Total Fade Commitment
Another story going around is how far people can go for fades. One story is about how a guy wanted a specific fade that he goes putting a jar opener into his jeans pockets. Can you imagine? That huge can jar opener?

Yes, that’s how big a jar of biscuits can go in Asia. Talking about baggage.
Literally Bathe Denim
We all know that unprocessed (Non-Wash) denim inevitably shrinks after washing. Therefore, in order to avoid the difficulties of wearing a new pair after shrinkage, some jeans lovers just sit down in the water with their jeans on. This method has been used since the days of the Wild West when the jeans had much less accessible sizes than now and were adjusted to the figure with the help of shrinkage.

Of course, denim has evolved so much that you won’t HAVE to soak your jeans just to get your size, but for many denimheads, this is a ritual, a tribute to tradition, and a great opportunity to get a well-seated pair of jeans
Stuffed Up, Like Seriously

This practice is very practical albeit a bit strange. It’s all about the same shrinkage of new jeans – If you got your new pair and you’re afraid that the belt will be too tight for you after shrinkage – look to this weird but handy technique! After soaking the jeans you can dry them after stuffing the belt tight with plastic bottles. The bottles will not allow denim to shrink more than is required. After a while, you can get well-seated jeans, and one that is completely snug and comfy on your waist.
Industrial Level Obsession
Of course, everything is the same “struggle for comfort.” Often we get jeans that come pre-processed by factory shrinkage. If jeans sit well in the legs and hips, but the waist length isn’t comfortable, this is what this “denim-lifehack” is used for. In fact, a conventional automatic clamp’s main duty can be both squeezing and unclamping – which is exactly what we need. The belt can be gently stretched with a clamp and dried. Furthermore, it easily fastens. The main worry point is to not overdo it with the stretching and don’t pull out the button. Yikes!

Heavy Duty Sport Much?

Non wash jeans got too short/small? Your dumbbells might just be the answer. Denim is a fairly flexible material, there’s no reason to just throw out a jeans just because it’s too small.
Re-soak the jeans’ trousers again and let them soak in water properly (about the same as before shrinkage). After hanging the same weight (by dumbbells or other heavy objects) on each leg, try to stretch the leg with your hands. Normally the length is stretched to 3-4cm longer than before. This method works especially good with long-fiber cotton grades and denim of low density since they are more elastic. However, after each wash, this operation should be repeated. The measure is compulsory, but it is quite effective.
Luck Much?
Many people remember the awkward feeling that came with zipping up their first pair of raw denim jeans. Numb fingers and torn nails – this is the price you are willing to pay for a product of excellent quality. However, even in this case, with the help of rather strange actions and “rituals,” one can substantially simplify one’s life.
The button parts can be easily widened and made softer by repeatedly passing coins through the loops.

Dreaming Denim All The Time
Ah yes, a strange and somewhat lazy way to wear jeans. But there are some denimheads who prefer to wear a new pair including…. in a dream. Somewhere in the course of a day or more, these people wear new jeans without removing them even in sleep, giving them a proper stretch. There’s something about dreaming in denim that really gives you that edge in that state. Try it for once?

Pipe Full of Indigo

Most denimheads don’t shorten their jeans in length nor tuck them, but leave the length as it is, forming numerous folds in stacks at the very bottom. To make them even and beautiful, jeans are moistened with water and put on a pipe of appropriate diameter, carefully forming the desired folds. Then, when the jeans dry, the wrinkles will look very nic- weird, definitely weird.
Sandy Jeans, Oh Sandy
From the outside, it looks quite funny. However, this has its practical meaning-in this case, the sand works like an abrasive and is then washed in seawater, giving the jeans not only a well washing but also a quick contrast of their desired fading, loved by denimheads. As long as it works, amirite?

Ok Everyone Does This but, Freezing Your Denim

It has been said many times that if you wear jeans without washing for a long time, you should not put them in the freezer when hoping to kill bacteria. However, many people still use this strange way. Wearing the same pair of jeans without washing significantly weakens the fabric, making it fragile and unstable to tears. Some strange denimheads in a funny way try to destroy bacteria by putting jeans in the freezer. Perhaps this phenomenon should be treated as a peculiar and eccentric “denim-superstition”.
But *logically* when that cold melts away… where would the bacterias lie?
Rub In Sandpaper to Your Denim

Some denimheads view this practice as a rather dishonest way of getting fades. The fade that manifests itself on raw denim is a natural process that develops precisely in the process of wearing jeans. However, some people prefer getting things done quickly, combining an active toe and enhancing the effect with sandpaper. In the end, there are no rigid rules in the “denim-world” and everyone is free to use his own thing in the way he likes best, don’t forget to tell us when you do something out of the ordinary – we like those.
Jeans Bromance Blooming
There’s this awesome trend going around the forum where people who wear raw denim are trying to ‘detect’ who each other is. Seems impossible but some actually had a sweet bromance meet up from the thread. Knowing each other just from the denim they wore, this may seem weird for some but we decided it’s too sweet to pass up.
We’re thoroughly impressed – you guys really know your denim!

4years****: “Sunday at Foodhall PIM, glasses, mohawk, with a girl. That’s the only thing I remembered”
Wir*****: “That’s me, I’m positive.”

Loveth****: “Two days ago, saw a group wearing the raw denims at Plaza Indonesia.
Two have huge curled hair, saw you in front of Muji. Say hi if you’re here”
ph****: “Yea I saw you back there, we meet up here at last lol”
The world of raw denim is very diverse. Sometimes people go for very unusual and exotic tricks in order to give their beloved pair of jeans a unique and different look. However, what you are ready to do in your “denim experiments” is up to you- just give us a look at least!
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