[:en]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Special Release for True Denim Connoisseurs[:id]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Rilisan Spesial Kolektor Denim Dunia[:zh]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – 只为真正的牛仔收藏愛好者发布[:de]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Special Release for True Denim Connoisseurs[:es]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Special Release for True Denim Connoisseurs[:fr]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Special Release for True Denim Connoisseurs[:it]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Special Release for True Denim Connoisseurs[:pt]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Special Release for True Denim Connoisseurs[:ru]Samurai Jeans S710GTX и S511GHM – специальный выпуск для настоящих ценителей марки![:th]Samurai Jeans S710GXT และ S511GXM – ไอเท็มพิเศษสำหรับคนรักยีนส์ตัวจริง[:ms]Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – Koleksi Istimewa Pengumpul Denim Dunia[:ko]사무라이진Samurai Jeans S710GXT & S511GXM – 진짜 데님 감정가들을 위한 스폐셜[:]

[:en]It is a very special time to reveal the latest Samurai Jeans release to their all loyal fans. Those who have been closely following this brand will know that Samurai never limits its collections to regular classic models. Collaborations and limited editions with interesting details always make Samurai Jeans stands out among any other respected Japanese brands. Often, the customization of the details is subject to the preservation of denim used for classic models.

This time, Samurai Jeans makes a ‘comeback’ with some rare, unique and collectible jeans. After 9 years waiting, Samurai Jeans brings back the limited, special edition jeans that are much anticipated by worldwide denim collector: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) series – The Book of Five Rings. What’s so special with these jeans?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

As all of us know, Samurai Jeans is dedicated to present Japanese culture into the element of American denim clothing. This unique adaptation creates an outstanding, unique and interesting clothing that emphasize their brand identity. Many of their product labels are devoted to reminiscing famous Japanese swordsmen in long Japanese history.

In this release, Samurai Jeans honors the well-known philosophical treasure “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). This book was written by a legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in 1645, who had his first duel when he was merely 13 years old.

“The Book of Five Rings” is a well-known classic that describes the strategies and principles of martial arts with a touch of Samurai philosophy. It is divided into five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, void.

To stay true to folklore, each of these jeans models represents each spiritual element of this warrior tradition. With these honors, each jeans are released with exclusive details and unique natural denim dye on their weft yarn.

Those who have been interested in Samurai Jeans for a long time may remember that these models have been released in 2010. You might even have these jeans in your own collection. However, the models have been improved this time with more exciting colors and details. As a sneak peek, allow us to share some information about the first two jeans in this series which represent “the Book of the Earth” and “the Book of Water”.

Note: they are extremely rare and limited. They are not reserved so many sizes could be sold out real soon (even at the pre-order stage).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


S710GXT‘s cut is based on the most popular 710 that is well-known with its the best classic model: S710XX 19OZ.

This model has been the flagship of Samurai Jeans and being the most recognizable piece outside of Japan for more than 10 years. The comfortable and perfectly balanced cut makes these jeans comfortably fit for daily wear. They feature mid-rise with a not too tight fit in the upper part of the thigh and come with a slightly tapered leg downwards. A versatile, stylish and modern style. It is completely original jeans without adapting completely from the old American denim clothing model.

The image above shows the example of S710XX15OZDM model (this model has different interesting details in the similar style).


The density of 17oz denim is used for the fabric. This is slightly above the average denim weight, perfect to create a great texture without being too heavy.

Samurai Jeans uses American and Australian cotton varieties with short and medium fibers. This creates tight-twisted yarns with high-potential to achieve an expressive texture and contrast. For those who are not yet familiar with Samurai Denim, note that the new jeans of this brand will look extremely tough (if you wish, you can put them in an upright position), but after some wearing and shrinking process, they will be a very comfortable denim that fit perfectly according to your body shape.

The weft part of the fabric is dyed in a dark and saturated indigo color. The warp is dyed with Kakishibu – natural vegetable dye based on persimmon extract. Such a fulvous, brownish shade best symbolizes the Element of the Earth – the element as the whole concept of this model. You can anticipate unusual and amazing fading results. As a contrast, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of the jeans as one of its interesting detail.


All the details of these jeans emphasize the main idea of the release – Earth element.

The Earth Element is emphasized on its leather patch:

The stitching as well as embroidered arcuate, emphasize the color of the weft thread of the denim.

A rare orange tab is presented on this series. It is only used for special editions Samurai Jeans models.

The burlap pockets are also dyed in Kakishibu unique extract.

The contrast lining with the same color is presented on the back pockets.

Jeans are fastened with five element buttons, produced specifically for this series.

These metal buttons have a dull golden color portraying Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Void elements.

They are very expressive with lots of interesting details. There are even more details that you can find on these jeans (we only showed the main features here). No doubt, it is recommended the collection to all 710 model lovers.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


If you are interested in a narrower leg fit and a slightly lower belt than the 710 model, then the 511 model is what you need! This release is based on the classic S0511XX silhouette.

The image above shows S511XX21OZDM model(this model has different interesting details in a similar style).


Here we can see the same expressive texture and the same 17oz denim density. However, the weft thread in these jeans is dyed in different indigo color with “Water Element” concept. The warp thread is dyed in deep pure indigo, while the weft thread is dyed with vegetable (natural indigo)dye with a slightly lighter shade. This creates an extremely dark, and at the same time unusual color due to the contrast of weft and warp threads. It creates a potential for unique, beautiful fading results that you can’t find on any other denim. Similarly, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of these jeans.


To symbolizes the Element of Water, the leather patch of these jeans are dyed in a bright cobalt-blue color.

The arcuate on the back pockets are embroidered with a bright thread of cobalt-blue color. The special orange tab is also presented on the back pocket.

Burlap pockets are also dyed in light indigo, which looks impressive!

To represent a limited denim collection, a symbol of the Five Elements label is stitched on these jeans.

The lining of the back pockets is stitched meticulously in a contrast color.

The donut buttons also feature “Five Elements” edition buttons on the front side.

A collection that is not less interesting than S710GXT, perfect for you who love ‘cooler’ look. They are packed with excellent details and interesting denim colors.


Why do you get regular collection when you can get limited edition jeans to upgrade your wardrobe? With all those interesting details packed in these special series, we can ensure you that these releases will not disappoint you at any moment. Classic but also rare, they will certainly be an interesting collection for you as experienced collectors (a.k.a. denimheads), or even for those who are Samurai Jeans fans. They will accompany you for many years and feel great every time they remind you of the great master: Miyamoto Musashi.

It could be hard for you to decide which jeans you will get from these models. Feel free to contact our denim consultant in Denimio for a little chit-chat, and we will help you to decide what’s the best jeans to match your preference. Perhaps, you can even get both of them if you are an ‘absolute’ denim collector. They are indeed ‘once in a lifetime collection’. 🙂

Enjoy shopping!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: Book of the Earth series
Estimated delivery: August-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
Estimated delivery: November-December 2019

 [:id]Inilah saat yang sangat spesial bagi penggemar setia Samurai Jeans: rilisan spesial dan edisi terbatas Samurai Jeans akan hadir di Denimio. Untuk Anda yang selalu mengikuti informasi terkini merek ini pasti mengetahui bahwa Samurai selalu bereksplorasi dengan segala modelnya dan tidak pernah membatasi ekplorasi tersebut hanya dengan model reguler klasik. Edisi kolaborasi dan terbatas dengan detail yang menarik selalu membuat Samurai Jeans tampil unggul di antara merek denim Jepang terkenal lainnya. Sering sekali, kustomisasi detail koleksi Samurai Jeans memiliki detail model klasik ternama di dunia.

Kali ini, Samurai Jeans kembali menghadirkan jeans langka dan unik edisi denim kolektor. Setelah penantian 9 tahun, Samurai Jeans merilis jeans edisi terbatas yang telah lama dinantikan oleh kolektor denim dunia: seri Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings. Apa sih yang spesial dengan jeans ini?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

Seperti yang kita tahu, Samurai Jeans berkomitmen dalam mengintegrasi budaya tradisional Jepang ke dalam elemen pakaian denim bergaya Amerika. Adaptasi unik ini menciptakan koleksi unik dan menarik yang menekankan identitas merek tersebut. Banyak label produk tersebut didedikasikan kepada Samurai Jepang ternama di dalam sejarah Jepang.

Pada rilisan kali ini, Samurai Jeans mendedikasikan koleksi berdasarkan buku filosofi terkenal “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). Buku ini ditulis oleh Samurai Jepang legendaris, Miyamoto Musashi di tahun 1645, yang telah melakukan duel ketika ia hanya berumur 13 tahun.

“The Book of Five Rings” merupakan buku klasik terkenal yang mendeskripsikan konsep dan strategi seni bela diri dengan filosofi Samurai. Buku ini terdiri dari lima elemen: bumi, air, api, angin, ruang.

Berdasarkan sejarah tradisional Jepang, setiap model jeans ini mewakili setiap elemen spiritual dari tradisi warior. Dengan dedikasi ini, setiap jeans dirilis dengan detail eksklusif dan pewarna denim alami yang unik pada benang weft setiap koleksi jeans.

Untuk Anda yang merupakan penggemar lama merek Samurai Jeans mungkin mengetahui bahwa model ini telah dirilis pada tahun 2010. Bahkan, Anda mungkin memiliki jeans ini dalam koleksi denim Anda. Namun, pada kali ini, model ini telah diimprovisasi dengan warna dan detail yang lebih menarik. Kami ingin berbagi informasi mengenai dua jeans pertama dalam seri spesial ini: seri “the Book of the Earth” dan “the Book of Water”.

Catatan: koleksi ini sangat langka dan terbatas. Banyak ukuran populer mungkin saja akan segera habis terjual (walaupun pada tahap pre-order).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


Cutting S710GXT didesain berdasarkan cutting populer 710 yang terkenal dengan model klasik: S710XX 19OZ.

Model ini merupakan edisi khas Samurai Jeans dan terkenal sebagai koleksi terpopuler di luar Jepang selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Cutting nyaman dengan keseimbangan yang sempurna membuat jeans ini nyaman dikenakan dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Mereka memfiturkan mid-rise dengan fit yang tidak terlalu ketat pada bagian paha dan dengan cutting di bagian kaki yang ramping. Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, jeans ini memiliki gaya yang stylish dan modern. Ia merupakan jeans original dengan improvisasi model pakaian denim vintage Amerika.

Foto di atas menunjukkan cutting model jeans S710XX15OZDM (model ini memiliki detail menarik dengan cutting yang sama dengan S710GXT).


Denim jeans ini memiliki berat 17oz. Fabrik denim ini cukup berat, sesuai untuk menciptakan tekstur indah tanpa berat yang berlebihan.

Samurai Jeans menggunakan variasi kapas Amerika dan Australia dengan serat pendek dan sedang. Variasi kapas ini menciptakan benang ketat berputar dengan potensi tinggi dalam menciptakan tekstur ekspresif yang kontras. Untuk Anda yang mungkin belum mengenal Samurai Denim, perlu diperhatikan bahwa jeans baru dari merek ini akan tampil kokoh dan kasar (Anda bahkan dapat menberdirikan jeans ini), namun setelah mengalami penyusutan dan beberapa kali pemakaian, jeans ini akan menjadi jeans yang sangat nyaman karena ia akan memberikan fit sempurna berdasarkan bentuk tubuh Anda.

Bagian benang weft fabrik jeans ini diwarnai dengan warna indigo gelap yang pekat. Bagian benang warp denim ini diwarnai dengan pewarnaan Kakishibu – pewarna alami yang diambil dari ekstrak kesemak. Pewarnaan berwarna kecoklatan ini menyimbolkan elemen Bumi – elemen dasar yang ditampilkan oleh jeans ini. Anda akan dapat menyimak hasil fading yang unik dan indah pada jeans ini. Sebagai penampilan kontras, benang berwarna emas dijahit pada bagian selvedge jeans untuk menciptakan detail menarik.


Semua detail jeans ini menekankan ide utama rilisan ini – elemen bumi.

Elemen bumi tersebut ditekankan pada bagian patch kulit jeans ini:

Penjahitan serta sulaman arcuate jeans ini menekankan warna benang weft denim.

Tab berwarna jingga yang langka ditampilkan pada seri ini. Tab ini hanya ditampilkan dalam model edisi spesial Samurai Jeans.

Saku jeans ini juga diwarnai dengan pewarna ekstrak Kakishibu dengan penampilan yang unik.

Lining kontras dengan warna yang sama juga ditampilkan pada bagian saku belakang jeans.

Jeans dikencangkan dengan kancing lima elemen, diproduksi khusus untuk jeans seri spesial ini.

Kancing logam ini memiliki warna emas dan menampilkan elemen bumi, api, angin, air dan ruang.

Jeans ini sangat ekspresif dengan berbagai detail yang menarik. Masih banyak detail lainnya yang dapat Anda temukan pada jeans ini (kami hanya menampilkan beberapa fitur utama jeans ini di sini). Tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, jeans ini merupakan rekomendasi utama penggemar model 710.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


Jika Anda tertarik dengan fitting ramping dengan rise yang sedikit lebih rendah dari model 710, maka model 511 akan menjadi jeans terbaik yang sesuai dengan ekspetasi Anda! Rilisan jeans ini dihasilkan berdasarkan dengan siluet jeans klasik S0511XX.

Foto di atas menampilkan model S511XX21OZDM (model ini memiliki detail menarik yang berbeda dalam gaya yang sama dengan jeans S511GXM).


Di sini, kita bisa simak tekstur ekspresif dengan berat denim 17 oz yang sama dengan model S710GXT. Namun, bagian benang weft jeans ini diwarnai dengan warna indigo yang berbeda dengan konsep “Elemen Air”. Bagian benang warp jeans ini diwarnai dengan pewarna indigo murni gelap, sedangkan bagian benang weft diwarnai dengan pewarna nabati (indigo alami) dengan warna yang sedikit lebih terang. Ini menciptakan penampilan warna yang sangat gelap, dimana pada saat yang sama sangat unik karena adanya penampilan warna kontras dari benang weft dan warp. Ini menciptakan potensi pemudaran unik dan indah yang tidak dapat Anda temukan pada denim lain. Karakter yang sama dengan jeans sebelumnya, benang emas dijahitkan pada bagian selvedge jeans ini.


Untuk menampilkan konsep elemen air, patch kulit jeans ini diwarnai dengan pewarna cobalt biru yang terang. 

Arcuate pada bagian saku belakang jeans dibordir dengan jahitan warna cobalt biru terang. Tab berwarna jingga spesial juga ditampilkan pada bagian saku belakang jeans.

Saku jeans ini juga diwarnai dengan warna indigo terang, yang tampil impresif!

Sebagai tanda koleksi edisi terbatas, simbol label Lima Elemen dijahit pada jeans ini.

Bagian lining saku belakang jeans dijahit secara rapi dalam warna kontras.

Kancing donut jeans ini juga memfiturkan kancing edisi “Lima Elemen” spesial pada bagian depan.

Jeans ini tidak kalah menarik dari S710GXT, cocok untuk Anda yang menginginkan penampilan ‘cool’. Mereka dilengkapi dengan detail unik dan warna denim yang menarik.


Mengapa Anda mendapatkan koleksi reguler biasa ketika Anda dapat mendapatkan jeans edisi spesial untuk melengkapkan koleksi denim Anda? Dengan berbagai detail yang menarik di seri spesial ini, kami dapat memastikan bahwa rilisan ini tidak akan mengecewakan Anda. Klasik dan juga langka, jeans ini akan menjadi koleksi menarik Anda sebagai kolektor denim (yang dikenal sebagai denimheads), atau sebagai penggemar berat Samurai Jeans. Mereka akan menemani Anda selama beberapa tahun dan Anda akan merasa bangga setiap kali mereka mengingatkan Anda kepada warior Samurai Jepang yang terkenal: Miyamoto Musashi.

Mungkin saja sulit bagi Anda untuk memutuskan jeans mana yang akan Anda dapatkan di antara kedua seri jeans ini. Anda dapat menghubungi konsultan denim kami di Denimio dan kami akan membantu Anda memutuskan jeans terbaik yang akan sesuai dengan preferensi Anda. Atau mungkin, Anda bisa mendapatkan kedua model jeans tersebut jika Anda merupakan kolektor denim ‘profesional’. Mereka akan menjadi salah satu koleksi langka yang Anda akan dapatkan. 🙂

Selamat berbelanja!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: seri Book of the Earth
Perkiraan periode pengiriman: Agustus-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: seri Book of the Water
Perkiraan periode pengiriman: November-Desember 2019

 [:zh]这是 Samurai Jeans 向他们所有的忠实粉丝展示最新的武士牛仔裤的一个非常特殊的时刻。那些密切关注这个品牌的人会知道, Samurai 从不把它的系列局限于普通的经典裤型。有趣的合作款和限量版总是让 Samurai Jeans 在其他受人尊敬的日本品牌中脱颖而出。通常情况下,定制的内容取决于经典款式所沿用的细节。

这一次, Samurai Jeans “卷土重来”,推出了一些稀有、独特、有收藏价值的牛仔裤。经过9年等待, Samurai Jeans 带来了全球牛仔爱好者都被受期待的限量,特别版产品: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書)系列——这些牛仔裤有什么特别之处?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – 五轮之书

众所周知, Samurai Jeans 致力于将日本文化融入到美国牛仔服装的元素中。这种独特的改编创造了一个突出的,独特的和有趣的并可以强调他们的品牌身份的服装。他们的许多产品标签都是为了纪念日本历史上著名的剑客。

在这款发布作品中, Samurai Jeans 致敬了著名的哲学宝藏“五轮之书”(五輪書, Gorin No Sho)。这本书是由日本传奇剑客宫本武藏在1645年写的,他第一次决斗时只有13岁。



那些长期对 Samurai Jeans 感兴趣的人可能还记得,这些款式已于2010年发布。你甚至可能在你自己的牛仔裤中看到这些系列。然而,这一次产品型号得到了改进,使用了更令人兴奋的颜色和细节。先睹为快,让我们来分享一些关于本系列前两条牛仔裤的信息,它们分别是“地之书”和“水之书”。


Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – 地之卷


S710GXT 的版型是基于最受欢迎的710,这是众所周知的最好的经典版型: S710XX 19OZ.

这款型号一直是 Samurai Jeans 的旗舰产品,也是日本以外地区10多年来最知名的款式。舒适度和完美的剪裁使这些牛仔裤非常舒适,适合日常穿着。他们的特点是中腰,大腿部位不会很紧,裤脚口的部分微锥一些。这是一款多功能、时尚、现代的款式。这是完全原创的牛仔裤,没有完全复刻美国牛仔服装型号。

上图显示了 S710XX15OZDM 型号的例子(该型号具有类似风格的不同有趣细节)



Samurai Jeans 用美国和澳大利亚的短纤维和中纤维棉品种。这制造了可以实现一个富有表现力的纹理和对比度的超紧捻纱和超高潜力。对于那些还不太熟悉 Samurai Denim, 的玩家,请注意,这个品牌的新牛仔裤看起来是非常粗糙的(如果你想,你可以把它们立起来),但经过一段时间的穿着和缩水过程,他们将是一个非常舒适的牛仔裤并完全适合你的体型。



这些牛仔裤的所有细节都强调了这款型号的主旨 – “地”元素。



很稀有的橙色旗子也会体现在这个系列中,这个细节仅用在 Samurai Jeans 特别版型号中。






Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – 水之卷


如果你对窄一些的大腿和略低于710型号的腰感兴趣,那么 511 型号就是你所需要的!这个版本是基于经典的 S0511XX 剪裁。

上图展示了 S511XX21OZDM 型号(该型号具有类似风格的不同有趣细节)。










一款完全不逊色于 S710GXT 的另外一个五轮之书系列款式。非常适合那些喜欢“酷”造型的人。它们充满了出色的细节和有趣的牛仔色彩。


当你可以买到限量版牛仔裤来升级你的衣橱时,为什么你还要购买定番呢?在这些特别的系列中包含了所有这些有趣的细节,我们保证这些限定款式在任何时候都不会让你失望!经典而稀有,作为经验丰富的牛仔收藏爱好者,甚至为那些 Samurai Jeans 的粉丝们,他们一定会是你非常有趣的收藏品!他们非常棒,会陪伴你很多年,并且每次他们都会让你想起伟大的大师:宫本武藏!

你可能很难决定从这些款式中选择哪条牛仔裤。请随时与 Denimio 牛仔顾问联系,我们会帮助您选择最适合你的牛仔裤。也许,如果你是一个“绝对”的牛仔收藏家,你甚至可以同时拥有这两件衣服。它们确实是“一生一次的收藏”。:)


预购 Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: 五轮之书系列 – 地之卷
大约发货时间: 2019年8-9月

预购 Samurai Jeans S511GXM: 五轮之书系列 – 水之卷
大约发货时间: 2019年11-12月

 [:de]It is a very special time to reveal the latest Samurai Jeans release to their all loyal fans. Those who have been closely following this brand will know that Samurai never limits its collections to regular classic models. Collaborations and limited editions with interesting details always make Samurai Jeans stands out among any other respected Japanese brands. Often, the customization of the details is subject to the preservation of denim used for classic models.

This time, Samurai Jeans makes a ‘comeback’ with some rare, unique and collectible jeans. After 9 years waiting, Samurai Jeans brings back the limited, special edition jeans that are much anticipated by worldwide denim collector: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) series – The Book of Five Rings. What’s so special with these jeans?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

As all of us know, Samurai Jeans is dedicated to present Japanese culture into the element of American denim clothing. This unique adaptation creates an outstanding, unique and interesting clothing that emphasize their brand identity. Many of their product labels are devoted to reminiscing famous Japanese swordsmen in long Japanese history.

In this release, Samurai Jeans honors the well-known philosophical treasure “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). This book was written by a legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in 1645, who had his first duel when he was merely 13 years old.

“The Book of Five Rings” is a well-known classic that describes the strategies and principles of martial arts with a touch of Samurai philosophy. It is divided into five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, void.

To stay true to folklore, each of these jeans models represents each spiritual element of this warrior tradition. With these honors, each jeans are released with exclusive details and unique natural denim dye on their weft yarn.

Those who have been interested in Samurai Jeans for a long time may remember that these models have been released in 2010. You might even have these jeans in your own collection. However, the models have been improved this time with more exciting colors and details. As a sneak peek, allow us to share some information about the first two jeans in this series which represent “the Book of the Earth” and “the Book of Water”.

Note: they are extremely rare and limited. They are not reserved so many sizes could be sold out real soon (even at the pre-order stage).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


S710GXT‘s cut is based on the most popular 710 that is well-known with its the best classic model: S710XX 19OZ.

This model has been the flagship of Samurai Jeans and being the most recognizable piece outside of Japan for more than 10 years. The comfortable and perfectly balanced cut makes these jeans comfortably fit for daily wear. They feature mid-rise with a not too tight fit in the upper part of the thigh and come with a slightly tapered leg downwards. A versatile, stylish and modern style. It is completely original jeans without adapting completely from the old American denim clothing model.

The image above shows the example of S710XX15OZDM model (this model has different interesting details in the similar style).


The density of 17oz denim is used for the fabric. This is slightly above the average denim weight, perfect to create a great texture without being too heavy.

Samurai Jeans uses American and Australian cotton varieties with short and medium fibers. This creates tight-twisted yarns with high-potential to achieve an expressive texture and contrast. For those who are not yet familiar with Samurai Denim, note that the new jeans of this brand will look extremely tough (if you wish, you can put them in an upright position), but after some wearing and shrinking process, they will be a very comfortable denim that fit perfectly according to your body shape.

The weft part of the fabric is dyed in a dark and saturated indigo color. The warp is dyed with Kakishibu – natural vegetable dye based on persimmon extract. Such a fulvous, brownish shade best symbolizes the Element of the Earth – the element as the whole concept of this model. You can anticipate unusual and amazing fading results. As a contrast, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of the jeans as one of its interesting detail.


All the details of these jeans emphasize the main idea of the release – Earth element.

The Earth Element is emphasized on its leather patch:

The stitching as well as embroidered arcuate, emphasize the color of the weft thread of the denim.

A rare orange tab is presented on this series. It is only used for special editions Samurai Jeans models.

The burlap pockets are also dyed in Kakishibu unique extract.

The contrast lining with the same color is presented on the back pockets.

Jeans are fastened with five element buttons, produced specifically for this series.

These metal buttons have a dull golden color portraying Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Void elements.

They are very expressive with lots of interesting details. There are even more details that you can find on these jeans (we only showed the main features here). No doubt, it is recommended the collection to all 710 model lovers.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


If you are interested in a narrower leg fit and a slightly lower belt than the 710 model, then the 511 model is what you need! This release is based on the classic S0511XX silhouette.

The image above shows S511XX21OZDM model(this model has different interesting details in a similar style).


Here we can see the same expressive texture and the same 17oz denim density. However, the weft thread in these jeans is dyed in different indigo color with “Water Element” concept. The warp thread is dyed in deep pure indigo, while the weft thread is dyed with vegetable (natural indigo)dye with a slightly lighter shade. This creates an extremely dark, and at the same time unusual color due to the contrast of weft and warp threads. It creates a potential for unique, beautiful fading results that you can’t find on any other denim. Similarly, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of these jeans.


To symbolizes the Element of Water, the leather patch of these jeans are dyed in a bright cobalt-blue color.

The arcuate on the back pockets are embroidered with a bright thread of cobalt-blue color. The special orange tab is also presented on the back pocket.

Burlap pockets are also dyed in light indigo, which looks impressive!

To represent a limited denim collection, a symbol of the Five Elements label is stitched on these jeans.

The lining of the back pockets is stitched meticulously in a contrast color.

The donut buttons also feature “Five Elements” edition buttons on the front side.

A collection that is not less interesting than S710GXT, perfect for you who love ‘cooler’ look. They are packed with excellent details and interesting denim colors.


Why do you get regular collection when you can get limited edition jeans to upgrade your wardrobe? With all those interesting details packed in these special series, we can ensure you that these releases will not disappoint you at any moment. Classic but also rare, they will certainly be an interesting collection for you as experienced collectors (a.k.a. denimheads), or even for those who are Samurai Jeans fans. They will accompany you for many years and feel great every time they remind you of the great master: Miyamoto Musashi.

It could be hard for you to decide which jeans you will get from these models. Feel free to contact our denim consultant in Denimio for a little chit-chat, and we will help you to decide what’s the best jeans to match your preference. Perhaps, you can even get both of them if you are an ‘absolute’ denim collector. They are indeed ‘once in a lifetime collection’. 🙂

Enjoy shopping!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: Book of the Earth series
Estimated delivery: August-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
Estimated delivery: November-December 2019

 [:es]It is a very special time to reveal the latest Samurai Jeans release to their all loyal fans. Those who have been closely following this brand will know that Samurai never limits its collections to regular classic models. Collaborations and limited editions with interesting details always make Samurai Jeans stands out among any other respected Japanese brands. Often, the customization of the details is subject to the preservation of denim used for classic models.

This time, Samurai Jeans makes a ‘comeback’ with some rare, unique and collectible jeans. After 9 years waiting, Samurai Jeans brings back the limited, special edition jeans that are much anticipated by worldwide denim collector: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) series – The Book of Five Rings. What’s so special with these jeans?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

As all of us know, Samurai Jeans is dedicated to present Japanese culture into the element of American denim clothing. This unique adaptation creates an outstanding, unique and interesting clothing that emphasize their brand identity. Many of their product labels are devoted to reminiscing famous Japanese swordsmen in long Japanese history.

In this release, Samurai Jeans honors the well-known philosophical treasure “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). This book was written by a legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in 1645, who had his first duel when he was merely 13 years old.

“The Book of Five Rings” is a well-known classic that describes the strategies and principles of martial arts with a touch of Samurai philosophy. It is divided into five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, void.

To stay true to folklore, each of these jeans models represents each spiritual element of this warrior tradition. With these honors, each jeans are released with exclusive details and unique natural denim dye on their weft yarn.

Those who have been interested in Samurai Jeans for a long time may remember that these models have been released in 2010. You might even have these jeans in your own collection. However, the models have been improved this time with more exciting colors and details. As a sneak peek, allow us to share some information about the first two jeans in this series which represent “the Book of the Earth” and “the Book of Water”.

Note: they are extremely rare and limited. They are not reserved so many sizes could be sold out real soon (even at the pre-order stage).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


S710GXT‘s cut is based on the most popular 710 that is well-known with its the best classic model: S710XX 19OZ.

This model has been the flagship of Samurai Jeans and being the most recognizable piece outside of Japan for more than 10 years. The comfortable and perfectly balanced cut makes these jeans comfortably fit for daily wear. They feature mid-rise with a not too tight fit in the upper part of the thigh and come with a slightly tapered leg downwards. A versatile, stylish and modern style. It is completely original jeans without adapting completely from the old American denim clothing model.

The image above shows the example of S710XX15OZDM model (this model has different interesting details in the similar style).


The density of 17oz denim is used for the fabric. This is slightly above the average denim weight, perfect to create a great texture without being too heavy.

Samurai Jeans uses American and Australian cotton varieties with short and medium fibers. This creates tight-twisted yarns with high-potential to achieve an expressive texture and contrast. For those who are not yet familiar with Samurai Denim, note that the new jeans of this brand will look extremely tough (if you wish, you can put them in an upright position), but after some wearing and shrinking process, they will be a very comfortable denim that fit perfectly according to your body shape.

The weft part of the fabric is dyed in a dark and saturated indigo color. The warp is dyed with Kakishibu – natural vegetable dye based on persimmon extract. Such a fulvous, brownish shade best symbolizes the Element of the Earth – the element as the whole concept of this model. You can anticipate unusual and amazing fading results. As a contrast, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of the jeans as one of its interesting detail.


All the details of these jeans emphasize the main idea of the release – Earth element.

The Earth Element is emphasized on its leather patch:

The stitching as well as embroidered arcuate, emphasize the color of the weft thread of the denim.

A rare orange tab is presented on this series. It is only used for special editions Samurai Jeans models.

The burlap pockets are also dyed in Kakishibu unique extract.

The contrast lining with the same color is presented on the back pockets.

Jeans are fastened with five element buttons, produced specifically for this series.

These metal buttons have a dull golden color portraying Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Void elements.

They are very expressive with lots of interesting details. There are even more details that you can find on these jeans (we only showed the main features here). No doubt, it is recommended the collection to all 710 model lovers.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


If you are interested in a narrower leg fit and a slightly lower belt than the 710 model, then the 511 model is what you need! This release is based on the classic S0511XX silhouette.

The image above shows S511XX21OZDM model(this model has different interesting details in a similar style).


Here we can see the same expressive texture and the same 17oz denim density. However, the weft thread in these jeans is dyed in different indigo color with “Water Element” concept. The warp thread is dyed in deep pure indigo, while the weft thread is dyed with vegetable (natural indigo)dye with a slightly lighter shade. This creates an extremely dark, and at the same time unusual color due to the contrast of weft and warp threads. It creates a potential for unique, beautiful fading results that you can’t find on any other denim. Similarly, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of these jeans.


To symbolizes the Element of Water, the leather patch of these jeans are dyed in a bright cobalt-blue color.

The arcuate on the back pockets are embroidered with a bright thread of cobalt-blue color. The special orange tab is also presented on the back pocket.

Burlap pockets are also dyed in light indigo, which looks impressive!

To represent a limited denim collection, a symbol of the Five Elements label is stitched on these jeans.

The lining of the back pockets is stitched meticulously in a contrast color.

The donut buttons also feature “Five Elements” edition buttons on the front side.

A collection that is not less interesting than S710GXT, perfect for you who love ‘cooler’ look. They are packed with excellent details and interesting denim colors.


Why do you get regular collection when you can get limited edition jeans to upgrade your wardrobe? With all those interesting details packed in these special series, we can ensure you that these releases will not disappoint you at any moment. Classic but also rare, they will certainly be an interesting collection for you as experienced collectors (a.k.a. denimheads), or even for those who are Samurai Jeans fans. They will accompany you for many years and feel great every time they remind you of the great master: Miyamoto Musashi.

It could be hard for you to decide which jeans you will get from these models. Feel free to contact our denim consultant in Denimio for a little chit-chat, and we will help you to decide what’s the best jeans to match your preference. Perhaps, you can even get both of them if you are an ‘absolute’ denim collector. They are indeed ‘once in a lifetime collection’. 🙂

Enjoy shopping!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: Book of the Earth series
Estimated delivery: August-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
Estimated delivery: November-December 2019

 [:fr]It is a very special time to reveal the latest Samurai Jeans release to their all loyal fans. Those who have been closely following this brand will know that Samurai never limits its collections to regular classic models. Collaborations and limited editions with interesting details always make Samurai Jeans stands out among any other respected Japanese brands. Often, the customization of the details is subject to the preservation of denim used for classic models.

This time, Samurai Jeans makes a ‘comeback’ with some rare, unique and collectible jeans. After 9 years waiting, Samurai Jeans brings back the limited, special edition jeans that are much anticipated by worldwide denim collector: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) series – The Book of Five Rings. What’s so special with these jeans?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

As all of us know, Samurai Jeans is dedicated to present Japanese culture into the element of American denim clothing. This unique adaptation creates an outstanding, unique and interesting clothing that emphasize their brand identity. Many of their product labels are devoted to reminiscing famous Japanese swordsmen in long Japanese history.

In this release, Samurai Jeans honors the well-known philosophical treasure “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). This book was written by a legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in 1645, who had his first duel when he was merely 13 years old.

“The Book of Five Rings” is a well-known classic that describes the strategies and principles of martial arts with a touch of Samurai philosophy. It is divided into five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, void.

To stay true to folklore, each of these jeans models represents each spiritual element of this warrior tradition. With these honors, each jeans are released with exclusive details and unique natural denim dye on their weft yarn.

Those who have been interested in Samurai Jeans for a long time may remember that these models have been released in 2010. You might even have these jeans in your own collection. However, the models have been improved this time with more exciting colors and details. As a sneak peek, allow us to share some information about the first two jeans in this series which represent “the Book of the Earth” and “the Book of Water”.

Note: they are extremely rare and limited. They are not reserved so many sizes could be sold out real soon (even at the pre-order stage).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


S710GXT‘s cut is based on the most popular 710 that is well-known with its the best classic model: S710XX 19OZ.

This model has been the flagship of Samurai Jeans and being the most recognizable piece outside of Japan for more than 10 years. The comfortable and perfectly balanced cut makes these jeans comfortably fit for daily wear. They feature mid-rise with a not too tight fit in the upper part of the thigh and come with a slightly tapered leg downwards. A versatile, stylish and modern style. It is completely original jeans without adapting completely from the old American denim clothing model.

The image above shows the example of S710XX15OZDM model (this model has different interesting details in the similar style).


The density of 17oz denim is used for the fabric. This is slightly above the average denim weight, perfect to create a great texture without being too heavy.

Samurai Jeans uses American and Australian cotton varieties with short and medium fibers. This creates tight-twisted yarns with high-potential to achieve an expressive texture and contrast. For those who are not yet familiar with Samurai Denim, note that the new jeans of this brand will look extremely tough (if you wish, you can put them in an upright position), but after some wearing and shrinking process, they will be a very comfortable denim that fit perfectly according to your body shape.

The weft part of the fabric is dyed in a dark and saturated indigo color. The warp is dyed with Kakishibu – natural vegetable dye based on persimmon extract. Such a fulvous, brownish shade best symbolizes the Element of the Earth – the element as the whole concept of this model. You can anticipate unusual and amazing fading results. As a contrast, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of the jeans as one of its interesting detail.


All the details of these jeans emphasize the main idea of the release – Earth element.

The Earth Element is emphasized on its leather patch:

The stitching as well as embroidered arcuate, emphasize the color of the weft thread of the denim.

A rare orange tab is presented on this series. It is only used for special editions Samurai Jeans models.

The burlap pockets are also dyed in Kakishibu unique extract.

The contrast lining with the same color is presented on the back pockets.

Jeans are fastened with five element buttons, produced specifically for this series.

These metal buttons have a dull golden color portraying Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Void elements.

They are very expressive with lots of interesting details. There are even more details that you can find on these jeans (we only showed the main features here). No doubt, it is recommended the collection to all 710 model lovers.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


If you are interested in a narrower leg fit and a slightly lower belt than the 710 model, then the 511 model is what you need! This release is based on the classic S0511XX silhouette.

The image above shows S511XX21OZDM model(this model has different interesting details in a similar style).


Here we can see the same expressive texture and the same 17oz denim density. However, the weft thread in these jeans is dyed in different indigo color with “Water Element” concept. The warp thread is dyed in deep pure indigo, while the weft thread is dyed with vegetable (natural indigo)dye with a slightly lighter shade. This creates an extremely dark, and at the same time unusual color due to the contrast of weft and warp threads. It creates a potential for unique, beautiful fading results that you can’t find on any other denim. Similarly, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of these jeans.


To symbolizes the Element of Water, the leather patch of these jeans are dyed in a bright cobalt-blue color.

The arcuate on the back pockets are embroidered with a bright thread of cobalt-blue color. The special orange tab is also presented on the back pocket.

Burlap pockets are also dyed in light indigo, which looks impressive!

To represent a limited denim collection, a symbol of the Five Elements label is stitched on these jeans.

The lining of the back pockets is stitched meticulously in a contrast color.

The donut buttons also feature “Five Elements” edition buttons on the front side.

A collection that is not less interesting than S710GXT, perfect for you who love ‘cooler’ look. They are packed with excellent details and interesting denim colors.


Why do you get regular collection when you can get limited edition jeans to upgrade your wardrobe? With all those interesting details packed in these special series, we can ensure you that these releases will not disappoint you at any moment. Classic but also rare, they will certainly be an interesting collection for you as experienced collectors (a.k.a. denimheads), or even for those who are Samurai Jeans fans. They will accompany you for many years and feel great every time they remind you of the great master: Miyamoto Musashi.

It could be hard for you to decide which jeans you will get from these models. Feel free to contact our denim consultant in Denimio for a little chit-chat, and we will help you to decide what’s the best jeans to match your preference. Perhaps, you can even get both of them if you are an ‘absolute’ denim collector. They are indeed ‘once in a lifetime collection’. 🙂

Enjoy shopping!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: Book of the Earth series
Estimated delivery: August-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
Estimated delivery: November-December 2019

 [:it]It is a very special time to reveal the latest Samurai Jeans release to their all loyal fans. Those who have been closely following this brand will know that Samurai never limits its collections to regular classic models. Collaborations and limited editions with interesting details always make Samurai Jeans stands out among any other respected Japanese brands. Often, the customization of the details is subject to the preservation of denim used for classic models.

This time, Samurai Jeans makes a ‘comeback’ with some rare, unique and collectible jeans. After 9 years waiting, Samurai Jeans brings back the limited, special edition jeans that are much anticipated by worldwide denim collector: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) series – The Book of Five Rings. What’s so special with these jeans?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

As all of us know, Samurai Jeans is dedicated to present Japanese culture into the element of American denim clothing. This unique adaptation creates an outstanding, unique and interesting clothing that emphasize their brand identity. Many of their product labels are devoted to reminiscing famous Japanese swordsmen in long Japanese history.

In this release, Samurai Jeans honors the well-known philosophical treasure “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). This book was written by a legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in 1645, who had his first duel when he was merely 13 years old.

“The Book of Five Rings” is a well-known classic that describes the strategies and principles of martial arts with a touch of Samurai philosophy. It is divided into five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, void.

To stay true to folklore, each of these jeans models represents each spiritual element of this warrior tradition. With these honors, each jeans are released with exclusive details and unique natural denim dye on their weft yarn.

Those who have been interested in Samurai Jeans for a long time may remember that these models have been released in 2010. You might even have these jeans in your own collection. However, the models have been improved this time with more exciting colors and details. As a sneak peek, allow us to share some information about the first two jeans in this series which represent “the Book of the Earth” and “the Book of Water”.

Note: they are extremely rare and limited. They are not reserved so many sizes could be sold out real soon (even at the pre-order stage).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


S710GXT‘s cut is based on the most popular 710 that is well-known with its the best classic model: S710XX 19OZ.

This model has been the flagship of Samurai Jeans and being the most recognizable piece outside of Japan for more than 10 years. The comfortable and perfectly balanced cut makes these jeans comfortably fit for daily wear. They feature mid-rise with a not too tight fit in the upper part of the thigh and come with a slightly tapered leg downwards. A versatile, stylish and modern style. It is completely original jeans without adapting completely from the old American denim clothing model.

The image above shows the example of S710XX15OZDM model (this model has different interesting details in the similar style).


The density of 17oz denim is used for the fabric. This is slightly above the average denim weight, perfect to create a great texture without being too heavy.

Samurai Jeans uses American and Australian cotton varieties with short and medium fibers. This creates tight-twisted yarns with high-potential to achieve an expressive texture and contrast. For those who are not yet familiar with Samurai Denim, note that the new jeans of this brand will look extremely tough (if you wish, you can put them in an upright position), but after some wearing and shrinking process, they will be a very comfortable denim that fit perfectly according to your body shape.

The weft part of the fabric is dyed in a dark and saturated indigo color. The warp is dyed with Kakishibu – natural vegetable dye based on persimmon extract. Such a fulvous, brownish shade best symbolizes the Element of the Earth – the element as the whole concept of this model. You can anticipate unusual and amazing fading results. As a contrast, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of the jeans as one of its interesting detail.


All the details of these jeans emphasize the main idea of the release – Earth element.

The Earth Element is emphasized on its leather patch:

The stitching as well as embroidered arcuate, emphasize the color of the weft thread of the denim.

A rare orange tab is presented on this series. It is only used for special editions Samurai Jeans models.

The burlap pockets are also dyed in Kakishibu unique extract.

The contrast lining with the same color is presented on the back pockets.

Jeans are fastened with five element buttons, produced specifically for this series.

These metal buttons have a dull golden color portraying Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Void elements.

They are very expressive with lots of interesting details. There are even more details that you can find on these jeans (we only showed the main features here). No doubt, it is recommended the collection to all 710 model lovers.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


If you are interested in a narrower leg fit and a slightly lower belt than the 710 model, then the 511 model is what you need! This release is based on the classic S0511XX silhouette.

The image above shows S511XX21OZDM model(this model has different interesting details in a similar style).


Here we can see the same expressive texture and the same 17oz denim density. However, the weft thread in these jeans is dyed in different indigo color with “Water Element” concept. The warp thread is dyed in deep pure indigo, while the weft thread is dyed with vegetable (natural indigo)dye with a slightly lighter shade. This creates an extremely dark, and at the same time unusual color due to the contrast of weft and warp threads. It creates a potential for unique, beautiful fading results that you can’t find on any other denim. Similarly, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of these jeans.


To symbolizes the Element of Water, the leather patch of these jeans are dyed in a bright cobalt-blue color.

The arcuate on the back pockets are embroidered with a bright thread of cobalt-blue color. The special orange tab is also presented on the back pocket.

Burlap pockets are also dyed in light indigo, which looks impressive!

To represent a limited denim collection, a symbol of the Five Elements label is stitched on these jeans.

The lining of the back pockets is stitched meticulously in a contrast color.

The donut buttons also feature “Five Elements” edition buttons on the front side.

A collection that is not less interesting than S710GXT, perfect for you who love ‘cooler’ look. They are packed with excellent details and interesting denim colors.


Why do you get regular collection when you can get limited edition jeans to upgrade your wardrobe? With all those interesting details packed in these special series, we can ensure you that these releases will not disappoint you at any moment. Classic but also rare, they will certainly be an interesting collection for you as experienced collectors (a.k.a. denimheads), or even for those who are Samurai Jeans fans. They will accompany you for many years and feel great every time they remind you of the great master: Miyamoto Musashi.

It could be hard for you to decide which jeans you will get from these models. Feel free to contact our denim consultant in Denimio for a little chit-chat, and we will help you to decide what’s the best jeans to match your preference. Perhaps, you can even get both of them if you are an ‘absolute’ denim collector. They are indeed ‘once in a lifetime collection’. 🙂

Enjoy shopping!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: Book of the Earth series
Estimated delivery: August-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
Estimated delivery: November-December 2019

 [:pt]It is a very special time to reveal the latest Samurai Jeans release to their all loyal fans. Those who have been closely following this brand will know that Samurai never limits its collections to regular classic models. Collaborations and limited editions with interesting details always make Samurai Jeans stands out among any other respected Japanese brands. Often, the customization of the details is subject to the preservation of denim used for classic models.

This time, Samurai Jeans makes a ‘comeback’ with some rare, unique and collectible jeans. After 9 years waiting, Samurai Jeans brings back the limited, special edition jeans that are much anticipated by worldwide denim collector: Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) series – The Book of Five Rings. What’s so special with these jeans?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

As all of us know, Samurai Jeans is dedicated to present Japanese culture into the element of American denim clothing. This unique adaptation creates an outstanding, unique and interesting clothing that emphasize their brand identity. Many of their product labels are devoted to reminiscing famous Japanese swordsmen in long Japanese history.

In this release, Samurai Jeans honors the well-known philosophical treasure “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho). This book was written by a legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in 1645, who had his first duel when he was merely 13 years old.

“The Book of Five Rings” is a well-known classic that describes the strategies and principles of martial arts with a touch of Samurai philosophy. It is divided into five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, void.

To stay true to folklore, each of these jeans models represents each spiritual element of this warrior tradition. With these honors, each jeans are released with exclusive details and unique natural denim dye on their weft yarn.

Those who have been interested in Samurai Jeans for a long time may remember that these models have been released in 2010. You might even have these jeans in your own collection. However, the models have been improved this time with more exciting colors and details. As a sneak peek, allow us to share some information about the first two jeans in this series which represent “the Book of the Earth” and “the Book of Water”.

Note: they are extremely rare and limited. They are not reserved so many sizes could be sold out real soon (even at the pre-order stage).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


S710GXT‘s cut is based on the most popular 710 that is well-known with its the best classic model: S710XX 19OZ.

This model has been the flagship of Samurai Jeans and being the most recognizable piece outside of Japan for more than 10 years. The comfortable and perfectly balanced cut makes these jeans comfortably fit for daily wear. They feature mid-rise with a not too tight fit in the upper part of the thigh and come with a slightly tapered leg downwards. A versatile, stylish and modern style. It is completely original jeans without adapting completely from the old American denim clothing model.

The image above shows the example of S710XX15OZDM model (this model has different interesting details in the similar style).


The density of 17oz denim is used for the fabric. This is slightly above the average denim weight, perfect to create a great texture without being too heavy.

Samurai Jeans uses American and Australian cotton varieties with short and medium fibers. This creates tight-twisted yarns with high-potential to achieve an expressive texture and contrast. For those who are not yet familiar with Samurai Denim, note that the new jeans of this brand will look extremely tough (if you wish, you can put them in an upright position), but after some wearing and shrinking process, they will be a very comfortable denim that fit perfectly according to your body shape.

The weft part of the fabric is dyed in a dark and saturated indigo color. The warp is dyed with Kakishibu – natural vegetable dye based on persimmon extract. Such a fulvous, brownish shade best symbolizes the Element of the Earth – the element as the whole concept of this model. You can anticipate unusual and amazing fading results. As a contrast, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of the jeans as one of its interesting detail.


All the details of these jeans emphasize the main idea of the release – Earth element.

The Earth Element is emphasized on its leather patch:

The stitching as well as embroidered arcuate, emphasize the color of the weft thread of the denim.

A rare orange tab is presented on this series. It is only used for special editions Samurai Jeans models.

The burlap pockets are also dyed in Kakishibu unique extract.

The contrast lining with the same color is presented on the back pockets.

Jeans are fastened with five element buttons, produced specifically for this series.

These metal buttons have a dull golden color portraying Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Void elements.

They are very expressive with lots of interesting details. There are even more details that you can find on these jeans (we only showed the main features here). No doubt, it is recommended the collection to all 710 model lovers.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


If you are interested in a narrower leg fit and a slightly lower belt than the 710 model, then the 511 model is what you need! This release is based on the classic S0511XX silhouette.

The image above shows S511XX21OZDM model(this model has different interesting details in a similar style).


Here we can see the same expressive texture and the same 17oz denim density. However, the weft thread in these jeans is dyed in different indigo color with “Water Element” concept. The warp thread is dyed in deep pure indigo, while the weft thread is dyed with vegetable (natural indigo)dye with a slightly lighter shade. This creates an extremely dark, and at the same time unusual color due to the contrast of weft and warp threads. It creates a potential for unique, beautiful fading results that you can’t find on any other denim. Similarly, a golden thread is woven into the selvedge part of these jeans.


To symbolizes the Element of Water, the leather patch of these jeans are dyed in a bright cobalt-blue color.

The arcuate on the back pockets are embroidered with a bright thread of cobalt-blue color. The special orange tab is also presented on the back pocket.

Burlap pockets are also dyed in light indigo, which looks impressive!

To represent a limited denim collection, a symbol of the Five Elements label is stitched on these jeans.

The lining of the back pockets is stitched meticulously in a contrast color.

The donut buttons also feature “Five Elements” edition buttons on the front side.

A collection that is not less interesting than S710GXT, perfect for you who love ‘cooler’ look. They are packed with excellent details and interesting denim colors.


Why do you get regular collection when you can get limited edition jeans to upgrade your wardrobe? With all those interesting details packed in these special series, we can ensure you that these releases will not disappoint you at any moment. Classic but also rare, they will certainly be an interesting collection for you as experienced collectors (a.k.a. denimheads), or even for those who are Samurai Jeans fans. They will accompany you for many years and feel great every time they remind you of the great master: Miyamoto Musashi.

It could be hard for you to decide which jeans you will get from these models. Feel free to contact our denim consultant in Denimio for a little chit-chat, and we will help you to decide what’s the best jeans to match your preference. Perhaps, you can even get both of them if you are an ‘absolute’ denim collector. They are indeed ‘once in a lifetime collection’. 🙂

Enjoy shopping!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: Book of the Earth series
Estimated delivery: August-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
Estimated delivery: November-December 2019

 [:ru]Привет, любители японского денима! Настало время порадовать всех преданных поклонников Samurai Jeans очень необычным релизом. Те, кто внимательно следят за этим брендом наверняка знают, что Samurai никогда не ограничивают свои коллекции только регулярными классическими моделями. Коллаборации и ограниченные выпуски с интересными деталями выделяют Samurai Jeans среди многих других уважаемых японских брендов. Чаще всего кастомизации подвергаются детали джинсов при сохранении денима, используемого для классических моделей. Однако на сей раз Samurai Jeans выпускают действительно очень редкие и по-настоящему коллекционные джинсы, где одинаково уникален как сам деним, так и детали этих моделей.

Go Rin No Sho – Книга “Пяти Колец”

Наверняка вы уже знаете, что создатели бренда Samurai Jeans очень трепетно относятся как к старинному наследию американской джинсовой одежды, так и к японской истории и культуре. Именно органичное совмещение культуры Японии и Запада делает продукт Samurai чрезвычайно интересным, уникальным и непохожим ни на какой другой. Многие уникальные модели джинсов посвящаются знаменитым японским самураям.

Выпускаемая серия будет посвящена известному философскому трактату, «Книге Пяти Колец» (五輪書, Горинносё), написанному в XVII веке самураем и искусным фехтовальщиком Миямото Мусаси.

Этот трактат посвящён искусству фехтования и философии самураев. Он состоит из пяти книг, каждая из которых посвящена отдельной стихии: Книга Земли, Книга Воды, Книга Огня, Книга Ветра и Книга Пустоты.

Наверняка вы уже догадались, что именно в таком порядке будут выпущены эти уникальные модели джинсов в этой серии. Каждые джинсы будут символизировать определённую книгу трактата “Пяти Колец”, посвящённую какой-либо стихии.

Те из вас, друзья, кто уже давно интересуется японским денимом, возможно вспомнят, что в 2010 Samurai Jeans уже делали выпуск, посвящённый этому трактату. Возможно кто-то из вас даже имеет в коллекции джинсы из этой серии. Однако, на сей раз это будут другие модели, другие цвета и другие модели джинсов. Специально для вас мы делимся информацией о первых двух джинсах этой серии, которые будут посвящены Книге Земли и Книге Воды.

Обращаем ваше внимание на то, что это очень редкий и ограниченный выпуск. Многие размеры будут проданы ещё на этапе предзаказа.

Samurai Jeans S710GTX 17OZ – Книга Земли



Для этой S710GTX искользуется флагманский фасон 710, наиболее известный по классической модели S710XX 19OZ

Данная модель уже более 10 лет является флагманской у Samurai Jeans и самой узнаваемой за пределами Японии. Удобный и отлично сбалансированный крой не теряет актуальность и по сей день. Эти джинсы имеют среднюю высоту посадки на поясе, не узкую, но и не слишком тугую посадку в верхней части бедра и слегка сужающиеся книзу штанины. Это комфортный, стильный и достаточно современный фасон. Он полностью самобытен и не имеет прямых заимствований из старой американской джинсовой одежды.

Фасон показан на примере модели S710XX15OZDM (данная модель имет другой деним и детали при том же фасоне)



Деним данной серии – это безусловно то, что заставит биться сердце чаще всех денимхедов! Здесь используется плотность 17OZ. Такая плотность ткани весьма удобна и универсальна, она явно выше средней, что позволяет максимально выразить фактуру, но, в то же время, такие джинсы нельзя назвать экстремально тяжёлыми.

Как правило, Samurai Jeans использует американские и австралийские сорта хлопка с короткими и средними волокнами. Это позволяет получить туго скрученные нити, которые дают возможность получить деним с очень выразительной фактурой. Для тех, кто ещё мало знаком со спецификой денима от Samurai сообщаем, что новые джинсы этого бренда выглядят очень жесткими (при желании их можно поставить в вертикальное положение), но, сделав усадку и некоторое время походив в них, вы поймёте, что это исключительно комфортный деним, который очень быстро разнашивается и становится очень удобным. Буквально, как “вторая кожа”.

Нить основы (weft) окрашена в тёмный и насыщенный цвет индиго. Уточная нить (warp) окрашена природным растительным красителем kakishibu на основе экстракта хурмы. Именно такой бурый, коричневатый оттенок лучше всего символизирует “Стихию Земли”. И именно от этой стихии выстраивается вся концепция данной модели джинсов. Мы предполагаем, что фейдинг будет очень красивым и необычным. В селвидж такого денима вплетена золотистая нить.


Все детали этих джинсов подчёркивают основную идею выпуска – соответствие джинсов определенённой книге/стихии.

На кожаный патч этих джинсов нанесена символика “Стихии Земли”

Строчки джинсов, как и вышитые арки также подчёркивают цвет уточной нити денима

Весьма редко используемый Samurai Jeans orange tab. Эта деталь используется для самых редких и специальных выпусков.

Мешковина карманов сделана тоже в цвете kakishibu.

На задних карманах присутствует подкладка этого же цвета.

Джинсы застёгиваются на пять пуговиц, выпущенных специально для этой серии

Металлическая пуговица с изображением пяти стихий: земли, огня, ветра, пустоты матово-золотистого цвета.

Очень выразительный деним и масса интересных деталей (мы показали вам только основные). Рекомендуется всем любителям 710 модели.

Samurai Jeans S511GHM 17OZ – Книга Воды


Ещё один новый фасон Samurai Jeans. Если вам интересен более узкий крой штанин и чуть более низкий пояс, чем у 710 модели, то 511 модель – это то, что вам нужно! Этот выпуск также базируется на классической моедели S0511XX

фасон показан на примере модели S511XX21OZDM (данная модель имет другой деним и детали при том же фасоне)


Здесь мы видим такую же выразительную фактуру и такую же плотность денима 17OZ. Однако уточная нить здесь окрашена в другой цвет, символизирующий “стихию Воды”. Лучше всего эту стихию отражает цвет индиго. Заметим, что нить основы здесь окрашена в насыщенный тёмный цвет pure indigo, тогда как уточная нить окрашена растительным красителем (natural indigo) и имеет чуть более светлый оттенок. Это создаёт очень тёмный и в тоже время необычный цвет за счёт контраста weft и warp. Также предполагается очень красивый и не похожий ни на что другое фейдинг. В селвидж таких джинсов вплетается золотистая нить.


Детали этой модели тоже будут символизировать “Стихию Воды”, которая изображена на кожаном патче ярким синим цветом.

Арки на задних карманах вышиты яркой нитью цвета кобальт, также присутствует orange tab.

Мешковина карманов окрашена в светлый цвет индиго. Выглядит очень эффектно.

Нашит лейбл с символом “Пяти Стихий”.

Такой же материал используется для подкладки на задних карманах.

Пуговица в форме “пончика” имеет на лицевой стороне такое же изображение “Пяти Стихий”.

Не менее интересная модель с отличными деталями и великолепным цветом денима!


Мы уверены, что данный выпуск не оставит вас равнодушными. Он, безусловно будет интересен и для опытных денимхедов-коллекционеров, и для тех, кто заинтересовался джинсами от Samurai сравнительно недавно и хотел бы получить по-настоящему уникальные джинсы. Надеемся, эти вещи вас будут радовать долгие годы.

Пожалуй, это очень непростой выбор, т.к. обе модели выглядят великолепно, но, учитывая разное время выпуска этих джинсов, при желании вы можете приобрести оба варианта. Поверьте, это того стоит:)

Удачных покупок!

Разместить предзаказ на Samurai Jeans S710GTX 17OZ (ориентировочное время прибытия на склад август-сентябрь 2019 года)

Разместить предзаказ на Samurai Jeans S511GHM 17OZ (ориентировочное время прибытия на склад ноябрь-декабрь 2019 года)

 [:th]ได้เวลาเปิดตัวกางเกงยีนส์สุดพิเศษจาก Samurai Jeans ให้แฟนสายดาบต้องนั่งไม่ติดกันอีกครั้ง สำหรับคนที่ติดตามอย่างใกล้ชิดจะรู้ว่าทุกครั้งที่เราร่วมกับแบรนด์ Samurai ไอเท็มที่ออกมานั้นจะไร้ขีดจำกัดมาก งานคอลแลปฯ และลิมิเต็ด เอดิชั่นที่มีดีเทลทำให้ Samurai Jeans โดดเด่นกว่าแบรนด์อื่นๆ และหลายๆ ครั้งที่งานคัสต้อมดีเทลนี่แหละ ที่สร้างความแตกต่างให้กับยีนส์คลาสสิคหลายๆ รุ่น

และครั้งนี้ Samurai Jeans “กลับมา” พร้อมกับของแรร์ ทรงเอกลักษณ์และน่าสะสม หลังจากการรอคอยถึง 9 ปีเต็ม Samurai Jeans เปิดตัวงานลิมิเต็ด เอดิชั่นที่เคยได้รับเสียงฮือฮาอย่างหนักจากนักสะสมทั่วโลก ซีรี่ย์ Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – ตำราแห่งธาตุทั้ง 5 ยีนส์ซีรี่ย์นี้มีอะไรพิเศษ?

อย่างที่ทุกคนรู้กันดีว่า Samurai Jeans นำเสนอวัฒนธรรมญี่ปุ่นผ่านทางองค์ประกอบของยีนส์สไตล์อเมริกัน ดังนั้นไอเท็มชิ้นนี้จึงถูกออกแบบให้มีความโดดเด่นและความน่าสนใจที่เน้นไปที่ตัวตนของแบรนด์ สินค้าหลายรุ่นมีการทำออกมาในคอนเซปท์ของนักดาบโบราณในประวัติศาสตร์อันยาวนานของญี่ปุ่น

การเปิดตัวครั้งนี้ Samurai Jeans ได้หยิบเอาหนังสืออันทรงคุณค่าอย่าง ตำราธาตุทั้งห้า “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Gorin No Sho) ที่เขียนโดยนักดาบญี่ปุ่น Miyamoto Musashi ในปี 1645 ผู้ที่เคยผ่านการต่อสู้แบบตัวต่อตัวตั้งแต่อายุเพียง 13 ปี

ตำราธาตุทั้งห้า “The Book of Five Rings” คือของคลาสสิคที่มีเนื้อหาอธิบายถึงเทคนิคและหลักของศิลปะการต่อสู้ รวมกับหลักปรัชญาของซามูไร ซึ่งแบ่งออกเป็น 5 ส่วนด้วยกัน ได้แก่ ดิน, น้ำ, ลม, ไฟ และความว่างเปล่า

โดยยีนส์ซีรี่ย์นี้ แต่ละรุ่นได้รับการออกแบบให้นำเสนอจิตวิญญาณของแต่ละธาตุของนักรบโบราณ กางเกงยีนส์ซีรี่ย์นี้จึงได้รับการเปิดตัวเป็น Exclusive มีดีเทลที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์และย้อมด้ายเส้นขวางด้วยวิธีทางธรรมชาติ (Natural Denim Dye)

ยีนส์ 2 รุ่นจาก Samurai Jeans ที่ทำออกมาเมื่อช่วงเกือบสิบปีที่ผ่านมา ได้รับความสนใจอย่างมาก หลายคนในที่นี้อาจจะเป็นหนึ่งในเจ้าของคอลเลคชั่น ซึ่งอย่างไรก็ตาม ในครั้งนี้ ตัวยีนส์ได้รับการพัฒนา ทั้งทางด้านสีสันที่ให้ความตื่นตาตื่นใจมากขึ้น และในฐานะผู้สังเกตการณ์และติดตามความเป็นไปของแบรนด์ เราก็ได้ร่วมกับ Samurai เปิดตัวยีนส์ใหม่ทั้งสองรุ่นในซีรี่ย์ ได้แก่ “ตำราธาตุดิน The Book of the Earth” และ “ตำราธาตุน้ำ the Book of Water”

โน้ต: ยีนส์ทั้งสองรุ่นนี้ หายากสุดๆ และlimited ไม่ได้รับการผลิตออกมาไซส์ละหลายตัว ดังนั้นเราคาดว่าจะมีแฟนจากทั่วโลกมาจับจองและหมดอย่างรวดเร็ว (ถึงจะเป็นในช่วงพรีออเดอร์)

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – ตำราแห่งธาตุดิน The Book of the Earth


ทรงของ S710GXT มีพื้นฐานมาจากทรงยอดฮิต 710 ที่เป็นที่รู้จักกันดีในฐานะโมเดลคลาสสิคที่ดีที่สุด S710XX 19OZ.

โดยทรงนี้ได้กลายเป็นไอคอนของแบรนด์ Samurai Jeans โด่งดังไปทั่วโลกมากว่า 10 ปี ด้วยความลงตัวระหว่างความสบายและการใช้งาน เอวกลางที่ไม่ฟิตจนเกินไป ช่วงขาตัดออกมาให้มีลักษณะเทเปอร์เล็กน้อย ทำให้แมตช์ได้ง่ายกับทุกสไตล์ ออริจินัล แต่ไม่ทิ้งความเป็นคลาสสิคอเมริกันสไตล์

ภาพด้านบนโชว์ตัวอย่างของ S710XX15OZDM (โดยรุ่นนี้มีสไตล์คล้ายกัน แต่ดีเทลแตกต่างอย่างสนใจ


เดนิมหนัก 17 ออนซ์ ซึ่งเป็นน้ำหนักที่ค่อนข้างเบากว่ายีนส์เฉลี่ย เพอร์เฟคสำหรับการเฟดในแบบที่ไม่ต้องสรรหายีนส์ที่หนาจนเกินไป
Samurai Jeans ใช้ฝ้ายอเมริกันและออสเตรเลียนเส้นใยกลางและสั้น ทำให้มีรอบการปั่นที่แน่นและทำให้ยีนส์เฟดง่ายและคอนทราสหนัก สำหรับคนที่ยังไม่คุ้นชินกับ เดนิมของ Samurai รุ่นใหม่ๆ นั้นแข็งมาก (ถึงขนาดหยิบยีนส์เอามาตั้งได้เลยทีเดียว) แต่หลังจากการสวมใส่และเกิดกระบวนการหดตัว ยีนส์จะสวมใส่สบายและพอดีตัวคุณอย่างที่สุด

ด้ายแนวยาวของผ้าถูกย้อมด้วยสีอินดิโก้เข้ม ส่วนด้ายแนวขวางย้อมด้วยกรรมวิธี Kakishibu – สีธรรมชาติจากผัก สารสกัดจากลูกพลับ ให้เฉดสีน้ำตาล สัญลักษณ์แทนธาตุดิ ตามคอนเซปท์ของยีนส์ ที่รับรองได้ว่าคุณจะไม่ผิดหวังกับผลลัพธ์การเฟด เพราะจะให้ความคอนทราสสูง





แท็ปสีส้มงานแรร์ที่ Samurai Jeans จัดให้เฉพาะซีรี่ย์นี้เท่านั้น

ผ้ากระสอบที่ใช้ทำกระเป๋าได้รับการย้อมแบบ Kakishibu จากสารสกัดธรรมชาติที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์และหายาก


กระดุมห้าเม็ด ผลิตขึ้นสำหรับซีรี่ย์โดยเฉพาะ

กระดุมโลหะสีทองตุ่นปั๊มสัญลักษณ์ของธาตุดิน, น้ำ, ลม, ไฟและความว่างเปล่า

ยีนส์สวยและเต็มไปด้วยดีเทลที่น่าสนใจ (อันที่จริงเราแค่หยิบไฮไลท์มานำเสนอเท่านั้น) คุณยังสามารถสังเกตเห็นความเจ๋งได้ด้วยตัวเองอีกหลายจุด รุ่นนี้จึงเป็น High Recommend แบบไม่ต้องสงสัย โดยเฉพาะกับคนที่ชื่นชอบทรง 710

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – ตำราแห่งธาตุน้ำ – The Book of Water


หากคุณชอบทรงที่ขาเล็กลงมาหน่อย เอวต่ำลงอีกนิด 511 ตอบโจทย์อย่างที่สุด รุ่นนี้มีพื้นฐานจากรุ่นคลาสสิค S0511XX

ภาพด้านบนโชว์ S511XX21OZDM (สไตล์คล้ายกัน แต่มีดีเทลที่แตกต่าง)


จากตรงนี้เราจะมองเห็นความแจ่มของเนื้อผ้าไม่ต่างกับรุ่นธาตุดิน 17oz แต่ส่วนสำคัญคือเส้นด้ายย้อมออกมาได้ตรงคอนเซปท์ “ธาตุน้ำ” ด้ายเส้นยาวย้อมเพียวอินดิโก้ ด้ายเส้นขวางย้อมด้วยสารสกัดธรรมชาติจากผัก ให้สีสว่างกว่าเล็กน้อย ความคอนทราสระหว่างโทนมืดและสีสว่างจากด้ายทั้งสองเส้น ทำให้ยีนส์มีความเป็นเอกลักษณ์ เฟดสวยในแบบเราไม่สามารถหาได้จากยีนส์รุ่นอื่นๆ


สัญกลักษณ์ธาตุน้ำถูกนำมาวางไว้บนแพทช์ หนังแพทช์ย้อมด้วยสีโคบอลท์บลูสุดโดดเด่น

อาร์คบนกระเป๋าหลังปักด้วยด้ายสีโคบอลต์บลูเช่นเดียวกัน ตกแต่งด้วยแท็ปสีส้ม

ผ้ากระสอบของกระเป๋าย้อมด้วยไลท์อินดิโก้ ให้ความโดดเด่น

และเพื่อนำเสนอไอเท็มที่เป็นลิมิเต็ด เอดิชั่น แบรนด์ทำการตกแต่งกระเป๋าด้วยป้ายสัญลักษณ์ของธาตุทั้งห้า


กระดุมโดนัท “ธาตุทั้งห้า”

งานดีไม่แพ้ S710GXT เพอร์เฟคสำหรับคนที่ต้องการลุคโทนเย็น ยีนส์เต็มไปด้วยดีเทลที่น่าสนใจ รวมถึงสีสันที่โดดเด่นแปลกตา


จะซื้อทั้งที ต้องจัดรุ่นลิมิเต็ดฯ ยีนส์ทั้งสองรุ่นนี้มาพร้อมกับดีเทลดีๆ ที่ผลิตขึ้นเพื่อแฟนซามูไรโดยเฉพาะ รับรองว่างานนี้ไม่มีผิดหวัง ทรงคลาสสิค แต่เป็นชิ้นงานที่หายาก และคุณได้โอกาสเป็นเจ้าของยีนส์รุ่นนี้ในฐานะนักสะสม Samurai Jeans ยีนส์ที่จะเป็นเพื่อนคู่ใจคุณไปอีกหลายปี ยีนส์ที่จะทำให้คุณรู้สึกดีทุกครั้งที่ได้ใส่ ความรู้สึกของการเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของมาสเตอร์ในตำนานอย่าง Miyamoto Musashi

หากคุณมีข้อสงสัยหรือต้องการคำแนะนำ ติดต่อทีมงาน Denimio ได้ตลอดเวลา เรายินดีช่วยเหลือและทำให้คุณได้เป็นเจ้าของกางเกงยีนส์ที่ชื่นชอบ ใครที่มีโอกาสได้เป็นเจ้าของยีนส์ทั้ง 2 รุ่นในซีรี่ย์นี้ ถึงกับรับโล่นักสะสมตัวจริงให้เลยทีเดียว!


พรีออเดอร์ Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: ตำราแห่งธาตุดิน Book of the Earth series
ประมาณการณ์พร้อมส่ง: สิงหาคม-กันยายน 2019

พรีออเดอร์ Samurai Jeans S511GXM: Book of the Water series
ประมาณการณ์พร้อมส่ง: พฤศจิกายน-ธันวาคม 2019

 [:ms]Inilah masa yang sangat istimewa untuk penggemar setia Samurai Jeans: pengeluaran khas dan edisi terhad Samurai Jeans akan datang di Denimio. Untuk Anda yang selalu mengikuti maklumat terkini jenama ini pasti tahu jika Samurai selalu berneroka segala model dan tidak menghadkan pengeluaran hanya dengan model regular klasik. Edisi kolab dan terhad dengan butiran yang menarik selalu membuat Samurai Jeans unggul di antara jenama denim Jepun terkenal lain. Sering, custom rincian koleksi Samurai Jeans mempunyai butiran model klasik terkenal di dunia.

Kali ini, Samurai Jeans mendatangkan kembali jeans rare dan unik edisi denim kolektor. Selepas menunggu 9 tahun, Samurai Jeans mengeluarkan jeans edisi terhad yang telah lama ditiunggu oleh kolektor denim dunia: siri Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings. Apa yang istimewa dengan jeans ini?

Go Rin No Sho (五輪書) – The Book of Five Rings

Seperti yang kita ketahui, Samurai Jeans sangat komited untuk memasukkan budaya tradisional Jepun ke elemen pakaian denim bergaya Amerika. Penyesuaian unik ini mencipta koleksi unik dan menarik yang menekankan identiti jenama ini. Banyak label produk yang didedikasikan kepada Samurai Jepun yang terkenal dalam sejarah Jepun.

Pada pengeluaran kali ini, Samurai Jeans mendedikasikan koleksi berdasarkan buku falsafah terkenal “The Book of Five Rings” (五輪書, Go Rin No Sho). Buku ini ditulis oleh Samurai legenda Jepun, Miyamoto Musashi pada tahun 1645, yang telah bertarung semasa berusia 13 tahun.

“The Book of Five Rings” adalah buku klasik terkenal yang menggambarkan konsep dan strategi seni mempertahankan diri dan juga falsafah Samurai. Buku ini mempunyai lima elemen: bumi, air, api, angin, ruang.

Berdasarkan sejarah tradisional Jepun, setiap model jeans ini mewakili setiap elemen rohani tradisi warior. Dengan dedikasi ini, setiap jeans dikeluarkan dengan butir-butir eksklusif dan pewarna denim semulajadi yang unik pada benang weft di setiap koleksi jeans.

Untuk Anda penggemar lama jenama Samurai Jeans mungkin tahu bahawa model ini pernah dikeluarkan pada tahun 2010. Anda mungkin mempunyai jeans ini dalam koleksi denim Anda. Tapi, kali ini, model ini telah ditingkatkan dengan warna dan butiran yang lebih menarik. Kami ingin berkongsi maklumat mengenai dua jeans pertama dalam siri istimewa ini: siri “the Book of the Earth” dan “the Book of Water”.

Catatan: koleksi ini sangat jarang dan terhad. Banyak saiz popular akan segera habis dijual (walau pada proses pre-order).

Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – The Book of the Earth


Cutting S710GXT direka berdasar cutting popular 710 yang terkenal dengan model klasik: S710XX 19OZ.

Model ini adalah edisi khas Samurai Jeans dan terkenal sebagai koleksi terpopular di luar Jepun selama lebih dari 10 tahun. Cutting selesa dengan balance yang sempurna membuat jeans ini selesa dipakai dalam aktiviti harian Andda. Mereka mempunyai siluet mid-rise dengan fit yang tak terlalu ketat pada bahagian paha dan cutting di bahagian kaki yang ramping. Pasti, jeans ini mempunyai gaya yang stylish dan moden. Ia adalah jeans original dengan peningkatan model pakaian denim bergaya vintage Amerika.

Gambar di atas memaparkan cutting model jeans S710XX15OZDM (model ini mempunyai butir menarik dengan cutting yang sama dengan S710GXT).


Denim jeans ini mempunyai berat 17oz. Fabrik denim ini berat, sesuai untuk menciptakan tekstur indah dengan berat yang tidak berlebih.

Samurai Jeans menggunakan variasi kapas Amerika dan Australia dengan serat pendek dan sedang. Variasi kapas ini menciptakan benang ketat berputar dengan potensi tinggi dalam menciptakan tekstur ekspresif yang kontras. Untuk Anda yang mungkin belum mengenal Samurai Denim, perlu dicatat bahawa jeans baru dari jenama ini akan terlihat kukuh dan kasar (Anda dapat membuat jeans ini berdiri), tapi selepas penyusutan dan beberapa kali dipakai, jeans ini akan menjadi jeans yang sangat selesa kerana ia akan memberikan fit sempurna berdasar bentuk badan Anda.

Bahagian benang weft fabrik jeans ini diwarna dengan warna indigo gelap tepu. Bahagian benang warp denim ini diwarna dengan pewarnaan Kakishibu – pewarna semulajadi yang diambil dari ekstrak persimmon. Pewarnaan berwarna coklat ini melambangkan elemen Bumi – elemen dasar yang dipaparkan oleh jeans ini. Anda dapat melayari hasil fading yang unik dan indah pada jeans ini. Sebagai paparan kontras, benang berwarna emas dijahit pada bahagian selvedge jeans untuk menciptakan rincian menarik.


Semua butiran jeans ini menekankan idea utama pengeluaran ini – elemen bumi.

Elemen bumi itu ditekankan pada bahagian patch kulit jeans ini:

Penjahitan dan sulaman arcuate jeans ini menekankan warna benang weft denim.

Tab berwarna jingga yang jarang dipaparkan pada siri ini. Tab ini hanya dipaparkan dalam model edisi khas Samurai Jeans.

Poket jeans ini juga diwarna dengan pewarna ekstrak Kakishibu dengan paparan unik.

Lining kontras dengan warna yang sama juga dipaparkan pada bahagian poket belakang jeans.

Jeans mempunyai butang lima elemen, dihasilkan khusus untuk jeans siri istimewa ini.

Butang logam ini mempunyai warna emas dan memaparkan elemen bumi, api, angin, air dan ruang.

Jeans ini sangat ekspresif dengan pelbagai butiran yang menarik. Masih banyak rincian lain yang boleh Anda lihat pada jeans ini (kami hanya memaparkan beberapa watak utama jeans ini di sini). Pasti, jeans ini adalah cadangan utama penggemar model 710.

Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – The Book of Water


Jika Anda suka dengan fit ramping dengan rise yang lebih rendah dari model 710, model 511 akan menjadi jeans terbaik yang sesuai dengan harapan Anda! Pengeluaran jeans ini dihasilkan berdasarkan siluet jeans klasik S0511XX.

Gambar di atas memaparkan model S511XX21OZDM (model ini mempunyai butiran menarik yang berbeza dalam gaya yang sama dengan jeans S511GXM).


Kita boleh melayari tekstur ekspresif dengan berat denim 17 oz yang sama dengan model S710GXT. Tapi, bahagian benang weft jeans ini diwarnai dengan warna indigo yang berbeza dengan konsep “Elemen Air”. Bahagian benang warp jeans ini diwarna dengan pewarna indigo tulen gelap, sedang bahagian benang weft diwarna dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi dengan warna yang lebih terang. Ini menciptakan paparan warna yang sangat gelap, dan juga sangat unik dengan paparan warna kontras dari benang weft dan warp. Ini menciptakan potensi fading unik dan indah yang tidak dapat Anda lihat pada denim lain. Watak yang sama dengan jeans sebelum, benang emas dijahit pada bahagian selvedge jeans ini.


Untuk memaparkan konsep elemen air, patch kulit jeans ini diwarna dengan pewarna cobalt biru terang. 

Arcuate pada bahagian poket belakang jeans disulam dengan jahitan warna cobalt biru terang. Tab berwarna jingga khas juga dipaparkan pada bahagian poket belakang jeans.

Poket jeans ini juga diwarna dengan warna indigo terang, yang terlihat mengagumkan!

Sebagai lambang koleksi edisi terhad, lambang label Lima Elemen dijahit pada jeans ini.

Bahagian lining poket belakang jeans dijahit rapi dalam warna kontras.

Butang donut jeans ini juga adalah butang edisi “Lima Elemen” khas pada bahagian depan.

Jeans ini juga menarik sebanding S710GXT, sesuai untuk Anda yang menyukai paparan ‘cool’. Mereka dilengkapi dengan butiran unik dan warna denim yang menarik.


Mengapa Anda mendapatkan koleksi regular biasa ketika Anda boleh mendapatkan jeans edisi istimewa untuk melengkapkan koleksi denim Anda? Dengan pelbagai rincian yang menarik di siri khas ini, kami pasti bahwa pengeluaran ini tidak akan membuat Anda kecewa. Klasik dan juga langka, jeans ini akan menjadi koleksi menarik Anda sebagai pengumpul denim (dikenal sebagai denimheads), atau penggemar Samurai Jeans. Mereka akan bersama Anda selama beberapa tahun dan Anda akan merasa bangga setiap mereka mengingatkan Anda kepada warior Samurai Jepun yang terkenal: Miyamoto Musashi.

Anda mungkin sukar memilih jeans mana yang akan Anda dapat dari kedua siri jeans ini. Sila menghubungi konsultan denim di Denimio dan kami akan membantu Anda mendapatkan jeans terbaik yang akan sesuai dengan preferensi Anda. Atau, Anda boleh mendapatkan kedua model jeans itu jika Anda adalah kolektor denim ‘profesional’. Mereka akan menjadi koleksi istimewa Anda. 🙂

Selamat membeli-belah!

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ: siri Book of the Earth
Perkiraan period penghantaran: Ogos-September 2019

Pre-order Samurai Jeans S511GXM: siri Book of the Water
Perkiraan period penghantaran: November-Disember 2019

 [:ko]사무라이진의 로얄 팬에게 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 의 신제품을 출시하는 이 순간만큼 의미있는 시간도 없을 것 같습니다. 이 브랜드를 눈여겨 본 분들이라면 알고 계실만한 사실, 사무라이진 Samurai 은 컬렉션부터 기본 클래식 모델까지 끝이 없습니다. 사무라이진 samurai Jeans 만의 다양한 콜라보레이션과 한정판 에디션이 다른 일본 데님 브랜드 사이에서 이 브랜드를 더욱 특별하게 만들어내는 것이죠. 가끔씩은 오랫동안 보존되어진 클래식 데님 모델을 참고하여 디테일을 커스터마이징하여 내놓기도 합니다.

드디어, 사무라이진Samurai Jeans 이 특별하고 유니크하며 수집한 가치가 있는 아이템으로 컴백했습니다. 9년 간의 기다림 끝에 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 은 전 세계 데님 콜렉터가 기대하고 있는 한정적이고 특별한 에디션을 선보입니다. 고린노쇼 (五輪書) 시리즈 – 다섯 결투에 관한 책. 이 청바지가 특별한 이유, 살펴볼까요?

Go Rin No Sho고린노쇼 (五輪書) – 다섯 결투에 관한 책

이미 잘 알려졌다시피, 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 은 최근 일본 문화를 미국 데님의 요소로 접목 시키기 위해 노력해왔습니다. 이 새로운 시도를 통해 아무도 따라올 수 없는 유니크함과 흥미로운 의류를 생산해냈고 곧, 이 브랜드의 캐릭터가 되었습니다. 다수의 데님 라벨은 역사 속 유명 일본 검사를 기리기 위해 헌신되어졌습니다.

이번 출시에서 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 은 유명 철학 서적인 “다섯 결투에 관한 책” (五輪書, 고린노쇼)의 영광을 담았습니다. 이 책은 일본의 전설적인 검사이자, 첫 검술 시합을 13세의 나이로 치뤄낸 미야모토 무사시 (1645년생)에 의해 지어졌습니다.

“다섯 결투에 관한 책” 은 무술의 전략과 원리를 묘사한 고전으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 사무라이의 철학 역시 결합 되었습니다. 대지, 물, 불, 바람, 그리고 공간으로 나눠 설명합니다.

그 전통성을 지향하기 위해, 각각의 청바지 모델은 전통 전사의 정신적 요소를 표현하고 있습니다.그 영광과 함께, 각각의 청바지 모델은 특별한 디테일과 유니크한 내추럴 데님 씨실 염색을 담았습니다.

사무라이진 Samurai Jeans을 오랜 시간 지켜봐오신 분들이라면 2010년 출시되었던 모델들을 기억하고 계실 것 같습니다. 어쩌면 그 모델들을 가지고 있으실 것 같은데요, 이번에는 좀 더 멋진 컬러와 디테일로 업그레이드하여 출시되었습니다. 이 시리즈의 첫번째, 두번째 청바지인 “대지”, “물”을 살짝 엿볼까요?

참고: 이 모델들을 굉장히 한정적인 제품입니다. 사이즈가 매우 한정적이며 빠른 시일 내에 솔드아웃 될 가능성이 높습니다.(선주문 단계 솔드 아웃 예상)

사무라이진 Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ – 대지

S710GXT 의 컷팅은 베스트 클래식 제품으로 잘 알려져 있는 S710XX 19OZ 를 기본으로 만들어졌습니다.

해당 모델은 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 의 주력 모델이었으며 해외에서도 합리적인 가격인 제품으로 10년 이상 사랑 받아왔습니다. 편안하고 균형잡힌 컷팅은 완벽한 데일리 데님을 만들어냅니다. 너무 타이트하지 않는 허벅지 윗부분 핏과 다리 쪽의 가볍게 테이퍼드되는 미드 라이즈 핏을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 스타일리쉬하고 모던함을 함께 지니고 있는 다재다능한 모델입니다.

위 사진은 비슷한 모델인  S710XX15OZDM 핏입니다. (비슷한 스타일이지만 다른 디테일이 숨겨져 있습니다.)


17oz 의 밀도는 데님 소재에 있습니다. 평균적인 데님의 무게보다 아주 조금 더 무겁기 때문에 헤비함 없이도 멋진 텍스쳐를 만들어 낼 수 있는 데님입니다.

사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 은 다양한 미국산과 호주산 코튼의 숏 섬유질, 미디엄 섬유질로 만들어집니다. 그것이 바로 타잇한 꼬임을 만들어내는 비밀입니다. 멋진 대비감과 텍스쳐의 가능성은 당연하고요!  사무라이진 Samurai Denim이 생소하신 분들 위한 팁, 이 새로운 데님의 첫 인상은 매우 터프합니다. (원하시다면 쭉 펴진 상태로 입으셔도 됩니다.) 하지만 몇 번 착용과 줄업드는 과정 후에는 굉장히 편한, 당신의 몸에 꼭 맞는 모양으로 변화할 것입니다.

이 소재의 씨실 부분은 다크 인디고 컬러오 염색되어 있습니다. 날실은 카키시부 – 즉, 감 농축액을 베이스로 한 자연 베지터블 염색법으로 ‘대지’를 상징하는 브라운 색을 표현 –  컨셉으로 이번 모델을 상징하는 방법으로 사용되었습니다. 여러분은 특별하고 놀라운 페이딩 결과를 기대하셔도 좋습니다. 골든 실이 셀비지 부분으로 함께 짜여진 디테일은 그냥 지나칠 수 없는 대비감을 만들어냅니다.


이 데님의 모든 디테일은 ‘대지’의 요소를 강조하고 있습니다.

대지의 요소가 가죽 패치에 강조되어 표현됨:

데님의 씨실 컬러를 강조한 스티칭이 수 놓은 아치 모양.

이번 시리즈를 나타내는 오렌지 탭은 무척 레어합니다. 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 의 스페셜 에디션 모델에만 쓰이는 디테일입니다.

포켓백 역시 카키시부로 염색되었습니다.

라인의 대비감은 백포켓에서도 확인하실 수 있습니다.

이번 시리즈를 위해 특별히 제작된 5가지 요소를 담은 버튼.

대지, 불, 바람, 물, 공간을 나타내는 매트한 골드 컬러의 금속 버튼.

흥미로운 디테일이 가능한 이번 모델. 더 깜짝 놀랄 사실은 이건 디테일의 일부분이라는 점! (블로그에선 정말 메인 포인트만 보여드렸습니다.) 의심할 여지 없이 이번 데님은 710 모델을 사랑하는 분들에게 강추하는 제품입니다.

사무라이진 Samurai Jeans S511GXM 17OZ – 물

710 모델보다 다리통이 좁고 로우한 데님을 선호하신다면, 511 제품이 정답입니다.이번 모델은 S0511XX 의 실루엣을 베이스로 하고 있습니다.

위 이미지는 S511XX21OZDM 모델 착용컷입니다. (신제품에는 더 흥미로운 디테일이 많이 숨겨져 있습니다.)


이 제품에서는 17oz 데님의 밀도감을 느끼실 수 있습니다.하지만 “물의 요소” 컨셉에 맞게 씨실이 인디고 컬러로 염색되었습니다.날실은 딥퓨어 인디고 컬러로 씨실이 베지터블 (내추럴 인디고) 컬러로 염색되었을 때보다 약간 더 밝습니다. 그 결과 아주 다크하면서 흔하지 않은 씨실과 날실의 대비를 보여줍니다. 더불어 다른 데님에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 멋진 페이딩 결과를 기대할 수 있습니다. 비슷하게 골든 실이 이 데님의 셀비지 부분으로 짜여졌습니다.


물을 요소를 상징하기 위해 밝은 코발트 블루 컬러로 가죽패치를 염색.

밝은 코발트 블루로 표현된 백포켓 아치. 스페셜 오렌지 탭 역시 놓칠 수 없는 디테일.

눈길을 끄는 밝은 인디고 컬러의 포켓 주머니!

5개의 요소를 담은 라벨이 이번 한정한 데님 컬렉션을 나타냄.

백포켓 스티칭의 은은한 대비감.

도넛 버튼의 앞부분 역시 “다섯개의 요소” 에디션을 표현.

쿨한 룩을 좋아하시는 분들이 선호하시는 S710GXT, 완벽한 디테일과 흥미로운 데님 컬러로 가득 채웠습니다.


한정판 데님으로 당신의 컬렉션을 업그레이드 할 수 있는 기회! 흥미로운 디테일로 가득한 이번 스페셜 시리즈, 그 어떤 점에서도 당신은 실망시키지 않을 것이라 자부할 수 있습니다. 클래식함과 레어함이 공존하는, 데님 컬렉터(A.K.A. 데님헤드) 라면 분명 욕심날만한 시리즈입니다.물론  사무라이진 Samurai Jeans 팬을 빼놓을 순 없구요! 몇 년을 입어도 특별한 데님, 미야모토 무사시를 느낄 수 있는 데님입니다.

어떤 모델을 고를 시 고민 될 땐? 데니미오 Denimio 의 무료 데님 컨설턴트를 찾아주세요. 선호하시는 스타일에 따라 모델을 추천해드리겠습니다. 사실 ‘진짜’ 데님 콜렉터라면 두 모델 모두 놓칠 수 없는 제품입니다. 평생 단 한 번 있을 컬렉션이기 때문이지요:)

즐거운 쇼핑되세요!

선주문 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans S710GXT 17OZ:대지 시리즈
예상 배송 기간: 2019년 8~9월

선주문 사무라이진 Samurai Jeans S511GXM: 물 시리즈
예상 배송 기간 :  2019년 11월~12월
