We Know The Rotation.
We understand some of your wardrobe choices: the fabrics from ONI, vintage TCB, simple and casual Japan Blue, and/or streetwear inspired Tanuki will always be in one of your go-to for daily jeans.
But have you ever wonder — is there anything else other than these?
Oh, yes. Yes, there ARE.
Here’s a small quote about COTTLE and why you will need them in your life:
…However, every once in a while you encounter a brand bursting with quality, dedication, and ambition; you just know that they are special. Let us introduce you to COTTLE and why they are more than worthy of your attention and might soon be your main supplier of uniforms for everyday living.
At 12oz, their signature denim (CTL-3450) does precisely that. It consists of 91% cotton and 9% linen. If you ever touch their denim, you will be surprised. It has the softness of hand-woven fabrics, a certain elegance, and, yet, with all the nep coming through at the surface, this feeling of incompleteness. It all comes down the yarn: The neppy linen and cotton are twisted into a single thread. The right ratio is crucial and the one percent less linen (from 10% to 9%) makes all the difference. The loose weaving makes the jeans very breathable and adds texture. It is an incredibly smooth fabric and thanks to the material, there is a natural stretch to it…
Graph Zero, another brand unknown — elaborate fabrics & quality unrivaled, read more:
…The concept itself, as the name Graph Zero (zero graph) indicates, expresses the desire of the makers to craft their product “from scratch”. They come up with a product idea and, thanks to the vertical production structure of Graph Zero, handle every step of the production themselves: weaving, dyeing, sewing.
As mentioned above, Graph Zero pays particular attention to creating denim that truly stands out of the crowd. They are incredibly nuanced, textured and patterned. We can’t recall having seen proprietary fabrics like this before. Graph Zero dare to do something truly different. You can hardly see similar types of denim from other brands.
The most recognizable and most unusual type of denim with the texture of herringbone twill. This material is not typical for the production of jeans. Graph Zero calls this fabric Sugi Ayaori. All the features of this denim will become more nuanced when the jeans are worn in. The weft has a gray tint. Two orange threads are woven into the selvedge ID. We would call this their flagship fabric!
Kami Tahu Rotasi Jeans-mu.
Kami tahu rotasi jeans kebanyakan dari ONI, TCB vintage, Japan Blue yang kasual, dan/atau Tanuki sebagai streetwear inspo.
Tapi pernahkah terngiang di benak — ada brand lain ga sih?
Oh, yes. Ada, BANYAK.
Ini sedikit tentang COTTLE dan mengapa kamu harus punya:
…Ketika kalian bertemu dengan brand yang memiliki kualitas, dedikasi tinggi dan berambisi terhadap brandnya sendiri; Anda pun pasti tahu mereka spesial. Perkenalkan dengan COTTLE, brand yang lebih dari Anda harapkan, menjadi brand yang selalu kamu cari untuk pakaian sehari-hari.
Dengan fabrik berat 12 oz, denim khas mereka (CTL-3450) yang memiliki 91% katun dan 9% linen. Bila Anda pernah memegang denim mereka, pasti Anda tidak bisa berhenti menyentuhnya. Fabrik COTTLE punya kelembutan fabrik yang dibuat tangan – sebuah unsur elegan yang khusus dan dengan semua nep yang muncul, sebuah rasa tak lengkap. Semua dikarenakan benang yang COTTLE gunakan: linen yang nepy dan katun yang di-twist menjadi benang. Rasio yang tepat sangat dibutuhkan dan linen yang kurang dari 1 persen (dari 10% ke 9%) memberi perbedaan yang signifikan…
Graph Zero, brand lain yang kurang terdengar — menjabarkan fabrik dengan baik dan berkualitas tanpa batas:
…Konsep, seperti namanya Graph Zero, yang mencakup keinginan sang pembuat untuk membuat produk dari nol, dimulai dari ide produk dan terjun langsung ke produksi: pemintalan, pewarnaan, dan penjahitan.
Semua anggota tim Graph Zero punya pengalaman yang dalam produksi jeans dan sangat dekat dengan industri penjahitan jeans, juga pewarnaan dan pemintalan fabriknya. Ini yang mereka katakan tentang dirinya sendiri: “Setiap produk kami diproduksi dari nol, termasuk dengan kapas dan pewarnanya, yang merupakan esensi untuk materi, dan ide untuk membuat semua produk denim ini.”
Denim yang paling dikenal dan paling unik dari brand adalah bahan tekstur herringbone twill. Bahan seperti ini hanya ditemukan di kostum dan tidak seperti tipikal jeans biasanya. Graph Zero menyebut fabrik ini Sugi Ayaori – karakteristik keunikan dari fabrik ini adalah pattern herringbone-nya, bahan yang jarang ditemukan.
Semua fitur tipe denim ini akan terlihat ketika dipakai terus menerus. Weftnya memiliki tinta keabuan. Dua benang oranye dijahit ke dalam selvage. Tipe materi seperti ini merupakan signature Graph Zero.
我们能理解您衣橱中应该不乏像是ONI、復古TCB,或是主打简约休閒的Japan Blue,当然,我们也相信相当具有街头风格的Tanuki绝对也是您日常牛仔裤穿搭的首选之一吧!
Graph Zero,另一个未知的品牌 — 精美的布料和无与伦比的质感,请阅读更多详情:
…这个概念本身,就如其名“Graph Zero”那样,表达了製造商想要“从头开始” 的产品製作理念。当他们提出一个产品点子后,他们可以善用 Graph Zero的垂直生产结构,亲自处理生产过程中每个步骤:编织,染色,缝纫。
如同上面所述,Graph Zero为了打造能脱颖而出的丹宁布,花了特别多的巧思。这些布料有着令人难以置信的细节,纹理和图案,过去未曾有这样的专属布料。Graph Zero勇于尝试真正不一样的事情,令人刮目相看。您几乎看不到其他的品牌,有着类似的牛仔布能与之匹敌。
人字斜纹的质地是最容易被大众所认出的,也是奇特的丹宁布之一。这种布料不是一般生产牛仔裤时的典型材料。Graph Zero将这织物称为Sugi Ayaori。当你穿上这件牛仔裤后,此牛仔布的所有更细微的特性将会更加显现。除此之外,布料中的纬线具有灰色调,两条橙色的编织也被织入镶边ID中。我们将它称为旗舰布料!
We Know The Rotation.
We understand some of your wardrobe choices: the fabrics from ONI, vintage TCB, simple and casual Japan Blue, and/or streetwear inspired Tanuki will always be in one of your go-to for daily jeans.
But have you ever wonder — is there anything else other than these?
Oh, yes. Yes, there ARE.
Here’s a small quote about COTTLE and why you will need them in your life:
…However, every once in a while you encounter a brand bursting with quality, dedication, and ambition; you just know that they are special. Let us introduce you to COTTLE and why they are more than worthy of your attention and might soon be your main supplier of uniforms for everyday living.
At 12oz, their signature denim (CTL-3450) does precisely that. It consists of 91% cotton and 9% linen. If you ever touch their denim, you will be surprised. It has the softness of hand-woven fabrics, a certain elegance, and, yet, with all the nep coming through at the surface, this feeling of incompleteness. It all comes down the yarn: The neppy linen and cotton are twisted into a single thread. The right ratio is crucial and the one percent less linen (from 10% to 9%) makes all the difference. The loose weaving makes the jeans very breathable and adds texture. It is an incredibly smooth fabric and thanks to the material, there is a natural stretch to it…
Graph Zero, another brand unknown — elaborate fabrics & quality unrivaled, read more:
…The concept itself, as the name Graph Zero (zero graph) indicates, expresses the desire of the makers to craft their product “from scratch”. They come up with a product idea and, thanks to the vertical production structure of Graph Zero, handle every step of the production themselves: weaving, dyeing, sewing.
As mentioned above, Graph Zero pays particular attention to creating denim that truly stands out of the crowd. They are incredibly nuanced, textured and patterned. We can’t recall having seen proprietary fabrics like this before. Graph Zero dare to do something truly different. You can hardly see similar types of denim from other brands.
The most recognizable and most unusual type of denim with the texture of herringbone twill. This material is not typical for the production of jeans. Graph Zero calls this fabric Sugi Ayaori. All the features of this denim will become more nuanced when the jeans are worn in. The weft has a gray tint. Two orange threads are woven into the selvedge ID. We would call this their flagship fabric!
We Know The Rotation.
We understand some of your wardrobe choices: the fabrics from ONI, vintage TCB, simple and casual Japan Blue, and/or streetwear inspired Tanuki will always be in one of your go-to for daily jeans.
But have you ever wonder — is there anything else other than these?
Oh, yes. Yes, there ARE.
Here’s a small quote about COTTLE and why you will need them in your life:
…However, every once in a while you encounter a brand bursting with quality, dedication, and ambition; you just know that they are special. Let us introduce you to COTTLE and why they are more than worthy of your attention and might soon be your main supplier of uniforms for everyday living.
At 12oz, their signature denim (CTL-3450) does precisely that. It consists of 91% cotton and 9% linen. If you ever touch their denim, you will be surprised. It has the softness of hand-woven fabrics, a certain elegance, and, yet, with all the nep coming through at the surface, this feeling of incompleteness. It all comes down the yarn: The neppy linen and cotton are twisted into a single thread. The right ratio is crucial and the one percent less linen (from 10% to 9%) makes all the difference. The loose weaving makes the jeans very breathable and adds texture. It is an incredibly smooth fabric and thanks to the material, there is a natural stretch to it…
Graph Zero, another brand unknown — elaborate fabrics & quality unrivaled, read more:
…The concept itself, as the name Graph Zero (zero graph) indicates, expresses the desire of the makers to craft their product “from scratch”. They come up with a product idea and, thanks to the vertical production structure of Graph Zero, handle every step of the production themselves: weaving, dyeing, sewing.
As mentioned above, Graph Zero pays particular attention to creating denim that truly stands out of the crowd. They are incredibly nuanced, textured and patterned. We can’t recall having seen proprietary fabrics like this before. Graph Zero dare to do something truly different. You can hardly see similar types of denim from other brands.
The most recognizable and most unusual type of denim with the texture of herringbone twill. This material is not typical for the production of jeans. Graph Zero calls this fabric Sugi Ayaori. All the features of this denim will become more nuanced when the jeans are worn in. The weft has a gray tint. Two orange threads are woven into the selvedge ID. We would call this their flagship fabric!
We Know The Rotation.
We understand some of your wardrobe choices: the fabrics from ONI, vintage TCB, simple and casual Japan Blue, and/or streetwear inspired Tanuki will always be in one of your go-to for daily jeans.
But have you ever wonder — is there anything else other than these?
Oh, yes. Yes, there ARE.
Here’s a small quote about COTTLE and why you will need them in your life:
…However, every once in a while you encounter a brand bursting with quality, dedication, and ambition; you just know that they are special. Let us introduce you to COTTLE and why they are more than worthy of your attention and might soon be your main supplier of uniforms for everyday living.
At 12oz, their signature denim (CTL-3450) does precisely that. It consists of 91% cotton and 9% linen. If you ever touch their denim, you will be surprised. It has the softness of hand-woven fabrics, a certain elegance, and, yet, with all the nep coming through at the surface, this feeling of incompleteness. It all comes down the yarn: The neppy linen and cotton are twisted into a single thread. The right ratio is crucial and the one percent less linen (from 10% to 9%) makes all the difference. The loose weaving makes the jeans very breathable and adds texture. It is an incredibly smooth fabric and thanks to the material, there is a natural stretch to it…
Graph Zero, another brand unknown — elaborate fabrics & quality unrivaled, read more:
…The concept itself, as the name Graph Zero (zero graph) indicates, expresses the desire of the makers to craft their product “from scratch”. They come up with a product idea and, thanks to the vertical production structure of Graph Zero, handle every step of the production themselves: weaving, dyeing, sewing.
As mentioned above, Graph Zero pays particular attention to creating denim that truly stands out of the crowd. They are incredibly nuanced, textured and patterned. We can’t recall having seen proprietary fabrics like this before. Graph Zero dare to do something truly different. You can hardly see similar types of denim from other brands.
The most recognizable and most unusual type of denim with the texture of herringbone twill. This material is not typical for the production of jeans. Graph Zero calls this fabric Sugi Ayaori. All the features of this denim will become more nuanced when the jeans are worn in. The weft has a gray tint. Two orange threads are woven into the selvedge ID. We would call this their flagship fabric!
We Know The Rotation.
We understand some of your wardrobe choices: the fabrics from ONI, vintage TCB, simple and casual Japan Blue, and/or streetwear inspired Tanuki will always be in one of your go-to for daily jeans.
But have you ever wonder — is there anything else other than these?
Oh, yes. Yes, there ARE.
Here’s a small quote about COTTLE and why you will need them in your life:
…However, every once in a while you encounter a brand bursting with quality, dedication, and ambition; you just know that they are special. Let us introduce you to COTTLE and why they are more than worthy of your attention and might soon be your main supplier of uniforms for everyday living.
At 12oz, their signature denim (CTL-3450) does precisely that. It consists of 91% cotton and 9% linen. If you ever touch their denim, you will be surprised. It has the softness of hand-woven fabrics, a certain elegance, and, yet, with all the nep coming through at the surface, this feeling of incompleteness. It all comes down the yarn: The neppy linen and cotton are twisted into a single thread. The right ratio is crucial and the one percent less linen (from 10% to 9%) makes all the difference. The loose weaving makes the jeans very breathable and adds texture. It is an incredibly smooth fabric and thanks to the material, there is a natural stretch to it…
Graph Zero, another brand unknown — elaborate fabrics & quality unrivaled, read more:
…The concept itself, as the name Graph Zero (zero graph) indicates, expresses the desire of the makers to craft their product “from scratch”. They come up with a product idea and, thanks to the vertical production structure of Graph Zero, handle every step of the production themselves: weaving, dyeing, sewing.
As mentioned above, Graph Zero pays particular attention to creating denim that truly stands out of the crowd. They are incredibly nuanced, textured and patterned. We can’t recall having seen proprietary fabrics like this before. Graph Zero dare to do something truly different. You can hardly see similar types of denim from other brands.
The most recognizable and most unusual type of denim with the texture of herringbone twill. This material is not typical for the production of jeans. Graph Zero calls this fabric Sugi Ayaori. All the features of this denim will become more nuanced when the jeans are worn in. The weft has a gray tint. Two orange threads are woven into the selvedge ID. We would call this their flagship fabric!
We Know The Rotation.
We understand some of your wardrobe choices: the fabrics from ONI, vintage TCB, simple and casual Japan Blue, and/or streetwear inspired Tanuki will always be in one of your go-to for daily jeans.
But have you ever wonder — is there anything else other than these?
Oh, yes. Yes, there ARE.
Here’s a small quote about COTTLE and why you will need them in your life:
…However, every once in a while you encounter a brand bursting with quality, dedication, and ambition; you just know that they are special. Let us introduce you to COTTLE and why they are more than worthy of your attention and might soon be your main supplier of uniforms for everyday living.
At 12oz, their signature denim (CTL-3450) does precisely that. It consists of 91% cotton and 9% linen. If you ever touch their denim, you will be surprised. It has the softness of hand-woven fabrics, a certain elegance, and, yet, with all the nep coming through at the surface, this feeling of incompleteness. It all comes down the yarn: The neppy linen and cotton are twisted into a single thread. The right ratio is crucial and the one percent less linen (from 10% to 9%) makes all the difference. The loose weaving makes the jeans very breathable and adds texture. It is an incredibly smooth fabric and thanks to the material, there is a natural stretch to it…
Graph Zero, another brand unknown — elaborate fabrics & quality unrivaled, read more:
…The concept itself, as the name Graph Zero (zero graph) indicates, expresses the desire of the makers to craft their product “from scratch”. They come up with a product idea and, thanks to the vertical production structure of Graph Zero, handle every step of the production themselves: weaving, dyeing, sewing.
As mentioned above, Graph Zero pays particular attention to creating denim that truly stands out of the crowd. They are incredibly nuanced, textured and patterned. We can’t recall having seen proprietary fabrics like this before. Graph Zero dare to do something truly different. You can hardly see similar types of denim from other brands.
The most recognizable and most unusual type of denim with the texture of herringbone twill. This material is not typical for the production of jeans. Graph Zero calls this fabric Sugi Ayaori. All the features of this denim will become more nuanced when the jeans are worn in. The weft has a gray tint. Two orange threads are woven into the selvedge ID. We would call this their flagship fabric!
Дополним хорошо известное новыми именами.
Мы знаем, что вам наверняка интересно разнообразие денима от ONI, винтажный стиль TCB, просые и базовые Japan Blue, вдохновлённые современным стилем Tanuki. Однако только этими брендами мы не ограничиваемся.
Пожалуй, нам стоит рассказать вам о некоторых производителях поподробнее.
Вот небольшая цитата о бренде COTTLE Почему эти вещи вам могут пригодиться в жизни:
…Зачастую вы можете столкнуться с брендами, которые развиваются между преданностью традициям и амбициями; Вам стоит познакомиться с COTTLE и понять, что это действительно необычный бренд, который может стать вашей униформой на каждый день.
их фирменный деним 12oz (CTL-3450) не похож ни на что другое. Здесь используется 91% хлопка и 9% льна. Если вы возьмёте в руки этот деним, вы будете удивлены. Он обладает мягкостью тканей ручной работы, комфортом, определённой элегантностью и характерным японским “ваби-саби”. Два типа сырьё, хлопок и лён, здесь скручены в одну нитку. Правильное соотношение делает такой деним именно тем, чем он является. Деним соткан с нитью без натяжения, это даёт неоднородность фактуры и позволяет такому материалу быть “дышащим”, что является важным в летнее время…
Graph Zero, еще один неизвестный бренд – непревзойденные ткани и качество, подробнее:
…Само понятие, как указывает название Graph Zero (нулевой график), выражает желание производителей создать свой продукт «с нуля». Они придумывают идею продукта и, воплощают её от начала до конца, уделяя внимание каждому этапу производства: ткачеству, крашению, шитью.
Как упоминалось выше, Graph Zero уделяет особое внимание созданию джинсовой ткани, которая действительно выделяется. Деним невероятно фактурный, имеющий своё неповторимое переплетение. Мы не можем вспомнить, чтобы видели такие виды денима ранее. Graph Zero стремится сделать что-то действительно выходящее из ряда вон, что абсолютно не имеет сходств с другими брендами.
Самый узнаваемый и самый необычный вид джинсовой ткани с фактурой herringbone twill. Этот материал не характерен для производства джинсов. Graph Zero называет эту ткань Sugi Ayaori. Все особенности этого денима станут более заметны, когда вы начнёте носить эти динсы. Уток имеет серый оттенок. Две оранжевые нити вплетены в идентификатор кромки. Мы бы назвали это их флагманской тканью!
เราเข้าใจดีว่าภายในตู้เสื้อผ้าของหลายท่านอาจเต็มไปด้วยยีนส์ผ้าแปลก ๆ จาก ONI, ยีนส์วินเทจ TCB, ยีนส์เรียบ ๆ แต่ดูดีอย่าง Japan Blue หรือยีนส์แนวสตรีทจาก Tanuki ที่กลายเป็นไอเท็มประจำวันของคุณไปแล้ว
นอกจากแบรนด์เหล่านี้ ยังมีแบรนด์อื่นอีกไหม?
เราลองมาอ่านข้อความสำคัญที่แสดงถึงความเป็นแบรนด์ COTTLE จนอาจทำให้คุณเปลี่ยนใจหันมาลองแบรนด์น้องใหม่คุณภาพดี
…ความทุ่มเทผ่านชิ้นงานหรือสินค้าเป็นจุดเด่นที่คุณเข้าถึงความพิเศษของสินค้าแบรนด์นั้น ๆ ได้ ซึ่งเหมือนกับ COTTLE ที่คุณกำลังจะได้ทราบว่าทำไมเสื้อผ้าของแบรนด์นี้ถึงมีความน่าสนใจและเป็นเสื้อผ้าที่ผู้ผลิตเน้นว่า everyday living เสื้อผ้าที่คุณสวมใส่ได้ทุกวัน!
ยกตัวอย่างยีนส์ซิกเนเจอร์ (CTL- 450) ขนาด 12 ออนซ์ของแบรนด์นี้ ซึ่งประกอบด้วยฝ้าย 91 % และลินิน 9% หากคุณได้ลองสัมผัสยีนส์รุ่นนี้แล้ว คุณจะต้องทึ่งในความนุ่มของเนื้อผ้าที่ทอด้วยมือ แฝงไปด้วยความสง่างามบางอย่าง และด้วยความที่ผ้ามีผิว nep (ขึ้นเม็ดบางส่วน) ตัวผ้ายังไม่สมบูรณ์ดี จึงต้องผ่านขั้นตอนให้ลงตัวที่เส้นด้าย ผ้าลินินและผ้าฝ้ายหยาบถูกบิดเป็นเกลียวเหลือเส้นเดียว อัตราส่วนที่เหมาะสมมีความสำคัญมาก ผ้าลินินมีสัดส่วนเหลือน้อยลงหนึ่งเปอร์เซ็นต์ (จาก 10% ถึง 9%) ก็สร้างความแตกต่างได้แล้ว การทอแบบหลวม ๆ ทำให้กางเกงยีนส์ระบายอากาศได้ดีและเพิ่มเนื้อสัมผัสทำให้ผ้าเรียบมากขึ้นอย่างไม่น่าเชื่อ ต้องยกความดีความชอบให้ผู้ผลิตที่เลือกใช้วัสดุมีคุณภาพ ใส่ใจทุกขั้นตอนการผลิต…
หลายคนอาจยังไม่ค่อยรู้จัก Graph Zero แบรนด์ใหม่ที่นำเสนอจุดเด่นเรื่องเนื้อผ้าและคุณภาพที่เหนือชั้นอย่างมาก
…คอนเซปต์ของแบรนด์กราฟซีโร่ (Graph Zero) เต็มเปี่ยมไปด้วยความปรารถนาของผู้ผลิตที่จะสร้างสรรค์ยีนส์จากเสน่ห์ของ “รอย scratch หรือรอยขาดของยีนส์” จากจุดเริ่มต้นของแนวคิดนี้ได้นำไปสู่การดูแลโครงสร้างไลน์การผลิตทั้งหมดเองตั้งแต่ต้น เริ่มจากกระบวนการทอผ้า การย้อมสีผ้า ไปจนถึงการถักทอผ้า
ตามที่ได้เกริ่นไปแล้วข้างต้นว่า Graph Zero ให้ความสนใจเป็นพิเศษกับความเป็นเอกลักษณ์ของผ้าเดนิม ขั้นตอนการทำผ้าเดนิมตั้งแต่ต้นจนจบจะดำเนินการโดยโรงงานทอผ้าภายใต้การควบคุมอย่างระมัดระวังของแบรนด์ ดังนั้นคุณแทบจะไม่เห็นยีนส์ประเภทเดียวกันจากแบรนด์อื่นเลย
ผ้าเดนิมที่เป็นที่รู้จักและแหวกแนวมากที่สุดของแบรนด์นี้คือ ผ้าที่มีพื้นผิวเป็นลายทแยงก้างปลา (herringbone twill) วัสดุดังกล่าวพบได้ในการผลิตเครื่องแต่งกาย แต่ไม่ได้เป็นเรื่องปกติสำหรับการผลิตกางเกงยีนส์ กราฟซีโร่เรียกผ้านี้ว่า “ซูกิ อายะโอริ” (Sugi Ayaori) เป็นผ้าที่มีรูปแฉกแนวตั้งซึ่งเป็นวัสดุชนิดที่ค่อนข้างพิเศษ คุณสมบัติทั้งหมดของผ้ายีนส์ประเภทนี้ คุณจะได้เห็นเมื่อสวมใส่ยีนส์ ในส่วนของด้ายพุ่งจะเป็นสีเทา และมีการใช้ด้ายสีส้มสองเส้นถักทอเป็นตะเข็บริมยีนส์ วัสดุประเภทนี้เป็นวัสดุกราฟซีโร่ซึ่งเป็นวัสดุพิเศษเฉพาะของแบรนด์!
Kami Tahu Putaran Jeans Anda.
Kami memahami beberapa pilihan pakaian Anda: fabrik dari ONI, TCB vintaj, Japan Blue yang ringkas dan kasual, dan Tanuki yang diilhamkan pakaian streetwear akan selalu menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk seluar jeans harian Anda.
Tetapi pernahkah Anda terfikir – adakah jeans lain selain ini?
Oh, yes. Yes, ada.
Berikut adalah quote kecil mengenai COTTLE dan mengapa Anda memerlukannya dalam hidup Anda:
…Namun, sesekali Anda menemui jenama yang penuh dengan kualiti, dedikasi, dan ide; Anda tahu bahawa mereka istimewa. Biarkan kami memperkenalkan Anda kepada COTTLE dan mengapa mereka lebih menarik perhatian Anda dan mungkin akan menjadi pakaian utama Anda untuk kehidupan seharian.
Pada 12 oz, denim khas mereka (CTL-3450) betul-betul istimewa. Kain terdiri daripada 91% kapas dan 9% linen. Sekiranya Anda menyentuh denim mereka, Anda akan terkejut. Kain mempunyai kelembutan kain tenunan tangan, keanggunan tertentu, dan dengan semua nep masuk ke permukaan kain, slubby ini. Semuanya dari benang: Linen dan kapas neppy dipintal menjadi satu utas. Nisbah yang betul adalah penting dan satu peratus kurang linen (dari 10% hingga 9%) membuat semua perbezaan. Tenunan yang longgar menjadikan seluar jeans sangat bernafas dan menambah tekstur. Ini adalah kain yang sangat halus dan berkat bahannya, terdapat peregangan semula jadi…
Graph Zero, jenama lain yang tidak diketahui – fabrik & kualiti yang rumit tiada tandingannya, baca lebih lanjut:
…Konsep itu sendiri, seperti namanya Graph Zero menunjukkan keinginan para pembuat untuk membuat produk mereka “dari awal”. Mereka menghasilkan idea dan, berkat struktur kilang Graph Zero, menangani setiap langkah pengeluaran itu sendiri: menenun, mewarnai, menjahit.
Seperti yang disebutkan di atas, Graph Zero memberi perhatian khusus untuk membuat denim yang benar-benar menonjol dari orang banyak. Mereka sangat bernuansa, bertekstur dan bercorak. Kami tidak ingat pernah melihat kain eksklusif seperti ini sebelumnya. Graph Zero berani melakukan sesuatu yang sangat berbeza. Anda hampir tidak dapat melihat jenis denim yang serupa dari jenama lain.
Jenis denim yang paling dikenali dan paling tidak biasa dengan tekstur herringbone twill. Bahan ini tidak khas untuk pengeluaran seluar jeans. Graph Zero memanggil kain ini Sugi Ayaori. Semua ciri denim ini akan menjadi lebih bernuansa ketika seluar jeans dipakai. Pakannya mempunyai warna kelabu. Dua utas oren ditenun ke dalam selvedge ID. Kain unggulan mereka!
모두의 필수 아이템.
요즘 모두들 찾는 것들이 있습니다. ONI 의 원단, 빈티지한 TCB, 심플하고 캐주얼한 재팬 블루 (Japan Blue), 그리고 스트리트웨어에서 영감을 받은 타누키 (Tanuki) 가 그중 포함 되어 있지요.
하지만 이 외에 다른 브랜드들이 있다는 것을 아셨나요?
밑에 글귀를 읽으시면 왜 코틀이 특별한지 알게 될겁니다:
…하지만, 때때로 품질, 헌신, 그리고 야망으로 가득 찬 새로운 브랜드가 등장합니다. 보는 순간 이 브랜드가 특별하다는 것을 느끼게 됩니다. 코틀 (COTTLE)에 대해 소개를 드리겠습니다. 이 브랜드가 왜 우리의 관심을 사로잡을만하고 조만간 일상속에 필수인 브랜드가 될지 설명 드리겠습니다.
12oz 무게의 시그니처 데님이 (CTL-3450)이 바로 그 역할을 하는데 면 91% 와 리넨 9 %로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 데님을 만지면 놀라게 될 겁니다. 손으로 짠 직물의 부드러움과 일정한 우아함을 가지고 있지만, 많은 넵이 불완전한 느낌을 줍니다. 이것은 네피한 린넨과 면이 단일 실로 꼬여 있는 덕분입니다. 올바른 비율이 매우 중요한데, 단 1% 적은 리넨 (10%에서 9%로 감소)이 모든 차이를 만듭니다. 느슨한 직조는 청바지를 매우 통기성이 좋게 만들고 질감을 더합니다. 그리고 소재의 특성 때문에 원단이 엄청나게 매끄럽고 자연스럽게 늘어납니다.
그래프 제로 또한 덜 알려져 있는 브랜드중 하나입니다 — 그들의 정교한 원단과 독보적인 퀄리티에 대해 더 읽어보세요:
그래프 제로 (Graph Zero) 라는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이, 이 브랜드는 “맨 처음부터” 제품을 제작하려는 제조업체의 사고방식을 표연합니다. 그들은 제품 아이디어를 내놓고 수직 생산 구조 덕분에 직조, 염색, 그리고 재봉과 같은 모든 단계를 처리합니다.
위에서 말했던것처럼, 그래프 제로는 독특한 데님을 만드는 데에 신경을 많이 씁니다. 그들의 제품에는 뉘앙스가 있고, 질감이 두드러지며, 고유 무늬 또한 존재합니다. 저희도 이런 원단은 본 적이 없습니다. 그래프 제로는 모두와 다른 도전을 하는것을 추구하는 덕분에 다른 브랜드에서 보기 드문 데님을 많이 만날 수 있습니다.
이중 가장 잘 알려져 있으면서 특이한 데님은 헤링본 트윌의 텍스쳐를 가진 데님 입니다. 이 소재는 데님 생산에 흔히 쓰이지 않습니다. 그래프 제로는 이 원단을 Sugi Ayaori라고 하는데요, 입을수록 고유의 텍스쳐가 살아나는 데님입니다. 데님 안쪽은 회색빛이 돌고 셀비지 ID 에는 두개의 주황색 실이 엮어있습니다.
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