[:en]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Perfect Black Color[:id]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Warna Hitam yang Sempurna[:zh]Studio D’Artisan 1877 京都黑色染色 Sashiko 牛仔裤 – 完美黑色[:de]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Perfect Black Color[:es]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Perfect Black Color[:fr]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Perfect Black Color[:it]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Perfect Black Color[:pt]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Perfect Black Color[:ru]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Идеальный Чёрный Цвет[:th]ยีนส์ผ้าซาชิโกะ Studio D’Artisan 1877 ย้อมสี Black Kyoto – เดนิมสีดำสุดเพอร์เฟค[:ja]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans パーフェクト・ブラック[:ms]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans – Warna Hitam Sempurna[:ko]Studio D’Artisan 1877 Kyoto Black Dyed Sashiko Jeans 완벽한 블랙 색상[:]


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan, in existence since 1979, is currently striving to combine the classic and recognizable style of American vintage with Japanese history and craftsmanship. At times, this manufacturer delves into the history of Japanese weaving and dyeing craft. Rare natural dyes are often used.

The new KYOTO BLACK release is interesting with its strict and laconic style and very interesting fabric.



Fabric and dyeing

The sashiko fabric used here is a traditional Japanese fabric. The 14OZ density allows these jeans to be worn in any season. The sashiko is characterized by a very noticeable texture with an expressive weave of threads. You will probably never confuse sashiko with any other fabric.

Visually the texture looks very rough, which will certainly be appreciated by many fans of Japanese denim. However, this is a very deceptive impression. Sashiko is a very soft and tactilely comfortable fabric, so these jeans practically do not require wearing, unlike classic denim.



Of particular note here is the ‘Kurozome’ coloring, which dates back to ancient Japanese traditions of the past. The word ‘Kuro’ means ‘black’ and the word ‘Zome’ refers to the coloring method.

In fact, the manufacturer strives to obtain a ‘perfect black color’.  This is achieved by repeatedly layering black and indigo colors during the dyeing process. This process is very long, labor intensive and requires the use of natural dyes.

The result is a truly “perfect black color”. You can see for yourself when you see these jeans with your own eyes.


The straight slim fit is used here. The style of jeans is not very wide and not very narrow. Jeans perfectly combine with modern casual style and are great to combine with different clothes and shoes. The strict style of this SDA model will make a great “office jeans”.


The patch is made of black leather with Studio D’Artisan branding and the name Kurozome in gold letters.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.


Before us is a very interesting work by Studio D’Artisan, which perfectly embodies the idea of combining classic and Japanese craftsmanship traditions.


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Merek Jepang Studio d’artisan, yang telah berdiri sejak 1979, saat ini berusaha untuk memadukan gaya vintage Amerika yang klasik dan mudah dikenali dengan sejarah Jepang dan tradisi kerajinan. Terkadang pabrikan ini mempelajari sejarah kerajinan tenun dan pencelupan Jepang. Pewarna alami langka sering digunakan. KYOTO BLACK edisi baru menarik karena gayanya yang tegas dan ringkas serta kainnya yang sangat menarik.


Kain dan pewarnaan

Kain sashiko tradisional Jepang digunakan di sini. Kepadatan 14OZ memungkinkan Anda mengenakan jeans ini di musim apa pun. Sashiko dicirikan oleh tekstur yang sangat mencolok dengan jalinan benang yang ekspresif. Kemungkinan besar, Anda tidak akan pernah membingungkan sashiko dengan kain lainnya. Secara visual, teksturnya terlihat sangat kasar, yang tentunya akan diapresiasi oleh banyak penggemar denim Jepang. Namun, ini adalah kesan yang sangat menyesatkan. Sashiko adalah kain yang sangat lembut dan nyaman untuk disentuh, sehingga jeans ini praktis tidak perlu dikenakan, tidak seperti denim klasik.

Perhatian khusus harus diberikan pada pewarnaan ‘Kurozome’, yang kembali ke tradisi Jepang kuno di masa lalu. Kata ‘Kuro’ berarti “hitam”, dan kata ‘Zome’ menyiratkan metode pewarnaan. Faktanya, pabrikan berusaha keras untuk mendapatkan “warna hitam sempurna”. Ini dicapai dengan melapisi warna hitam dan nila berulang kali selama pewarnaan. Proses ini sangat lama, memakan waktu dan membutuhkan penggunaan pewarna alami. Hasilnya benar-benar “warna hitam sempurna”. Anda bisa melihatnya sendiri saat melihat jeans ini dengan mata kepala sendiri.


Fit ramping lurus digunakan di sini. Gaya jeans tidak terlalu lebar dan tidak terlalu sempit. Jeans dipadukan sempurna dengan gaya kasual modern dan dipadukan sempurna dengan berbagai pakaian dan sepatu. Gaya ketat model SDA ini akan memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan “jeans kantor”yang luar biasa.


Patch tersebut terbuat dari kulit hitam dengan branding Studio d’artisan dan nama Kurozome dengan huruf emas.

 Jeans ini memiliki kancing bergaya “celana panjang” dan paku keling tembaga bergaya vintage klasik.

Kami memiliki karya Studio d’artisan yang sangat menarik di hadapan kami, yang dengan sempurna mewujudkan gagasan menggabungkan tradisi klasik dan pengrajin Jepang.


日本品牌Studio D’Artisan成立于 1979 年,目前致力于将美国复古的经典和辨识度风格与日本的历史和工艺相结合。有时,这家制造商会深入研究日本编织和染色工艺的历史。经常使用稀有的天然染料。

新推出的KYOTO BLACK以其严谨简洁的风格和非常有趣的面料而有趣。



这里使用的刺子布料是日本的传统布料。 14OZ 的密度让这些牛仔裤适合任何季节穿着。刺子的特点是具有非常明显的纹理和富有表现力的线编织。您可能永远不会将刺子与任何其他面料混淆。

从视觉上看,纹理看起来非常粗糙,这肯定会受到许多日本牛仔爱好者的赞赏。然而,这是一个非常具有欺骗性的印象。 Sashiko 是一种非常柔软且触感舒适的面料,因此与经典牛仔裤不同,这些牛仔裤几乎不需要穿着。

这里特别值得注意的是“黑染”颜色,它可以追溯到过去的日本古代传统。 “Kuro”一词的意思是“黑色”,“Zome”一词指的是着色方法。

事实上,制造商努力获得“完美的黑色”。  这是通过在染色过程中反复分层黑色和靛蓝色来实现的。这个过程非常漫长,劳动强度大,并且需要使用天然染料。



这里使用的是直筒修身版型。牛仔裤的款式不是很宽也不是很窄。牛仔裤与现代休闲风格完美结合,非常适合搭配不同的衣服和鞋子。这款 SDA 款式的严谨风格将成为一款出色的“办公室牛仔裤”。


该贴片由黑色皮革制成,带有 Studio D’Artisan 品牌标识和金色字母“Kurozome”。


摆在我们面前的是Studio D’Artisan的一件非常有趣的作品,完美体现了经典与日本工艺传统相结合的理念。


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan, in existence since 1979, is currently striving to combine the classic and recognizable style of American vintage with Japanese history and craftsmanship. At times, this manufacturer delves into the history of Japanese weaving and dyeing craft. Rare natural dyes are often used.

The new KYOTO BLACK release is interesting with its strict and laconic style and very interesting fabric.



Fabric and dyeing

The sashiko fabric used here is a traditional Japanese fabric. The 14OZ density allows these jeans to be worn in any season. The sashiko is characterized by a very noticeable texture with an expressive weave of threads. You will probably never confuse sashiko with any other fabric.

Visually the texture looks very rough, which will certainly be appreciated by many fans of Japanese denim. However, this is a very deceptive impression. Sashiko is a very soft and tactilely comfortable fabric, so these jeans practically do not require wearing, unlike classic denim.



Of particular note here is the ‘Kurozome’ coloring, which dates back to ancient Japanese traditions of the past. The word ‘Kuro’ means ‘black’ and the word ‘Zome’ refers to the coloring method.

In fact, the manufacturer strives to obtain a ‘perfect black color’.  This is achieved by repeatedly layering black and indigo colors during the dyeing process. This process is very long, labor intensive and requires the use of natural dyes.

The result is a truly “perfect black color”. You can see for yourself when you see these jeans with your own eyes.


The straight slim fit is used here. The style of jeans is not very wide and not very narrow. Jeans perfectly combine with modern casual style and are great to combine with different clothes and shoes. The strict style of this SDA model will make a great “office jeans”.


The patch is made of black leather with Studio D’Artisan branding and the name Kurozome in gold letters.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.


Before us is a very interesting work by Studio D’Artisan, which perfectly embodies the idea of combining classic and Japanese craftsmanship traditions.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan, in existence since 1979, is currently striving to combine the classic and recognizable style of American vintage with Japanese history and craftsmanship. At times, this manufacturer delves into the history of Japanese weaving and dyeing craft. Rare natural dyes are often used.

The new KYOTO BLACK release is interesting with its strict and laconic style and very interesting fabric.



Fabric and dyeing

The sashiko fabric used here is a traditional Japanese fabric. The 14OZ density allows these jeans to be worn in any season. The sashiko is characterized by a very noticeable texture with an expressive weave of threads. You will probably never confuse sashiko with any other fabric.

Visually the texture looks very rough, which will certainly be appreciated by many fans of Japanese denim. However, this is a very deceptive impression. Sashiko is a very soft and tactilely comfortable fabric, so these jeans practically do not require wearing, unlike classic denim.



Of particular note here is the ‘Kurozome’ coloring, which dates back to ancient Japanese traditions of the past. The word ‘Kuro’ means ‘black’ and the word ‘Zome’ refers to the coloring method.

In fact, the manufacturer strives to obtain a ‘perfect black color’.  This is achieved by repeatedly layering black and indigo colors during the dyeing process. This process is very long, labor intensive and requires the use of natural dyes.

The result is a truly “perfect black color”. You can see for yourself when you see these jeans with your own eyes.


The straight slim fit is used here. The style of jeans is not very wide and not very narrow. Jeans perfectly combine with modern casual style and are great to combine with different clothes and shoes. The strict style of this SDA model will make a great “office jeans”.


The patch is made of black leather with Studio D’Artisan branding and the name Kurozome in gold letters.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.


Before us is a very interesting work by Studio D’Artisan, which perfectly embodies the idea of combining classic and Japanese craftsmanship traditions.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan, in existence since 1979, is currently striving to combine the classic and recognizable style of American vintage with Japanese history and craftsmanship. At times, this manufacturer delves into the history of Japanese weaving and dyeing craft. Rare natural dyes are often used.

The new KYOTO BLACK release is interesting with its strict and laconic style and very interesting fabric.



Fabric and dyeing

The sashiko fabric used here is a traditional Japanese fabric. The 14OZ density allows these jeans to be worn in any season. The sashiko is characterized by a very noticeable texture with an expressive weave of threads. You will probably never confuse sashiko with any other fabric.

Visually the texture looks very rough, which will certainly be appreciated by many fans of Japanese denim. However, this is a very deceptive impression. Sashiko is a very soft and tactilely comfortable fabric, so these jeans practically do not require wearing, unlike classic denim.



Of particular note here is the ‘Kurozome’ coloring, which dates back to ancient Japanese traditions of the past. The word ‘Kuro’ means ‘black’ and the word ‘Zome’ refers to the coloring method.

In fact, the manufacturer strives to obtain a ‘perfect black color’.  This is achieved by repeatedly layering black and indigo colors during the dyeing process. This process is very long, labor intensive and requires the use of natural dyes.

The result is a truly “perfect black color”. You can see for yourself when you see these jeans with your own eyes.


The straight slim fit is used here. The style of jeans is not very wide and not very narrow. Jeans perfectly combine with modern casual style and are great to combine with different clothes and shoes. The strict style of this SDA model will make a great “office jeans”.


The patch is made of black leather with Studio D’Artisan branding and the name Kurozome in gold letters.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.


Before us is a very interesting work by Studio D’Artisan, which perfectly embodies the idea of combining classic and Japanese craftsmanship traditions.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan, in existence since 1979, is currently striving to combine the classic and recognizable style of American vintage with Japanese history and craftsmanship. At times, this manufacturer delves into the history of Japanese weaving and dyeing craft. Rare natural dyes are often used.

The new KYOTO BLACK release is interesting with its strict and laconic style and very interesting fabric.



Fabric and dyeing

The sashiko fabric used here is a traditional Japanese fabric. The 14OZ density allows these jeans to be worn in any season. The sashiko is characterized by a very noticeable texture with an expressive weave of threads. You will probably never confuse sashiko with any other fabric.

Visually the texture looks very rough, which will certainly be appreciated by many fans of Japanese denim. However, this is a very deceptive impression. Sashiko is a very soft and tactilely comfortable fabric, so these jeans practically do not require wearing, unlike classic denim.



Of particular note here is the ‘Kurozome’ coloring, which dates back to ancient Japanese traditions of the past. The word ‘Kuro’ means ‘black’ and the word ‘Zome’ refers to the coloring method.

In fact, the manufacturer strives to obtain a ‘perfect black color’.  This is achieved by repeatedly layering black and indigo colors during the dyeing process. This process is very long, labor intensive and requires the use of natural dyes.

The result is a truly “perfect black color”. You can see for yourself when you see these jeans with your own eyes.


The straight slim fit is used here. The style of jeans is not very wide and not very narrow. Jeans perfectly combine with modern casual style and are great to combine with different clothes and shoes. The strict style of this SDA model will make a great “office jeans”.


The patch is made of black leather with Studio D’Artisan branding and the name Kurozome in gold letters.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.


Before us is a very interesting work by Studio D’Artisan, which perfectly embodies the idea of combining classic and Japanese craftsmanship traditions.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan, in existence since 1979, is currently striving to combine the classic and recognizable style of American vintage with Japanese history and craftsmanship. At times, this manufacturer delves into the history of Japanese weaving and dyeing craft. Rare natural dyes are often used.

The new KYOTO BLACK release is interesting with its strict and laconic style and very interesting fabric.



Fabric and dyeing

The sashiko fabric used here is a traditional Japanese fabric. The 14OZ density allows these jeans to be worn in any season. The sashiko is characterized by a very noticeable texture with an expressive weave of threads. You will probably never confuse sashiko with any other fabric.

Visually the texture looks very rough, which will certainly be appreciated by many fans of Japanese denim. However, this is a very deceptive impression. Sashiko is a very soft and tactilely comfortable fabric, so these jeans practically do not require wearing, unlike classic denim.



Of particular note here is the ‘Kurozome’ coloring, which dates back to ancient Japanese traditions of the past. The word ‘Kuro’ means ‘black’ and the word ‘Zome’ refers to the coloring method.

In fact, the manufacturer strives to obtain a ‘perfect black color’.  This is achieved by repeatedly layering black and indigo colors during the dyeing process. This process is very long, labor intensive and requires the use of natural dyes.

The result is a truly “perfect black color”. You can see for yourself when you see these jeans with your own eyes.


The straight slim fit is used here. The style of jeans is not very wide and not very narrow. Jeans perfectly combine with modern casual style and are great to combine with different clothes and shoes. The strict style of this SDA model will make a great “office jeans”.


The patch is made of black leather with Studio D’Artisan branding and the name Kurozome in gold letters.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.


Before us is a very interesting work by Studio D’Artisan, which perfectly embodies the idea of combining classic and Japanese craftsmanship traditions.


Японский бренд Studio D’Artisan, существующий с 1979 года, в настоящее время стремится сочетать классический и узнаваемый стиль американского винтажа с японской историей и ремесленными традициями. Порой этот производитель углубляется в историю японского ткацкого и красильного ремесла. Нередко используются редкие природные красители.
Новый выпуск KYOTO BLACK интересен строгостью и лаконичностью стиля и очень интересной тканью.


Ткань и окрашивание

Здесь используется традиционная для Японии ткань sashiko. Плотность 14OZ позволяет носить эти джинсы в любой сезон. Для sashiko характерна очень заметная фактурность с выразительным переплетением нитей. Скорее всего вы никогда не спутаете сашико с любой другой тканью.
Визуально фактура выглядит очень грубой, что безусловно оценят многие любители японского денима. Однако это очень обманчивое впечатление. Sashiko является очень мягкой и тактильно комфортной тканью, поэтому такие джинсы практически не требуют разнашивания в отличие от классического денима.

Особого внимание здесь заслуживает окрашивание ‘Kurozome’, восходящее к старинным японским традициям прошлого. Слово ‘Kuro’ означает “чёрный”, а слово ‘Zome’ подразумевает способ окрашивания.

Фактически производитель стремится получить “идеальный чёрный цвет”.  Это достигается путём многократного наслоения чёрного цвета и цвета индиго при окрашивании. Данный процесс весьма долог, трудоёмок и требует использования природных красителей.
В итоге получается действительно “идеальный чёрный цвет”. Вы сможете сами убедиться в этом, когда своими глазами увидите эти джинсы.


Здесь используется прямой slim fit. Фасон джинсов не очень широкий и не очень узкий. Джинсы отлично сочетаются с современным casual стилем и великолепно комбинируются с различной одеждой и обувью. Строгий стиль этой модели SDA позволит получить отличные “офисные джинсы”.


Патч выполнен из чёрной кожи на которой выполнен брендинг Studio D’Artisan и название Kurozome золотыми буквами.

The jeans have a “pant” button style and classic vintage-inspired copper rivets.

Джинсы имеют “брючный” стиль пуговиц и классические медные заклёпки в винтажном стиле.

Перед нами весьма интересная работа Studio D’Artisan, которая отлично воплощает идею сочетания классики и японских ремесленнических традиций.


Studio D’Artisan แบรนด์ญี่ปุ่นซึ่งก่อตั้งตั้งแต่ปี 1979 ปัจจุบันมุ่งมั่นที่จะผสมผสานสไตล์วินเทจอเมริกันคลาสสิกและเป็นที่จดจำเข้ากับประวัติศาสตร์และงานฝีมือของญี่ปุ่น ในบางครั้ง ผู้ผลิตรายนี้จะเจาะลึกประวัติศาสตร์ของการทอผ้าและย้อมผ้าของญี่ปุ่น มักใช้สีย้อมธรรมชาติที่หายาก

เดนิมผ้า KYOTO BLACK เปิดตัวใหม่มีความน่าสนใจด้วยสไตล์ที่ประณีต ดีเทลแน่นและมีเนื้อผ้าที่น่าสนใจมาก



ผ้าซาชิโกะที่ใช้ที่นี่เป็นผ้าญี่ปุ่นแบบดั้งเดิม ความหนาแน่น 14 ออนซ์ทำให้สามารถสวมใส่ยีนส์นี้ได้ทุกฤดูกาล ซาชิโกะมีเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะด้วยเท็กซ์เจอร์ผ้าที่สังเกตเห็นได้ชัดเจนพร้อมการทอด้ายที่ทำให้ผ้ามีมิติตื้น-ลึกอย่างชัดเจน คุณอาจจะไม่มีวันสับสนซาชิโกะกับผ้าชนิดอื่น

เมื่อมองดูแล้วเนื้อผ้าจะดูหยาบมาก ซึ่งแฟนๆ เดนิมชาวญี่ปุ่นจะต้องชื่นชอบอย่างแน่นอน อย่างไรก็ตาม ซาชิโกะเป็นผ้าที่นุ่มมากและให้สัมผัสที่สบายเหมือนไม่ได้ใส่ ต่างจากผ้าเดนิมคลาสสิกทั่วไป

สิ่งที่น่าสังเกตเป็นพิเศษคือการใช้สี ‘คุโรโซเมะ’ ซึ่งมีอายุย้อนไปถึงประเพณีญี่ปุ่นโบราณในอดีต คำว่า ‘คุโร’ แปลว่า ‘สีดำ’ และคำว่า ‘โซเมะ’ หมายถึงวิธีการระบายสี

ในความเป็นจริง ผู้ผลิตมุ่งมั่นที่จะได้รับ ‘สีดำที่สมบูรณ์แบบ’  ซึ่งสามารถทำได้โดยการย้อมสีดำซ้อนหลายชั้นและย้อมสีครามซ้ำๆ ในระหว่างกระบวนการย้อม กระบวนการนี้ใช้เวลานานมาก ใช้แรงงานเยอะ และต้องใช้สีย้อมธรรมชาติ

ผลลัพธ์ที่ได้คือ “สีดำที่สมบูรณ์แบบ” อย่างแท้จริง คุณจะเข้าใจเมื่อได้เห็นกางเกงยีนส์เหล่านี้ด้วยตาของคุณเอง


เป็นยีนส์ทรงตรงเข้ารูป ทรงยีนส์ไม่กว้างมากและไม่แคบมาก กางเกงยีนส์ผสมผสานกับสไตล์ลำลองสมัยใหม่ได้อย่างลงตัว และเข้ากันได้ดีกับเสื้อผ้าและรองเท้าที่แตกต่างกัน สไตล์นี้เหมาสำหรับเป็น “ยีนส์ออฟฟิศ” ที่ดูเนี้ยบเรียบร้อย


แผ่นป้ายทำจากหนังสีดำพร้อมแบรนด์ Studio D’Artisan และชื่อ Kurozome เป็นตัวอักษรสีทอง

กางเกงยีนส์ใช้สไตล์กระดุม “กางเกง” และหมุดทองแดงที่ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจจากความวินเทจสุดคลาสสิก

นี่คือผลงานที่น่าสนใจมากของ Studio D’Artisan ซึ่งรวบรวมแนวคิดในการผสมผสานงานฝีมือแบบคลาสสิกและงานฝีมือแบบญี่ปุ่นได้อย่างลงตัว



KYOTO BLACKの新作は、その厳格で饒舌なスタイルと非常に興味深い生地が興味深い。





メーカーは「完璧な黒色」を得るために努力している。 これは、染色工程で黒と藍色を繰り返し重ねることで達成される。この工程は非常に長く、労働集約的で、天然染料を使用する必要がある。






パッチはブラックレザー製で、Studio D’Artisanのブランドロゴと金色の文字でKurozomeと記されている。




Jenama Jepun Studio D’Artisan, yang telah wujud sejak 1979, kini komited untuk menggabungkan gaya klasik dan dikenali vintaj Amerika dengan sejarah Jepun dan tradisi kraf. Kadangkala pengeluar ini menyelidiki sejarah kraf tenunan dan pencelupan Jepun. Pewarna semula jadi yang jarang digunakan sering digunakan.

Keluaran baharu KYOTO BLACK menarik kerana ketegasan dan ringkas gaya serta fabrik yang sangat menarik.


Kain dan pencelupan

Ia menggunakan kain sashiko tradisional Jepun. Density 14OZ membolehkan anda memakai seluar jeans ini dalam mana-mana musim. Sashiko dicirikan oleh tekstur yang sangat ketara dengan jalinan benang yang ekspresif. Kemungkinan besar, anda tidak akan mengelirukan sashiko dengan mana-mana kain lain.

Secara visual, teksturnya kelihatan sangat kasar, yang pasti akan dihargai oleh ramai peminat denim Jepun. Walau bagaimanapun, ini adalah tanggapan yang sangat mengelirukan. Sashiko ialah fabrik yang sangat lembut dan selesa dari segi sentuhan, jadi seluar jeans sedemikian hampir tidak memerlukan pemakaian, tidak seperti denim.

Terutama yang patut diberi perhatian di sini ialah pewarnaan ‘Kurozome’, yang bermula sejak tradisi Jepun purba masa lalu. Perkataan ‘Kuro’ bermaksud “black”, dan perkataan ‘Zome’ bermaksud kaedah pencelupan.

Malah, pengilang berusaha untuk mendapatkan “color” hitam sempurna.  Ini dicapai dengan melapis berulang warna hitam dan nila semasa pewarnaan. Proses ini sangat panjang, intensif buruh dan memerlukan penggunaan pewarna semula jadi.

Hasilnya benar-benar “warna hitam sempurna”. Anda boleh melihat sendiri apabila anda melihat seluar jeans ini dengan mata anda sendiri.


Direct slim fit digunakan di sini. Gaya seluar jeans tidak terlalu lebar dan tidak terlalu sempit. Jeans sesuai dengan gaya kasual moden dan digabungkan dengan pelbagai pakaian dan kasut. Gaya ketat model SDA ini akan membolehkan anda mendapatkan “jeans” pejabat yang sangat baik.


Tampalan itu diperbuat daripada kulit hitam dengan penjenamaan Studio D’Artisan dan nama Kurozome dalam huruf emas.

Seluar jeans mempunyai gaya butang “trouser” dan rivet tembaga klasik dalam gaya vintaj.


Di hadapan kami adalah karya yang sangat menarik oleh Studio D’Artisan, yang merangkumi idea untuk menggabungkan tradisi artisan klasik dan Jepun dengan sempurna.


1979년에 설립된 일본 브랜드 스튜디오 다르티잔은 클래식하고 인지도가 높은 미국 빈티지 스타일과 일본의 역사와 장인 정신을 결합하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 때때로 이 제조업체는 일본 직조 및 염색 공예의 역사를 탐구합니다. 희귀한 천연 염료가 자주 사용됩니다.

새롭게 출시된 KYOTO BLACK은 엄격하고 간결한 스타일과 매우 흥미로운 패브릭으로 흥미롭습니다.


원단 및 색상

여기에 사용된 사시코 원단은 일본 전통 원단입니다. 14oz의 밀도로 사계절 내내 착용할 수 있는 청바지입니다. 사시코는 실의 표현적인 직조로 매우 눈에 띄는 질감이 특징입니다. 아마 사시코를 다른 원단과 혼동하지 않을 것입니다.

시각적으로 질감이 매우 거칠어 보이므로 많은 일본 데님 팬들이 좋아할 것입니다. 그러나 이것은 매우 기만적인 인상입니다. 사시코는 매우 부드럽고 촉감이 편안한 원단이기 때문에 클래식 데님과 달리 신축성이 거의 필요 없는 청바지입니다.

특히 주목할 만한 것은 과거 일본의 고대 전통으로 거슬러 올라가는 ‘쿠로조메’ 채색입니다. ‘쿠로’는 ‘검은색’을 의미하고 ‘조메’는 채색 방법을 뜻합니다.

실제로 제조업체는 ‘완벽한 블랙 컬러’를 얻기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.  이는 염색 과정에서 검은색과 남색을 반복적으로 레이어링하여 달성합니다. 이 과정은 매우 길고 노동 집약적이며 천연 염료를 사용해야 합니다.

그 결과 진정한 ‘완벽한 블랙 컬러’가 탄생합니다. 이 청바지를 직접 보시면 직접 확인하실 수 있습니다.


여기에는 스트레이트 슬림 핏이 사용됩니다. 청바지의 컷은 그다지 넓지도 않고 꽉 끼지도 않습니다. 청바지는 모던 캐주얼 스타일에 적합하며 다양한 옷과 신발과 결합하기에 좋습니다. 이 SDA 모델의 엄격한 스타일은 훌륭한 “사무실 청바지”가 될 것입니다.


스튜디오 다르티잔 브랜딩과 쿠로조메라는 이름이 금색 글자로 새겨진 블랙 가죽 패치입니다.

청바지에는 ‘바지’ 스타일의 버튼과 클래식한 빈티지 스타일의 구리 리벳이 있습니다.


클래식과 일본 장인 정신의 전통을 결합하는 아이디어를 완벽하게 구현한 스튜디오 다르티잔의 매우 흥미로운 작품입니다.



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