What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.
What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.
What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.
What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.
What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.
どのサイズを選んだらいいんだろう?どのブランドがどう違うの?防縮加工、未防縮加工ってなに?糊落としってどうしたらいいの?どんなふうに色落ちするの?などなど、初めての方はいろいろとわからないことも多いかと思います。確かに、デニムマニア出ない方には”Shrink to fit”というコンセプト自体よくわからないものかもしれませんね。そこで初めての方のためにこの最強ガイドを作りました!現在は英語版のみですが、今後日本語版もリリースする予定です。
What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.
What you need to know, from those who know
Buying that legendary pair of Japanese selvedge denim you’ve been eyeing can be overwhelming. What size is right for me? Which brand should I choose? Should I buy sanforized or unsanforized denim? How do I soak them? What weight of denim should I choose? What fades can I expect? Don’t you worry. We’re here to help you decide what is best for you, and the best place to start is by checking out The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Denim.