First off, raw denim is basically an unwashed pair of jeans that is stiffer and richer in indigo dye. Raw denim are normally preferred because of how they can “grow” onto the wearer as time passes. Because it is unwashed, the denim will fade, stretch and change depending on how you treat the fabric. Selvedge on the other hand refers to a specific type of fabric that is made on old-style shuttle looms. Though the two are usually misunderstood to be synonymous, they are actually very different things. Now that we’ve cleared that up, here are some methods on how to care for your raw denim.
Major wash and care
“How long should I wait before washing my raw denim? Or, should I even wash them at all?” These are frequently asked questions and honestly, most people have different opinions on the subject matter. While there are some people who would advise you not to wash them at all, we believe that there will eventually be occasions where washing is necessary. We wouldn’t want you to keep wearing a dirty pair of denim simply because there is a “rule” that says you can’t wash them.
If you need to wash your raw denim, here are some guidelines you can go by.
For the initial soak prepare a bathtub with cool or lukewarm water, about 3-4 inches deep. The idea behind using lower temperatures for your soak is to minimize the fading of the indigo dye.
Some recommend that the jeans be turned inside out for this process, however, we feel that it is optional.
In order to keep the denim completely submerged, you may need to put heavier weights on it.
Put in very light detergent when soaking your denim. Avoid putting in any bleach as well.
Let it soak for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Hang and air-dry indoors to preserve the shape and colour of the denim.
Most people would advise that you wash your denim only every 6-12 months. Frequent washing of your denim may affect the fade that you’re looking for, but not washing them for too long may cause the breakdown of the denim at the seams, especially in the crotch area. Considering the two factors, it is entirely up to your preference when it comes to how often you should wash it.
Minor cleaning and care
For minor stains, we recommend using a wet napkin. Avoid using any soap or detergent as it may cause the indigo dye to fade unevenly. You don’t want to be walking around with faded blotches on your jeans, do you?
When it comes to smell, you can use products like Febreeze, or you can also put your denim into the freezer for a few hours. The extreme temperature will kill any bacteria causing the smell without affecting the fade of the denim.
Giving your denim character
One major selling point of raw denim is the ability of the fabric to have “character” based on how someone wears it. Everything from the way you cuff your jeans, to what you put in your pockets all the time, to how you sit will give your raw denim a fade that is unique to you. If you want to stretch your jeans out for a better fit, try putting them on after a soak while it is still slightly damp. It may feel slightly tight at first, but it will fit in no time.
Most importantly, have fun and experiment with different methods until you find one that suits the way you want your to denim to fade and fit on you. Let us know in the comments on how often you wash your denim and what you do differently to create the perfect fade and fit for yourself.[:ja]今日はデニムのケアの仕方を少しご紹介します!
まず「生デニム」とは、一度も洗いがかかっておらずノリがかかっている状態でインディゴを沢山含んでいるデニムです。インディゴを沢山含んでいますし、「生」の状態ですから、通常のデニムよりもずっと経年変化を楽しめます。 色落ち、縮、伸び、そういった変化はどのようにデニムを扱うかに寄って違いが出てきます。一方「セルビッジ」は昔ながらのシャトルルームを使って織り込まれた生地のことをいいます。中にはこの「生デニム」と「セルビッジ」を混同する方も多くいますが、実はイコールではありません。 さて、次に実際にケアの方法をご紹介します。
なんといっても生デニムの良さは自分らしさが経年変化にでるということです。どれ一つとして同じ色落ちはないですし、人それぞれの生活が色落ちやダメージに現れてきます。一番大事なのは、無理に気負わず、楽しんで自分らしい色落ちを作るということです![:ar][:id]Setelah satu bulan pembelian raw selvedge denim Anda, Anda mendengar komentar dari orang yang berbeda dan tidak yakin tentang cara perawatan jeans Anda untuk memiliki ketahanan yang lebih lama. Denimio mendiskusikan semua hal mengenai denim dan kami berbagi dengan Anda tips yang kami sarankan mengenai perawatan denim.
Raw denim pada dasarnya yaitu denim yang tidak dicuci dan lebih kaya akan pewarna indigo. Raw denim biasanya populer karena mereka dapat “berkembang” seiring waktu mengikuti bentuk tubuh dan rutinitas Anda. Karena denim ini tidak dicuci, denim ini akan mengalami pemudaran, peregangan dan perubahan tergantung cara perawatan fabrik denim tersebut. Di sisi lain, selvedge denim memiliki jenis fabrik spesifik yang dibuat menggunakan alat tenun shuttle kuno. Meskipun dua jenis denim tersebut terkadang dinilai identik, sebenarnya keduanya merupakan jenis yang sangat berbeda. Berikut beberapa metode perawatan raw denim Anda.
Pencucian dan Perawatan Utama
“Berapa lama saya harus menunggu sebelum mencuci raw denim? Atau, apakah saya seharusnya tidak mencuci mereka sama sekali?” Ini pertanyaan yang kami sering terima dan betul sekali, setiap orang pasti memiliki pendapat yang berbeda. Meskipun beberapa orang menyarankan Anda untuk tidak mencuci denim sama sekali, kami percaya bahwa pada akhirnya, denim juga memerlukan pencucian. Kami tidak ingin Anda untuk senantiasa mengenakan denim kotor hanya karena adanya “peraturan” tersebut.
Jika Anda perlu mencuci raw denim Anda, berikut beberapa panduan dapat Anda ikuti.
Untuk perendaman pertama, silahkan persiapkan bak mandi dengan air dingin maupun hangat, dengan kedalaman sekitar 3-4 inci. Dengan perendaman suhu rendah, Anda dapat meminimalkan pudaran pewarna indigo dari jeans Anda. Beberapa orang menyarankan untuk membalikkan jeans Anda dalam proses ini, namun, kami merasa bahwa hal itu merupakan proses opsional.
Untuk perendaman yang merata, Anda disarankan untuk menempatkan beban berat di atas denim Anda.
Masukkan deterjen ringan ketika merendam denim Anda. Hindari memasukkan pemutih.
Biarkan proses perendaman selama sekitar 45 menit sampai satu jam.
Jemurlah dan keringkan di dalam ruangan untuk menjaga bentuk dan warna denim tersebut.
Kebanyakan orang akan menyarankan pencucian denim hanya dalam setiap 6-12 bulan. Keseringan pencucian denim dapat mempengaruhi hasil fades yang Anda inginkan, namun dengan tidak mencuci denim dalam jangka waktu terlalu lama dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada bagian jahitan denim Anda, terutama pada bagian selangkangan. Dengan dua faktor tersebut, hal ini tergantung preferensi Anda untuk menentukan frekuensi pencucian denim Anda.
Pembersihan dan perawatan rutin
Terhadap sedikit noda, kami menyarankan penggunaan kain basah. Hindari penggunakan sabun ataupun deterjen karena dapat menyebabkan pemudaran pewarna indigo yang tidak merata. Tentu saja Anda tidak ingin denim kesayangan Anda memiliki bercak pudar.
Dalam segi bau, Anda dapat menggunakan pewangi seperti Febreeze, ataupun menempatkan denim Anda ke dalam lemari es selama beberapa jam. Suhu ekstrim akan membunuh bakteri yang menyebabkan bau tersebut tanpa mempengaruhi proses pemudaran denim.
Pembentukan Karakter Denim Anda
Salah satu nilai jual utama raw denim yaitu kemampuan fabrik untuk memiliki “karakter” tersendiri mengikuti pemakainya. Segala sesuatu dari cara Anda memanset jeans Anda, yang Anda masukkan ke dalam saku Anda hingga cara Anda duduk akan menghasilkan pudaran raw denim yang unik dan khas tersendiri. Jika Anda ingin meregangkan jeans Anda untuk fit yang lebih sesuai, cobalah kenakan denim Anda setelah perendaman ketika denim masih dalam keadaan sedikit basah. Ia mungkin akan terasa sedikit ketat pada awalnya, namun denim akan menjadi fit dalam waktu yang singkat.
Yang terpenting, nikmati dan bereksperimen dengan metode yang berbeda hingga Anda menemukan denim yang sesuai untuk hasil pudar dan fit yang Anda inginkan. Tinggalkan komentar Anda di bawah ini dan berbagai cerita mengenai seberapa sering pencucian denim Anda, juga hal yang Anda lakukan secara berbeda untuk menciptakan fades sempurna dan fit yang sesuai dengan Anda.[:zh]It’s been a month since you bought your pair of raw selvedge denim and after hearing comments from different people, you are still unsure on what you should do with your jeans to have them last longer. Here in Denimio, we are crazy about all things denim and we will be sharing with you our tips on denim care.
First off, raw denim is basically an unwashed pair of jeans that is stiffer and richer in indigo dye. Raw denim are normally preferred because of how they can “grow” onto the wearer as time passes. Because it is unwashed, the denim will fade, stretch and change depending on how you treat the fabric. Selvedge on the other hand refers to a specific type of fabric that is made on old-style shuttle looms. Though the two are usually misunderstood to be synonymous, they are actually very different things. Now that we’ve cleared that up, here are some methods on how to care for your raw denim.
Major wash and care
“How long should I wait before washing my raw denim? Or, should I even wash them at all?” These are frequently asked questions and honestly, most people have different opinions on the subject matter. While there are some people who would advise you not to wash them at all, we believe that there will eventually be occasions where washing is necessary. We wouldn’t want you to keep wearing a dirty pair of denim simply because there is a “rule” that says you can’t wash them.
If you need to wash your raw denim, here are some guidelines you can go by.
For the initial soak prepare a bathtub with cool or lukewarm water, about 3-4 inches deep. The idea behind using lower temperatures for your soak is to minimize the fading of the indigo dye.
Some recommend that the jeans be turned inside out for this process, however, we feel that it is optional.
In order to keep the denim completely submerged, you may need to put heavier weights on it.
Put in very light detergent when soaking your denim. Avoid putting in any bleach as well.
Let it soak for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Hang and air-dry indoors to preserve the shape and colour of the denim.
Most people would advise that you wash your denim only every 6-12 months. Frequent washing of your denim may affect the fade that you’re looking for, but not washing them for too long may cause the breakdown of the denim at the seams, especially in the crotch area. Considering the two factors, it is entirely up to your preference when it comes to how often you should wash it.
Minor cleaning and care
For minor stains, we recommend using a wet napkin. Avoid using any soap or detergent as it may cause the indigo dye to fade unevenly. You don’t want to be walking around with faded blotches on your jeans, do you?
When it comes to smell, you can use products like Febreeze, or you can also put your denim into the freezer for a few hours. The extreme temperature will kill any bacteria causing the smell without affecting the fade of the denim.
Giving your denim character
One major selling point of raw denim is the ability of the fabric to have “character” based on how someone wears it. Everything from the way you cuff your jeans, to what you put in your pockets all the time, to how you sit will give your raw denim a fade that is unique to you. If you want to stretch your jeans out for a better fit, try putting them on after a soak while it is still slightly damp. It may feel slightly tight at first, but it will fit in no time.
Most importantly, have fun and experiment with different methods until you find one that suits the way you want your to denim to fade and fit on you. Let us know in the comments on how often you wash your denim and what you do differently to create the perfect fade and fit for yourself. [:de][:es][:fr][:it][:ko]It’s been a month since you bought your pair of raw selvedge denim and after hearing comments from different people, you are still unsure on what you should do with your jeans to have them last longer. Here in Denimio, we are crazy about all things denim and we will be sharing with you our tips on denim care.
First off, raw denim is basically an unwashed pair of jeans that is stiffer and richer in indigo dye. Raw denim are normally preferred because of how they can “grow” onto the wearer as time passes. Because it is unwashed, the denim will fade, stretch and change depending on how you treat the fabric. Selvedge on the other hand refers to a specific type of fabric that is made on old-style shuttle looms. Though the two are usually misunderstood to be synonymous, they are actually very different things. Now that we’ve cleared that up, here are some methods on how to care for your raw denim.
Major wash and care
“How long should I wait before washing my raw denim? Or, should I even wash them at all?” These are frequently asked questions and honestly, most people have different opinions on the subject matter. While there are some people who would advise you not to wash them at all, we believe that there will eventually be occasions where washing is necessary. We wouldn’t want you to keep wearing a dirty pair of denim simply because there is a “rule” that says you can’t wash them.
If you need to wash your raw denim, here are some guidelines you can go by.
For the initial soak prepare a bathtub with cool or lukewarm water, about 3-4 inches deep. The idea behind using lower temperatures for your soak is to minimize the fading of the indigo dye.
Some recommend that the jeans be turned inside out for this process, however, we feel that it is optional.
In order to keep the denim completely submerged, you may need to put heavier weights on it.
Put in very light detergent when soaking your denim. Avoid putting in any bleach as well.
Let it soak for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Hang and air-dry indoors to preserve the shape and colour of the denim.
Most people would advise that you wash your denim only every 6-12 months. Frequent washing of your denim may affect the fade that you’re looking for, but not washing them for too long may cause the breakdown of the denim at the seams, especially in the crotch area. Considering the two factors, it is entirely up to your preference when it comes to how often you should wash it.
Minor cleaning and care
For minor stains, we recommend using a wet napkin. Avoid using any soap or detergent as it may cause the indigo dye to fade unevenly. You don’t want to be walking around with faded blotches on your jeans, do you?
When it comes to smell, you can use products like Febreeze, or you can also put your denim into the freezer for a few hours. The extreme temperature will kill any bacteria causing the smell without affecting the fade of the denim.
Giving your denim character
One major selling point of raw denim is the ability of the fabric to have “character” based on how someone wears it. Everything from the way you cuff your jeans, to what you put in your pockets all the time, to how you sit will give your raw denim a fade that is unique to you. If you want to stretch your jeans out for a better fit, try putting them on after a soak while it is still slightly damp. It may feel slightly tight at first, but it will fit in no time.
Most importantly, have fun and experiment with different methods until you find one that suits the way you want your to denim to fade and fit on you. Let us know in the comments on how often you wash your denim and what you do differently to create the perfect fade and fit for yourself. [:ms]Setelah satu bulan pembelian raw selvedge denim anda, anda mendengar komen dari orang yang berbeza dan tidak yakin tentang cara rawatan jeans anda untuk mempunyai ketahanan yang lebih lama. Denimio membincangkan semua perkara mengenai denim dan kami berkongsi dengan anda tips yang kami cadangkan mengenai rawatan denim.
Raw denim pada dasarnya iaitu denim yang tidak dicuci dan lebih kaya akan pewarna indigo. Raw denim biasanya popular kerana mereka boleh “berkembang” seiring waktu mengikut bentuk tubuh dan rutin anda. Kerana denim ini tidak dicuci, denim ini akan mengalami pemudaran, regangan dan perubahan bergantung cara penjagaan fabrik denim tersebut. Di sisi lain, selvedge denim mempunyai jenis fabrik khusus yang dibuat menggunakan alat tenun shuttle kuno. Walaupun dua jenis denim tersebut terkadang dinilai sama, sebenarnya kedua-duanya merupakan jenis yang sangat berbeza. Berikut beberapa kaedah rawatan raw denim anda.
Pencucian dan Penjagaan Utama
“Berapa lama saya perlu menunggu sebelum mencuci raw denim? Atau, adakah saya seharusnya tidak mencuci mereka sama sekali?” Ini soalan yang kami sering terima dan betul sekali, setiap orang pasti mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza. Walaupun beberapa orang menyarankan anda untuk tidak mencuci denim sama sekali, kami percaya bahawa pada akhirnya, denim juga memerlukan pengubahan. Kami tidak mahu anda untuk sentiasa memakai denim kotor hanya kerana adanya “peraturan” tersebut.
Jika Anda perlu mencuci raw denim Anda, berikut beberapa panduan dapat Anda ikuti.
Untuk perendaman pertama, sila persiapkan tab mandi dengan air sejuk mahupun panas, dengan kedalaman kira-kira 3-4 inci. Dengan perendaman suhu rendah, anda boleh meminimumkan pudaran pewarna indigo dari jeans anda. Beberapa orang menyarankan untuk membalikkan jeans anda dalam proses ini, namun, kami merasa bahawa hal itu merupakan proses pilihan.
Untuk perendaman yang merata, anda disyorkan untuk meletakkan beban berat di atas denim anda.
Masukkan detergen ringan ketika merendam denim anda. Elakkan memasukkan pemutih.
Biarkan proses perendaman selama kira-kira 45 minit hingga satu jam.
Jemurlah dan keringkan di dalam bilik untuk menjaga bentuk dan warna denim tersebut.
Kebanyakan orang akan menyarankan pengubahan denim hanya dalam setiap 6-12 bulan. Kekerapan mencuci denim boleh mempengaruhi keputusan fades yang anda inginkan, namun dengan tidak mencuci denim dalam jangka masa yang terlalu lama boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada bahagian jahitan denim anda, terutama pada bahagian pangkal paha. Dengan dua faktor tersebut, hal ini bergantung keutamaan anda untuk menentukan kekerapan mencuci denim anda.
Pembersihan dan rawatan rutin
Terhadap sedikit noda, kami menyarankan penggunaan kain basah. Elakkan penggunakan sabun ataupun detergen kerana boleh menyebabkan pemudaran pewarna indigo yang tidak merata. Tentu saja anda tidak ingin denim kesayangan anda mempunyai tompok pudar.
Dalam segi bau, anda boleh menggunakan pewangi seperti febreeze, ataupun meletakkan denim anda ke dalam peti sejuk selama beberapa jam. Suhu yang melampau akan membunuh bakteria yang menyebabkan bau tersebut tanpa memberi kesan kepada proses pemudaran denim.
Pembentukan Watak Denim Anda
Salah satu nilai jual utama raw denim yaitu kemampuan fabrik untuk mempunyai “watak” tersendiri mengikuti pemakainya. Segala sesuatu dari cara anda memanset jeans anda, yang anda masukkan ke dalam poket anda sehingga cara anda duduk akan menghasilkan pudaran raw denim yang unik dan khas tersendiri. Jika anda ingin menghulurkan jeans anda untuk fit yang lebih sesuai, cubalah kenakan denim anda selepas perendaman ketika denim masih dalam keadaan sedikit basah. Ia mungkin akan terasa sedikit ketat pada awalnya, namun denim akan menjadi fit dalam masa yang singkat.
Yang terpenting, nikmati dan bereksperimen dengan kaedah yang berbeza sehingga anda mencari denim yang sesuai untuk hasil pudar dan fit yang anda inginkan. Tinggalkan komen anda di bawah ini dan berbagai cerita mengenai seberapa kerap mencuci denim anda, juga perkara yang anda lakukan secara berbeza untuk mencipta fades sempurna dan fit yang sesuai dengan anda.[:pt][:ru]Прошёл месяц с тех пор как вы купили джинсы из “сырого” сэлвидж денима, и вы наверняка получили несколько комментариев от разных людей. Но вы до сих пор не уверены, что же нужно делать с джинсами, чтобы они прожили долгую “красочную” жизнь. Здесь, в Denimio, мы знаем о джинсах всё, и мы с удовольствием поделимся с вами парой советов о том, как следует заботиться о своих джинсах.
Во-первых, “сырой” деним – это, в основном, те джинсы, которые не подвергаются стирке/полосканию во время их производства, за счёт чего их цвет индиго более устойчив и насыщен. “Сырому” дениму обычно отдают предпочтение из-за того, что он со временем разнашивается. Не подвергавшийся ранее стирке, деним будет постепенно фейдить (блекнуть), растягиваться и меняться в зависимости от того, как вы обращаетесь с тканью. С другой стороны, сэдвидж относится к особому типу ткани, который делается на проверенных временем ткацких станках. И хотя обычно понятия “сырой деним” и “селвидж деним” ошибочно принимают за синонимы, на деле это совершенно разные вещи. Теперь, когда мы это выяснили, давайте рассмотрим несколько способов ухода за “сырым” денимом.
Капитальная стирка и уход
“Как долго нужно ждать до того, как я смогу постирать “сырой” деним? И, можно ли вообще его стирать?” Это часто задаваемые вопросы, и, честно говоря, большинство людей имеет разные мнения на этот счёт. Бывает, что некоторые люди советуют не стирать такие джинсы вовсе, но мы думаем, что, в конечном счёте, всё равно будут случаи, в которых стирка необходима. Нам бы не хотелось, чтобы вы носили грязные джинсы просто из-за того, что правило предписывает “не стирать” их.
Если вас нужно постирать “сырой” деним, есть несколько указаний, которым нужно следовать.
Для первоначального замачивания подготовьте ванну с прохладной или чуть тёплой водой, около 7-10 сантиметров от дна. Низкие температуры воды позволят свести к минимуму линьку и выцветание краски индиго.
Некоторые рекомендуют предварительно вывернуть джинсы наизнанку, но мы считаем это необязательным.
Для того, чтобы джинсы были полностью покрыты водой, вам может понадобиться некий груз, чтобы придавить их сверху.
Замочив джинсы, добавьте очень лёгкое моющее средство (для деликатной стирки). Избегайте отбеливателей и веществ с добавлением хлора.
Оставьте замоченные джинсы на 45-60 минут.
Подвесьте и сушите на воздухе (в помещении), чтобы сохранить форму и цвет денима. (не отжимать)
Большинство людей посоветуют вам стирать ваши джинсы только раз в 6-12 месяцев. Частая стирка джинсов может повлечь за собой некоторое выцветание (как вы и ожидали), но отсутствие стирки в течение долгого времени может привести к повреждению денима в области швов, особенно в области промежности. Принимая во внимание оба фактора, определите пожалуйста требуемую вам частоту стирки, руководствуясь исключительно своими предпочтениями.
Местная чистка и уход
Для незначительных пятен мы рекомендуем использовать влажную салфетку. Избегайте использования любых мылящих и моющих веществ, так как это может привести к местному неравномерному выцветанию краски. Вы едва ли захотите ходить в джинсах с выцветшими пятнами, не так ли?
Если джинсы неприятно пахнут, можно использовать такие средства, как Febreeze, или положить джинсы в морозилку на несколько часов. Экстремально низкие температуры убивают все бактерии, вызывающие неприятный запах и не влекут за собой потерю цвета.
Придание джинсам “характера”
Один из весомых коммерческих аргументов в пользу “сырого” денима – это способность ткани иметь свой “характер” в зависимости от того, как вы носите джинсы. Что угодно, начиная с того, как вы подворачиваете штанины, и заканчивая тем, что вы обычно кладёте в карманы своих джинсов, или тем, как вы сидите, создаст некоторые “фейды*” уникальным для каждого человека образом. Если вы хотите немного растянуть свои джинсы, чтобы они сидели на вас лучше, попробуйте надеть их после замачивания, пока они еще слегка влажные. Сначала они могут казаться немного узковатыми, но в кратчайшее время они примут форму вашего тела.
*фейд – выцветание краски в местах сгибов или трения, “потёртости”
Самое главное, подходите ко всему весело и не бойтесь экспериментировать с различными способами придания джинсам “характерных” фейдов или формы, пока не найдёте тот, что подходит именно вам. Напишите нам в комментариях, как часто вы стираете свои джинсы, или поделитесь своими способами придания джинсам уникального “характера”.[:th]It’s been a month since you bought your pair of raw selvedge denim and after hearing comments from different people, you are still unsure on what you should do with your jeans to have them last longer. Here in Denimio, we are crazy about all things denim and we will be sharing with you our tips on denim care.
First off, raw denim is basically an unwashed pair of jeans that is stiffer and richer in indigo dye. Raw denim are normally preferred because of how they can “grow” onto the wearer as time passes. Because it is unwashed, the denim will fade, stretch and change depending on how you treat the fabric. Selvedge on the other hand refers to a specific type of fabric that is made on old-style shuttle looms. Though the two are usually misunderstood to be synonymous, they are actually very different things. Now that we’ve cleared that up, here are some methods on how to care for your raw denim.
Major wash and care
“How long should I wait before washing my raw denim? Or, should I even wash them at all?” These are frequently asked questions and honestly, most people have different opinions on the subject matter. While there are some people who would advise you not to wash them at all, we believe that there will eventually be occasions where washing is necessary. We wouldn’t want you to keep wearing a dirty pair of denim simply because there is a “rule” that says you can’t wash them.
If you need to wash your raw denim, here are some guidelines you can go by.
For the initial soak prepare a bathtub with cool or lukewarm water, about 3-4 inches deep. The idea behind using lower temperatures for your soak is to minimize the fading of the indigo dye.
Some recommend that the jeans be turned inside out for this process, however, we feel that it is optional.
In order to keep the denim completely submerged, you may need to put heavier weights on it.
Put in very light detergent when soaking your denim. Avoid putting in any bleach as well.
Let it soak for about 45 minutes to an hour.
Hang and air-dry indoors to preserve the shape and colour of the denim.
Most people would advise that you wash your denim only every 6-12 months. Frequent washing of your denim may affect the fade that you’re looking for, but not washing them for too long may cause the breakdown of the denim at the seams, especially in the crotch area. Considering the two factors, it is entirely up to your preference when it comes to how often you should wash it.
Minor cleaning and care
For minor stains, we recommend using a wet napkin. Avoid using any soap or detergent as it may cause the indigo dye to fade unevenly. You don’t want to be walking around with faded blotches on your jeans, do you?
When it comes to smell, you can use products like Febreeze, or you can also put your denim into the freezer for a few hours. The extreme temperature will kill any bacteria causing the smell without affecting the fade of the denim.
Giving your denim character
One major selling point of raw denim is the ability of the fabric to have “character” based on how someone wears it. Everything from the way you cuff your jeans, to what you put in your pockets all the time, to how you sit will give your raw denim a fade that is unique to you. If you want to stretch your jeans out for a better fit, try putting them on after a soak while it is still slightly damp. It may feel slightly tight at first, but it will fit in no time.
Most importantly, have fun and experiment with different methods until you find one that suits the way you want your to denim to fade and fit on you. Let us know in the comments on how often you wash your denim and what you do differently to create the perfect fade and fit for yourself. [:]