Studio d'Artisan | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim

The Greatest Fabrics Ever Existed: Japan.

The age old question: is it worth it? Why is Japanese fabrics so different? How many do I have to get?

No matter what the answer is, the only perfect answer we’ve ever gotten is ‘do whatever makes you happy’, and there’s no such thing as ‘too many denims’.

Enough of the philosophical concept, let’s get into the crux of the problem ⏤ how are the fabrics?

COTTLE | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Burgus Plus | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Tanuki | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Japan Blue | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Graph Zero | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
TCB Jeans | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Samurai Jeans | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
Studio d'Artisan | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim
ONI Denim | Denimio Premium Japanese Denim





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