With many denimheads, looking for the “one” pair of jeans will be a difficult tasks. As fading raw denim takes a lot of time, effort, and love, it is best to wear one pair at a time to get the best results and achieving the most desirable fades one can achieve.

When I started looking for a new pair of jeans before ending up with ONI 299GC KHN, I had many different pairs in my head. I love vintage fit and vintage fabrics (I owned a pair of TCB Jeans 50’s and 4 more Viapiana custom jeans), however the next pair I thought of would be a combination of modern fit with vintage feeling fabric. It is a quite difficult for me to pick the pair that fits really well because of my physique. I have a slim waist with large thigh and behind.
As a customer of Denimio, I asked Peter for recommendation. He helped me pick many pairs from Pure Blue Japan, Momotaro Jeans, Japan Blue, and finally ONI Denim. The ones that struck me most is the ONI Denim Green Cast Kihannen fabric. As there are not much pictures of them floating around due to being released in 2015, I decided that the fabric would be right. The green cast and the indigo dye color in this pair seems like the perfect combination. Finally the straight cut from ONI Denim looks exactly like the pair of Viapiana I have which were custom made for me. Even though it said “regular straight”, I know that this pair would fit like a modern slim straight jeans for me. I decided to pick the ONI Denim 299GC KHN for my next jeans.

After wearing it for two months straight, I would have to say that they are one tough jeans. The slubbiness, roughness, and rigidness in the first week might feel different from most vintage jeans but after breaking them in, they’re one of the most comfortable jeans I have. The weight of 16.5oz doesn’t really feel hot at all for the climate here in Bangkok, Thailand. I often pair them with sneakers, chukka boots, trampling boots, or even sandals such as Birkenstock. As you can see I have quite a lifter legs with 13” thigh, they fit quite well without being too big or small.

Overall, I am very pleased with this pair of jeans. It is currently on 2 months with 1 wash. I plan on bashing them harder than ever. For the value, it is a great jeans for anyone who is looking into a nice green cast vintage fabric with a modern feel of slubbiness in them. The cut is just right with a medium rise, comfortable thigh, and a modern straight leg.

At the end of the day, the real reason I wash them early is because my girlfriend starts complaining of the smell. Rainy seasons in Thailand are really tough to keep the jeans raw. This wouldn’t be an issue as I’m living in the best country to fade selvedge denim. Sometimes it is best to please the ones you are with. The fades will all come by themselves.