Mens Body Type | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

How to Wear Jeans: A Comprehensive Guide to Mens Body Type

We agree. ⏤ clothes in fast fashion is gruelly non-inclusive. We all see those photos over polo shirts and suits. But you put it on, it does nothing like what the ad had said.

That’s also why we have Denimio and the thousands of denim jeans we’ve got at our warehouse. Each cut, fabrics, and lengths matter to your body. Here are our recommendations for any body type you got. If you’re still lost, chat us via Chatbox and let us get you your perfect denim jeans. Before we go on, read this:

Ignore Trends

Loose baggy pants are the 2021 trend now, but that doesn’t mean you need to incorporate that into your style. It’s always better to dress up according to your body type and what looks good on you.

Trust your Tailor

It’s always better to spend more for the better fit than blow your whole budget for clothes just off the rack. Whatever your body type is, every pair of jeans is tailored for any body type you can think of. If you’re serious about your denim, contact us via the chatbox to get your indigo fix right away.

Understand Your Type & Be Realistic

Use clothing to emphasize the best aspects of your build and divert attention away from your undesirable features. Body acceptance will do you way better than trying to fit into a certain type that you thought you were. Even if you have the body of a supermodel, you can still look out of proportion and this guide is available for you to get a better fit.

Now ready to get your denim?

Discover Your Style

Click below to find out about your body type

Mens Body Type | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Mens Body Type | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Mens Body Type | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Mens Body Type | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim


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