Introducing Pherrow’s

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We’re always stoked to introduce a new brand to our lineup. Pherrow’s is a fantastic example of why we’re stoked. Flashback to the (very) early nineties. Some of us on Team Denimio are older, some of us were born then, some of us are ageless, like the sages that make the products we sell.

March of 1991:

What started it all. (courtesy of
What started it all.
(courtesy of

Pherrow’s is founded. And, what a year! Seinfeld came out. Loveless, the seminal shoegaze album by My Bloody Valentine was released, often regarded as one of the best guitar albums of all time. The USSR collapsed and Yeltsin was elected, the first McDonald’s opened in Beijing and Comedy Central was founded.

Those things are all well and good. But we’re interested in

Pherrow’s here. Pherrow’s was founded that year.

The passion of the people behind Pherrow’s isn’t uncommon in this business. They’re intersted, deeply, in vintage clothing. As we all are. Twenty years pass and we’re still infatuatred with their work. Flight jackets, dark and raw selvedge denim, heavier jackets and every accessory under the sun.

Starting with their now iconic L-2 Flight Jacket, we’ve come a long way.  Look at how far we’ve come:

We're stoked to carry Pherrow's denim.
We’re stoked to carry Pherrow’s denim.

From Pherrow’s denim to Pherrow’s shirting, we’re beyond stoked.  Stoked isn’t an appropriate word.  Pherrow’s is the kind of brand you start to admire from afar and you soon find yourself consumed with.  So, beware.  You first like their denim.  Then their shirting.  Then, their outerwear, their tees, their everything.

The texture of Pherrow's garments is always arresting.
The texture of Pherrow’s garments is always arresting.

We’re just glad we’re carrying it and we can wear it, too!  With Pherrow’s, we have a brand genuinely rooted in vintage stitching.  The inspiration comes from military and pre-war patterns.  The pieces here are more than just period pieces — they’re lifetime pieces.  The cotton is soft, hewn well, woven tightly, and calling your name.  You step back in time a bit in Pherrow’s pieces, and that’s how we like it.  There’s a certain level of maturity, experience and perspective with wearing these, and wearing them just makes us feel that more.