan jaket universitas dan denim Jepang? Kami yakin Anda tahu gaya streetwear: dari fabrik (katun adalah raja), gaya: kaos yang dicetak dan yang paling utama: sepasang denim Jepang berkualitas tinggi. Titik utama dari gaya berpakaian streetwear ini adalah memamerkan gaya pakaian mereka, dan pada saat yang sama mengatur tren Anda sendiri.


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Kaos: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Kaos super halus dan nyaman untuk dipakai sepanjang hari dengan cetakan desain framework helmet, tersedia dalam 4 pilihan warna.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

Denim sanforized berberat 15.7oz terbuat dari bahan Zimbabwe cotton dengan cutting high-rise.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

Momotaro jeans ini mempunyai detail yang sama dengan desain sebelumnya. Hanya saja terdapat perbedaan spesifik dalam posisi logo bergaris ganda warna putih lambang dari ‘Going to Battle’.


Semua item yang tertera di atas merupakan item best-seller Denimio dan Kami memaparkan beberapa gaya pakaian untuk referensi Anda. Temukanlah gaya berpakaian trendi Anda sendiri.

Selamat Berbelanja:) [:zh]Denimio是让你一次逛足商品又能享受超值优惠的最佳选择。正值炎夏,我们要带你了解最新的穿搭风格与时尚建议,让Denimheads都能尽情发挥珍藏商品。


实用设计是工作穿搭最重要的要素之一,对于偏向硬挺质感的衣服绝对是最佳选择。一件简单的 Chambray shirt l、配上白色牛仔裤–时尚、优雅且经典。


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt



TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans



Western Style西部风格

这个穿搭可说是现代/都会/西部风格。选择实用且耐穿的服饰,完整呈现西部风格的美感,又能同时有现代都会男士追求的形象。西部风格通常会带给你一种努力工作的想像,一件简单的denim shirt 还有 轻量的丹宁裤会是你完成这种风格的绝佳夥伴。


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt



Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

一件使用”Suvin Gold”织成的衬衫- 世界上最高品质、纤维最长的棉料,每小时仅能制作一公尺长的面料,因此非常舒适。有三种颜色供选择。


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers



Smart Casual聪明休闲



Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)



Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants



Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

七孔的打猎靴,使用Horween Chromexcel Leather,非常舒适而且非常流行的设计。


Street Wear街头风格

當聊到街頭風格,是不是常常看見棒球外套和日本品牌牛仔褲?我们深信你对街头风格的了解:面料选择(棉就是王道), 风格:图案上衣或是外搭,一件高品质的日本原牛。街头风格最重要的还有一种风格的流动,同时你还要能自己走出自己的风格。


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)



Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint



Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight





Enjoy Shopping 🙂







Western 西部风格


一件使用”Suvin Gold”织成的衬衫- 世界上最高品质、纤维最长的棉料,每小时仅能制作一公尺长的面料,因此非常舒适。有三种颜色供选择。


Smart Casual 聪明休闲



七孔的打猎靴,使用Horween Chromexcel Leather,非常舒适而且非常流行的设计。

街头风格Street Wear
當聊到街頭風格,是不是常常看見棒球外套和日本品牌牛仔褲?我们深信你对街头风格的了解:面料选择(棉就是王道), 风格:图案上衣或是外搭,一件高品质的日本原牛。街头风格最重要的还有一种风格的流动,同时你还要能自己走出自己的风格。





Enjoy shopping![:de]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out there proved awesome by fellow denimheads. 


Functional design is the best characteristic for workwear. Thus, no surprise here that the best surface texture for workwear is predominantly matte. A simple Chambray shirt looks brilliant when paired with off-white jeans– Modern, elegant, and classy.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

This is a light, white color denim with only 12oz weight. Made from American cotton with a slim straight silhouette.


Western Style

This look is the modern/urban/western style. These are practical and reliable clothes in cowboy aesthetics which may well compliment the image of a modern urban man. Western styles of clothing will always remind you of the spirits of hardworking individuals. A simple denim shirt with lightweight denim might be the best companions for you if you want this style.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8oz denim woven fabric is used for this vintage denim shirts. In addition, 3 buttons are used to hold the double flapping stitching pocket. This is a contemporary style shirt with a perfect silhouette.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

A shirt that is knitted using “Suvin Gold”- the world’s finest super long cotton material which is can only be produced by 1 meter knitted material per hour, deliciously soft. Available in 3 different colors.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

This is a lightweight denim yet durably designed with military atmosphere and stretchable materials.


Smart Casual

Smart casual is where you can let your fashion sense shine, but also look polished and well-groomed for your best look. For example, an eye-catching design shirt, a ‘pressed’ denim, and polished shoes are all key points of the ensemble. It should be noted that colors play a big part. Black is the smartest, brown is more casual and tan, even more casual still. Silhouette: a round or almond toe is more casual than a pointy one, as is a chunky sole. In terms of fabrics, shiny, smooth leather is smarter than matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

A typical summer-themed open collar shirt designed in botanical pattern printed on Rayon, available in 3 different colors.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

This is a quite narrow and tight silhouette denim. Only available for the one-washed selections.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

This is a 7 holes Hunting Boots made from Horween Chromexcel Leather, super comfortable and with a trendy design.


Street Wear

When it comes to streetwear, does it always come with varsity jackets and Japanese-brand jeans? We’re pretty sure you know the looks of streetwear style: on fabrics (cotton is the king), on style: a printed t-shirt and on top of it: a pair of good quality Japanese raw denim. The key point of these streetwear outlooks are the flaunting of their style, and at the same time setting your own trends.  


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

A soft and comfortable T-shirt with printed framework helmet designed T-shirt, available in 4 colors.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

This is a 15.7oz sanforized denim made from Zimbabwe cotton with high-rise silhouette.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

These Momotaro jeans are exactly the same as the previous one. The specific difference between these 2 jeans is that the patterns of Momotaro stripe paint.



These are our best-seller items at Denimio for your fashion styles references. You may refer to this lookbook and find your own style.

Enjoy Shopping 🙂

 [:es]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out there proved awesome by fellow denimheads. 


Functional design is the best characteristic for workwear. Thus, no surprise here that the best surface texture for workwear is predominantly matte. A simple Chambray shirt looks brilliant when paired with off-white jeans– Modern, elegant, and classy.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

This is a light, white color denim with only 12oz weight. Made from American cotton with a slim straight silhouette.


Western Style

This look is the modern/urban/western style. These are practical and reliable clothes in cowboy aesthetics which may well compliment the image of a modern urban man. Western styles of clothing will always remind you of the spirits of hardworking individuals. A simple denim shirt with lightweight denim might be the best companions for you if you want this style.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8oz denim woven fabric is used for this vintage denim shirts. In addition, 3 buttons are used to hold the double flapping stitching pocket. This is a contemporary style shirt with a perfect silhouette.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

A shirt that is knitted using “Suvin Gold”- the world’s finest super long cotton material which is can only be produced by 1 meter knitted material per hour, deliciously soft. Available in 3 different colors.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

This is a lightweight denim yet durably designed with military atmosphere and stretchable materials.


Smart Casual

Smart casual is where you can let your fashion sense shine, but also look polished and well-groomed for your best look. For example, an eye-catching design shirt, a ‘pressed’ denim, and polished shoes are all key points of the ensemble. It should be noted that colors play a big part. Black is the smartest, brown is more casual and tan, even more casual still. Silhouette: a round or almond toe is more casual than a pointy one, as is a chunky sole. In terms of fabrics, shiny, smooth leather is smarter than matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

A typical summer-themed open collar shirt designed in botanical pattern printed on Rayon, available in 3 different colors.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

This is a quite narrow and tight silhouette denim. Only available for the one-washed selections.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

This is a 7 holes Hunting Boots made from Horween Chromexcel Leather, super comfortable and with a trendy design.


Street Wear

When it comes to streetwear, does it always come with varsity jackets and Japanese-brand jeans? We’re pretty sure you know the looks of streetwear style: on fabrics (cotton is the king), on style: a printed t-shirt and on top of it: a pair of good quality Japanese raw denim. The key point of these streetwear outlooks are the flaunting of their style, and at the same time setting your own trends.  


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

A soft and comfortable T-shirt with printed framework helmet designed T-shirt, available in 4 colors.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

This is a 15.7oz sanforized denim made from Zimbabwe cotton with high-rise silhouette.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

These Momotaro jeans are exactly the same as the previous one. The specific difference between these 2 jeans is that the patterns of Momotaro stripe paint.



These are our best-seller items at Denimio for your fashion styles references. You may refer to this lookbook and find your own style.

Enjoy Shopping 🙂

 [:fr]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out there proved awesome by fellow denimheads. 


Functional design is the best characteristic for workwear. Thus, no surprise here that the best surface texture for workwear is predominantly matte. A simple Chambray shirt looks brilliant when paired with off-white jeans– Modern, elegant, and classy.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

This is a light, white color denim with only 12oz weight. Made from American cotton with a slim straight silhouette.


Western Style

This look is the modern/urban/western style. These are practical and reliable clothes in cowboy aesthetics which may well compliment the image of a modern urban man. Western styles of clothing will always remind you of the spirits of hardworking individuals. A simple denim shirt with lightweight denim might be the best companions for you if you want this style.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8oz denim woven fabric is used for this vintage denim shirts. In addition, 3 buttons are used to hold the double flapping stitching pocket. This is a contemporary style shirt with a perfect silhouette.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

A shirt that is knitted using “Suvin Gold”- the world’s finest super long cotton material which is can only be produced by 1 meter knitted material per hour, deliciously soft. Available in 3 different colors.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

This is a lightweight denim yet durably designed with military atmosphere and stretchable materials.


Smart Casual

Smart casual is where you can let your fashion sense shine, but also look polished and well-groomed for your best look. For example, an eye-catching design shirt, a ‘pressed’ denim, and polished shoes are all key points of the ensemble. It should be noted that colors play a big part. Black is the smartest, brown is more casual and tan, even more casual still. Silhouette: a round or almond toe is more casual than a pointy one, as is a chunky sole. In terms of fabrics, shiny, smooth leather is smarter than matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

A typical summer-themed open collar shirt designed in botanical pattern printed on Rayon, available in 3 different colors.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

This is a quite narrow and tight silhouette denim. Only available for the one-washed selections.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

This is a 7 holes Hunting Boots made from Horween Chromexcel Leather, super comfortable and with a trendy design.


Street Wear

When it comes to streetwear, does it always come with varsity jackets and Japanese-brand jeans? We’re pretty sure you know the looks of streetwear style: on fabrics (cotton is the king), on style: a printed t-shirt and on top of it: a pair of good quality Japanese raw denim. The key point of these streetwear outlooks are the flaunting of their style, and at the same time setting your own trends.  


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

A soft and comfortable T-shirt with printed framework helmet designed T-shirt, available in 4 colors.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

This is a 15.7oz sanforized denim made from Zimbabwe cotton with high-rise silhouette.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

These Momotaro jeans are exactly the same as the previous one. The specific difference between these 2 jeans is that the patterns of Momotaro stripe paint.



These are our best-seller items at Denimio for your fashion styles references. You may refer to this lookbook and find your own style.

Enjoy Shopping 🙂

 [:it]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out there proved awesome by fellow denimheads. 


Functional design is the best characteristic for workwear. Thus, no surprise here that the best surface texture for workwear is predominantly matte. A simple Chambray shirt looks brilliant when paired with off-white jeans– Modern, elegant, and classy.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

This is a light, white color denim with only 12oz weight. Made from American cotton with a slim straight silhouette.


Western Style

This look is the modern/urban/western style. These are practical and reliable clothes in cowboy aesthetics which may well compliment the image of a modern urban man. Western styles of clothing will always remind you of the spirits of hardworking individuals. A simple denim shirt with lightweight denim might be the best companions for you if you want this style.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8oz denim woven fabric is used for this vintage denim shirts. In addition, 3 buttons are used to hold the double flapping stitching pocket. This is a contemporary style shirt with a perfect silhouette.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

A shirt that is knitted using “Suvin Gold”- the world’s finest super long cotton material which is can only be produced by 1 meter knitted material per hour, deliciously soft. Available in 3 different colors.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

This is a lightweight denim yet durably designed with military atmosphere and stretchable materials.


Smart Casual

Smart casual is where you can let your fashion sense shine, but also look polished and well-groomed for your best look. For example, an eye-catching design shirt, a ‘pressed’ denim, and polished shoes are all key points of the ensemble. It should be noted that colors play a big part. Black is the smartest, brown is more casual and tan, even more casual still. Silhouette: a round or almond toe is more casual than a pointy one, as is a chunky sole. In terms of fabrics, shiny, smooth leather is smarter than matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

A typical summer-themed open collar shirt designed in botanical pattern printed on Rayon, available in 3 different colors.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

This is a quite narrow and tight silhouette denim. Only available for the one-washed selections.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

This is a 7 holes Hunting Boots made from Horween Chromexcel Leather, super comfortable and with a trendy design.


Street Wear

When it comes to streetwear, does it always come with varsity jackets and Japanese-brand jeans? We’re pretty sure you know the looks of streetwear style: on fabrics (cotton is the king), on style: a printed t-shirt and on top of it: a pair of good quality Japanese raw denim. The key point of these streetwear outlooks are the flaunting of their style, and at the same time setting your own trends.  


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

A soft and comfortable T-shirt with printed framework helmet designed T-shirt, available in 4 colors.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

This is a 15.7oz sanforized denim made from Zimbabwe cotton with high-rise silhouette.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

These Momotaro jeans are exactly the same as the previous one. The specific difference between these 2 jeans is that the patterns of Momotaro stripe paint.



These are our best-seller items at Denimio for your fashion styles references. You may refer to this lookbook and find your own style.

Enjoy Shopping 🙂

 [:pt]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out there proved awesome by fellow denimheads. 


Functional design is the best characteristic for workwear. Thus, no surprise here that the best surface texture for workwear is predominantly matte. A simple Chambray shirt looks brilliant when paired with off-white jeans– Modern, elegant, and classy.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

This is a light, white color denim with only 12oz weight. Made from American cotton with a slim straight silhouette.


Western Style

This look is the modern/urban/western style. These are practical and reliable clothes in cowboy aesthetics which may well compliment the image of a modern urban man. Western styles of clothing will always remind you of the spirits of hardworking individuals. A simple denim shirt with lightweight denim might be the best companions for you if you want this style.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8oz denim woven fabric is used for this vintage denim shirts. In addition, 3 buttons are used to hold the double flapping stitching pocket. This is a contemporary style shirt with a perfect silhouette.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

A shirt that is knitted using “Suvin Gold”- the world’s finest super long cotton material which is can only be produced by 1 meter knitted material per hour, deliciously soft. Available in 3 different colors.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

This is a lightweight denim yet durably designed with military atmosphere and stretchable materials.


Smart Casual

Smart casual is where you can let your fashion sense shine, but also look polished and well-groomed for your best look. For example, an eye-catching design shirt, a ‘pressed’ denim, and polished shoes are all key points of the ensemble. It should be noted that colors play a big part. Black is the smartest, brown is more casual and tan, even more casual still. Silhouette: a round or almond toe is more casual than a pointy one, as is a chunky sole. In terms of fabrics, shiny, smooth leather is smarter than matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

A typical summer-themed open collar shirt designed in botanical pattern printed on Rayon, available in 3 different colors.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

This is a quite narrow and tight silhouette denim. Only available for the one-washed selections.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

This is a 7 holes Hunting Boots made from Horween Chromexcel Leather, super comfortable and with a trendy design.


Street Wear

When it comes to streetwear, does it always come with varsity jackets and Japanese-brand jeans? We’re pretty sure you know the looks of streetwear style: on fabrics (cotton is the king), on style: a printed t-shirt and on top of it: a pair of good quality Japanese raw denim. The key point of these streetwear outlooks are the flaunting of their style, and at the same time setting your own trends.  


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

A soft and comfortable T-shirt with printed framework helmet designed T-shirt, available in 4 colors.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

This is a 15.7oz sanforized denim made from Zimbabwe cotton with high-rise silhouette.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

These Momotaro jeans are exactly the same as the previous one. The specific difference between these 2 jeans is that the patterns of Momotaro stripe paint.



These are our best-seller items at Denimio for your fashion styles references. You may refer to this lookbook and find your own style.

Enjoy Shopping 🙂

 [:ru]Denimio – это великолепный магазин, который позволяет вам получить товары отличного качества с очень привлекательными ценами. Специально для вас мы подготовили подборку образов, в которых представлены сочетания некоторых вещей, которые вы всегда можете купить у нас.  Поэтому, дорогие любители, денима, рекомендуем вам ознакомится с некоторыми представленными ниже примерами, наверняка на некоторые вещи вы сможете взглянуть по-новому!


В сочетании некоторых вещей, которые были когда-то простой и надёжной рабочей одеждой, сейчас нет ничего удивительного. Функциональность, удобство и долговечность позволяют носить такие вещи с удовольствием. Например, классическая рубашка из шамбре в сочетании со светлыми брюками, придаёт образу удобство, непринуждённость и своеобразную элегантность. По сути дела – это классика современного повседневного гардероба.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A Рубашка классической “рабочей” расцветки из лёгкой ткани шамбрэ с плотностью 8.5oz из калифорнийского хлопка.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Более плотный вариант этой же модели, который изготовлен уже не из шамбрэ, а из денима.


Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

Th Лёгки летние светлые брюки, которые будут отличным выбором в летний период. Плотность здесь составляет всего 12oz. Брюки изготовлены из американских сортов хлопка и имеют современный узкий силуэт.


Western Style

 Образ, представленный ниже навеян вестерн стилистикой, однако он прекрасно адаптирован к современной городской жизни. Одежда стиля western ассоциируется с надёжностью и функциональностью, духом свободы и Дикого Запада. Наибольшее внимание здесь безусловно привлекает отличная рубашка из денима.  Таким образом это своеобразный modern/urban/western стиль:) Такая рубашка прекрасно и естественно комбинируется с вещами из лёкого денима и станет для вас отличной и любимой вещью на долгие годы.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

Джинсовая рубашка из очень лёгкого денима с плотностью всего 8oz сделана в винтажной вестерн-эстетике. Нагрудные карманы с фигурными клапанами, застёгивающиеся на пуговицы, выглядят очень эффектно и самобытно, придавая вашему образу индивидуальность.

Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Классическая простая светлая футболка, изготовленная из хлопка “Suvin Gold”-  этот сорт хлопка имеет самые длинные волокна. Такая футболка будет очень мягкой и комфортной. Также стоит учесть, что это футболка, связанная на старинной круговязальной машине Loopwheeller, что придаёт ей дополнительную прочность и комфорт. Доступны три разных цвета.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

Это строгие лёгкий брюки в милитари стиле, которые сделаны из современных и комфортных материалов с эластичными добавками.


Smart Casual

Smart casual – это то, что позволит вам сочетать строгость с элегантностью, базовые вещи с некоторыми почти формальными. Например, рубашку с ярким красочным рисунком, строгие узкие джинсы и эффектную обувь. 


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Отличный выбор для лета – лёгкая рубашка с “растительным” принтом и приятной глазу расцветке. Эта модель доступна в трёх разных расцветках.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Узкие джинсы, отлично сидящие на стандартной фигуре. Доступны в one-wash версии, не требующей самостоятельной усадки.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

Великолепная пара ботинок от Mr.Olive, сделанные из знаменитой кожи Horween Chromexcel , сочетает в себе трендовый стиль и практичность.


Street Wear

Когда речь заходит об одежде уличного стиля, то в первую очередь нам представляется одежда с яркими заметными принтами, заметным брендингом и частым сочетанием трикотажа и денима. Что может быть удобнее пары просторных джинсов, заметной футболки и худи? Такие вещи всегда позволят вам чувствовать себя раскованно и комфортно в любой ситуации в современном городе. 


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Отличная запоминающаяся хлопковая футболка со знаменитым принтом с “космонавтом” от Billionaire Boys Club.  Модель доступна в четырёх разных расцветках.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

Знаменитые джинсы Momotaro из денима с плотностью 15.7oz из зимбабвийского хлопка с “боевыми полосами”, которые на сей раз нанесены не на задний карман, а на штанину.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

Для тех, кто предпочитает классическую более консервативную версию, модель 0905SP доступна в традиционной версии с полосами на заднем кармане.



Мы рассмотрели всего лишь несколько примеров сочетания вещей из Denimio  Надеемся, что вы без труда сможете подобрать себе что-то интересное этим летом!

Удачных покупок 🙂

 [:th]Denimio คือเว็บไซต์ยีนส์ที่ทั้งราคาถูกและทำให้คุณดูดีด้วยแฟชั่นคูลๆ ไปในตัว และด้วยสภาพอากาศร้อนอบอ้าวแบบนี้ เราเลยอยากจะมาบอกต่อแฟชั่นทีจะทำให้ดูดีได้ในสไตล์คนรักยีนส์

สไตล์คนทำงาน Workwear

ดีไซน์ที่เพียบพร้อมด้วยการใช้งานถือเป็นสไตล์ที่เหมาะที่สุดสำหรับ Workwear และก็ไม่น่าแปลกใจที่เนื้อผ้าของแฟชั่นแนวนี้จะเป็นแบบด้าน เชิ้ต Chambray แบบเรียบง่ายแต่ดูดี ใส่คู่กับกางเกงยีนส์ออฟไวท์ ทั้งดูโมเดิร์นและมีคลาส เรียบหรูไปในตัว


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

เสื้อเชิ้ตยีนส์ธรรมชาติ ผลิตจากผ้าฝ้ายแคลิฟอร์เนีย 8.5oz


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

ตัวนี้เป็นกางเกงยีนส์ขาวผ้าเบา แค่ 12oz เท่านั้น ผลิตจากผ้าฝ้ายอเมริกัน ตัดเป็นทรงกระบอกสลิม


สไตล์ตะวันตก Western Style

ลุคนี้จะเน้นไปทางร่วมสมัยตามแบบวิถีคนเมืองทางตะวันตก โดยเสื้อผ้าเหล่านี้เหมาะสมกับการใช้งานและใช้วัตถุดิบชั้นดีในการตัดเย็บ ผสมผสานดีไซน์คาวบอยขาลุย เข้ากันได้เป็นอย่างดีกับลุคโมเดิร์นของคนเมือง ซึ่งเสื้อผ้าสไตล์ตะวันตกมักจะทำให้เรานึกถึงไลฟ์สไตล์ของคนทำงานหนัก อย่างเช่น เชิ้ตยีนส์เรียบๆ กับ กางเกงยีนส์ผ้าเบา ก็น่าจะเป็นการจับคู่ที่เหมาะสุดๆ หากคุณชื่นชอบสไตล์นี้


เชิ้ต: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

กางเกงยีนส์: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

 เสื้อเชิ้ตยีนส์ ผลิตจากผ้ายีนส์ทอ น้ำหนัก 8oz นอกจากนี้ยังมีกระดุม 2 เม็ดตรงรกะเป๋า สร้างความโดดเด่นและสมบูรณ์แบบได้เป็นอย่างดี 

Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

เสื้อยืดถักด้วย “Suvin Gold” เส้นไหมฝ้ายใยยาวที่ดีที่สุดในโลกที่สามารถผลิตได้เพียง 1 เมตรต่อชั่วโมง ให้สัมผัสนุ่มสบาย รุ่นนี้มีให้เลือก 3 สีด้วยกัน

Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

นี่คือ กางเกงยีนส์ผ้าเบา แต่ทนทานด้วยวัตถุดิบยืดหยุ่น และมีดีไซน์ที่ให้กลิ่นอายของทหาร


สมาร์ทแบบสบายๆ Smart Casual

แนว Smart casual จะเป็นแฟชั่นที่เน้นให้ไอเท็มทำหน้าที่สร้างความโดดเด่นอย่างเต็มที่ ยกตัวอย่างเช่น เชิ้ตดีไซน์สะดุดตา กางเกงยีนส์ไม่มีรอยยับ และรองเท้าหนังขัดเงา ทั้งสามสิ่งนี้รวมกันเป็นกุญแจดอกสำคัญของสไตล์ Smart Casual ได้เป็นอย่างดี นอกจากนี้การใช้สีก็ยังเป็นลูกเล่นเจ๋งที่คุณเลือกแมตช์ได้ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นสีดำที่ให้ลุคสมาร์ท สีน้ำตาลหรือสีแทนที่ช่วยลดความเป็นทางการ รองเท้าปลายกลมหรือมนก็เป็นอีกหนึ่งส่วนประกอบที่ช่วยเรื่องนี้ได้ และก็อย่าลืมเลือกประเภทของเนื้อผ้าให้เบาบาง มันวาว หรือเลือกหนังแบบเรียบลื่นที่จะทำให้ดูสมาร์ทมากกว่าแบบด้าน


เชิ้ต: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

ยีนส์: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

รองเท้า: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

เสื้อเชิ้ตธีมฮาวายพิมพ์ลายบนผ้า Rayon มีให้เลือก 3 สีด้วยกัน


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

รุ่นนี้เป็นยีนส์ที่ค่อนข้างฟิตพอดีตัว ทำออกมาแค่รุ่น one-washed เท่านั้น


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

นี่คือรองเท้าบูธนายพราน 7 holes ที่ผลิตจากหนังฟอกฮอร์วีน ขอบอกว่าใส่สบายและดีไซน์ตรงเทรนด์แบบสุดๆ


สไตล์สตรีท Street Wear

เมื่อพูดถึงสตรีทแวร์ ต้องนึกถึงแจ็คเก็ตสมัย’มหาลัย หรือกางเกงยีนส์ญี่ปุ่นเท่านั้นรึเปล่า? ตามจริงแล้วสไตล์สตรีทนั้นจะให้ดีต้องเน้นเป็นเสื้อยืดผ้าฝ้ายพิมพ์ลาย สวมคู่กับกางเกงยีนส์พรีเมี่ยมญี่ปุ่นดีๆ สักตัว เพราะลุคของ Street Wear อันที่จริงแล้วก็มีความโดดเด่นในตัวเอง และก็ยังทำให้คนที่สวมใส่ไม่หลุดจากสไตล์ที่ชื่นชอบ


หมวก: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

เชิ้ต: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

ยีนส์: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

เสื้อยืดพิมพ์ลายคนสวมหมวกกันน็อค เนื้อดี สวมใส่สบายรุ่นนี้ มีให้เลือกทั้งหมด 4 สีด้วยกัน


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

นี่คือกางเกงยีนส์ผ้าดิบทรงเอวสูงที่ผลิตจากผ้าฝ้ายซิมบับเว 15.7oz sanforized


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

กางเกงยีนส์ Momotaro ตัวนี้เหมือนกับรุ่นด้านบนเป๊ะ มีเพียงแพทเทิร์นลายขวาง ซิกเนเจอร์ของ Momotaro เท่านั้นที่แตกต่างกัน



ไอเทมเหล่านี้เป็นสินค้าขายดีประจำร้านDenimio ที่เรานำมาบอกต่อเพื่อให้คุณได้ดูและใช้เป็นไอเดียในการแต่งตัว จะแต่งตามเป๊ะๆ หรือจะเอาไว้ใช้ปรับเป็นแนวของตัวเองก็ได้

แล้วอย่าลืมไปช้อปปิ้งแฟชั่นคูลๆ ราคาพิเศษจากเรา 🙂

 [:ms]Denimio adalah salah satu online shop yang menyediakan pelbagai jenis denim dengan promosi terbaik dan tentu sahaja berkualiti tinggi. Untuk menyambut musim panas ini, Kami ingin merekomendasikan fesyen terbaharu yang akan membuat Anda tampil trendi dan pasti diakui yang terbaik oleh para peminat denim.

Pakaian Pekerja

Desain fungsional merupakan karakteristik utama daripada pakaian pekerja. Jadi, tidak hairan kalau tekstur terbaik untuk pakaian bekerja sebahagian besar adalah matte. Chambray Shirt yang simple merupakan pasangan paling istimewa apabila digabungkan dengan sepasang jeans berwarna off-white– Moden, elegan, dan berkelas.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

Denim shirt natural diperbuat daripada 8.5oz kapas California.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

Ini adalah jeans ringan berwarna putih dan berberat 12oz. Diperbuat daripada kapas Amerika dengan cutting slim straight.

Gaya Barat (Western Style)

Ini merupakan gaya moden / urban(bandar) / western style. Ciri utama gaya berpakaian ini adalah praktikal dan dapat dipercayai dalam estetik Koboi yang melengkapi imej seorang lelaki urban moden. Gaya Barat ini selalu sahaja mengingatkan Anda pada individu yang bekerja keras. Kemeja denim dengan jeans ringan tentu sahaja akan menjadi pilihan terbaik Anda apabila Anda ingin tampil dengan gaya ini.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

Denim shirt vintaj berberat 8oz ini diperbuat daripada bahan denim tenunan. Dilengkapi dengan 3 butang tambahan untuk mengokohkan posisi poket jahitan double flapping. Ini adalag baju kontemporer dengan cutting yang spektakuler.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

T-shirt yang dirajut menggunakan “Suvin Gold”- bahan kapas terbaik di dunia dengan menggunakan serat super panjang yang hanya diproduksi 1 meter dalam waktu 1 jam sahaja,  bahan yang sangat halus. Tersedia dalam 3 pilihan warna.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

Ini adalah denim ringan yang tahan lama direka bentuk dengan konsep atmosfera tentera dan berbahan stretchable.



Gaya Smart Kasual

Smart kasual adalah gaya pakaian yang membuat Anda kelihatan ‘bersinar’, tetapi juga kemas dan rapi. Sebagai contoh, baju yang menarik atau dalam bahasa Inggeris dikenali sebagai eye-catching, denim yang ketat, dan kasut yang dipoles adalah kata kunci gaya ini. Perlu diingat bahawa warna memainkan peranan yang besar. Warna hitam adalah yang paling smart,  warna coklat lebih kasual dan tan, lebih santai lagi. Cutting: hujung bulat atau kaki almond lebih kasual daripada cutting meruncing, seperti sol chunky. Dari fabrik, bahan yang berkilat, diperbuat daripada kulit pastinya lebih smart daripada matte.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Tipikal shirt kolar terbuka bertema musim panas yang direka bentuk dengan pola botani tercetak pada Rayon, tersedia dalam 3 pilihan warna.


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Denim dengan cutting ketat dan meruncing pada bahagian paha kecil. Hanya tersedia dalam pilihan one-washed sahaja.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

Ini adalah kasut 7 holes Hunting Boots terbuat dari kulit Horween Chromexcel, super selesa dan reka bentuknya trendi.


Gaya Street Wear

Apakah gaya streetwear, selalu datang dengan jaket universiti dan denim Jepun? Kami tahu bahawa Anda tahu gaya streetwear: dari fabrik (kapas adalah raja), gaya: baju bercetak dan yang paling penting: sepasang denim Jepun berkualiti tinggi. Titik utama gaya berpakaian streetwear ini adalah memamerkan gaya pakaian mereka, dan pada masa yang sama menetapkan trend Anda sendiri. 


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

T-Shirt super halus dan leluasa untuk dipakai sehari-hari dengan cetakan reka bentuk framework helmet, tersedia dalam 4 pilihan warna.


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

Denim sanforized berberat 15.7oz diperbuat daripada bahan Zimbabwe cotton dengan cutting high-rise.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

Momotaro jeans ini mempunyai detail yang sama dengan model sebelumnya. Hanya sahaja terdapat perbedaan spesifik dalam posisi logo bergaris ganda warna putih symbol daripada ‘Going to Battle’.


Semua item yang tertera di atas adalah item best-seller Denimio dan Kami memaparkan beberapa gaya pakaian untuk referensi Anda. Temukanlah gaya berpakaian trendi Anda sendiri.

Selamat Berbelanja:)


 [:ko]Denimio는 여러분께 최고의 딜과 멋진 룩을 동시에 가져올 최고의 데님 사이트입니다. 스며드는 여름의 열기와 함께, 최신 룩과 데님 마니아 팔로워에게 멋지다고 판명된 패션 어드바이스를 드리기 위해 여기에 있죠.

워크 웨어

기능적인 디자인은 워크웨어룩의 최고의 특징입니다. 그래서, 워크웨어에 가장 적합한 표면의 텍스처는 무광택이라는 점은 놀랄게 없죠. 간단한
챔브레이 셔츠
는 –모던하고 우아하고 그리고 클래식한–흰 청바지와 함께 매치하면 지적으로 보입니다.


Shirt- TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt (Alt. TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt)

Jeans- Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans


TCB Ranchman (Chambray) Western Shirt

A natural denim shirt made of 8.5oz California cotton.


TCB Ranchman (Denim) Shirt

Hand Room Water Repellent Off-white 5 Pocket Jeans

이것은 딱 12온스의 무게를 지닌 가벼운 화이트 데님입니다. 미국 면화로 만들어 졌으며, 슬림 스트레이트 실루엣을 가지고 있죠.


Western Style

이 룩은 모던/어반/웨스턴 스타일입니다. 실용적이고 믿을 만한 카이보이 미학의 의상으로 모던한 도시의 남성의 이미지를 잘 보충할 만한 룩입니다. 이 의상의 웨스턴 스타일은 항상 일을 열심히 일을 한 개인의 정신적 영감을 일깨워 줄 것입니다. 간단한 라이트 웨어 데님 셔츠는 이 스타일을 원한다면, 여러분의 최고의 친구가 될 것입니다.


Shirt: Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt (Alt. Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

Jeans: Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers


Blue Blue 8OZ Light Denim 2-Pocket Western Shirt

8온스의 데님으로 짜여진 패브릭은 이 빈티지한 데님 셔츠
스타일에 사용되었습니다. 게다가, 3개 버튼은 상하회전하는 더블 스티칭 포켓을 지지하는데 사용됩니다. 완벽한 실루엣을 가진 현대적인 스타일의 셔츠입니다.


Studio D’Artisan Suvin Gold Loopwheeled Pocket T-shirt)

셔츠는 “Suvin Gold”- 매우 부드럽고, 한 시간에 1미터를 짤 수 있는 소재로만 생산되는 세계 최고로 훌륭한 장섬유 소재-을 사용해 짜였습니다. 3가지 다른 색상이 가능합니다.


Hollywood Ranch Market Light German Cloth Military Trousers

이것은 라이트 웨어 데님이지만, 밀리터리 분위기와 신축성있는 소재를 사용해 매우 내구성있게 디자인되었습니다.


Smart Casual

스마트 캐주얼은 여러분의 패션센스를 빛나게하며, 또한 여러분의 베스트 룩을 위해 잘 정돈된 것처럼 보이게 합니다. 예를 들면, 눈길을 사로 잡는 디자인의 셔츠, ‘압력을 받은’ 데님, 그리고 광이나는 슈즈는 앙상블의 키포인트 입니다. 색은 큰 역할을 한다는 것에 주목해야 합니다. 블랙은 가장 스마트하며, 브라운은 더 캐주얼하고 그을였으며, 심지어 더 캐주얼하죠. 실루엣 : 둥글거나 혹은 아몬드 앞굽은 뾰족한 것보다 더 캐주얼하며, 두툼한 발일지라도 말이죠. 패브릭에 대해선, 빛나고 부드러운 가죽은 매트보다 더 영리합니다.


Shirt: Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

Jeans: Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

Shoes: Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots


Mr.Olive Vintage Rayon Botanical Pattern / Open Collar Aloha Shirts (3 Colors)

전형적인 여름 주제의 보타니컬한 패턴 프린트가 나이론에 디자인된 오픈 소매 셔츠, 3가지 다른 색상 가능


Mr.Olive Super Stretch Denim / One Wash Skinny 5 Pocket Pants

이것은 꽤 좁고 타이트한 실루엣의 데님입니다. 오직 원워시만 선택 가능합니다.


Mr.Olive E.O.I Horween Chromexcel Leather / Seven Hole Hunting Boots

이것은 Horween Chromexcel 가죽으로 만들어졌으며, 매우 편안하고 트랜디한 디자인의 7개 구멍 헌팅 부츠입니다.


Street Wear

스트릿웨어에 대해 말한다면, 다양한 재킷과 일본 브랜드 청바지가 항상 따라오나요? 우리는 여러분이 스트릿웨어 스타일의 룩을 알고 있다 꽤 확신합니다. 패브릭에서 (면은 항상 왕이죠), 스타일에서: 프린트된 티셔츠를 상의로 입고: 좋은 품질의 일본 로우데님을 함께 입으세요. 이 스트릿웨어 아웃룩의 키 포인트는 그들의 스타일의 과시, 그리고 동시에 여러분 스스로의 트랜드를 세우는 것입니다.


Cap: Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)

Shirt: Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

Jeans: Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint (Alt. Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight)


Billionaire Boys Club Man on The Moon Strapback Hat (Off White)


Billionaire Boys Club Framework Helmet T-Shirt 17 Spring (JP Exclusive)

부드럽고 편안한 티셔츠 헬멧 디자인을 가진T-shirt, 4가지 색상이 가능합니다


Momotaro Jeans 15.7OZ Classic Straight Big Paint

이것은 짐바브웨 면화로 만들어진, 하이라이즈 실루엣의 방축 가공된 15.7온스 데님입니다.


Momotaro Jeans ‘GOING TO BATTLE LABEL’ 15.7OZ Classic Straight

이 모모타로 진은 정확하게 이전의 모델과 동일합니다. 이 두 청바지의 명확한 차이는 Momotaro 줄무늬 페인트 패턴입니다.



여러분의 패션 스타일 참고을 위한 Denimio 의 베스트 셀러 아이템입니다.
이 룩북을 참고하여, 여러분의 스타일을 찾을 수 있을 겁니다.

즐거운 쇼핑되세요 🙂
