[:en]Studio D’Artisan Basic Collection Guide: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:id]Panduan Koleksi Dasar Studio D’Artisan: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:zh]Studio D’Artisan基础定番对比:SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:de]Studio D’Artisan Basic Collection Guide: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:es]Studio D’Artisan Basic Collection Guide: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:fr]Studio D’Artisan Basic Collection Guide: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:it]Studio D’Artisan Basic Collection Guide: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:pt]Studio D’Artisan Basic Collection Guide: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:ru]Гид по классике Studio D’Artisan – базовые модели SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:th]Studio D’Artisan ไกด์ไลน์คอลเลกชั่น Basic: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:ja]スタジオダルチザン ベーシックコレクションガイド:SD-101、SD-103、SD-107、SD-108[:ms]Panduan Koleksi Asas Studio D’Artisan: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:ko]Studio D’Artisan 기본 컬렉션 가이드: SD-101, SD-103, SD-107, SD-108[:]


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan is quite well known among lovers of quality classic jeans. Nowadays, this manufacturer strives to combine vintage American classics with modern casual style. If you are looking for authentic Japanese jeans with interesting denim and classic details and do not know what to choose, we sincerely recommend you to pay attention to the “100 series” from Studio D’Artisan. Here they used very beautiful denim with good fading potential, all the classic details characteristic of this brand and comfortable, time-tested styles, for sure each of the readers will be able to find the most comfortable for themselves.


For the 100 series, SDA uses denim with a density of 15OZ. This density is actually universal, these jeans will not be too light in the cold season and will not be too warm in the warm season. In other words, jeans made of this denim can be worn all year round.

For the dyeing of the yarns, a carefully selected dark indigo color is used. Rope dyeing allows you to get a very rich dark color. At the same time, the core of the threads remains uncolored. This denim therefore has a very good potential for beautiful fading.

The texture of the denim has a natural heterogeneity. Gradually, the denim will first have a bright blue fading, then these areas will become lighter. In this way, the SDA 100 series denim will eventually have a very contrasting fading.

However, we would like to warn you right away that fading develops individually for each person. It depends on many reasons, from the intensity of wear and the frequency of washing of the jeans to even the climate in which the wearer lives. The most important thing is that your jeans are individual:)

The distinctive detail of the SDA 100 series denim is the blue selvedge line.

Now let’s take a look at the popular 4 styles of the Studio D’Artisan 100 series.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

It’s an SDA classic. It’s a straight, comfortable regular fit that fits just about everyone. It’s a straight cut, high rise fit. In general, if you want to get a classic 501-style, unaffected by fashion, we highly recommend the model SD-101. These jeans go equally well with vintage style clothes (denim jackets, chambray shirts, etc.) or with modern street style clothes. SD-101 also goes very well with both heavy “work boots” and modern sneakers.

One more important detail. This model is produced in a very wide range of sizes, so people of different builds can wear these jeans. If you don’t see your size among the available sizes you can always write to our support team on the website and we will try to find out for you when we can get the size you need in stock.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

The iconic model 103, which was inspired by the style of the 60’s when jeans became more of a fashion statement rather than workwear. The jeans have a clean straight silhouette, it’s a little narrower than the SD-101 model and with a lower rise at the waistband. The jeans fit perfectly into a modern urban style. Based on the SD-103, so many different limited editions and past collaborations have been created. In fact, it is a versatile jeans model, perfectly suited for different body types.


Jeans with a narrow straight leg and a low rise. This model is very popular outside of Japan. Such jeans should fit tight, almost like a second skin. This allows you to get an excellent sharp fading on the folds under the knees (so-called “honeycomb”). However, this model makes its own demands on the figure of the jeans wearer. Model SD-107 fits well on a slim, trim figure. If the upper thigh of the jeans is the “hard part of jeans” for you, we would recommend you to choose another SDA model, just to avoid disappointment when you have a great pair of jeans in your hands, you like them, technically the size is right. But… you can’t get your legs into the pant legs. We know this frustration well, so we do not in any way discourage you from this model, we just recommend you to be careful when choosing. But if you have a slim skinny figure – these jeans are just made for you!


We hope the previous model did not disappoint you, because we have something interesting for those who want to get maximum comfort and have a stylish modern style. The SD-108 is in some ways the opposite of the SD-107. It has a roomy and comfortable pant cut at the top of the thigh and a tapered fit, as well as a mid-rise fit at the waistband. The relaxed tapered cut is one of the most popular cuts at the moment. It allows you to get comfort, not constraining freedom of movement and at the same time it will be a very stylish silhouette that will fit perfectly into the modern urban style.


The patch is made of Yanpi mountain goat leather. This leather has a distinct texture. Wrinkles will appear over time, emphasizing the vintage style of the jeans.

The back pockets have classic SDA arches embroidered in contrasting threads.

The coin pocket bears a white SDA label with branding.

The matte finish button style is similar to that used in the late 40’s.

So, if you’re looking for a classic series of Japanese jeans that are produced on a consistent basis and have a wide range of styles, you should definitely take a look at the 100 series from Studio D’Artisan.


Brand Jepang Studio D’Artisan cukup terkenal di kalangan pecinta jeans klasik berkualitas. Saat ini, pabrikan ini berupaya memadukan gaya klasik Amerika vintage dengan gaya kasual modern. Jika Anda sedang mencari jeans asli Jepang dengan denim menarik dan detail klasik serta tidak tahu harus memilih apa, kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk memperhatikan “100 series” dari Studio D’Artisan. Di sini mereka menggunakan denim yang sangat indah dengan potensi pemudaran yang baik, semua detail klasik yang menjadi ciri khas merek ini dan gaya yang nyaman dan telah teruji waktu, yang pasti setiap pembaca akan dapat menemukan yang paling nyaman untuk dirinya sendiri.


Untuk seri 100, SDA menggunakan denim dengan kepadatan 15OZ. Kepadatan ini sebenarnya bersifat universal, jeans ini tidak akan terlalu ringan di musim dingin dan tidak akan terlalu hangat di musim panas. Dengan kata lain, jeans berbahan denim ini bisa dikenakan sepanjang tahun.

Untuk pewarnaan benang, digunakan warna nila gelap yang dipilih dengan cermat. Pewarnaan tali memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan warna gelap yang sangat kaya. Pada saat yang sama, inti benang tetap tidak berwarna. Oleh karena itu, denim ini mempunyai potensi pemudaran yang indah.

Tekstur denim memiliki heterogenitas alami. Secara bertahap, warna denim pertama-tama akan memudar menjadi biru cerah, kemudian area tersebut akan menjadi lebih terang. Dengan cara ini, denim seri SDA 100 pada akhirnya akan mengalami pemudaran yang sangat kontras.


Namun, kami ingin segera memperingatkan Anda bahwa pemudaran berkembang secara individual pada setiap orang. Hal ini bergantung pada banyak alasan, mulai dari intensitas pemakaian dan frekuensi pencucian jeans hingga iklim tempat tinggal pemakainya. Yang terpenting jeans Anda bersifat individual 🙂

Detail khas denim seri SDA 100 adalah garis selvedge berwarna biru.


Sekarang mari kita lihat 4 gaya populer dari seri Studio D’Artisan 100.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT


Ini adalah klasik SDA. Ini adalah pakaian reguler yang lurus dan nyaman yang cocok untuk semua orang. Potongannya lurus, high rise fit. Secara umum, jika Anda ingin mendapatkan gaya klasik 501, tidak terpengaruh oleh mode, kami sangat merekomendasikan model SD-101. Jeans ini cocok dipadukan dengan pakaian bergaya vintage (jaket denim, kemeja chambray, dll.) atau dengan pakaian bergaya jalanan modern. SD-101 juga cocok dipadukan dengan “sepatu bot kerja” yang berat dan sepatu kets modern.

Satu lagi detail penting. Model ini diproduksi dalam berbagai ukuran, sehingga orang dengan bentuk tubuh berbeda dapat mengenakan jeans ini. Jika Anda tidak melihat ukuran Anda di antara ukuran yang tersedia, Anda selalu dapat menulis ke tim dukungan kami di situs web dan kami akan mencoba mencari tahu untuk Anda kapan kami bisa mendapatkan stok ukuran yang Anda butuhkan.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT


Model ikonik 103, yang terinspirasi oleh gaya tahun 60-an ketika jeans lebih menjadi pernyataan fesyen dibandingkan pakaian kerja. Jeans ini memiliki siluet yang lurus dan bersih, sedikit lebih sempit dibandingkan model SD-101 dan dengan bagian pinggang yang lebih rendah. Jeans ini sangat cocok dengan gaya urban modern. Berdasarkan SD-103, begitu banyak edisi terbatas dan kolaborasi masa lalu yang berbeda telah dibuat. Faktanya, ini adalah model jeans serba guna, sangat cocok untuk berbagai tipe tubuh.



Jeans dengan kaki lurus sempit dan low rise. Model ini sangat populer di luar Jepang. Jeans ini harus pas, hampir seperti kulit kedua. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan pemudaran tajam yang luar biasa pada lipatan di bawah lutut (yang disebut “sarang lebah”). Namun model ini memberikan tuntutan tersendiri pada sosok pemakai jeans. Model SD-107 cocok untuk sosok yang ramping dan langsing. Jika paha atas jeans adalah “bagian tersulit dari jeans” bagi Anda, kami sarankan Anda memilih model SDA lain, hanya untuk menghindari kekecewaan ketika Anda memiliki celana jeans yang bagus di tangan Anda, Anda menyukainya, secara teknis ukurannya tepat. Tapi… kamu tidak bisa memasukkan kakimu ke dalam kaki celana. Kami mengetahui rasa frustrasi ini dengan baik, jadi kami sama sekali tidak menghalangi Anda dari model ini, kami hanya menyarankan Anda untuk berhati-hati saat memilih. Namun jika Anda memiliki tubuh langsing dan kurus – jeans ini cocok untuk Anda!



Kami berharap model sebelumnya tidak mengecewakan Anda, karena kami punya sesuatu yang menarik bagi Anda yang ingin mendapatkan kenyamanan maksimal dan bergaya modern yang stylish. SD-108 dalam beberapa hal merupakan kebalikan dari SD-107. Memiliki potongan celana yang lapang dan nyaman di bagian atas paha dan potongan meruncing, serta potongan mid-rise di bagian pinggang. Potongan santai meruncing adalah salah satu potongan paling populer saat ini. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan kenyamanan, tidak membatasi kebebasan bergerak dan pada saat yang sama akan menjadi siluet yang sangat stylish yang sangat cocok dengan gaya urban modern.

[ vc_column]


Tambalannya terbuat dari kulit kambing gunung Yanpi. Kulit ini memiliki tekstur yang khas. Kerutan akan muncul seiring waktu, menonjolkan gaya vintage jeans.


Kantong belakang memiliki lengkungan SDA klasik yang disulam dengan benang kontras.


Kantong koin memiliki label SDA putih dengan branding.


Gaya kancing dengan finishing matte mirip dengan yang digunakan di akhir tahun 40-an.


Jadi, jika Anda sedang mencari rangkaian jeans klasik Jepang yang diproduksi secara konsisten dan memiliki model yang beragam, Anda harus melihat 100 seri dari Studio D’Artisan.

[ /vc_column]

日本品牌Studio D’Artisan在高品质经典牛仔裤爱好者中相当有名。如今,这家制造商努力将复古的美式经典风格与现代休闲风格相结合。如果你在寻找具有独特牛仔布和经典细节的正宗日本牛仔裤,但不知道该选择什么,我们诚挚地推荐你关注Studio D’Artisan的“100系列”。这里采用了非常美丽的牛仔布,具有良好的褪色潜力,保留了该品牌所有经典的细节和舒适的、经过时间考验的款式。相信每位读者都能找到最适合自己的款式。


在“100系列”中,Studio D’Artisan使用了密度为15OZ的牛仔布。这种密度实际上是通用的,牛仔裤在寒冷季节不会太轻,在温暖季节也不会太热。换句话说,用这种牛仔布制成的牛仔裤可以全年穿着。


牛仔布的质地具有自然的异质性。随着时间的推移,牛仔布会首先呈现出明亮的蓝色褪色,然后这些区域会变得更浅。通过这种方式,SDA 100系列牛仔布最终会呈现出非常对比鲜明的褪色效果。


然而,我们要提醒您,褪色是因人而异的。它取决于许多因素,从穿着的强度和牛仔裤的洗涤频率,到穿着者所处的气候。最重要的是,您的牛仔裤是独一无二的 🙂

SDA 100系列牛仔布的独特细节是蓝色的包边线(即selvedge)。

现在让我们来看看Studio D’Artisan 100系列中受欢迎的四款风格。

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ 经典直筒



Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ 修身直筒


Studio D’Artisan SD-107 超修身直筒


Studio D’Artisan SD-108 15OZ放松锥形牛仔裤







因此,如果您正在寻找一系列经典的日本牛仔裤,这些牛仔裤以稳定的质量生产,并且拥有多种风格,那么您一定要看看Studio D’Artisan的100系列哦。


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan is quite well known among lovers of quality classic jeans. Nowadays, this manufacturer strives to combine vintage American classics with modern casual style. If you are looking for authentic Japanese jeans with interesting denim and classic details and do not know what to choose, we sincerely recommend you to pay attention to the “100 series” from Studio D’Artisan. Here they used very beautiful denim with good fading potential, all the classic details characteristic of this brand and comfortable, time-tested styles, for sure each of the readers will be able to find the most comfortable for themselves.


For the 100 series, SDA uses denim with a density of 15OZ. This density is actually universal, these jeans will not be too light in the cold season and will not be too warm in the warm season. In other words, jeans made of this denim can be worn all year round.

For the dyeing of the yarns, a carefully selected dark indigo color is used. Rope dyeing allows you to get a very rich dark color. At the same time, the core of the threads remains uncolored. This denim therefore has a very good potential for beautiful fading.

The texture of the denim has a natural heterogeneity. Gradually, the denim will first have a bright blue fading, then these areas will become lighter. In this way, the SDA 100 series denim will eventually have a very contrasting fading.

However, we would like to warn you right away that fading develops individually for each person. It depends on many reasons, from the intensity of wear and the frequency of washing of the jeans to even the climate in which the wearer lives. The most important thing is that your jeans are individual:)

The distinctive detail of the SDA 100 series denim is the blue selvedge line.

Now let’s take a look at the popular 4 styles of the Studio D’Artisan 100 series.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

It’s an SDA classic. It’s a straight, comfortable regular fit that fits just about everyone. It’s a straight cut, high rise fit. In general, if you want to get a classic 501-style, unaffected by fashion, we highly recommend the model SD-101. These jeans go equally well with vintage style clothes (denim jackets, chambray shirts, etc.) or with modern street style clothes. SD-101 also goes very well with both heavy “work boots” and modern sneakers.

One more important detail. This model is produced in a very wide range of sizes, so people of different builds can wear these jeans. If you don’t see your size among the available sizes you can always write to our support team on the website and we will try to find out for you when we can get the size you need in stock.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

The iconic model 103, which was inspired by the style of the 60’s when jeans became more of a fashion statement rather than workwear. The jeans have a clean straight silhouette, it’s a little narrower than the SD-101 model and with a lower rise at the waistband. The jeans fit perfectly into a modern urban style. Based on the SD-103, so many different limited editions and past collaborations have been created. In fact, it is a versatile jeans model, perfectly suited for different body types.


Jeans with a narrow straight leg and a low rise. This model is very popular outside of Japan. Such jeans should fit tight, almost like a second skin. This allows you to get an excellent sharp fading on the folds under the knees (so-called “honeycomb”). However, this model makes its own demands on the figure of the jeans wearer. Model SD-107 fits well on a slim, trim figure. If the upper thigh of the jeans is the “hard part of jeans” for you, we would recommend you to choose another SDA model, just to avoid disappointment when you have a great pair of jeans in your hands, you like them, technically the size is right. But… you can’t get your legs into the pant legs. We know this frustration well, so we do not in any way discourage you from this model, we just recommend you to be careful when choosing. But if you have a slim skinny figure – these jeans are just made for you!


We hope the previous model did not disappoint you, because we have something interesting for those who want to get maximum comfort and have a stylish modern style. The SD-108 is in some ways the opposite of the SD-107. It has a roomy and comfortable pant cut at the top of the thigh and a tapered fit, as well as a mid-rise fit at the waistband. The relaxed tapered cut is one of the most popular cuts at the moment. It allows you to get comfort, not constraining freedom of movement and at the same time it will be a very stylish silhouette that will fit perfectly into the modern urban style.


The patch is made of Yanpi mountain goat leather. This leather has a distinct texture. Wrinkles will appear over time, emphasizing the vintage style of the jeans.

The back pockets have classic SDA arches embroidered in contrasting threads.

The coin pocket bears a white SDA label with branding.

The matte finish button style is similar to that used in the late 40’s.

So, if you’re looking for a classic series of Japanese jeans that are produced on a consistent basis and have a wide range of styles, you should definitely take a look at the 100 series from Studio D’Artisan.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan is quite well known among lovers of quality classic jeans. Nowadays, this manufacturer strives to combine vintage American classics with modern casual style. If you are looking for authentic Japanese jeans with interesting denim and classic details and do not know what to choose, we sincerely recommend you to pay attention to the “100 series” from Studio D’Artisan. Here they used very beautiful denim with good fading potential, all the classic details characteristic of this brand and comfortable, time-tested styles, for sure each of the readers will be able to find the most comfortable for themselves.


For the 100 series, SDA uses denim with a density of 15OZ. This density is actually universal, these jeans will not be too light in the cold season and will not be too warm in the warm season. In other words, jeans made of this denim can be worn all year round.

For the dyeing of the yarns, a carefully selected dark indigo color is used. Rope dyeing allows you to get a very rich dark color. At the same time, the core of the threads remains uncolored. This denim therefore has a very good potential for beautiful fading.

The texture of the denim has a natural heterogeneity. Gradually, the denim will first have a bright blue fading, then these areas will become lighter. In this way, the SDA 100 series denim will eventually have a very contrasting fading.

However, we would like to warn you right away that fading develops individually for each person. It depends on many reasons, from the intensity of wear and the frequency of washing of the jeans to even the climate in which the wearer lives. The most important thing is that your jeans are individual:)

The distinctive detail of the SDA 100 series denim is the blue selvedge line.

Now let’s take a look at the popular 4 styles of the Studio D’Artisan 100 series.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

It’s an SDA classic. It’s a straight, comfortable regular fit that fits just about everyone. It’s a straight cut, high rise fit. In general, if you want to get a classic 501-style, unaffected by fashion, we highly recommend the model SD-101. These jeans go equally well with vintage style clothes (denim jackets, chambray shirts, etc.) or with modern street style clothes. SD-101 also goes very well with both heavy “work boots” and modern sneakers.

One more important detail. This model is produced in a very wide range of sizes, so people of different builds can wear these jeans. If you don’t see your size among the available sizes you can always write to our support team on the website and we will try to find out for you when we can get the size you need in stock.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

The iconic model 103, which was inspired by the style of the 60’s when jeans became more of a fashion statement rather than workwear. The jeans have a clean straight silhouette, it’s a little narrower than the SD-101 model and with a lower rise at the waistband. The jeans fit perfectly into a modern urban style. Based on the SD-103, so many different limited editions and past collaborations have been created. In fact, it is a versatile jeans model, perfectly suited for different body types.


Jeans with a narrow straight leg and a low rise. This model is very popular outside of Japan. Such jeans should fit tight, almost like a second skin. This allows you to get an excellent sharp fading on the folds under the knees (so-called “honeycomb”). However, this model makes its own demands on the figure of the jeans wearer. Model SD-107 fits well on a slim, trim figure. If the upper thigh of the jeans is the “hard part of jeans” for you, we would recommend you to choose another SDA model, just to avoid disappointment when you have a great pair of jeans in your hands, you like them, technically the size is right. But… you can’t get your legs into the pant legs. We know this frustration well, so we do not in any way discourage you from this model, we just recommend you to be careful when choosing. But if you have a slim skinny figure – these jeans are just made for you!


We hope the previous model did not disappoint you, because we have something interesting for those who want to get maximum comfort and have a stylish modern style. The SD-108 is in some ways the opposite of the SD-107. It has a roomy and comfortable pant cut at the top of the thigh and a tapered fit, as well as a mid-rise fit at the waistband. The relaxed tapered cut is one of the most popular cuts at the moment. It allows you to get comfort, not constraining freedom of movement and at the same time it will be a very stylish silhouette that will fit perfectly into the modern urban style.


The patch is made of Yanpi mountain goat leather. This leather has a distinct texture. Wrinkles will appear over time, emphasizing the vintage style of the jeans.

The back pockets have classic SDA arches embroidered in contrasting threads.

The coin pocket bears a white SDA label with branding.

The matte finish button style is similar to that used in the late 40’s.

So, if you’re looking for a classic series of Japanese jeans that are produced on a consistent basis and have a wide range of styles, you should definitely take a look at the 100 series from Studio D’Artisan.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan is quite well known among lovers of quality classic jeans. Nowadays, this manufacturer strives to combine vintage American classics with modern casual style. If you are looking for authentic Japanese jeans with interesting denim and classic details and do not know what to choose, we sincerely recommend you to pay attention to the “100 series” from Studio D’Artisan. Here they used very beautiful denim with good fading potential, all the classic details characteristic of this brand and comfortable, time-tested styles, for sure each of the readers will be able to find the most comfortable for themselves.


For the 100 series, SDA uses denim with a density of 15OZ. This density is actually universal, these jeans will not be too light in the cold season and will not be too warm in the warm season. In other words, jeans made of this denim can be worn all year round.

For the dyeing of the yarns, a carefully selected dark indigo color is used. Rope dyeing allows you to get a very rich dark color. At the same time, the core of the threads remains uncolored. This denim therefore has a very good potential for beautiful fading.

The texture of the denim has a natural heterogeneity. Gradually, the denim will first have a bright blue fading, then these areas will become lighter. In this way, the SDA 100 series denim will eventually have a very contrasting fading.

However, we would like to warn you right away that fading develops individually for each person. It depends on many reasons, from the intensity of wear and the frequency of washing of the jeans to even the climate in which the wearer lives. The most important thing is that your jeans are individual:)

The distinctive detail of the SDA 100 series denim is the blue selvedge line.

Now let’s take a look at the popular 4 styles of the Studio D’Artisan 100 series.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

It’s an SDA classic. It’s a straight, comfortable regular fit that fits just about everyone. It’s a straight cut, high rise fit. In general, if you want to get a classic 501-style, unaffected by fashion, we highly recommend the model SD-101. These jeans go equally well with vintage style clothes (denim jackets, chambray shirts, etc.) or with modern street style clothes. SD-101 also goes very well with both heavy “work boots” and modern sneakers.

One more important detail. This model is produced in a very wide range of sizes, so people of different builds can wear these jeans. If you don’t see your size among the available sizes you can always write to our support team on the website and we will try to find out for you when we can get the size you need in stock.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

The iconic model 103, which was inspired by the style of the 60’s when jeans became more of a fashion statement rather than workwear. The jeans have a clean straight silhouette, it’s a little narrower than the SD-101 model and with a lower rise at the waistband. The jeans fit perfectly into a modern urban style. Based on the SD-103, so many different limited editions and past collaborations have been created. In fact, it is a versatile jeans model, perfectly suited for different body types.


Jeans with a narrow straight leg and a low rise. This model is very popular outside of Japan. Such jeans should fit tight, almost like a second skin. This allows you to get an excellent sharp fading on the folds under the knees (so-called “honeycomb”). However, this model makes its own demands on the figure of the jeans wearer. Model SD-107 fits well on a slim, trim figure. If the upper thigh of the jeans is the “hard part of jeans” for you, we would recommend you to choose another SDA model, just to avoid disappointment when you have a great pair of jeans in your hands, you like them, technically the size is right. But… you can’t get your legs into the pant legs. We know this frustration well, so we do not in any way discourage you from this model, we just recommend you to be careful when choosing. But if you have a slim skinny figure – these jeans are just made for you!


We hope the previous model did not disappoint you, because we have something interesting for those who want to get maximum comfort and have a stylish modern style. The SD-108 is in some ways the opposite of the SD-107. It has a roomy and comfortable pant cut at the top of the thigh and a tapered fit, as well as a mid-rise fit at the waistband. The relaxed tapered cut is one of the most popular cuts at the moment. It allows you to get comfort, not constraining freedom of movement and at the same time it will be a very stylish silhouette that will fit perfectly into the modern urban style.


The patch is made of Yanpi mountain goat leather. This leather has a distinct texture. Wrinkles will appear over time, emphasizing the vintage style of the jeans.

The back pockets have classic SDA arches embroidered in contrasting threads.

The coin pocket bears a white SDA label with branding.

The matte finish button style is similar to that used in the late 40’s.

So, if you’re looking for a classic series of Japanese jeans that are produced on a consistent basis and have a wide range of styles, you should definitely take a look at the 100 series from Studio D’Artisan.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan is quite well known among lovers of quality classic jeans. Nowadays, this manufacturer strives to combine vintage American classics with modern casual style. If you are looking for authentic Japanese jeans with interesting denim and classic details and do not know what to choose, we sincerely recommend you to pay attention to the “100 series” from Studio D’Artisan. Here they used very beautiful denim with good fading potential, all the classic details characteristic of this brand and comfortable, time-tested styles, for sure each of the readers will be able to find the most comfortable for themselves.


For the 100 series, SDA uses denim with a density of 15OZ. This density is actually universal, these jeans will not be too light in the cold season and will not be too warm in the warm season. In other words, jeans made of this denim can be worn all year round.

For the dyeing of the yarns, a carefully selected dark indigo color is used. Rope dyeing allows you to get a very rich dark color. At the same time, the core of the threads remains uncolored. This denim therefore has a very good potential for beautiful fading.

The texture of the denim has a natural heterogeneity. Gradually, the denim will first have a bright blue fading, then these areas will become lighter. In this way, the SDA 100 series denim will eventually have a very contrasting fading.

However, we would like to warn you right away that fading develops individually for each person. It depends on many reasons, from the intensity of wear and the frequency of washing of the jeans to even the climate in which the wearer lives. The most important thing is that your jeans are individual:)

The distinctive detail of the SDA 100 series denim is the blue selvedge line.

Now let’s take a look at the popular 4 styles of the Studio D’Artisan 100 series.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

It’s an SDA classic. It’s a straight, comfortable regular fit that fits just about everyone. It’s a straight cut, high rise fit. In general, if you want to get a classic 501-style, unaffected by fashion, we highly recommend the model SD-101. These jeans go equally well with vintage style clothes (denim jackets, chambray shirts, etc.) or with modern street style clothes. SD-101 also goes very well with both heavy “work boots” and modern sneakers.

One more important detail. This model is produced in a very wide range of sizes, so people of different builds can wear these jeans. If you don’t see your size among the available sizes you can always write to our support team on the website and we will try to find out for you when we can get the size you need in stock.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

The iconic model 103, which was inspired by the style of the 60’s when jeans became more of a fashion statement rather than workwear. The jeans have a clean straight silhouette, it’s a little narrower than the SD-101 model and with a lower rise at the waistband. The jeans fit perfectly into a modern urban style. Based on the SD-103, so many different limited editions and past collaborations have been created. In fact, it is a versatile jeans model, perfectly suited for different body types.


Jeans with a narrow straight leg and a low rise. This model is very popular outside of Japan. Such jeans should fit tight, almost like a second skin. This allows you to get an excellent sharp fading on the folds under the knees (so-called “honeycomb”). However, this model makes its own demands on the figure of the jeans wearer. Model SD-107 fits well on a slim, trim figure. If the upper thigh of the jeans is the “hard part of jeans” for you, we would recommend you to choose another SDA model, just to avoid disappointment when you have a great pair of jeans in your hands, you like them, technically the size is right. But… you can’t get your legs into the pant legs. We know this frustration well, so we do not in any way discourage you from this model, we just recommend you to be careful when choosing. But if you have a slim skinny figure – these jeans are just made for you!


We hope the previous model did not disappoint you, because we have something interesting for those who want to get maximum comfort and have a stylish modern style. The SD-108 is in some ways the opposite of the SD-107. It has a roomy and comfortable pant cut at the top of the thigh and a tapered fit, as well as a mid-rise fit at the waistband. The relaxed tapered cut is one of the most popular cuts at the moment. It allows you to get comfort, not constraining freedom of movement and at the same time it will be a very stylish silhouette that will fit perfectly into the modern urban style.


The patch is made of Yanpi mountain goat leather. This leather has a distinct texture. Wrinkles will appear over time, emphasizing the vintage style of the jeans.

The back pockets have classic SDA arches embroidered in contrasting threads.

The coin pocket bears a white SDA label with branding.

The matte finish button style is similar to that used in the late 40’s.

So, if you’re looking for a classic series of Japanese jeans that are produced on a consistent basis and have a wide range of styles, you should definitely take a look at the 100 series from Studio D’Artisan.


Japanese brand Studio D’Artisan is quite well known among lovers of quality classic jeans. Nowadays, this manufacturer strives to combine vintage American classics with modern casual style. If you are looking for authentic Japanese jeans with interesting denim and classic details and do not know what to choose, we sincerely recommend you to pay attention to the “100 series” from Studio D’Artisan. Here they used very beautiful denim with good fading potential, all the classic details characteristic of this brand and comfortable, time-tested styles, for sure each of the readers will be able to find the most comfortable for themselves.


For the 100 series, SDA uses denim with a density of 15OZ. This density is actually universal, these jeans will not be too light in the cold season and will not be too warm in the warm season. In other words, jeans made of this denim can be worn all year round.

For the dyeing of the yarns, a carefully selected dark indigo color is used. Rope dyeing allows you to get a very rich dark color. At the same time, the core of the threads remains uncolored. This denim therefore has a very good potential for beautiful fading.

The texture of the denim has a natural heterogeneity. Gradually, the denim will first have a bright blue fading, then these areas will become lighter. In this way, the SDA 100 series denim will eventually have a very contrasting fading.

However, we would like to warn you right away that fading develops individually for each person. It depends on many reasons, from the intensity of wear and the frequency of washing of the jeans to even the climate in which the wearer lives. The most important thing is that your jeans are individual:)

The distinctive detail of the SDA 100 series denim is the blue selvedge line.

Now let’s take a look at the popular 4 styles of the Studio D’Artisan 100 series.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

It’s an SDA classic. It’s a straight, comfortable regular fit that fits just about everyone. It’s a straight cut, high rise fit. In general, if you want to get a classic 501-style, unaffected by fashion, we highly recommend the model SD-101. These jeans go equally well with vintage style clothes (denim jackets, chambray shirts, etc.) or with modern street style clothes. SD-101 also goes very well with both heavy “work boots” and modern sneakers.

One more important detail. This model is produced in a very wide range of sizes, so people of different builds can wear these jeans. If you don’t see your size among the available sizes you can always write to our support team on the website and we will try to find out for you when we can get the size you need in stock.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

The iconic model 103, which was inspired by the style of the 60’s when jeans became more of a fashion statement rather than workwear. The jeans have a clean straight silhouette, it’s a little narrower than the SD-101 model and with a lower rise at the waistband. The jeans fit perfectly into a modern urban style. Based on the SD-103, so many different limited editions and past collaborations have been created. In fact, it is a versatile jeans model, perfectly suited for different body types.


Jeans with a narrow straight leg and a low rise. This model is very popular outside of Japan. Such jeans should fit tight, almost like a second skin. This allows you to get an excellent sharp fading on the folds under the knees (so-called “honeycomb”). However, this model makes its own demands on the figure of the jeans wearer. Model SD-107 fits well on a slim, trim figure. If the upper thigh of the jeans is the “hard part of jeans” for you, we would recommend you to choose another SDA model, just to avoid disappointment when you have a great pair of jeans in your hands, you like them, technically the size is right. But… you can’t get your legs into the pant legs. We know this frustration well, so we do not in any way discourage you from this model, we just recommend you to be careful when choosing. But if you have a slim skinny figure – these jeans are just made for you!


We hope the previous model did not disappoint you, because we have something interesting for those who want to get maximum comfort and have a stylish modern style. The SD-108 is in some ways the opposite of the SD-107. It has a roomy and comfortable pant cut at the top of the thigh and a tapered fit, as well as a mid-rise fit at the waistband. The relaxed tapered cut is one of the most popular cuts at the moment. It allows you to get comfort, not constraining freedom of movement and at the same time it will be a very stylish silhouette that will fit perfectly into the modern urban style.


The patch is made of Yanpi mountain goat leather. This leather has a distinct texture. Wrinkles will appear over time, emphasizing the vintage style of the jeans.

The back pockets have classic SDA arches embroidered in contrasting threads.

The coin pocket bears a white SDA label with branding.

The matte finish button style is similar to that used in the late 40’s.

So, if you’re looking for a classic series of Japanese jeans that are produced on a consistent basis and have a wide range of styles, you should definitely take a look at the 100 series from Studio D’Artisan.


Японский бренд Studio D’Artisan весьма хорошо известен среди любителей качественных классических джинсов. В настоящее время этот производитель стремиться сочетать винтажную американскую классику с современным повседневным стилем. Если вы ищете настоящие японские джинсы с интересным денимом и классическими деталями и не знаете что выбрать, мы искренне рекомендуем вам обратить внимание на “серию 100” от Studio D’Artisan. Здесь используются очень красивый деним с хорошим потенциалом фейдинга, все классические детали характерные для этого бренда и удобные, проверенные временем фасоны, наверняка каждый из читателей сможет найти наиболее удобный для себя.


Для серии 100 SDA использует деним с плотностью 15OZ. Такая плотность фактически является универсальной, эти джинсы не будут слишком лёгкими в холодное время года и не будут слишком тяжелыми в тёплое время года. Иными словами джинсы из такого денима можно носить круглый год.
Для окрашивания нитей используют тщательно подобранный тёмный цвет индиго. Канатное окрашивание позволяет получить очень насыщенный тёмный цвет. При этом сердцевина нитей остаётся неокрашенной. Таким образом такой деним имеет очень хороший потенциал для красивого фейдинга.

Фактура денима имеет естественную неоднородность. Постепенно джинсы будут получать вначале ярко синий фейдинг, затем эти участки будут становится более светлыми. Таким образом деним SDA 100 й серии со временем будет иметь очень контрастный фейдинг.

Однако мы сразу хотели бы предупредить, что у каждого человека фейдинг развивается индивидуально. Это зависит от множества причин, начиная от интенсивности носки и частоты стирок джинсов и заканчивая даже климатом в котором живёт обладатель джинсов. Самое главное, чтобы ваши джинсы были индивидуальны:)
Отличительной деталью денима SDA 100 серии является голубая selvedge line.

Теперь давайте рассмотрим популярные фасоны 100 серии Studio D’Artisan.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

Это классика SDA. Прямой комфортный регулар фасон, которые подходит практически всем. Это прямой крой штанин, высокая посадка на поясе. В общем если вы хотите получить классический 501-стиль, не подверженный влияниям моды, мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам модель SD-101. Такие джинсы одинаково хорошо сочетаются с одеждой в винтажном стиле (джинсовые куртки, рубашки шамбре и т.д.) или с одеждой в современном уличном стиле. Также SD-101 весьма хорошо сочетается как с тяжёлыми “рабочими ботинками”, так и с современными кедами.
Ещё одна немаловажная деталь. Эта модель производится в очень широком выборе размеров, поэтому люди самого различного телосложения могут носить эти джинсы. Если вы не видите свой размер среди доступных вы всегда можете написать в нашу службу поддержки на сайте и мы постараемся выяснить для вас, когда мы можем получить на складе нужный вам размер.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

Знаменитая модель 103, которая была вдохновлена стилем 60-х, когда джинсы стали в большей степени модной, а не рабочей одеждой. Джинсы имеют чистый прямой силуэт, это немного уже, чем модель SD-101 и с более низкой посадкой на поясе. Джинсы идеально вписываются в современный городской стиль. На основе SD-103 было создано очень много различных лимитированных выпусков и коллабораций прошлых лет. Фактически это универсальная модель джинсов, отлично подходящая для различных типов фигур.


Джинсы с узкой прямой штаниной и низкой посадкой на поясе. Эта модель является очень популярной за пределами Японии. Такие джинсы должны сидеть туго, практически как вторая кожа. Это позволяет получить отличный резкий фейдинг на сгибах под коленями (так называемые “пчелиные соты”). Однако эта модель предъявляет свои требования к фигуре обладателя джинсов. Модель SD-107 хорошо сидит на худощавой подтянутой фигуре. Если верхняя часть бедра джинсов – это “трудная часть джинсов” для вас, мы бы рекомендовали вам выбрать другую модель SDA, просто чтобы избежать разочарования, когда вы имеете в руках отличную пару джинсов, она вам нравится, формально размер является подходящим. Но… вы не можете просунуть ноги в штанины. Мы хорошо знаем это разочарование, поэтому мы не в коем случае не отговариваем вас от этой модели, просто рекомендуем быть внимательными при выборе. Но если вы обладатель стройной худощавой фигуры – эти джинсы просто созданы для вас!


Надеемся предыдущая модель не ввергла вас в разочарование, потому что у нас есть кое что интересное для тех, кто хочет получить максимум комфорта и иметь стильный современный фасон. Модель SD-108 в чём-то является противоположностью SD-107. Здесь просторный и комфортный крой штанины в верхней части бедра и сужающийся крой, а также средняя высота посадки на поясе. В настоящее время крой relax tapered является одним из самых популярных. Он позволяет получить комфорт, не стесняющий свободы движений и в тоже время это будет очень стильный силуэт великолепно будет вписываться в современный городской стиль.


Патч изготавливается и кожи горных коз “Yanpi”. Эта кожа имеет выраженную фактурность. Со временем будут появляться морщины, подчёркивающие винтажный стиль джинсов.

Задние карманы имеют вышитые контрастными нитками классические арки SDA.

На монетный карман вынесен белый лейбл SDA с брендингом.

Стиль пуговиц с матовым покрытием похож на тот, что использовался в конце 40-х годов.

Таким образом, если вы ищете классическую серию японских джинсов, которая производится на постоянной основе и имеет широкий выбор фасонов, вам обязательно стоит присмотреться к серии 100 от Studio D’Artisan.


Studio D’Artisan แบรนด์ญี่ปุ่นเป็นที่รู้จักกันดีในหมู่ผู้ชื่นชอบกางเกงยีนส์คลาสสิกคุณภาพดี ในปัจจุบันผู้ผลิตรายนี้มุ่งมั่นที่จะผสมผสานสไตล์วินเทจอเมริกันคลาสสิกเข้ากับสไตล์ลำลองสมัยใหม่ หากคุณกำลังมองหากางเกงยีนส์ญี่ปุ่นแท้ๆ ที่มีผ้ายีนส์ที่น่าสนใจและรายละเอียดสุดคลาสสิกแต่ไม่รู้จะเลือกอะไร เราขอแนะนำให้คุณลองเปิดใจกับ “100 series” จาก Studio D’Artisan พวกเขาใช้ผ้าเดนิมที่สวยงามมากและมีศักยภาพในการเฟดได้ดี รายละเอียดคลาสสิกทั้งหมดของแบรนด์นี้ และสไตล์ที่สวมใส่สบายได้ถูกพิสูจน์ผ่านการทดสอบตามกาลเวลาว่าดีจริง แน่นอนว่าผู้อ่านแต่ละคนจะค้นพบเดนิมที่สบายที่สุดสำหรับตัวเองได้จากบล็อกนี้


สำหรับซีรีส์ 100 นั้น ทางแบรนด์ใช้ผ้าเดนิมที่หนัก 15 ออนซ์ น้ำหนักนี้เรียกว่าเป็นน้ำหนักสากล กางเกงยีนส์เหล่านี้จะไม่เบาเกินไปในฤดูหนาวและจะไม่อุ่นเกินไปในฤดูร้อน กล่าวอีกนัยหนึ่งกางเกงยีนส์ที่ทำจากผ้าเดนิมนี้สามารถสวมใส่ได้ตลอดทั้งปี

สำหรับการย้อมเส้นด้ายจะใช้สีครามเข้มที่คัดสรรมาอย่างดี การย้อมเชือกช่วยให้คุณได้สีเข้มมาก ในเวลาเดียวกัน แกนกลางของเส้นด้ายไม่มีสี เดนิมชนิดนี้จึงมีศักยภาพในการเฟดที่สวยงามได้ดีมาก

เท็กซ์เจอร์ของผ้าเดนิมมีความแตกต่างกันตามธรรมชาติ เดนิมจะมีสีน้ำเงินสดใสช่วงแรก และค่อยๆ จางลงก่อน บริเวณเหล่านี้จะซีดจางลงไปอีก ผ้าเดนิมซีรีส์ 100 จะมีการเฟดที่ตัดกันอย่างมากในท้ายที่สุด

อย่างไรก็ตาม เราขอหมายเหตไว้ก่อนว่าการเฟดซีดจางมากหรือน้อยขึ้นอยู่กับหลายสาเหตุ ตั้งแต่ความถี่ของการสวมใส่และความถี่ในการซักกางเกงยีนส์ แม้กระทั่งการเสียดสีหรือสภาพอากาศที่ผู้สวมใส่อาศัยอยู่ สิ่งที่สำคัญที่สุดคือกางเกงยีนส์ของคุณจะมีเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะตัว 🙂

รายละเอียดที่โดดเด่นของผ้าเดนิมซีรีส์ 100 คือเส้นริม selvedge สีน้ำเงิน

ตอนนี้เรามาดู 4 สไตล์ยอดนิยมของซีรีส์ Studio D’Artisan 100 กัน

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

เป็นสไตล์คลาสสิกด้วยทรงตรงแบบปกติที่ใส่สบายซึ่งเหมาะกับรูปทรงของทุกคน ยีนส์รุ่นนี้เป็นทรงเอวสูง โดยทั่วไปแล้วถ้าอยากได้สไตล์ 501 คลาสสิค ไม่ตกเทรนด์ เราขอแนะนำรุ่น SD-101 เพราะสามารถใส่เข้ากันได้ดีกับเสื้อผ้าสไตล์วินเทจ (เช่น แจ็คเก็ตเดนิม เสื้อเชิ้ตแชมเบรย์ ฯลฯ) หรือกับเสื้อผ้าสไตล์สตรีทสมัยใหม่ SD-101 ยังเข้ากันได้ดีกับทั้ง “รองเท้าบูททำงาน” และรองเท้าผ้าใบสมัยใหม่

รายละเอียดที่สำคัญอีกอย่างหนึ่ง รุ่นนี้ผลิตขึ้นในหลากหลายขนาด ดังนั้นผู้ที่มีรูปร่างต่างกันจึงสามารถสวมใส่กางเกงยีนส์เหล่านี้ได้ หากคุณไม่ไซซ์ที่คุณของคุณบนเว็บไวต์ คุณสามารถเขียนรีเควสผ่าน  Live Chat ของเราได้ตลอดเวลา และเราจะพยายามค้นหาในสต็อกให้คุณเพราะอาจมีการคืนสินค้าไซซ์ที่ต้องการมาในสต็อกขณะที่คุณรีเควสมา

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT

รุ่นไอคอน 103 ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจจากสไตล์ในยุค 60 เมื่อกางเกงยีนส์กลายมาเป็นสัญลักษณ์ทางแฟชั่นมากกว่าชุดทำงาน กางเกงยีนส์มีทรงตรงที่ดูสะอาดตา โดยจะแคบกว่ารุ่น SD-101 เล็กน้อยและมีขอบเอวที่ต่ำกว่า กางเกงยีนส์เข้ากับสไตล์คนเมืองสมัยใหม่ได้อย่างลงตัว จาก SD-103 มีการสร้างรุ่นลิมิเต็ดเอดิชั่นและมีคอลแลบที่ผ่านมามากมาย จริงๆ แล้วมันคือยีนส์รุ่นอเนกประสงค์ที่เหมาะกับรูปร่างที่แตกต่างกัน


กางเกงยีนส์ขาตรงแคบและเอวต่ำ รุ่นนี้เป็นที่นิยมมากนอกประเทศญี่ปุ่น กางเกงยีนส์ดังกล่าวควรจะเข้ารูปพอดี เกือบจะเหมือนกับผิวหนังชั้นที่ 2 วิธีนี้ช่วยให้คุณได้รอยพับใต้เข่าที่คมชัดอย่างดีเยี่ยม (ที่เรียกว่า “รวงผึ้ง”) อย่างไรก็ตาม รุ่น SD-107 เหมาะกับรูปร่างเพรียวบางเป็นอย่างดี หากต้นขาด้านบนของยีนส์ถือเป็น “ส่วนที่แข็งของยีนส์” สำหรับคุณ เราขอแนะนำให้คุณเลือกรุ่นอื่น เมื่อคุณมีกางเกงยีนส์ดีๆ อยู่ในมือ คุณถูกใจ ได้ไซซ์ถูกต้อง แต่…คุณไม่สามารถเอาขาเข้าไปในขากางเกงได้ เราเข้าใจความหงุดหงิดนี้ดี ดังนั้นเราจึงไม่แนะนำยีนส์รุ่นนี้กับผู้ที่มีช่วงต้นขาใหญ่ แนะนำให้คุณใช้ความระมัดระวังในการเลือก แต่ถ้าคุณมีหุ่นผมเพรียวบาง กางเกงยีนส์ตัวนี้ออกแบบมาเพื่อคุณโดยเฉพาะ!


เราหวังว่ายีนส์รุ่นก่อนหน้านี้จะไม่ทำให้คุณผิดหวังเพราะเรามีสิ่งที่น่าสนใจสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการได้รับความสะดวกสบายสูงสุดและมีสไตล์ทันสมัยมีสไตล์ SD-108 ตรงกันข้ามกับรุ่น SD-107 ในบางแง่ มีทรงกางเกงที่กว้างและสวมใส่สบายโดยเฉพาะด้านบนของต้นขา และทรงขาเรียว รวมถึงขอบเอวปานกลาง ใส่ได้สบายๆ เป็นหนึ่งในทรงที่ได้รับความนิยมมากที่สุดในขณะนี้ ช่วยให้ได้รับความสบายไม่จำกัดอิสระในการเคลื่อนไหวและในขณะเดียวกันก็ให้ลุคที่ดูมีสไตล์มากเข้ากันกับสไตล์คนเมืองสมัยใหม่ได้อย่างลงตัว


ป้ายแพทช์ทำจากหนังแพะภูเขา Yanpi หนังนี้มีเนื้อสัมผัสที่แตกต่าง ริ้วรอยจะปรากฏขึ้นตามกาลเวลา เน้นสไตล์วินเทจของยีนส์ให้ชัดไปอีก


เหนือกระเป๋าเหรียญมีแท็กพื้นสีขาวสัญลักษณ์ของแบรนด์ D’artisan

รูปแบบกระดุมเคลือบผิวด้านคล้ายกับที่ใช้ในช่วงปลายยุค 40

ดังนั้นหากคุณกำลังมองหากางเกงยีนส์ญี่ปุ่นคลาสสิกซีรีส์ที่ผลิตด้วยดีไซน์เรียบเท่แต่ทันสมัยและมีหลากหลายสไตล์ คุณควรลองใส่ซีรีส์ 100 จาก Studio D’Artisan สักตัว


日本のブランド、スタジオ ダルチザンは、高品質のクラシック ジーンズの愛好家の間で非常によく知られています。現在、このメーカーはヴィンテージのアメリカンクラシックとモダンなカジュアルスタイルを組み合わせることに努めています。面白いデニムとクラシックなディテールを備えた本格的な日本製ジーンズを探しているが、何を選択すればよいかわからない場合は、ステュディオダルチザンの「100シリーズ」に注目することを心からお勧めします。ここでは、色落ちの可能性が高い非常に美しいデニム、このブランドの特徴であるすべてのクラシックなディテール、そして快適で定評のあるスタイルが使用されており、読者の誰もが自分にとって最も快適なものを見つけることができるでしょう。





デニムの風合いには自然な不均一性があります。徐々に、デニムは最初は明るい青色に色落ちし、次にその部分が明るくなります。このようにして、SDA 100 シリーズのデニムは最終的に非常に対照的な色落ちを実現します。



SDA 100 シリーズのデニムの特徴的なディテールは、青い耳のラインです。



Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT

SDAの定番ですね。ストレートで快適なレギュラーフィットで、誰にでもフィットします。ストレートカットのハイライズフィットです。一般的に、流行に左右されないクラシックな501スタイルを手に入れたい場合は、SD-101というモデルが強くお勧めします。これらのジーンズは、ヴィンテージスタイルの服(デニムジャケット、シャンブレーシャツなど)にも、モダンなストリートスタイルの服にもよく合います。 SD-101は、重厚感のある「ワークブーツ」にもモダンなスニーカーにもよく合います。

もう 1 つ重要な詳細があります。このモデルは非常に幅広いサイズで生産されているため、さまざまな体格の人がこれらのジーンズを着用できます。利用可能なサイズの中にご希望のサイズが見つからない場合は、いつでもウェブサイトのサポート チームにご連絡ください。必要なサイズの在庫がいつ入手できるかを調べてお知らせいたします。

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT


ジーンズがワークウェアではなくファッションステートメントとなった60年代のスタイルからインスピレーションを得たアイコニックなモデル103。ジーンズはすっきりとしたストレートシルエットで、SD-101モデルよりも少し細く、ウエストバンドの股上が浅くなっています。モダンなアーバンスタイルにぴったりフィットするジーンズです。 SD-103をベースに、さまざまな限定版や過去のコラボレーションが誕生しました。実際、これはさまざまな体型に最適な、多用途のジーンズモデルです。



細めのストレートレッグとローライズのジーンズ。このモデルは日本国外でも非常に人気があります。このようなジーンズは、まるで第二の皮膚のようにぴったりとフィットする必要があります。これにより、膝の下の折り目 (いわゆる「ハニカム」) に優れたシャープなフェードを得ることができます。ただし、このモデルはジーンズ着用者の体型に独自の要求を課しています。モデルSD-107はスリムで引き締まった体型によくフィットします。ジーンズの太もも上部があなたにとって「ジーンズの難しい部分」である場合は、素晴らしいジーンズを手にしたときに失望しないように、別の SDA モデルを選択することをお勧めします。サイズは正しいです。でも…パンツの裾に足が入りません。私たちはこの不満をよく知っていますので、このモデルを諦めるつもりはまったくありません。選択する際には慎重になることをお勧めします。しかし、あなたがスリムでスキニーな体型なら、このジーンズはまさにあなたのために作られています。



最高の快適性とスタイリッシュでモダンなスタイルを求める人にとって興味深いものを用意しているので、前のモデルがあなたを失望させなかったことを願っています。 SD-108 は、ある意味 SD-107 の逆です。太もも上部のゆったりとした快適なパンツカットとテーパードフィット、ウエストバンドのミッドライズフィットが特徴です。リラックスしたテーパードカットは、現在最も人気のあるカットの1つです。動きの自由を妨げず快適な着心地を実現すると同時に、現代のアーバンスタイルにぴったりフィットする非常にスタイリッシュなシルエットになります。

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したがって、一貫して生産され、幅広いスタイルを備えた日本のジーンズの古典的なシリーズをお探しの場合は、Studio D’Artisan の 100 シリーズをぜひご覧ください。

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Jenama Jepun Studio D’Artisan cukup terkenal di kalangan pencinta seluar jeans klasik berkualiti. Pada masa kini, pengeluar ini berusaha untuk menggabungkan klasik Amerika vintaj dengan gaya kasual moden. Jika anda sedang mencari seluar jeans Jepun tulen dengan denim yang menarik dan perincian klasik dan tidak tahu apa yang harus dipilih, kami sangat mengesyorkan anda untuk memberi perhatian kepada “100 siri” dari Studio D’Artisan. Di sini mereka menggunakan denim yang sangat cantik dengan potensi pudar yang baik, semua ciri perincian klasik jenama ini dan gaya yang selesa, diuji masa, pasti setiap pembaca akan dapat mencari yang paling selesa untuk diri mereka sendiri.


Untuk siri 100, SDA menggunakan denim dengan ketumpatan 15OZ. Ketumpatan ini sebenarnya universal, seluar jeans ini tidak akan terlalu ringan pada musim sejuk dan tidak akan terlalu panas pada musim panas. Dengan kata lain, jeans yang diperbuat daripada denim ini boleh dipakai sepanjang tahun.

Untuk pencelupan benang, warna indigo gelap yang dipilih dengan teliti digunakan. Pewarnaan tali membolehkan anda mendapatkan warna gelap yang sangat kaya. Pada masa yang sama, teras benang kekal tidak berwarna. Oleh itu denim ini mempunyai potensi yang sangat baik untuk pudar yang cantik.

Tekstur denim mempunyai kepelbagaian semula jadi. Secara beransur-ansur, denim akan mula pudar biru terang, kemudian kawasan ini akan menjadi lebih ringan. Dengan cara ini, denim siri SDA 100 akhirnya akan mempunyai pudar yang sangat kontras.

Walau bagaimanapun, kami ingin memberi amaran kepada anda dengan segera bahawa pudar berkembang secara individu untuk setiap orang. Ia bergantung kepada banyak sebab, dari intensiti haus dan kekerapan mencuci seluar jeans sehinggalah iklim di mana pemakai tinggal. Perkara yang paling penting ialah jeans anda adalah individu 🙂

Perincian tersendiri denim siri SDA 100 ialah garis tepi biru.


Sekarang mari kita lihat 4 gaya popular siri Studio D’Artisan 100.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT


Ia klasik SDA. Ia adalah padanan biasa yang lurus dan selesa yang sesuai untuk semua orang. Ia adalah potongan lurus, muat tinggi. Secara umum, jika anda ingin mendapatkan gaya 501 klasik, tidak terjejas oleh fesyen, kami sangat mengesyorkan model SD-101. Jeans ini sesuai dengan pakaian gaya vintaj (jaket denim, baju chambray, dll.) atau dengan pakaian gaya jalanan moden. SD-101 juga sangat sesuai dengan kedua-dua “but kerja” berat dan kasut moden.

Satu lagi butiran penting. Model ini dihasilkan dalam julat saiz yang sangat luas, jadi orang yang berbeza binaan boleh memakai seluar jeans ini. Jika anda tidak melihat saiz anda antara saiz yang tersedia, anda sentiasa boleh menulis kepada pasukan sokongan kami di tapak web dan kami akan cuba mengetahui untuk anda apabila kami boleh mendapatkan saiz yang anda perlukan dalam stok.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT


Model ikonik 103, yang diinspirasikan oleh gaya 60-an apabila seluar jeans menjadi lebih kepada kenyataan fesyen berbanding pakaian kerja. Seluar jeans mempunyai siluet lurus yang bersih, ia lebih sempit sedikit daripada model SD-101 dan dengan peningkatan yang lebih rendah di bahagian pinggang. Seluar jeans itu sesuai dengan gaya bandar moden. Berdasarkan SD-103, begitu banyak edisi terhad yang berbeza dan kerjasama terdahulu telah dibuat. Malah, ia adalah model jeans serba boleh, sangat sesuai untuk jenis badan yang berbeza.



Jeans dengan kaki lurus sempit dan naik rendah. Model ini sangat popular di luar Jepun. Seluar jeans sebegitu sepatutnya muat ketat, hampir seperti kulit kedua. Ini membolehkan anda mendapatkan pudar tajam yang sangat baik pada lipatan di bawah lutut (yang dipanggil “sarang lebah”). Bagaimanapun, model ini membuat tuntutan tersendiri terhadap susuk tubuh si pemakai seluar jeans. Model SD-107 sesuai dengan bentuk yang langsing dan dipangkas. Jika bahagian atas seluar jeans adalah “bahagian keras jeans” untuk anda, kami akan mengesyorkan anda memilih model SDA yang lain, hanya untuk mengelakkan kekecewaan apabila anda mempunyai sepasang jeans yang hebat di tangan anda, anda menyukainya, secara teknikalnya saiz betul. Tetapi… anda tidak boleh memasukkan kaki anda ke dalam kaki seluar. Kami tahu kekecewaan ini dengan baik, jadi kami sama sekali tidak menghalang anda daripada model ini, kami hanya mengesyorkan anda berhati-hati semasa memilih. Tetapi jika anda mempunyai bentuk kurus yang langsing – seluar jeans ini hanya dibuat untuk anda!



Kami berharap model sebelum ini tidak mengecewakan anda, kerana kami mempunyai sesuatu yang menarik untuk mereka yang ingin mendapatkan keselesaan maksimum dan mempunyai gaya moden yang bergaya. SD-108 dalam beberapa cara adalah bertentangan dengan SD-107. Ia mempunyai potongan seluar yang lapang dan selesa di bahagian atas paha dan potongan tirus, serta padanan bahagian tengah di bahagian pinggang. Potongan tirus yang santai adalah salah satu potongan yang paling popular pada masa ini. Ia membolehkan anda mendapatkan keselesaan, tidak mengekang kebebasan bergerak dan pada masa yang sama ia akan menjadi siluet yang sangat bergaya yang sesuai dengan sempurna ke dalam gaya bandar moden.

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Tampalan itu diperbuat daripada kulit kambing gunung Yanpi. Kulit ini mempunyai tekstur yang berbeza. Kedutan akan muncul dari masa ke masa, menekankan gaya vintaj seluar jeans.

Poket belakang mempunyai gerbang SDA klasik yang disulam dengan benang yang kontras.

Poket syiling mengandungi label SDA putih dengan penjenamaan.

Gaya butang kemasan matte adalah serupa dengan yang digunakan pada akhir 40-an.


Jadi, jika anda sedang mencari siri klasik jeans Jepun yang dihasilkan secara konsisten dan mempunyai pelbagai gaya, anda pasti perlu melihat siri 100 daripada Studio D’Artisan.

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일본 브랜드 Studio D’Artisan은 고품질 클래식 청바지를 사랑하는 사람들 사이에서 꽤 잘 알려져 있습니다. 요즘 이 제조업체는 빈티지 아메리칸 클래식과 현대적인 캐주얼 스타일을 결합하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 흥미로운 데님과 클래식한 디테일이 돋보이는 정통 일본 청바지를 찾고 계시고, 무엇을 선택해야 할지 고민이시라면, Studio D’Artisan의 “100 시리즈”에 주목해 보시길 진심으로 권해 드립니다. 여기서 그들은 페이딩 가능성이 좋은 매우 아름다운 데님, 이 브랜드의 특징인 모든 클래식한 디테일, 편안하고 오랜 테스트를 거친 스타일을 사용하여 각 독자가 스스로 가장 편안한 것을 찾을 수 있을 것입니다.


100 시리즈의 경우 SDA는 밀도가 15OZ인 데님을 사용합니다. 이 밀도는 실제로 보편적입니다. 이 청바지는 추운 계절에 너무 가볍지 않고 따뜻한 계절에 너무 따뜻하지 않습니다. 즉, 이 데님으로 제작된 청바지는 일년 내내 착용이 가능합니다.

원사의 염색에는 엄선된 짙은 남색을 사용합니다. 로프 염색을 사용하면 매우 풍부하고 어두운 색상을 얻을 수 있습니다. 동시에 실의 핵심은 무색으로 유지됩니다. 따라서 이 데님은 아름다운 페이딩에 대한 매우 좋은 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다.

데님의 질감은 자연스러운 이질성을 가지고 있습니다. 점차적으로, 데님은 먼저 밝은 파란색 페이딩을 갖게 될 것이며, 그런 다음 이 부분은 더 가벼워질 것입니다. 이러한 방식으로 SDA 100 시리즈 데님은 결국 매우 대조적인 페이딩을 갖게 됩니다.

그러나 페이딩은 사람마다 개별적으로 진행된다는 점을 즉시 경고하고 싶습니다. 이는 착용 강도와 청바지 세탁 빈도부터 착용자가 거주하는 기후까지 다양한 이유에 따라 달라집니다. 가장 중요한 것은 청바지가 개성적이라는 것입니다 🙂

SDA 100 시리즈 데님의 특징적인 디테일은 블루 셀비지 라인입니다.


이제 Studio D’Artisan 100 시리즈의 인기 스타일 4가지를 살펴보겠습니다.

Studio D’Artisan SD-101 15OZ REGULAR STRAIGHT


SDA의 고전입니다. 누구에게나 잘 어울리는 편안한 스트레이트 핏입니다. 스트레이트 컷, 하이라이즈 핏입니다. 일반적으로 유행에 얽매이지 않는 클래식한 501 스타일을 원하신다면 SD-101 모델을 적극 추천해 드립니다. 이 청바지는 빈티지 스타일의 옷(데님 재킷, 샴브레이 셔츠 등)이나 모던한 스트리트 스타일의 옷과 똑같이 잘 어울립니다. SD-101은 무거운 “작업용 부츠”와 현대적인 운동화에도 잘 어울립니다.

한 가지 더 중요한 세부 사항입니다. 이 모델은 매우 다양한 사이즈로 생산되므로 다양한 체격의 사람들이 이 청바지를 입을 수 있습니다. 사용 가능한 사이즈 중에서 귀하의 사이즈가 보이지 않는 경우 언제든지 웹사이트의 지원팀에 편지를 보내 주시면 필요한 사이즈의 재고가 언제 확보될 수 있는지 알아보도록 노력하겠습니다.

Studio D’Artisan SD-103 15OZ TIGHT STRAIGHT


청바지가 작업복이 아닌 패션의 상징으로 자리잡았던 60년대 스타일에서 영감을 받은 아이코닉 모델 103입니다. 청바지는 깔끔한 직선 실루엣을 가지고 있으며, SD-101 모델보다 약간 더 좁고 허리 밴드의 밑위가 더 낮습니다. 청바지는 현대적인 도시 스타일에 완벽하게 어울립니다. SD-103을 기반으로 정말 다양한 한정판과 과거 콜라보레이션이 탄생했습니다. 실제로 다양한 체형에 완벽하게 어울리는 다재다능한 청바지 모델입니다.



좁은 스트레이트 레그와 로우라이즈가 특징인 청바지. 이 모델은 일본 외 지역에서도 매우 인기가 높습니다. 이러한 청바지는 마치 제2의 피부처럼 꼭 맞아야 합니다. 이를 통해 무릎 아래의 접힌 부분(소위 “벌집”)에 뛰어난 선명한 페이딩을 얻을 수 있습니다. 하지만 이 모델은 청바지를 입는 사람의 체형에 따라 그 자체의 요구 사항을 제시합니다. 모델 SD-107은 슬림하고 깔끔한 체형에 잘 맞습니다. 청바지의 허벅지 윗부분이 “청바지의 단단한 부분”이라면 다른 SDA 모델을 선택하는 것이 좋습니다. 손에 멋진 청바지가 있을 때 실망하지 않기 위해서입니다. 크기가 맞습니다. 하지만… 바지 다리에 다리를 넣을 수는 없습니다. 우리는 이러한 좌절감을 잘 알고 있으므로 어떤 식으로든 이 모델을 사용하는 것을 권장하지 않으며 선택 시 주의할 것을 권장합니다. 하지만 만약 당신이 날씬하고 날씬한 몸매를 가지고 있다면, 이 청바지는 당신을 위해 만들어졌습니다!



이전 모델이 여러분을 실망시키지 않기를 바랍니다. 왜냐하면 우리는 최대한의 편안함을 얻고 세련되고 현대적인 스타일을 원하는 사람들을 위한 흥미로운 것을 가지고 있기 때문입니다. SD-108은 어떤 면에서는 SD-107과 반대입니다. 허벅지 상단의 넉넉하고 편안한 팬츠 컷과 테이퍼드 핏, 허리 밴드의 미드라이즈 핏이 특징입니다. 여유로운 테이퍼드 컷은 현재 가장 인기 있는 컷 중 하나입니다. 자유로운 움직임을 제약하지 않고 편안함을 느낄 수 있는 동시에 모던한 도시 스타일에 딱 어울리는 매우 스타일리쉬한 실루엣이 될 것입니다.

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패치는 얀피산양가죽으로 제작되었습니다. 이 가죽은 독특한 질감을 가지고 있습니다. 시간이 지남에 따라 주름이 나타나 청바지의 빈티지 스타일을 강조합니다.


뒷주머니에는 대조적인 실로 수놓은 클래식한 SDA 아치가 있습니다.

동전 주머니에는 브랜드가 새겨진 흰색 SDA 라벨이 붙어 있습니다.


무광택 마감 버튼 스타일은 40년대 후반에 사용된 것과 유사합니다.

그래서, 일관되게 생산되고 다양한 스타일을 갖춘 일본 청바지의 클래식 시리즈를 찾고 있다면 반드시 Studio D’Artisan의 100 시리즈를 살펴보아야 합니다.



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