

Categoria: Oni Denim

  • Oni Denim – 622-AIZUMI jeans review by INDIGOSHRIMP

    Oni Denim – 622-AIZUMI jeans review by INDIGOSHRIMP

    When we launched the ONI 622AIZUMI, it was sold out in a few hours. It only felt natural to ask a true denim- connoisseur to review it and Mike – who you might know from his amazing INDIGOSHRIMP–blog …

  • Know your colors- red, green, and blue!

    Know your colors- red, green, and blue!

    We all love jeans with a saturated indigo color. This classic dark color is very beautiful and over time, acquires new shades during fading. Some like contrast fading and prefers going on a long time …

  • Oni Denim – 122ZR-S Shin Secret Denim jeans review by Indigoshrimp

    Oni Denim – 122ZR-S Shin Secret Denim jeans review by Indigoshrimp

    ONI just released a brand new, highly innovative SHIN fabric. We have the pleasure of having Mike, who you might now as who you might know as indigoshrimp on instagram or from his amazing blog, to review…

  • Selvedge color – The Stories That Come in The Weave

    Selvedge color – The Stories That Come in The Weave

    Currently, jeans from raw selvedge denim are very popular. The colored thread woven into the edge is a kind of “identification mark”, indicating the quality of the jeans and the traditional approach to…

  • Warm and hip- what more do you want for winter?

    Warm and hip- what more do you want for winter?

    Winter is approaching… and every fan of Japanese denim wants to find a practical and comfortable wardrobe for this time of the year. Of course, all over the world there are different climatic conditions…

  • The Ultra Guidebook for Denim Jackets

    The Ultra Guidebook for Denim Jackets

      For many denimheads, a denim jacket is a staple and familiar piece of clothing as the jeans themselves. From a practical point of view, we always need somewhere to stuff our trinkets or to protect…

  • 世界最高峰のデニム、鬼デニムを知ってますか?


    Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in 日本語.鬼デニムとは? 現在、鬼デニムは独特の生地や着心地、シルエットの良さが評判を呼び、国内外問わず世界各地に鬼デニムのファンが広がりを見せています。 本日の記事は、主に4つの観点から鬼デニムを紹介します。 1.開発の秘密:特別なブランド 2.生地への熱意:本物の質感 3.縫製技術:職人の技…

  • 鬼デニム – シルエットの全て

    鬼デニム – シルエットの全て

    Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in 日本語.  鬼デニムファンの皆様、いつもDenimioまでお越しいただき有難うございます! さて、当店でお取り扱いさせていただいている鬼デニムも、モデル数がだいぶ多くなってきました。 鬼には色々な品番がありますが、その違いってわかりにくいですよね。…

  • Where do these famous pocket arcs come from?

    Where do these famous pocket arcs come from?

    When it comes to the most significant and noticeable details of jeans, embroidered arcuates (or arcs) on the pockets are one of the most recognizable elements. (Think the Big Mac sign, but for denim.)…

  • 夏のサマーデニムはガンガン穿ける鬼デニム!!


    Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in 日本語.  夏はTシャツ、短パン、サンダルで ついつい「ラフすぎる」格好をしてしまいがちですが、 そんなラフさに男の魅力を格上げしてくれる万能アイテムが「サマーデニム」です。   いわゆる夏用にも穿けるジーンズのことですが、 Denimioではお馴染みの人気ブランド、鬼デニムよりサマーデニムが登場。…