Some time ago, We already mentioned that Samurai Jeans 10 years later again released the collection series “Book of Five Rings”, dedicated to the treatise of the famous Japanese fencer Miyamoto Musashi.…
This time we really took our time to curate some of our newest arrivals at Denimio: from Momotaro, ONI, to even some of our all time favourite pieces from Mr. Olive made it into our February blog.…
Too lazy to go out and pick boring Christmas presents you don’t even like? Don’t worry – Denimio is still open for orders, we’re not even off for Christmas! Browse through our expansive catalogue for …
As soon as the warm September days change to colder autumn weather, a denim jacket is one of the coolest fashion that will complement your fashion style. Previously, we have shared with you an interesting…
[:en]People who have been interested in Japanese denim for a long time probably know that it is the Japanese approach to jeans production that characterizes the beauty of a weave of denim. The difference…
When we first begin our jeans journey with Japanese dry selvedge denim, we inevitably notice that the jeans will fade over time, giving you that coveted worn look, personalizing your style with…
[:en]Denimio is the best denim site out there that lets you get good deals and good looks all at once. With the summer heat creeping in, we’re here to give you the latest looks and fashion advice out …
We all love jeans with a saturated indigo color. This classic dark color is very beautiful and over time, acquires new shades during fading. Some like contrast fading and prefers going on a long time …
[:en]Currently, jeans from raw selvedge denim are very popular. The colored thread woven into the edge is a kind of “identification mark”, indicating the quality of the jeans and the traditional approach…
[:en]When MOMOTARO teams up with vintage work bootmaker MONAD from Tokyo, you can expect great things. Mike, who you might now as who you might know as indigoshrimp on instagram or from his amazing…