Denimio Loyalty | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

[:en][REAP THE BENEFITS!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:id][DISKON & BANYAK LAGI!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:zh]Denimio會員計劃[:de][REAP THE BENEFITS!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:es][REAP THE BENEFITS!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:fr][REAP THE BENEFITS!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:it][REAP THE BENEFITS!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:pt][REAP THE BENEFITS!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:ru]Обновление Статуса Лояльности Denimio – 2020[:th]สถานะสมาชิก Denimio Loyalty ปี 2563[:ja]【2020】デニミオLoyaltyのステータス[:ms][DISKAUN & BANYAK LAGI!] Denimio Loyalty Program[:ko][2020] Denimio 로열티 프로그램[:]

Denimio Loyalty Program
All of us at Denimio are very grateful for your continued trust because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.
As a thank you, Denimio created a loyalty program for you to enjoy more rewards when shopping with us. The more you shop with us, the more privileges that you will get as a loyalty member.
*As of July 2020, new rules has been applied for Loyalty Membership. Please see below.
  • In the past, orders purchased with discount codes/reward points were not calculated towards the loyalty membership status. The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status.
  • The new membership renewal period has been changed from every September 1st (annually) to be every August 1st (annually). This means that the purchase amount calculated towards loyalty membership status were counted from Aug 1st (last year) to July 30th (this year) to determine every member’s status for the next 1 year starting from Aug 1st onwards.
  • Loyalty Membership Tiers remain the same as follows:
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

There are 4 loyalty status depending on your total purchase amount in the recent year:

    1. Blue Blood (Highest Status): More than 80,000 JPY per year
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY per year
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY per year
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY per year
– Your Loyalty membership will be refreshed every year in August (annually)
– Your Loyalty status is determined by the total purchase amount in recent year, for instance: August 2019 – August 2020.

– The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status (with or without points/discount codes)

With these changes, there will be more exciting offers that can be enjoyed by different the different loyalty tiers. Stay tuned!
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Here are some of the perks you will get if you continue to be a loyal Denimio customer:
  1. Exclusive invitation to the very special loyalty sales.
  2. Priority access to Loyalty Sale before other customers.
  3. Higher rebates on our loyalty sale programs
  4. Early access and early bird discounts for collabs and limited releases and much more
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
Terimakasih atas kepercayaan Anda kepada Denimio – tanpa kalian, Denimio tidak berada disini sekarang.
Sebagai tanda terimakasih, Denimio membuat program Loyalty agar Anda menikmati berbelanja di Denimio. Makin banyak belanjaan Anda, semakin banyak manfaat Status Loyalty Anda di Denimio.
*Sejak Juli 2020, ada beberapa aturan baru untuk Membership Loyalty. Mohon baca berikut:
  • Sebelum ini, semua pembelian dengan kode promo/poin Denimio tidak termasuk dalam status Loyalty. Untuk program membership saat ini menghitung total pembelian dengan ataupun tidak dengan promo/poin ke dalam status Loyalty Anda.
  • Pembaruan membership diganti dari Sept 1 tiap tahun menjadi 1 Agustus tiap tahunnya. Berarti semua kalkulasi rewards dari pembelian Anda terhitung sejak 1 Agustus (tahun lalu) hingga 30 July (tahun ini) untuk menetapkan status member hingga tahun ke depan.
  • Level Loyalty Membership sama seperti di bawah ini:

Ada empat tingkatan keanggotaan tergantung pada jumlah pembelian Anda setiap tahun:

    1. Blue Blood (Tertinggi): Lebih dari 80,000 JPY setahun
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY setahun
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY setahun
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY setahun

Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat yang akan Anda miliki jika Anda pelanggan Loyalty Denimio:

  1. Undangan eksklusif ke Loyalty Sale khusus.
  2. Prioritas akses ke Loyalty Sale sebelum anggota lain.
  3. Potongan harga lebih banyak untuk semua Program Loyalty kami.
  4. Diskon awal, early bird untuk semua produk terbaru dan banyak lagi.

Metode 1: Cek status Anda via Live Chat di website.

Metode 2: Minta status Anda via email ke

Sangat bermanfaat, kan?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.

  • Program Membership Denimio terhitung seperti di bawah ini:
    Harga Total Produk: JPY20,000
    Pelanggan menggunakan kode promo 10%: diskonJPY2000
    Harga Dibayar: JPY18,000 –>terhitung untuk Status Loyalty Membership pelanggan
  • Kecuali disebutkan, semua T&C diatas untuk semua pembelian. Ada beberapa kasus dimana promo tidak termasuk Loyalty dan akan disebutkan dalam T&C campaign tersebut.
  • Level Loyalty membership diupdate tiap tahun: setiap 1 Agustus tiap tahun. Bila Anda ingin mengetahui Status Loyalty Anda, cek via customer care kami di website
Denimio Loyalty Program

好消息!! Denimio更新了所有会员的消费信息和会员等级,更多惊喜还在路上陆续跟您见面!:

  • 过去的时候,打折的订单和使用积分付款的订单都不会被纳入会员升级累积金额,现在除个别情况外所有消费都将被计入您会员计划的消费累积中。
  • 从现在开始每年的8月1日我们都会更新您过去一年的消费记录、并更新您的会员等级状态。这意味着您自去年8月1日至当年7月30日的消费金额将会决定您在新的一年的会员等级。
  • 不同层级相对应的年度消费金额如下:
    A- Blue Blood(蓝血)-80000日元以上(最高级别)
    B- Blue Heart(蓝心)– 60000~80000日元之间
    C- Blue Mind(蓝色大脑)– 40000~60000日元之间
    D- 普通会员 0~40000日元之间


  • 累积的消费金额只包括现金消费,不包含积分支付和折扣,举例来说
    使用9折优惠码    -2000日元
  • 最终现金支付金额=18000日元 –>计入会员增长消费中
  • 除特别活动以外,本政策适用于任何产品/活动的消费.如果有活动不适用本原则即会在活动介绍中特别说明。
  • 会员等级是每年一次更新,固定在每年的8月1日仅限更新,如果您不是很确定自己的会员等级欢迎联系我们的客服确认,或者发邮件给support@denimio.com确认。
  • 本活动不适用于代购小卖家敬请谅解。
Denimio Loyalty Program
All of us at Denimio are very grateful for your continued trust because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.
As a thank you, Denimio created a loyalty program for you to enjoy more rewards when shopping with us. The more you shop with us, the more privileges that you will get as a loyalty member.
*As of July 2020, new rules has been applied for Loyalty Membership. Please see below.
  • In the past, orders purchased with discount codes/reward points were not calculated towards the loyalty membership status. The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status.
  • The new membership renewal period has been changed from every September 1st (annually) to be every August 1st (annually). This means that the purchase amount calculated towards loyalty membership status were counted from Aug 1st (last year) to July 30th (this year) to determine every member’s status for the next 1 year starting from Aug 1st onwards.
  • Loyalty Membership Tiers remain the same as follows:
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

There are 4 loyalty status depending on your total purchase amount in the recent year:

    1. Blue Blood (Highest Status): More than 80,000 JPY per year
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY per year
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY per year
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY per year
– Your Loyalty membership will be refreshed every year in August (annually)
– Your Loyalty status is determined by the total purchase amount in recent year, for instance: August 2019 – August 2020.

– The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status (with or without points/discount codes)

With these changes, there will be more exciting offers that can be enjoyed by different the different loyalty tiers. Stay tuned!
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Here are some of the perks you will get if you continue to be a loyal Denimio customer:
  1. Exclusive invitation to the very special loyalty sales.
  2. Priority access to Loyalty Sale before other customers.
  3. Higher rebates on our loyalty sale programs
  4. Early access and early bird discounts for collabs and limited releases and much more
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
All of us at Denimio are very grateful for your continued trust because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.
As a thank you, Denimio created a loyalty program for you to enjoy more rewards when shopping with us. The more you shop with us, the more privileges that you will get as a loyalty member.
*As of July 2020, new rules has been applied for Loyalty Membership. Please see below.
  • In the past, orders purchased with discount codes/reward points were not calculated towards the loyalty membership status. The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status.
  • The new membership renewal period has been changed from every September 1st (annually) to be every August 1st (annually). This means that the purchase amount calculated towards loyalty membership status were counted from Aug 1st (last year) to July 30th (this year) to determine every member’s status for the next 1 year starting from Aug 1st onwards.
  • Loyalty Membership Tiers remain the same as follows:
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

There are 4 loyalty status depending on your total purchase amount in the recent year:

    1. Blue Blood (Highest Status): More than 80,000 JPY per year
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY per year
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY per year
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY per year
– Your Loyalty membership will be refreshed every year in August (annually)
– Your Loyalty status is determined by the total purchase amount in recent year, for instance: August 2019 – August 2020.

– The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status (with or without points/discount codes)

With these changes, there will be more exciting offers that can be enjoyed by different the different loyalty tiers. Stay tuned!
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Here are some of the perks you will get if you continue to be a loyal Denimio customer:
  1. Exclusive invitation to the very special loyalty sales.
  2. Priority access to Loyalty Sale before other customers.
  3. Higher rebates on our loyalty sale programs
  4. Early access and early bird discounts for collabs and limited releases and much more
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
All of us at Denimio are very grateful for your continued trust because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.
As a thank you, Denimio created a loyalty program for you to enjoy more rewards when shopping with us. The more you shop with us, the more privileges that you will get as a loyalty member.
*As of July 2020, new rules has been applied for Loyalty Membership. Please see below.
  • In the past, orders purchased with discount codes/reward points were not calculated towards the loyalty membership status. The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status.
  • The new membership renewal period has been changed from every September 1st (annually) to be every August 1st (annually). This means that the purchase amount calculated towards loyalty membership status were counted from Aug 1st (last year) to July 30th (this year) to determine every member’s status for the next 1 year starting from Aug 1st onwards.
  • Loyalty Membership Tiers remain the same as follows:
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

There are 4 loyalty status depending on your total purchase amount in the recent year:

    1. Blue Blood (Highest Status): More than 80,000 JPY per year
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY per year
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY per year
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY per year
– Your Loyalty membership will be refreshed every year in August (annually)
– Your Loyalty status is determined by the total purchase amount in recent year, for instance: August 2019 – August 2020.

– The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status (with or without points/discount codes)

With these changes, there will be more exciting offers that can be enjoyed by different the different loyalty tiers. Stay tuned!
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Here are some of the perks you will get if you continue to be a loyal Denimio customer:
  1. Exclusive invitation to the very special loyalty sales.
  2. Priority access to Loyalty Sale before other customers.
  3. Higher rebates on our loyalty sale programs
  4. Early access and early bird discounts for collabs and limited releases and much more
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
All of us at Denimio are very grateful for your continued trust because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.
As a thank you, Denimio created a loyalty program for you to enjoy more rewards when shopping with us. The more you shop with us, the more privileges that you will get as a loyalty member.
*As of July 2020, new rules has been applied for Loyalty Membership. Please see below.
  • In the past, orders purchased with discount codes/reward points were not calculated towards the loyalty membership status. The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status.
  • The new membership renewal period has been changed from every September 1st (annually) to be every August 1st (annually). This means that the purchase amount calculated towards loyalty membership status were counted from Aug 1st (last year) to July 30th (this year) to determine every member’s status for the next 1 year starting from Aug 1st onwards.
  • Loyalty Membership Tiers remain the same as follows:
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

There are 4 loyalty status depending on your total purchase amount in the recent year:

    1. Blue Blood (Highest Status): More than 80,000 JPY per year
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY per year
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY per year
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY per year
– Your Loyalty membership will be refreshed every year in August (annually)
– Your Loyalty status is determined by the total purchase amount in recent year, for instance: August 2019 – August 2020.

– The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status (with or without points/discount codes)

With these changes, there will be more exciting offers that can be enjoyed by different the different loyalty tiers. Stay tuned!
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Here are some of the perks you will get if you continue to be a loyal Denimio customer:
  1. Exclusive invitation to the very special loyalty sales.
  2. Priority access to Loyalty Sale before other customers.
  3. Higher rebates on our loyalty sale programs
  4. Early access and early bird discounts for collabs and limited releases and much more
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
All of us at Denimio are very grateful for your continued trust because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.
As a thank you, Denimio created a loyalty program for you to enjoy more rewards when shopping with us. The more you shop with us, the more privileges that you will get as a loyalty member.
*As of July 2020, new rules has been applied for Loyalty Membership. Please see below.
  • In the past, orders purchased with discount codes/reward points were not calculated towards the loyalty membership status. The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status.
  • The new membership renewal period has been changed from every September 1st (annually) to be every August 1st (annually). This means that the purchase amount calculated towards loyalty membership status were counted from Aug 1st (last year) to July 30th (this year) to determine every member’s status for the next 1 year starting from Aug 1st onwards.
  • Loyalty Membership Tiers remain the same as follows:
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

There are 4 loyalty status depending on your total purchase amount in the recent year:

    1. Blue Blood (Highest Status): More than 80,000 JPY per year
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY per year
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY per year
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY per year
– Your Loyalty membership will be refreshed every year in August (annually)
– Your Loyalty status is determined by the total purchase amount in recent year, for instance: August 2019 – August 2020.

– The current loyalty membership program calculates the total purchase amount towards membership status (with or without points/discount codes)

With these changes, there will be more exciting offers that can be enjoyed by different the different loyalty tiers. Stay tuned!
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Here are some of the perks you will get if you continue to be a loyal Denimio customer:
  1. Exclusive invitation to the very special loyalty sales.
  2. Priority access to Loyalty Sale before other customers.
  3. Higher rebates on our loyalty sale programs
  4. Early access and early bird discounts for collabs and limited releases and much more
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
Хорошие новости! Denimio обновил свою программу лояльности для всех клиентов (чтобы стать лучше). Ознакомьтесь с последними обновлениями программы:
  • Раньше заказы, оплаченные с использованием скидок / бонусных баллов, не учитывались в статусе лояльности. Текущая программа лояльности рассчитывает общую сумму покупки в зависимости от статуса членства.
  • Новый период обновления статуса лояльности был изменен с 1 сентября (ежегодно) на 1 августа (ежегодно).Это означает, что сумма покупки, рассчитанная для статуса лояльности, была автоматически подсчитана с 1 августа (в прошлом году) по 30 июля (в этом году), чтобы определить статус каждого участника на следующий год, начиная с 1 августа.
  • Условия участия в программе лояльности остаются прежними
Будет больше интересных предложений, которыми смогут пользоваться участники программы лояльности. Быть в курсе!
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Существует несколько статусов лояльности:

Blue Blood (Наивысший статус) – сумма покупок в год – более 80,000 JPY
Blue Heart – сумма покупок в год –  60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY
Blue Mind – сумма покупок в год – 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY
General – сумма покупок в год – менее 40,000 JPY

Статус лояльности Denimio рассчитывается только для покупок, сделанных в магазине Denimio. См.пример ниже:
Полная Стоимость Товара: JPY20,000
Покупатель использует 10% код: cкидка составляет JPY2,000
Оплачиваемая Сумма Заказа: JPY18,000 –> учитывается при рассчёте статуса лояльности

  • Если не указано иное, приведенные выше условия применяются ко всем покупкам. Бывают мероприятия, связанные со скидками, заказы по которым не учитываются в статусе лояльности.
  • Статусы лояльности обновляются ежегодно: 1 августа каждого года. Если вы хотите узнать больше о своем текущем статусе лояльности, свяжитесь с нашей командой по обслуживанию клиентов на сайте
Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Ниже перечислены основные преимущества статуса лояльности:

1. Эксклюзивные предложения специальных акций

2. Доступ первым к специальным скидкам

3. Более высокие скидки по специальным акциям

4. Ранний доступ к акциям, связанным с коллаборациями и лимитированными выпусками

How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

Method 1: Check out your loyalty status with Denimio live assistant in our web store.

Method 2: Request status checking via email to

Sounds good, right?
Keep in touch and be the first to know our latest programs.
T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio loyalty membership program counts only cash purchases made to Denimio. Please refer to the sample case below:
    Total Product Price: JPY20,000
    The customer uses 10% off discount code: discount JPY2,000
    Total Payment Made: JPY18,000 –>calculated towards loyalty membership status
  • Unless specified, the terms above apply to all purchases. There are some cases when certain purchases are not calculated towards loyalty membership status and they will be specified under terms and conditions of certain campaigns.
  • The loyalty membership tiers are updated on an annual basis: every August 1st each year. If you would like to know more about your current loyalty status, please feel free to check with our friendly customer care team at
Denimio Loyalty Program
Denimio ขอขอบพระคุณลูกค้าทุก ๆ ท่านที่มีส่วนช่วยสนับสนุนให้เรามีทุกวันนี้ได้ Denimio จึงขอมอบสิทธิพิเศษให้กับลูกค้าคนสำคัญที่เป็นสมาชิกของเรามาอย่างต่อเนื่อง ยิ่งช้อป ยิ่งรับสิทธิ์ต่าง ๆ มากขึ้น
*เราได้ปรับเกณฑ์ใหม่สำหรับอัปเดทสถานะสมาชิก Loyalty ตั้งแต่เดือนกรกฎาคม 2563 กรุณาอ่านต่อด้านล่าง
  • ในการอัปเดทสถานะสมาชิก Loyalty จากเงื่อนไขเดิมเราไม่ได้นับยอดช้อปปิงที่เกิดจากการใช้โค้ดหรือใช้คะแนนเครดิตเป็นส่วนลด แต่ปัจจุบันเราจะนับเฉพาะยอดรวมการสั่งซื้อตลอดปี
  • เราจะปรับสถานะสมาชิก Loyalty ทุกปี จากเดิมที่ปรับทุกวันที่ 1 กันยายน (ของทุกปี) เปลี่ยนเป็นวันที่ 1 สิงหาคม (ของทุกปี) ซึ่งหมายความว่า สถานะของคุณจะถูกอัปเดทโดยนับยอดรวมการสั่งซื้อตั้งแต่ วันที่ 1 สิงหาคม (ของปีก่อน) ถึง วันที่ 30 กรกฎาคม (ของปีปัจจุบัน) และการนับสถานะครั้งถัดไป จะเริ่มนับตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 สิงหาคมของปีปัจจุบันเป็นต้นไป
  • การแบ่งระดับสถานะของสมาชิก Loyalty ยังคงเดิม ดังนี้
How to be a Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

สมาชิก Loyalty มี 4 ระดับด้วยกัน โดยแบ่งตามมูลค่าการช้อปปิ้งรายปี ได้แก่

  1. Blue Blood (ระดับสูงสุด) : มูลค่าช้อปรวมตั้งแต่ 23,500 บาท (80,000 เยน) ต่อปี
  2. Blue Heart: มูลค่าช้อปรวมตั้งแต่ 17,500 – 23,500 บาท (60,000 – 80,000 เยน) ต่อปี
  3. Blue Mind: มูลค่าช้อปรวมตั้งแต่ 11,700 – 17,500  บาท (40,000 – 60,000 เยน) ต่อปี
  4. General: มูลค่าช้อปรวมตั้งแต่ 0 – 11,700 บาท (0-40,000 เยน) ต่อปี


– ระดับของสมาชิกจะนับจากยอดรวมของการช้อปปิ้งในปีที่ผ่านมาล่าสุด เช่น นับตั้งแต่ ส.ค. 2562 – ส.ค. 2563
– เราจะตรวจสอบยอดสั่งซื้อตลอดหนึ่งปีเพื่อพิจารณาการเป็นสมาชิกหรือปรับเลื่อนระดับ Loyalty (ทั้งนี้รวมยอดซื้อสินค้าลดราคา, การใช้คูปองส่วนลด และ/หรือ การใช้แต้มสะสมแลกส่วนลด)

การปรับเกณฑ์ระดับสมาชิก Loyalty ครั้งนี้ จะทำให้คุณได้รับข้อเสนอที่น่าตื่นเต้นมากขึ้น!

Benefits Loyalty Member | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

ตัวอย่างสิทธิพิเศษที่สมาชิก Loyalty จะได้รับ มีดังนี้

  1. รับคำเชิญให้เข้าร่วมโปรโมชั่นเอ็กซ์คลูซีฟที่มอบให้เฉพาะสมาชิก Loyalty เท่านั้น
  2. รับสิทธิ์ช้อปสินค้าลดราคาในโปรโมชั่น Loyalty Sale ก่อนสมาชิกทั่วไป
  3. รับส่วนลดจากโปรโมชั่น Loyalty Sale มากกว่าปกติ
  4. รับส่วนลด early bird และรับสิทธิ์ช้อปสินค้าลิมิเต็ดที่ออกใหม่ก่อนสมาชิกทั่วไป
How to Know Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

วิธีที่ 1: สอบถามโดยตรงได้กับทีมงานแชทผ่านข้อความ Live chat หน้าเว็บไซต์ Denimio
วิธีที่ 2: ส่งอีเมลสอบถามมาได้ที่

โปรดติดตามสิทธิพิเศษและกิจกรรมดี ๆ เร็วๆ นี้

T&C | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • การปรับเลื่อนสถานะสมาชิก Loyalty ของ Denimio จะนับจากยอดเงินสุทธิที่ชำระจริงหลังจากหักส่วนลดแล้ว ตัวอย่างเช่น
    ยอดสั่งซื้อรวมทั้งสิ้น 5,900 บาท (20,000 เยน)
    ลูกค้าใช้โค้ดส่วนลด 10% ลดราคาไป 900 บาท (2,000 เยน)
    ยอดการชำระเงินจริง 5,000 บาท (18,000 เยน) –> เราจะนับยอดสุทธิส่วนนี้ในการปรับสถานะสมาชิก Loyalty
  • เงื่อนไขข้างต้นใช้กับการสั่งซื้อทั้งหมด ยกเว้นกรณีของโปรโมชั่นหรือแคมเปญอาจมีเงื่อนไขที่ไม่นับยอดสั่งซื้อเพื่อปรับสถานะสมาชิก  Loyalty ได้
  • สถานะสมาชิก Loyalty ของ Denimio จะปรับเป็นประจำทุกปี โดยเริ่มจากวันที่ 1 สิงหาคมของทุกปี หากคุณต้องการตรวจสอบสถานะสมาชิก ณ ปัจจุบัน สามารถแชทผ่านข้อความ Live chat หน้าเว็บไซต์ หรือส่งอีเมลสอบถามที่ ดังที่ระบุไว้ข้างต้น
いつもデニミオをご利用頂きありがとうございます。Loyal customersであるお客様がいなければデニミオはここまで続けられませんでした。
※Loyalty会員の皆様へ 2020年7月現在、Loyalty会員の皆様には新ルールが適用されております。下記をご覧ください。
  • 従来、割引コード/ポイントで購入されたご注文は、Loyalty会員資格に向けて計算されていませんでした。現在のLoyalty会員制度では、会員資格に応じて「購入金額の合計」を計算しています。
  • 新会員更新期間は、毎年9月1日(年1回)から8月1日(年1回)に変更されました。これにより、8月1日以降の1年間のLoyalty会員資格に向けて算出された購入金額を昨年8月1日から今年7月30日までに集計し、8月1日以降の1年間の会員資格を決定することになりました。
  • Loyaltyメンバーシップティアは以下の通りです。


    1. Blue Blood (最上位のクラス):1年で80,000円以上のご購入。
    2. Blue Heart: 1年で60,000円 – 80,000円のご購入。
    3. Blue Mind: 1年で40,000円 – 60,000円のご購入。
    4. General: 1年で0円 – 40,000円のご購入。
– Loyalty会員は毎年9月に更新されます。
– Loyaltyのステージは、1年間の合計購入金額によって決定されます(例:2018年9月 –  2019年8月)。

– 割引や報酬ポイントのご使用を除いたご購入のみが合算されます。

  1. 特別セールへのご招待。
  2. 他のお客様よりも早くLoyaltyセールにアクセスできる!
  3. 割引率が高くなる!などなど!
  4. コラボや限定リリースなどの早期アクセスや早期割引が受けられます。

方法 1: ライブチャット機能でステージを確認する

方法 2: support@denimio.comにメールを頂く

入会するしかないですよね? 会員になってBlue Bloodを目指そう!!

  • デニミオLoyalty会員制プログラムでは、[デニミオ]での現金購入のみをカウントしています。下記のサンプルケースをご参照ください。
    商品合計価格 20,000円
    お支払い総額 18,000円→Loyalty会員資格取得のために計算しています。
  • 指定がない限り、上記の条件がすべてのご購入に適用されます。一部のお買い物では、Loyaltyの会員資格)に向けて計算されない場合があり、特定のキャンペーンの条件で指定される場合があります。
  • Loyalty会員のレベルは毎年8月1日に更新されます。お客様の現在のLoyaltyステータスについての詳細をお知りになりたい場合は、Denimio.comのフレンドリーなカスタマーケアチームまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。
Denimio Loyalty Program
Kami semua di Denimio sangat berterima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda kerana kami tidak akan berada di sini tanpa pelanggan setia seperti Anda.
Sebagai ucapan terima kasih, Denimio membuat Program Loyalty untuk Anda menikmati lebih banyak ganjaran ketika berbelanja dengan kami. Semakin banyak Anda berbelanja dengan kami, semakin banyak keistimewaan yang akan Anda perolehi sebagai Member Loyalty kami.
*Dari Juli 2020, beberapa peraturan baru telah diaplikasikan untuk Program Membership Loyalty. Mohon baca di bawah ini:
  • Pada masa lalu, pesanan yang dibeli dengan kod diskaun/mata ganjaran tidak termasuk status Loyalty Membership. Program Loyalty Membership semasa kini termasuk total jumlah pembelian.
  • Tempoh pembaharuan Loyalty Status telah diubah dari setiap 1 September (setiap tahun) menjadi setiap 1 Ogos (setiap tahun). Jumlah pembelian yang termasuk untuk status Loyalty Membership dari 1 Ogos 2019 hingga 30 Julai 2020. Untuk menentukan status Loyalty Membership untuk 1 tahun berikutnya bermula dari 1 Ogos dan seterusnya.
  • Tahap Membership Loyalty tetap sama:

Terdapat empat peringkat keahlian bergantung kepada jumlah pembelian anda setiap tahun:

    1. Blue Blood (Tertinggi): Lebih dari 80,000 JPY setahun
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY setahun
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY setahun
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY setahun

– Peringkat ahli pelanggan biasanya dikemas kini pada bulan September.
– Peringkat ditakrifkan oleh jumlah pembelian pelanggan pada tahun lalu, misalnya: September 2018 – Ogos 2019.
– Hanya pembelian tanpa diskaun dan penggunaan mata ganjaran akan dikira ke status keahlian kesetiaan.

Berikut adalah beberapa faedah yang akan anda miliki jika anda seorang pelanggan Denimio yang setia:

  1. Kemasukan eksklusif kepada jualan yang sangat istimewa, yang hanya dengan jemputan.
  2. Akses keutamaan kepada jualan sebelum ahli lain.
  3. Rebat atau ganjaran yang lebih tinggi mengenai jualan kesetiaan.
    dan lain-lain.
  4. Diskaun awal, early bird untuk semua produk terbaru dan banyak lagi.

Cara 1: Anda boleh menghubungi pembantu chat langsung Denimio untuk menyemak status keahlian kesetiaan anda.

Cara 2: Anda boleh e-mel pertanyaan anda ke

Rasa menarik? Kami bersetuju!
Sentiasa berhubung untuk mendapat siaran yang lebih menarik.

  • Program Loyalty Membership Denimio hanya mengira total pembelian yang dibuat untuk Denimio. Sila rujuk contoh contoh di bawah:
    Harga Total Produk: JPY20,000
    Pelanggan menggunakan kod diskaun 10%: diskaun JPY2,000
    Jumlah Bayaran: JPY18,000 –>jumlah termasuk untuk Status Loyalty Membership
  • Kecuali dinyatakan, syarat di atas terpakai untuk semua pembelian. Terdapat beberapa kes apabila pembelian tertentu tidak dikira berdasarkan status Loyalty dan mereka akan ditentukan berdasarkan terma dan syarat kempen tertentu.
  • Tahap Loyalty Membership dikemas setiap tahun: setiap 1 Ogos setiap tahun. Sekiranya Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai status Loyalty anda sekarang, sila hubungi Customer Care di
Denimio Loyalty Program
데님에 대한 여러분의 열정에 대한 보상을 받기 위해 오늘 Denimio 로열티 멤버가 되세요!  Denimio를 가장 믿을만한 일본 프리미엄 데님 브랜드 리테일러로 만들어준 여러분에 대한 감사를 표합니다.
Denimio에서 더 많이 쇼핑을 하는 것은 보람있는 경험이죠. 여러분의 지출 정도에 따른 예외적인 보상과 특권을 받으세요. 더 많이 쇼핑할 수록, 더 빠르게 저희의 로열티 멤버쉽 지위가 올라갈 것입니다, 또 더 많은 특권을 가질 수 있을 것입니다.
*2020년 7월 현재, 로열 멤버십에 새로운 규칙이 적용되었습니다. 아래를 참조하십시오.
  • 과거에는 할인 코드/리워드 포인트로 구매한 주문은 로열티 멤버십 상태에 계산되지 않았습니다. 현재 로열티 멤버십 프로그램은 총 구매 금액을 기준으로 멤버십 상태에 계산합니다.
  • 새로운 멤버십 갱신 기간은 매년 9월 1일에서 매년 8월 1일로 변경되었습니다. 이는 로열티 멤버십 상태로 계산된 구매 금액을 8월 1일(작년)부터 7 월 30일(올해)까지 계산하여 8월 1일부터 다음 1년 동안 모든 회원의 상태를 결정하는 것을 의미합니다.
  • 로열티 멤버십 등급은 다음과 같이 동일하게 유지됩니다.
Denimio Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

매해 사용한 총액의 정도에 따른 4가지 멤버쉽 등급 :

    1. Blue Blood (최고): More than 80,000 JPY/ 1년
    2. Blue Heart: 60,000 JPY – 80,000 JPY/ 1년
    3. Blue Mind: 40,000 JPY – 60,000 JPY/ 1년
    4. General: 0 – 40,000 JPY/ 1년
– 고객 멤버 등급은 항상 9월에 업데이트 됩니다.
– 등급은 작년 한해 고객님의 총 구매액에 의해 정해집니다, 예를 들면 2018년 9월 – 2019년 8월.

– 할인 없는 구매, 보상 포인트 사용하지 않은 구매에만 로열티 멤버쉽 등급에 카운트됩니다.

이러한 변경으로 인해 각각의 로열티 등급에서 즐길 수 있는 더 흥미로운 제안이 있을 예정입니다. 계속 지켜봐주시길 바랍니다!
Denimio Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
여기에 만약 여러분이 로열 Denimio 고객님이라면 받으실 수 있는 몇몇 특전이있습니다:
  1. 초청에 의해서만 참여가능한 특별 세일에 제한적인 입장.
  2. 다른 멤버에게 공개 전 세일 우선권 제공
  3.  로열티 세일에 더 높은 리베이트와 보상
Denimio Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

방법 1: Denimio 라이브채팅 어시스턴트에서 여러분의 로열티 등급을 확인하실 수 있습니다.

방법 2: 으로 문의 이메일을 보낼 수 있습니다. 

흥미로우신가요? 저희도 동의합니다! 더 흥미로운 소식을 위해 자주 확인해주세요
Denimio Loyalty Status | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

  • Denimio 로열티 멤버십 프로그램은 Denimio에서 구매한 현금 구매만 계산합니다. 아래 샘플 케이스를 참조하십시오.
    총 상품 가격: JYP20,000
    고객은 10% 할인 코드를 사용합니다: 할인 JPY2,000
    총 결제 금액: JPY18,000 –> 로열티 멤버십 상태에 계산 
  • 특별히 지정하지 않는 한 위의 약관은 모든 구매에 적용됩니다. 특정 구매가 로열티 멤버십 상태로 계산되지 않고 특정 캠페인의 약관에 따라 지정되는 경우가 있습니다.
  • 로열티 멤버십 등급은 매년 8월 1일마다 업데이트됩니다. 현재 로열티 상태에 대해 자세히 알고 싶다면 Denimio.com의 친절한 고객 관리팀에 언제든지 문의하십시오.





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