[:en]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:id]ONI punya tempat spesial di jiwa indigo kita, brand lawas yang sudah menciptakan jeans, jaket, dan kemeja terbaik yang pernah kami lihat. Bisa dikatakan tanpa brand ini, sejarah denim Jepang bisa dibilang tidak nyata.
Jeans ONI berbeda dari jeans dari negara belahan barat dan juga berbeda dari gaya repro old school Jepang. Disini, keunikan denim benar-benar ditonjolkan, tekstur yang dihasilkan dari pengrajin, jarang ditemui di denim lain, metode khusus yang digunakan untuk pewarnaan dan penjahitan fabrik, dan tentu saja, transformasi alami pewarna indigo (fade jeans ONI tidak bisa dibandingkan denim lain). Di saat yang sama, jeans ONI denim jarang memiliki penjelasan lebih, fokus lebih pada pemilik jeans denim itu – ‘feel’ dari pemakai jeans ONI.
Oishi-San, pencipta brand ONI, pernah mengatakan ketika melihat batch denim yang baru saja selesai ditenun: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, setan nakal dalam mitologi Jepang untuk brand ini. Ini titik asal mula konsep ONI Denim – jeans yang tidak lazim, kasar dan slubby, yang nyaman dipakai di saat yang sama.
Blog kami kali ini fokus pada rilis terbaru ONI Denim. Kombinasi terbaru dari cut favorit dengan denim terbaik.
Untuk kalian yang mengikuti ONI Denim selama ini, mungkin sudah tahu model 546. Ini merupakan salah satu cut yang paling terkenal dari brand revolusioner ini.
Cut 546 dengan bagian lutut ke bawah pas pada kaki yang ketat (tapi tidak terlalu sempit), lebar normal pada paha bagian atas, dan taper ringan dari lutut ke bawah.
Model 546 ini juga memiliki rise yang low. Ingat, karena ini low rise, model ini jatuh pada bagian terlebar pinggang, lebih baik memilih ukuran yang lebih besar – hanya rekomendasi kami. Fit jeans tergantung kalian – beberapa menyukai jeans yang lebih longgar, ada juga yang menyukai ketat. Sangat subjektif dan keindahan cut ini ada pada kemudahan padu-padannya pula.
Kami merekomendasikan style ini untuk kalian yang menginginkan fit modern slim yang seimbang tanpa taper yang berlebihan dan bagian paha yang terlalu lebar. Cut ini bisa dipakai dengan segala pakaian – bisa kamu kombinasikan untuk acara formal atau kemeja simpel untuk style yang lebih kasual: jaket denim, kemeja, hoodies, sweatshirt, jaket sport, boots, sneakers – apapun.
Denim ini berhak memiliki penjelasan tersendiri. Dalam post blog sebelumnya, kita membicarakan tentang denim Aizumi, dengan berat 16 oz cut 622 ONI. Satu lagi kabar baik untuk kalian: ONI merilis AIZUMI denim dengan cut 546!
Aizumi berkarakter dengan kepadatan yang lebih daripada pada ONI biasanya – menghasilkan jeans yang bisa kamu pakai untuk musim apapun. Kepadatan ini memberi tekstur terbaik untuk bebas bergaya.
Denim ini ditenun dari campuran beberapa macam katun dengan panjang staple yang umum. Tensi rendah pada mesin untuk menenun fabrik ini – tekstur Aizumi memiliki ‘natural loom shatter’, menghasilkan tekstur slubby yang ringan. Denim ini tidak memiliki tekstur slubby yang berlebihan seperti, contohnya, Secret Denim (ZR). Tapi, fabrik ini masih memiliki karakter yang fuzzy dan hairy.
Fitur utama Aizumi ada pada warnanya yang unik. Benang warpnya diwarna dengan teknik rope-dye seperti jeans klasik pada umumnya. Tapi, teknik pewarnaan menggabungkan warna tradisional indigo dengan tinta hitam. Ketika kamu pertama memiliki jeans ini, kamu akan melihat bahwa jeans ini memiliki warna yang tidak bisa dijelaskan: di bawah sinar matahari, kamu akan melihat warna indigo yang mendalam. Di bawah sinar lampu, lebih mendekati hitam. Warnanya sangat unik dan dengan cost yang tinggi juga.
Fades nya benar-benar beda dari yang lain, di masa-masa awal, warna indigo terang akan muncul dan di saat yang sama, hitam akan fade ke tone yang lebih keabuan, menghasilkan fade dengan berbagai warna.
Dan juga, benang merah terang dijahit ke dalam selvedge ID, memberikan edge unik pada jeans – kontras tepat tidak berlebihan.
Patch dibuat dari kulit rusa, dengan warna coklat kulit matang. Warnanya lebih gelap karena kulit rusa dicat dengan tangan. Seperti biasanya, lambang setan ONI menarik banyak perhatian. Dengan teknik pengecatan manual pada patch kulit menunjukkan proses pembuatan rumit dan panjang produsen.
Kantong belakang cut ini termasuk luas untuk smartphone modern – sangat praktis. Arc spesialnya, yang ONI sebut sebagai “arc sang iblis”, dijahit pada kantong belakang.
Sudut atas kantong belakang dilengkapi dengan rivets tersembunyi, sebagai bukti konstruksi produk yang teliti. Detail seperti ini terkadang tidak diperhatikan tapi sebenarnya menambah rasa vintage terbaik untuk keseluruhan konstruksi jeans. Pada spot-spot ini, fading akan pertama terlihat. Hardware diproduksi oleh Universal.
Jeans ini dijahit dengan benang bernuansa warna kombinasi jahe dan lemon, yang membuat kontras warna indah dari gelapnya warna denim Aizumi. ONI selalu memilih kombinasi warna benang untuk setiap jeansnya.
Loop sabuk, tentu yang diharapkan dari ONI, slim dan raised. Kancing donut ONI sebagai pengingat untuk era 40an – branding pada kancing dan rivets sangat mendetail. Untuk saat ini, semua kancing Oni memiliki kata “ONI International”. Karena ini jeans low-rise, desain empat kancing (termasuk kancing pada pinggang) memberikan kenyamanan lebih.
Ujung-ujung kantong depan diperkuat dengan rivet tembaga, dibuat dengan gaya vintage. Bila kamu melihat jauh ke dalam kantong koin, jahitan selvedge ID bisa kamu temukan tersembunyi di dalamnya. Ini tribut ONI untuk sejarah, inilah cara kantong koin dibuat hingga tahun 60an.
Kantong depan bergaris dengan twill hitam tahan lama, sangat kuat, dan cukup besar untuk membawa smartphone besar. Kantong seperti ini akan nyaman pula bagi mereka yang memiliki telapak tangan lebar.
Ujung jeans di-hem dengan jahitan chain stitch, terlihat ada roping (efek rope) – berkesan saat jeans mulai fading.
Konstruksi jeans ini benar-benar mendetail dan memiliki perhitungan teliti, sesuai dengan standar jeans berkualitas tinggi buatan Jepang. Perhatiannya pada detail sangat tinggi dan para pengrajin yang memotong dan menjahit denim ini benar-benar mengetahui apa yang mereka lakukan. Jahitannya sangat teliti dan jeans seperti ini akan tahan sangat lama.
Jahitannya memiliki ketelitian tinggi yang serasi dengan konstruksi jeans secara sempurna, kombinasi harmonis gaya modern dan vintage.
ONI 546 AIZUMI adalah salah satu jeans yang ditunggu dari ONI. Cut 546 merupakan salah satu cut paling dicari denimhead dan terkenal untuk Secret Denim ONI legendaris (dan yes, kami telah merestok ONI-546ZR juga bila kalian kehabisan kemarin). Bagi kalian yang terobsesi dengan cut ini, take now or regret later! Fabrik AIZUMI termasuk fabrik yang baru tapi berhasil menarik perhatian dunia denim. Warnanya benar-benar unik dan fabrik memiliki slub yang cukup fuzzy dan berkarakter untuk para denimhead ekstrim.
Cut ini tidak akan pernah hilang dari tren. Cut yang sempurna untuk denim yang paling menarik yang pernah kami temui. Kami juga yakin, kalian pasti tidak sabar untuk ‘break in’ dalam satu pair dan memulai fading.
Enjoy shopping![:zh]ONI在丹寧迷的心中永遠擁有一個特殊的地位,Oni陪伴我們走過很多年頭,且開發了許多令人驚艷的牛仔褲、夾克、甚至襯衫。可以肯定地說,沒有這個品牌,日本牛仔褲的歷史將是不完整的。
ONI不同於歐美牛仔褲以及經典的日本repro復古牛仔褲,整體重點著重於牛仔布的獨特性,其與眾不同的,是手工製造的質地、特殊的染色和編織方法,以及靛藍顏色的自然變化(ONI牛仔褲的色落就是和其他品牌有所不同)。同時,ONI Denim牛仔褲的區別性就在於一些細節之處,也就是為了讓所有著用者的注意力都放在牛仔布本身。
ONI品牌的創建者Oishi-San曾經在瞥了一眼剛編織的牛仔布後便大聲叫喊:「沒錯,這種牛仔面料不均勻的感覺就如同魔鬼一樣難以捉摸!」日本神話中的惡魔ONI便給了他一個想法—品牌名稱。這是Oni Denim概念的起點—帶有特別的、粗糙感的粗斜紋牛仔布,但著感卻又極為舒適。
今天我們的故事將是關於新的ONI Denim款式—受人喜愛的剪裁和出色的牛仔布的全新結合,以下就讓我們開始介紹吧!
ONI-546 Aizumi 16OZ
一直在關注ONI Denim的人可能早已知道546型,這是該品牌最受歡迎的款式之一,我們很高興能夠結合革命性的牛仔布呈現給丹寧迷們。
這個牛仔布值得好好介紹一番。在較早的博客中,我們談到了Aizumi Denim,它以16oz的磅數使用在Oni-622的剪裁上。而這次我們為您帶來好消息:ONI結合了546型的剪裁和Aizumi牛仔布!
這種牛仔布是由長短纖維混紡而成,且織機採用低張力編織。Aizumi牛仔布的質地具有自然的織機破碎感,也許可以稱之為“輕竹節感”。這款牛仔布並沒有的明顯的竹節質感,例如鬼秘系列(Secret Denim/ZR系列)。而這種織物仍然具有略為模糊和多毛的表面、滲入每根線的特徵。
皮帶環則是正如ONI過往呈現,為細長和凸起的設計。Oni的甜甜圈扣是向1940年代致敬,鈕扣和鉚釘上的商標精美的程度值得您細細品味。順帶一提,現在ONI Denim的所有鈕扣均以“O.N.International”為商標。由於這是低腰牛仔褲,因此四鈕扣的設計(包括腰部鈕扣),是一個最佳的選擇,並且使牛仔褲的著感更加舒適(相信我們,一個鈕扣會帶來很大的不同)。
ONI-546 Aizumi是Oni系列中備受期待的新成員,546剪裁絕對會令人滿意,並將在Oni的傳奇鬼祕丹寧系列中大放異彩(是的,如果您上次錯過了,ONI-546ZR現在也已補貨!)。 對於喜歡這類型剪裁的丹寧迷們,您一定會喜歡這款牛仔褲。Aizumi雖然是較新推出的面料,但已經風靡丹寧世界。 這是一種真正獨特的顏色,且面料具有足夠的竹節感和絨毛感,甚至可以滿足的終極丹寧鑑賞家的要求。
盡情享受選購546 Aizumi吧!
[:de]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:es]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:fr]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:it]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:pt]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:ru]Бренд Oni Denim является одним из самых интересных для нас. Можно с уверенностью сказать, что без этого производителя история японского денима, как явления была бы неполной.
Джинсы от Oni отличаются, как от западных джинсов, так и классического японского репро старой школы. Здесь весь акцент сделан на уникальность и неповторимость денима, его необычную почти рукотворную фактуру, способы окрашивания и ткачества, и, разумеется на естественную трансформацию цвета индиго (фейдинг джинсов Oni не похож ни на какой другой). При этом джинсы Oni Denim подчёркнуто лаконичны в деталях, именно для того, чтобы сфокусировать всё внимание обладателя на самом дениме.
Когда-то создатель бренда Oni, Oishi-San воскликнул, взглянув на только что сотканную партию денима для своих джинсов: “Да этот деним неровный как сам дьявол!” Это и послужило отправной точкой для создания концепции Oni Denim – джинсов с необычным, нарочито грубым slubby денимом, который в то же время исключительно комфортен в использовании. Бренд сочетает в себе суровую харизму, изменчивость и таинственность, именно такие черты были присущи персонажам японской мифологии демонам-oni.
Наш сегодняшний рассказ будет о новинке Oni Denim. По крайней мере сочетание именно такого фасона с именно таким денимом вы ещё не видели. Итак начнём.
Oni-546 Aizumi 16OZ
Те, кто из вас давно следит за продукцией Oni Denim наверняка знают 546 модель. Это один из самых популярных фасонов данного бренда, который мы рады представить в нетипичном для него стиле денима.
Модель 546 имеет сравнительно узкий крой штанины (но не экстремально узкий), среднюю умеренную ширину в верхней части бедра и совсем небольшой конус от колена.
Также для 546 модели характерна невысокая посадка. Имейте в виду, что чем ниже front rise ваших джинсов, тем большая ширина waist вам может потребоваться. Поэтому данную модель некоторые предпочитают носить в большем размере по тегу, чем некоторые другие джинсы. Однако, это лишь одна из рекомендаций. Посадка любых джинсов зависит от личного предпочтения – кто-то предпочитает носить джинсы более свободно, а кто-то с более тугой посадкой.
Фасон Oni-546 можно рекомендовать тем, кто предпочитает гармоничный современный слим-фит без экстремального сужения штанины и без очень широкого бедра. Как правило это хорошо выглядит на стройной стандартной фигуре. Джинсы хорошо комбинируются с любой современной одеждой и обувью: джинсовые куртки, рубашки, худи, свитшоты, спортивные технологичные куртки, ботинки, кроссовки, да что угодно!
Об этом типе денима стоит упомянуть особо. Ранее мы уже рассказывали об Aizumi Denim 16OZ на примере модели Oni-622. Сочетается такой деним с 546 моделью впервые и это действительно отличная новость!
Для денима Aizumi характерна плотность чуть более средней (16OZ). Вполне можно назвать эти джинсы универсальными. Такая плотность одновременно позволяет получить красивую фактуру и в тоже время эти джинсы можно носить в любое время года.
Ткётся такой деним из микса сортов хлопка со средней длинной штапеля. Используется небольшое натяжение нитей на ткацком станке (low tension). Фактура денима Aizumi обладает естественной неоднородностью. Пожалуй это можно назвать лёгким slubby. Этот деним не имеет супер выраженной ultra slubby фактуры, как, например у Secret Denim (ZR). Тактильно этот деним достаточно мягок и комфортен.
Основной особенностью Aizumi является очень необычный цвет. Нити основы окрашены канатным способом (rope dyeing), как и у большинства классических джинсов. Однако здесь сочетается традиционный цвет индиго и чёрный цвет. Поэтому когда вы впервые берёте в руки эти джинсы, вы можете заметить, что это очень необычный оттенок, при ярком солнечном свете вы видите насыщенный цвет индиго, при искусственном освещении такой цвет будет близок к чёрному (однако Aizumi не является именно чёрным.
Фейдинг такого денима будет развиваться достаточно плавно, сначала будет проявляться красивый яркий цвет индиго, затем места потёртостей будут постепенно светлеть.
В селвидж такого денима вплетена яркая красная нить, которая очень контрастно выделяется на тёмном фоне. Такой деним вы вряд ли спутаете с каким-либо ещё
Как уже было сказано выше, Oni Denim для своих джинсов используют классический набор деталей, целиком фокусируясь на ткани. Ниже перечислим основные детали джинсов.
Патч выполнен из оленьей тонкой кожи, окрашенной в коричневый цвет. Цвет может иметь неоднородный оттенок, потому что предварительно листы кожи окрашиваются вручную. На патче изображена голова демона Oni. Такой тщательный подход с использованием ручного окрашивания кожи безусловно говорит о тщательной и кропотливой работе производителя
Задние карманы джинсов Oni достаточно большие, в них вполне умещаются большинство современных смартфонов. Карманы широкие ими удобно пользоваться людям с различной шириной ладони. На кармане вышита яркой нитью арка в виде “дуги демона”. У этой модели арка выполнена классическим способом, контрастной нитью.
Верхние углы задних карманов усилены скрытыми заклёпками, что говорит о тщательно проработанной конструкции. В этих местах фейдинг будет проявляться в самую первую очередь. Используется фурнитура производства Universal.
Джинсы прошиты классическим сочетанием рыжей и лимонной нитей. Это хорошо контрастирует с общим тёмным цветом Aizumi denim. Выглядит эффектно и красиво.
Шлёвки сделаны достаточно узкими и слегка выпуклыми. Это характерный стиль почти всех джинсов Oni. Такой вариант шлёвок выглядит изящно и узнаваемо именно для продуктов этой марки.
Пуговицы выполнены в стиле donut button, что имеет отсылку к 40-м годам. На данный момент все пуговицы Oni Denim имеют брендинг в виде надписи O.N.International. Поскольку это джинсы с низкой посадкой, конструкция с четырьмя пуговицами (включая пуговицу на поясе) выглядит вполне логичной и удобной.
Углы передних карманов усилены медными заклёпками, которые выполнены в винтажном стиле.В край монетного кармашка вплетена всё та же яркая красная нить. Это дань уважения истории (таким способом монетный кармашек делался на старинных джинсах до 60-х годов).
Мешковина Передних карманов сделана из прочного светлого материала. Глубины передних карманов также достаточно для ношения современных девайсов и EDC. Здесь также нет проблем для людей с широкими ладонями.
Край джинсов подшит цепным стежком, присутствует заметный роупинг (канатный эффект). Который по мере проявления фейдинга на джинсах будет выглядеть очень эффектно.
Конструкция джинсов выглядит продуманной и качественной. Швы тщательно обработаны, все детали на своём месте и это действительно очень качественные и удобные современные джинсы, в которых гармонично сочетается современная и винтажная стилистика.
Модель Oni-546 Aizumi можно назвать достаточно интересным обновлением классической модели 546, которую чаще всего любители марки могли видеть в Secret Denim 20OZ и ещё реже в Kabuki Vedge denim 22OZ . Если вы любите этот фасон, то это отличный повод получить пару таких джинсов в совершенно другом варианте денима. А если вы поклонник Aizumi denim, то есть отличный шанс попробовать фасон, который еще никогда не использовался с таким денимом. Поверьте, в любом случае вы получите эстетическое наслаждение денимом, а также комфорт и удобство.
Мы практически уверены, что эти джинсы не оставят вас равнодушными, как только вы откроете долгожданную посылку из Denimio.
Удачных покупок![:th]ONI มักจะเป็นที่หนึ่งในหัวใจสีอินดิโก้ของเราเสมอ แบรนด์ ONI ร่วมงานกับเรามานานและเราก็ได้ร่วมกันพัฒนาแบบกางเกงยีนส์ แจ็กเก็ตและเสื้อเชิ้ตด้วย เรากล้าบอกได้เลยว่า ตำนานเดนิมญี่ปุ่นจะไม่สมบูรณ์แบบถ้าขาดแบรนด์นี้ไป
กางเกงยีนส์ ONI แตกต่างจากกางเกงยีนส์ตะวันตก พอกันกับยีนส์แนวโอลด์สคูลญี่ปุ่นแบบคลาสสิก ความสำคัญทั้งหมดเน้นไปที่ความเป็นเอกลักษณ์ของผ้ายีนส์ เนื้อผ้าที่ไม่ธรรมดา แทบจะเหมือนงานทำด้วยมือทั้งหมด ทั้งในการย้อมและการทอผ้า ซึ่งแน่นอนว่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงตามธรรมชาติของสีครามอินดิโก้ (กางเกงยีนส์ Oni เฟดสีได้ขั้นเทพมากกว่ายีนส์แบรนด์อื่น ๆ) ในขณะเดียวกันเรื่องดีเทลของ Oni Denim นั้นไม่เยอะจนเกินไป แต่ดูดีอย่างเห็นได้ชัดก็เพื่อเน้นให้ผู้ใส่ดูดีด้วยดีเทลที่ไม่บดบังลุคของผู้ใส่นั่นเอง
โออิชิซัง (Oishi-San) ผู้สร้างแบรนด์ Oni ยังร้องอุทานเมื่อมองดูผ้าเดนิมยีนส์เซตใหม่ของเขาเอง ซึ่งยีนส์นี้เป็นเหมือนตัวแทนด้านมืดในตัวเขาเอง! คำว่า ONI หมายถึง ปีศาจร้ายในตำนานญี่ปุ่น ดังนั้นเขาจึงใช้คำนี้ตั้งเป็นชื่อแบรนด์และนี่คือจุดเริ่มต้นของแนวคิด Oni Denim ซึ่งเป็นกางเกงยีนส์ที่ไม่ซ้ำใคร เนื้อยีนส์มีความ slubby หยาบ แต่กลับสวมใส่สบาย
และต่อจากนี้จะเป็นเรื่องราวการปล่อยไอเท็มของ ONI Denim ซึ่งเป็นการผสมผสานการตัดเย็บแบบใหม่เข้ากับผ้ายีนส์เท่ขั้นเทพ ถ้าพร้อมแล้ว เรามาเริ่มกันเลย
Oni-546 Aizumi 16 ออนซ์
สำหรับคนที่ติดตาม Oni Denim มานาน อาจรู้จักรุ่น 546 กันบ้างแล้ว เพราะรุ่นนี้คือหนึ่งในรุ่นยอดฮิตมากที่สุด ซึ่งเรารู้สึกยินดีที่จะได้นำเสนอยีนส์รูปโฉมใหม่ให้คุณได้รู้จักมากขึ้นไปอีก
การตัดเย็บยีนส์รุ่น 546 มีฟีเจอร์ทรงขาแคบ (แต่ไม่แคบเกินไป) ความกว้างช่วงต้นขาปานกลาง ช่วงเข่าแคบเข้าเล็กน้อย
ยีนส์รุ่น 546 โดดเด่นด้วยดีไซน์เอวต่ำ สัดส่วนช่วงรอบเอวจะกว้างที่สุด ดังนั้นคุณควรสั่งไซส์ที่ใหญ่กว่าปกติเล็กน้อย อย่างไรก็ตามนี่เป็นเพียงข้อเสนอแนะจากเรา เพราะเรื่องความพอดีในการสวมใส่ยีนส์ของแต่ละบุคคลไม่เหมือนกัน บางคนชอบใส่ยีนส์ที่ไม่รัดเกินไป บางคนอาจชอบใส่แบบกระชับพอดี ใครชอบแบบไหนก็รีบจัดไปใส่เลยก่อนสินค้าจะหมดสต็อกซะก่อน
เราขอแนะนำสไตล์นี้ให้กับทุกคนที่ต้องการความกระชับตัวแบบโมเดิร์นสลิมฟิต โดยไม่รัดติ้วเกินและช่วงต้นขาไม่ได้กว้างมากจนดูหลวมโคล่ง ดีไซน์การตัดเย็บรุ่นนี้ใส่ยังไงก็สวยมาก จะใส่มิกซ์กับเสื้อผ้าชิ้นอื่นก็เข้ากัน หากต้องการแจ่งลุคทางการหน่อย ก็อาจจะเพิ่มเสื้อผ้าแนว workwear ที่มีเท็กซ์เจอร์ไม่เรียบเกินไป อย่างเช่น แจ็กเก็ตยีนส์, เสื้อเชิ้ต, เสื้อฮู้ด, เสื้อกันหนาวกึ่งเชิ้ต, แจ็กเก็ตแนวสปอร์ต, รองเท้าบูทหรือรองเท้าผ้าใบก็ได้ แพทเทิร์นการตัดเย็บของรุ่นนี้จะไม่ทำให้คุณผิดหวังแน่นอน!
เราขอบอกว่า ยีนส์รุ่นนี้คุ้มค่าเกินคำบรรยายจริง ๆ ในบล็อกก่อนหน้านี้ เราเคยกล่าวถึงยีนส์ Aizumi ผ้า 16 ออนซ์ที่นำมาตัดเย็บใช้กับรุ่น Oni-622 ซึ่งข่าวดีสำหรับทุกคนก็คือ ตอนนี้ ONI ใช้ผ้าเดนิม AIZUMI กับรุ่น 546 ด้วย!
ผ้าเดนิม Aizumi มีความหนาแน่นโดยเฉลี่ยมากกว่าปกติเล็กน้อยถ้าเทียบกับผ้าชนิดอื่นที่แบรนด์เคยผลิตมา ซึ่งทำให้คุณสามารถสวมใส่ยีนส์ได้สวยมากในทุกฤดูกาล ความหนาแน่นของเนื้อผ้านี้ยังทำให้คุณได้เท็กซ์เจอร์ยีนส์ที่สวยงามไปอีกด้วย
ยีนส์รุ่นนี้ผลิตจากฝ้ายผสมกับวัตถุดิบหลักที่มีความยาวปานกลาง ทอด้วยเครื่องทอผ้าแรงตึงผิวผ้าต่ำ เท็กซ์เจอร์ของผ้ายีนส์ Aizumi มีการทอผ้าที่เป็นธรรมชาติ บางทีนี่อาจเรียกได้ว่า “slubby เบา ๆ” เพราะไม่มีเท็กซ์เจอร์ slubby ที่เด่นชัดมากนัก ตัวอย่างเช่น ผ้า Secret Denim (ZR) อย่างไรก็ตามผ้ายีนส์นี้ยังคงมีลักษณะเป็น oozes ทุกเส้นด้ายที่ทอมีเท็กซ์เจอร์เป็นขนด้านบนทั้งหมด
ฟีเจอร์หลักของ Aizumi คือ สีที่แปลกตามาก ด้ายยืนเป็นเชือกย้อมเหมือนกางเกงยีนส์สุดคลาสสิก อย่างไรก็ตามยังมีสีครามดั้งเดิมกับหมึกสีดำอยู่ด้วย ดังนั้นเมื่อคุณเห็นยีนส์รุ่นนี้เป็นครั้งแรก อาจสังเกตเห็นว่ากางเกงยีนส์มีเฉดสีที่ไม่ธรรมดาเลยทีเดียว เวลาใส่ออกแดดจ้า ๆ คุณจะเห็นสีครามค่อนข้างมาก แต่ถ้าใส่อยู่ท่ามกลางแสงไฟ สียีนส์จะออกสีดำ ซึ่งเป็นสีที่มีเอกลักษณ์อย่างแท้จริงและทางแบรนด์ได้ใช้ต้นทุนการผลิตค่อนข้างสูง
ในเรื่องการเฟดสีก็ยิ่งไม่ธรรมดา ตอนแรกจะยังคงมีเฉดสีครามโทนสว่าง ส่วนที่เป็นสีดำจะค่อย ๆ เฟดเป็นโทนสีเทา ซึ่งถือว่ารุ่นนี้มีความหลากหลายของเฉดสีที่เฟดอย่างมาก
และสิ่งที่พิเศษไปกว่านั้นคือ ด้ายสีแดงอ่อนที่ถักทอเข้าไปใน selvedge ID ทำให้ได้ริมยีนส์ที่คมชัด ซึ่งเป็นการผสมผสานสีได้ลงตัว ไม่ฉูดฉาดเกินไปด้วย
ป้ายแพทช์ที่ทำจากหนังกวาง เฉดสีน้ำตาลแทน ๆ แต่จะเปลี่ยนเป็นสีน้ำตาลเข้มขึ้นเมื่อผ่านการใช้งานหรือสัมผัสบริเวณนั้นบ่อยครั้ง และเช่นเคยที่ ONI มีขั้นตอนการผลิตที่ละเมียดละไมโดยใช้การย้อมสีผ้ายีนส์ด้วยมือ สะท้อนให้เห็นการทำงานที่ละเอียดและเต็มเปี่ยมไปด้วยคุณภาพ
ดีไซน์การตัดเย็บกระเป๋าหลังมีขนาดกว้างพอที่จะใส่สมาร์ทโฟนรุ่นใหม่ได้ ส่วนโค้งของ arc ที่เป็นซิกเนเจอร์ ซึ่งแบรนด์ ONI เรียกว่า“arc ปีศาจ” ถูกปักลงบนกระเป๋าหลังเหล่านี้ด้วย
บริเวณมุมด้านบนของกระเป๋าหลังมีหมุดตอกยึดไว้อยู่เพื่อความทนทาน ยืดอายุการใช้งานไม่ให้ขาดง่าย ส่วนนี้เป็นดีเทลดี ๆ ช่วยเพิ่มความรู้สึกวินเทจให้กับกางเกงยีนส์โดยภาพรวมที่มักจะไม่มีใครสังเกตเห็นและจุดนี่เองจะเฟดเร็วกว่าบริเวณอื่นอย่างเห็นได้ชัด ตัวหมุดกระเป๋าหลังปั๊ม Universal อัพดีกรีความเท่ของยีนส์ไปอีก!
กางเกงยีนส์เย็บด้วยการผสมผสานสีด้ายที่ลงตัวที่ ONI เรียกว่าสีขิงและสีมะนาว
ซึ่งตัดกันกับสีเนื้อผ้ายีนส์ Aizumi เข้ม ๆONI มักจะใช้สีสันของด้ายที่สะดุดรวมถึงยีนส์รุ่นนี้ด้วย!
บริเวณห่วงสอดเข็มขัดของ ONI ก็จะเป็นแบบที่เราคุ้นตาคือ ดีไซน์บางสลิมและยกสูง ส่วนกระดุมโดนัทของ ONI เป็นสไตล์ยุค 1940 พร้อมสลักชื่อแบรนด์ลงไปบนกระดุมและหมุดยึดด้วยซึ่งตอนนี้ Oni Denim ใช้ชื่อที่สลักว่า “O.N.International”
ด้วยความที่ดีไซน์รุ่นนี้เป็นยีนส์ทรงเอวต่ำจึงใช้กระดุมจำนวน 4 เม็ด (รวมกระดุมเอว) เป็นตัวเลือกที่สมเหตุสมผลแล้วว่าทำไมถึงสวมใส่ได้สบาย (เชื่อเราเถอะว่า แค่ดีเทลเรื่องกระดุมเพียงเม็ดเดียวก็เปลี่ยนความรู้สึกได้จริง ๆ)
บริเวณมุมของกระเป๋าหน้าก็ตอกยึดด้วยหมุดทองแดงซึ่งเป็นแนววินเทจ เมื่อมองไปในกระเป๋าใส่เหรียญ คุณจะพบ selvedge ID สีแดงแบบเดียวกับริมยีนส์ขากางเกงซ่อนด้านในนั้นด้วย ดีไซน์นี้ตอกย้ำประวัติศาสตร์ยีนส์ในอดีตได้กระแทกใจคนรักยีนส์มาก เนื่องจากกระเป๋าเหรียญของยีนส์ยุคเก่าจนถึงยุค 60 ก็ถูกดีไซน์แบบนี้เช่นกัน
ตัวกระเป๋าหน้ามีซับในเป็นผ้าทวิลที่แข็งแรงทนทานมาก และมีขนาดใหญ่พอที่จะใส่สมาร์ทโฟนทรงใหญ่ ๆ ได้ด้วย
โครงสร้างของกางเกงยีนส์รุ่นนี้มีความโดดเด่นตามที่หลายคนคาดหวังเรื่องมาตรฐานคุณภาพสูงตามแบบฉบับของยีนส์ที่ขึ้นชื่อว่า made in Japan การใส่ใจในรายละเอียดของแบรนด์นี้ไม่เป็นสองรองใครและช่างฝีมือที่ตัดเย็บยีนส์เหล่านี้เข้าใจดีว่าผู้ใส่ต้องการอะไร ในส่วนของการเย็บนั้นพิถีพิถันขั้นสุดซึ่งคุณจะสวมใส่ได้อย่างสบายใจตลอดอายุการใช้งาน
ยีนส์ On รุ่น 546 Aizumi นี้เป็นตัวเลือกหนึ่งที่กลุ่มไลน์อัพของ ONI คาดหวังไว้อย่างสูง การตัดเย็บรุ่น 546 เป็นสิ่งที่หลายคนจับตามองกันอย่างมากและ secret denim ซึ่งถือเป็นยีนส์ในตำนานของ ONI ก็ได้รับความนิยมอย่างมากเช่นกัน (เราจึงได้รีสต็อกยีนส์รุ่น ONI-546ZR ไว้เผื่อใครที่พลาดคราวที่แล้วมา) สำหรับใครที่ต้องการลองยีนส์ที่เพิ่มลูกเล่นในการตัดเย็บมากขึ้น เราแนะนำให้ลองยีนส์จากผ้า AIZUMI ที่อาจเป็นผ้าน้องใหม่ของ ONI แต่กำลังนำพาโลกเดนิมเคลื่อนที่ไปอย่างก้าวกระโดด เพราะจุดเด่นเรื่องสีที่ไม่เหมือนใครและเนื้อผ้า slub รวมทั้งเท็กซ์เจอร์เป็นขน คาเรคเตอร์เฉพาะตัวของยีนส์รุ่นนี้เพียงพอที่จะทำให้คอยีนส์ทั้งหลายต่างอดใจไม่ไหวไปตาม ๆ กัน
อีกหนึ่งเหตุผลที่คุณไม่ควรพลาด รุ่น 546 Aizumi ก็คือ ดีไซน์การตัดเย็บที่ใส่ได้ไม่เอ้าท์ ไม่เชย ซึ่งคุณคงพอเห็นแล้วว่ายีนส์รุ่นนี้ตัดเย็บได้สวยสะดุดตาอย่างมาก เรามั่นใจว่าคงใกล้ถึงเวลาที่คุณต้องตั้งตารอการเฟดสีจากยีนส์นี้เพิ่มอีกตัว 🙂
Denimio ขอให้คุณสนุกและตื่นตาตื่นใจไปกับการช้อปในครั้งนี้![:ms]ONI mempunyai tempat istimewa dalam jiwa indigo kami, jenama yang lebih lama yang telah mencipta seluar jeans, jaket dan baju terbaik yang pernah kami lihat. Anda boleh mengatakan tanpa jenama ini, sejarah denim di Jepun tidak wujud.
Jins ONI berbeza dari jeans dari negara barat dan juga berbeza dari gaya repro old school Jepun. Di sini, keunikan denim benar-benar diserlahkan, tekstur yang dihasilkan oleh tukang, jarang dijumpai di denim lain, kaedah khas yang digunakan untuk pewarnaan kain dan jahitan, dan tentu saja, transformasi semulajadi pewarna indigo (fade jins ONI tidak boleh dibandingkan dengan denim lain). Pada masa yang sama, jins denim ONI jarang mempunyai penjelasan lebih lanjut, lebih fokus kepada pemilik jeans denim – ‘feel’ daripada pemakai jins ONI lebih penting.
Oishi-San, pencipta jenama ONI, pernah berkata ketika dia melihat satu kumpulan denim yang baru saja selesai tenun: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, syaitan nakal dalam mitologi Jepun digunakan untuk jenama ini. Inilah asal-usul konsep ONI Denim – jins luar biasa, kasar dan slubby, selesa dipakai pada masa yang sama.
Blog kami kali ini memberi tumpuan kepada produk ONI Denim terkini. Kombinasi terbaru cut kegemaran dengan denim terbaik.
Oni-546 Aizumi 16OZ
Bagi Anda yang telah mengikuti ONI Denim sepanjang masa ini, Anda mungkin sudah tahu model 546. Ini adalah salah satu cut yang paling terkenal dari jenama revolusioner ini.
Potong 546 ketat (tetapi tidak terlalu sempit) dari lutut ke bawah, lebar normal pada paha atas, dan taper ringan dari lutut ke bawah.
Model 546 ini juga mempunyai rise yang rendah. Ingat, kerana ini adalah low rise, model ini jatuh pada bahagian paling luas dari pinggang, lebih baik memilih saiz yang lebih besar – hanya cadangan kami. Seluar jins yang sesuai bergantung kepada Anda – sesetengah orang suka seluar jins longgar, sesetengah orang suka jins ketat. Sangat subjektif dan keindahan cut ini juga memudahkan gaya.
Kami mencadangkan gaya ini untuk Anda yang mahukan fit moden yang ramping seimbang, tanpa taper yang berlebihan dan paha yang terlalu lebar. Cut ini boleh dipakai dengan pakaian apa pun – Anda boleh menggabungkannya untuk majlis formal atau baju mudah untuk gaya yang lebih kasual: jaket denim, baju, hoodies, sweatshirts, jaket sport, kasut, sneakers – apa sahaja.
Denim berhak mendapat penjelasannya sendiri. Dalam catatan blog kami sebelumnya, kami bercakap tentang denim Aizumi, dengan berat 16 oz di cut ONI 622. Satu lagi berita baik untuk Anda: ONI mengeluarkan denim AIZUMI dengan cut 546!
Aizumi dicirikan oleh ketumpatan yang lebih tinggi daripada ONI yang lain – menghasilkan seluar jins yang boleh Anda pakai untuk sebarang musim. Ketumpatan ini memberikan tekstur terbaik untuk gaya bebas.
Denim ini ditenun dari campuran beberapa jenis kapas dengan panjang ruji biasa. Ketegangan yang rendah pada mesin untuk menenun kain ini – Tekstur Aizumi mempunyai ‘natural loom shatter’, menghasilkan tekstur slubby yang ringan. Denim ini tidak mempunyai tekstur slubby yang berlebihan, sebagai contoh, Secret Denim (ZR). Tetapi, kain ini masih mempunyai ciri fuzzy dan berbulu.
Ciri utama Aizumi adalah warna yang unik. Benang warp berwarna dengan teknik rope-dye seperti jins klasik pada umumnya. Tetapi, teknik pewarnaan menggabungkan warna indigo tradisional dengan dakwat hitam. Apabila Anda mula-mula mempunyai seluar jins ini, anda akan melihat bahawa mereka mempunyai warna yang tidak dapat dijelaskan: di bawah sinar matahari, Anda akan melihat warna indigo yang mendalam. Di bawah rasuk cahaya, ia lebih hampir kepada hitam. Warna ini sangat unik dan mempunyai kos pembuatan yang tinggi juga.
Fade sangat berbeza dari yang lain, pada masa-masa awal, warna-warna indigo yang terang akan muncul dan pada masa yang sama, hitam akan fade menjadi nada yang lebih kelabu, menghasilkan fade pelbagai warna.
Selain itu, benang merah yang terang dijahit ke dalam selvedge ID, memberikan seluar jins yang unik – kontras yang tepat tidak berlebihan.
Patch dibuat dari kulit rusa, dengan kulit masak berwarna coklat. Warna lebih gelap kerana kulit rusa dicat dengan tangan. Seperti biasa, simbol setan ONI menarik banyak perhatian. Dengan teknik lukisan manual pada patch kulit menunjukkan proses pembuatan rumit dan panjang.
Poket belakang belakang luas untuk smartphone moden – sangat praktikal. Arcs khas, yang ONI merujuk sebagai “arc syaitan”, dijahit ke dalam poket belakang.
Sudut atas poket belakang dilengkapi dengan rivet tersembunyi, sebagai bukti reka produk yang teliti. Rincian seperti ini kadang-kadang tidak diberi perhatian tetapi sebenarnya menambah rasa vintaj terbaik untuk pembinaan keseluruhan seluar jins. Di tempat ini, fade akan kelihatan pertama. Perkakasan dihasilkan oleh Universal.
Seluar jins ini dijahit dengan gabungan warna halia dan lemon, yang menjadikan kontras cantik dari warna gelap denim Aizumi. ONI sentiasa memilih gabungan warna benang terbaik untuk setiap seluar jinsnya.
Loop tali pinggang slim dan raised. Butang donat ONI sebagai peringatan untuk era 40an – penjenamaan pada butang dan rivet sangat terperinci. Buat masa ini, semua butang Oni mempunyai perkataan “ONI International”. Oleh kerana seluar jins low rise, reka bentuk empat-butang (termasuk butang di pinggang) memberikan keselesaan.
Hujung poket depan diperkuat dengan rivet tembaga, dibuat dengan gaya vintaj. Jika Anda melihat jauh ke dalam poket duit syiling, anda boleh mencari jahitan ID selvedge yang tersembunyi di dalamnya. Inilah atribut ONI untuk sejarah, mengikut bagaimana beg duit syiling dibuat sehingga tahun 60-an.
Poket depan bergaris dengan twill hitam tahan lama, sangat kuat, dan cukup besar untuk membawa smartphone besar. Poket seperti ini akan menjadi selesa juga bagi mereka yang mempunyai tapak tangan yang luas.
Pinggang seluar jins itu dipadatkan dengan jahitan chain stitch, dilihat terdapat roping (rope effect) – diingati ketika seluar jeans mula fade.
Reka seluar jins ini sangat terperinci dan mempunyai pengiraan berhati-hati, selaras dengan piawaian jins berkualiti tinggi yang dibuat di Jepun. Perhatiannya terhadap perinciannya sangat tinggi dan pengrajin yang memotong dan menjahit denim benar-benar tahu apa yang mereka lakukan. Jahitan sangat teliti dan jins seperti ini akan bertahan lama.
Jahitan mempunyai ketepatan yang tinggi yang sesuai dengan pembinaan jins dengan sempurna, gabungan gaya moden dan vintaj yang harmoni.
ONI 546 AIZUMI adalah salah satu jeans yang ditunggu oleh ONI. Cut 546 adalah salah satu cut denimheads yang paling dicari dan salah satu cut paling terkenal dengan ONI Secret Denim ONI (dan ya, kami juga merestock ONI-546ZR). Bagi anda yang terobsesi dengan cut ini, ambil sekarang atau menyesal nanti! Kain AIZUMI adalah kain baharu tetapi berjaya menarik perhatian dunia denim. Warna ini benar-benar unik dan kain itu mempunyai slub yang fuzzy.
Cut ini tidak akan hilang dari trend – sempurna untuk denim yang paling menarik yang pernah kita jumpai. Anda pasti tidak sabar untuk ‘break-in’ dalam jins dan mula fadesnya.
Enjoy shopping![:ko]ONI will always have a special place in our indigo hearts, they have been with us for a long time and we have developed some amazing jeans, jackets, and even shirts together. It is safe to say that without this brand, the history of Japanese denim would be somehat incomplete.
ONI jeans differ from western jeans as well as classic Japanese repro old school. Here, the whole emphasis is on the uniqueness of the denim, its unusual, almost man-made texture, the special methods of dyeing and weaving, and, of course, on the natural transformation of indigo color (Oni jeans fade like no other denim ever will). At the same time, Oni Denim jeans are decisively sparse in details, namely in order to focus all the attention of the owner on the denim itself.
Oishi-San, the creator of the Oni brand, once exclaimed, glancing at a freshly woven batch of denim for his jeans: “Yes, this denim is uneven like the devil himself!” ONI, a devilish demon in Japanese mythology hence gave his name to the brand. This was the starting point for the Oni Denim concept – jeans with an unusual, deliberately rough slubby denim, which at the same time are extremely comfortable to use.
story today will be about a new ONI Denim release. It is a brand new combination of a beloved cut with an outstanding denim, So, let’s get started.
Those of you who have been following Oni Denim for a long time probably know the 546 model. This is one of the most popular styles of this brand, which we are pleased to present in a revolutionary denim.
The 546 cut features a relatively narrow leg (but not overly narrow), medium moderate width in the upper thigh, and a fairly light taper from the knee.
The 546 model is also characterized by a lower rise. Keep in mind that because of a low rise, the model sits on the widest part of your waist, it may therefore be a good idea to size up. However, this is just a recommendation. The fit of any jeans depends on personal preference – some prefer to wear jeans more relaxed, and some dig a tighter fit. It is very subjective and the beauty of this cut is certainly its versatility.
We recommend this style to all of you who prefer a well balanced, modern slim fit without extreme taper and without a very wide thigh. This cut goes with pretty much anything, you can combine with fancy stuff to dress it up or add some rugged workwear for a more casual look: denim jackets, shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, high-tech sports jackets, boots, sneakers – whatever you want! This cut will not let you down.
This denim is worthy of a short explanation. In an earlier blog post, Earlier we talked about the Aizumi Denim, clocking in at 16oz used with the ONI-622 cut. We have good news for you guys: ONI is releasing the AIZUMI denim in the 546 cut, which is great news all around!
The Aizumi is characterized by a slightly more average density than usually associated with ONI. Which results in a jeans that you can wear pretty much every season. This density allows you to get a beautiful texture and at the same time these jeans can be worn at any time of the year.
This denim is woven from a mix of cotton varieties with an average long staple. A low tension is used on the loom. The texture of Aizumi denim has a natural loom shatter, perhaps this can be called “slubby light”. This denim does not have a super pronounced ultra slubby texture, as, for example, Secret Denim (ZR). However, this fabric still oozes character with every thread with its almost fuzzy and hairy surface.
The main feature of Aizumi is its very unusual color. The warp threads are rope dyed like most classic jeans. However, it combines the traditional color of indigo with a black ink. Therefore, when you first pick up these jeans, you may notice that the jeans have a very unusual shade: in bright sunlight you see a rich indigo color, and in artificial light this color will be close to black. It is a truly unique colour and quite expensive to make.
The fades will be outstanding, at first a beautiful bright indigo color will appear and at the same time the black will fade to a grey-ish tone, which results in a rich variety of colours and shades.
To top things off, a bright red thread is woven into the selvedge ID, which gives the jeans just the kind of edge they need. It is just the right amount of contrast without being too flashy.
The patch is made of deerskin leather, tanned to a nice shade of brown. The color may have some darker hues, because the deer hides are painted by hand for tanning. Like always, the ONI demon takes the centre stage here. Such a thorough approach using manual dyeing of the skin certainly indicates a rigorous and painstaking work of the manufacturer.
The back pockets of this cut are roomy enough to accommodate most modern smartphones, which is incredibly handy. The signature arc, which ONI calls the “arc of the demon”, is embroidered on the back pockets.
The upper corners of the back pockets are reinforced with hidden rivets. It’s a nice detail that often goes unnoticed but adds a nice vintage feeling to the entire jeans. In these places, fading will appear first. The hardware is made by Universal, who are still the best in the game!
The jeans are stitched with a nuanced combination of ginger and lemon threads, which contrasts beautifully with the overall dark color of Aizumi denim. ONI has always had an outstanding eye for their thread colours and this jeans is no exception.
The belt loops are, as to be expected from ONI, slim and raised. ONI’s donut buttons pay homage to the 1940s and the branding on the buttons and rivets is incredibly detailed. At the moment, all the buttons of Oni Denim are branded with “O.N.International”.
Since these are low-rise jeans, the four-button design (including the button on the waist) looks like a reasonable choice and will make these jeans more comfortable to wear (trust us, one button makes all the difference.
The corners of the front pockets are reinforced with branded copper rivets, which are made in a vintage style. And if you bother to look into your coin pocket, you will find the same bright red selvedge ID well hidden on the inside. This is a tribute to denim history, since coin pockets were made this way on old jeans until the 60s.
The front pockets are lined with a durable twill, sturdy as hell and big enough to fit even the biggest smartphone.
The hem is finished neatly with a chain stitch to ensure some roping which we all love so much!
The construction of this jeans is outstanding, as to be expected by high quality jeans made in Japan. The attention to detail is second to none and the craftsmen who are cutting and sewing these jeans really know what they are doing. The stitching is meticulous and you can rely on these jeans to be around for ages.
The Oni-546 Aizumi is a highly anticipated addition to ONI’s line-up. The 546 cut has been an absolute crowd pleaser and hit in ONI’s legendary secret denim (and yes, we have restocked the ONI-546ZR too in case you missed out last time). For those who cannot get enough of this cut, this release should tickle your fancy. The AIZUMI is a quite young fabric but has taken the denim world by storm. It’s a truly unique colour and the fabric features enough slub, fuzzyness and character to please even the most extreme denim connoisseur.
This is a cut that will never go out of style. It is the perfect cut for one of the most interesting denims we have seen in a long time. We are sure, you can’t wait to break in a pair and let the fading begin.
Enjoy the shopping![:]
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