ONI’s high tapered cut has been an instant hit and their NXX 17oz fabric is testament why they’re rightfully called the king of slub! So combining these two feels like a perfect match… but we’re taking this to yet another level and we are happy to announce that this is a DENIMIO exclusive!

ONI has been releasing some outstanding jeans recently, but they’re always looking to step up their game and with this new release, they really take the cake! We bring you the ONI 922HM-NXX! If you are into vintage production techniques but want a modern, contemporary cut, look no further, this is it.

The idea of this 922HM-NXX – which is exclusive to Denimio and limited to 100 pairs – is to recreate the aesthetics of a ‘hand-made’ construction. ONI developed this concept thinking of how jeans before 1920s were made by single machine. Today, there are a lot of vintage machines (you all know the 43200G chain-stitch machine which is only one many machines that are used in the production of Japanese selvedge denim production) that are specialised to deal with each individual aspect of jeans construction. Back in the day, there was only one sewing-machine and everything was single-needle stitched, thus relying mainly on felled/French seams.

To re-create the magic of truly vintage jeans, the 922HM-NXX is entirely done by a single-stitch machine, every step of the way! There is no chain stitch, no double chain-stitch, no bar-tacking, just single needle stitching and felled seams. In order to be true to the vision, ONI uses no modern reinforcements for the backpockets such as hidden rivets or bar tacks, therefore ONI cleverly re-adjusted the back pocket shape to make sure the construction is sturdy as hell and will last you forever. The slightly curved back pockets are not only a cool design but also extremely practical – check out the cool z-stiching at the edges!

And to make this special release even more fun: Each and every pair will be hand-numbered by our staff at the Denimio Headquarter – there will be only 100 pairs made and demand is crazy.
These jeans will arrive at our warehouse at the beginning of July and some of you have already asked to reserve a pair. So we decided to give you a two-week pre-order period so you can be sure to get a pair of this awesome and super limited denim!
Pre-order goes love on Monday, June 18th! Be ready, these jeans are every vintage denim lover’s wet dream!