To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:id]Sesekali, Anda akan menemukan bahwa sebagian besar merk jeans populer Jepang diberi label jeans ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ atau ‘PURE INDIGO‘. Apakah arti dari label-label ini? Apakah perbedaan dari dua pewarna berbeda ini dan bagaimana mereka mempengaruhi kualitas setiap denim? Lagipula, bisakah Anda sebagai seorang denimhead tidak mengetahui faktor paling penting dalam pembuatan jeans?
Penasaran? Mari simak fakta penting pewarna INDIGO. Blog Denimio mempersembahkan 5 fakta menarik mengenai pewarna indigo. Masih bersama kami, Anda akan lebih mengerti mengenai berbagai pewarna indigo dan dapat membedakan denim natural dan pure indigo. Mari dimulai!
Fakta no. 1 “Celana indigo bukan ‘biru’”
Untuk menciptakan warna alami indigo dalam denim Jepang, tanaman bernama Indigofera pun digunakan. Tanaman Indigofera adalah sejenis semak belukar pendek yang dapat mencapai 2 meter. Tumbuhan ini memiliki bentuk daun yang panjang dan bunga pink yang cantik.
Contoh pewarna dalam bentuk bubuk di sebelah daun indigo yang dikeringkan.
Pewarna indigo sendiri didapatkan dari proses panjang pengeringan daun Indigofera. Pertama, daun Indigofera harus dikeringkan sebelum sari diambil dan dicampur di tong khusus untuk sari ini. Setelah itu, sari akan melalui proses pematangan pewarna, yang membutuhkan perhatian lebih dan pengadukan berkala. Setelah sari sudah tercampur dengan sempurna, air tangki akan dikeluarkan dan dikeringkan. Akhirnya, sari menjadi bubuk berwarna biru yang gelap. Menarik, bukan?
Nah, seringkali Anda menemukan jeans Jepang dengan label ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ atau ‘NATURALLY DYED’. Sebagai contoh, simak jeans best-seller kami, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. Jadi apa arti sebenarnya dari label tersebut? Jadi, jeans-jeans ini dibuat dengan pewarna dengan pewarna indigo natural yang sudah melalui proses panjang seperti yang dijelaskan diatas.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fakta no.2 “Indigo murni ada untuk mendukung industri denim”
Berbeda dari pewarna indigo, pewarna indigo murni diciptakan oleh ahli kimia Jerman Adolf von Baeyer di tahun 1865. Lalu, di tahun 1897, BASF, perusahaan kimia Jerman (saat ini dikenal sebagai penghasil kimia terbesar dunia) mulai membuat pewarna ini dalam skala industri yang besar. Ini menandakan dimulainya era denim “indigo murni”.
Benar-benang dengan pewarna indigo murni punya warna yang indah dan seragam. Di saat waktu yang sama, indigo sintetik digunakan untuk mewarnai benang tenun berbagai jeans vintage.
Pewarna indigo murni seringkali dikira benang-benang yang diwarna dengan formula pewarna kimia klasik indigo murni. Kebanyakan orang percaya bahwa denim indigo murni tidak memiliki warna tekstur kehijauan atau kemerahan. Padahal, ada beberapa warna indigo lain yang telah digunakan dalam denim Jepang.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai berbagai warna denim berbeda dari biasanya, Anda dapat mendapatkan informasi lebih dengan membaca artikel kami sebelumnya ‘Ketahui warna Anda di sini – merah, hijau dan biru!”. Anda mungkin ingin melihat kembali jeans Anda untuk memastikan jeans denim Anda Indigo Murni atau Indigo Alami. Beritahu kami di kotak komentar di bawah ini!
Fakta no.3 “Pewarna Indigo dibuat tangan lebih tahan lama”
Alasan terbaik dari benang yang diwarnai secara manual adalah hampir tidak adanya fading karena semua benang telah diwarnai dengan baik. Jeans yang diwarnai manual hanya agak pudar di bagian lipatan saja. Proses pewarnaan yang sangat jarang ditemukan dan mahal, yang hanya digunakan untuk pewarnaan dengan pewarna indigo alami. Benang-benang diwarnai, dikeringkan, dan dicuci berulang kali dengan tangan. Metode ini membutuhkan usaha yang keras dan rumit.
Warna benang perlahan akan menjadi lebih gelap. Dan lagi, warna indigo yang dihasilkan di denim dengan metode ini memiliki warna-warna nuansa berbeda (selingan benang ada yang lebih muda dan ada yang lebih gelap, dengan hasil jadi yang alami dan kompleks.)
Berikut contoh jeans jeans indigo yang diwarnai dengan tangan, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
Tekstur dan warna denim yang berharga ditunjukkan di bawah ini, dengan nuansa warna indigo yang berbeda-beda. Karena inilah “pola artistik” yang unik pun terwujud.
Fakta no.4 “Fading berbeda-beda di sebuah jeans itu dapat terjadi karena mekanisme pewarnaan yang disengaja”
Ada berbagai cara untuk mewarnai benang tenun dengan pewarna indigo. Yang paling populer adalah dengan rope dyeing. Metode ini digunakan untuk kedua pewarnaan dengan warna indigo sintetik (termasuk indigo murni) dan pewarna indigo alami. Mesin spesial mencelupkan benang tenun ke pewarna lalu benang tersebut dikeringkan. Proses ini dilakukan terus menerus, seperti yang ditunjukkan di foto bawah ini.
Bicara soal denim dengan warna berbeda, kita juga harus berbicara mengenai produsen denim terbaik, Oni Denim. Jeans terbaik mereka dengan pewarnaan indigo alami dapat dilihat dari Seri Oni Kiraku (baca blog kami sebelumnya untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai denim Kiraku here)
4 Oni Kiraku di bawah sinar dan dengan cutting yang berbeda
Denim ini sangat ringan, nyaman, dan indah dengan warna indigo yang alami dan gelap. Ketika menyusutkan jeans, bila Anda tiba-tiba melihat air berubah menjadi warna “anggur/wine” yang pekat, maka ini tanda bahwa jeans diwarnai dengan pewarna indigo alami.
Fakta no.5 “Jeans dengan pewarnaan indigo alami bisa memiliki harga terjangkau”
Jeans indigo alami sulit dibuat karena teknik tersebut membutuhkan waktu banyak dan keahlian profesional, jadi proses produksi menjadikan harga denim tinggi. Tapi, percaya atau tidak? Ada jeans dengan pewarnaan alami punya harga terjangkau.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – Foto di bagian kanan menunjukkan ciri khas model arches jeans
Atas adalah jeans low-rise dari Burgus Plus dengan cut yang nyaman dan modern dengan cut yang agak narrow pada kaki, dan berat 16oz. Disini dapat kita lihat tekstur indahnya dalam bentuk “butiran”, yang memiliki kualitas fading cepat dan warna indigo alami yang luar biasa.
Seiring waktu seiring pengenaan, jeans akan memberikan penampilan unik dengan fading yang indah.
Model lain jeans dengan pewarna indigo alami adalah ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Pewarna denim alami dari tumbuhan indigo digunakan dan ditambahkan 2% zat aditif elastis. Bila dilihat secara langsung, denim ini 100% sama seperti denim katun. Tapi sedikit lebih elastis dan memberikan ruang gerak yang lebih bebas. Jeans-jeans ini pilihan tepat untuk Anda yang bekerja di kantor (jam panjang dan tidak banyak gerak).
Fabrikasi denim itu rumit dan itulah yang membuat setiap jeans Jepang itu spesial. Kami percaya bahwa lebih menyenangkan bila Anda dapat mengetahui cara pembuatan jeans ini dahulu sebelum membeli. Kedua pewarna alami dan sintetik menghasilkan warna bagus untuk berbagai macam cara pewarnaan. Indigo alami merupakan pewarnaan denim yang paling murni sedangkan indigo Murni memberikan potensi fading terbaik. Bila Anda belum pernah membeli jeans antara kedua pewarna tersebut, akan ada banyak sekali pilihan dan style yang menantikanmu. Kami tunggu cerita Anda dan ceritakan pada kami melalui ping chat!
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:zh]有时,你会发现一些最流行的日本牛仔裤被贴上了“天然靛蓝”或“纯靛蓝”的标签。这些标签到底是什么意思?这两种染料有什么不同之处?它们如何影响牛仔布的质量?毕竟,如果你不知道构成牛仔裤的最关键因素,你能成为一个真正的养牛爱好者吗?
事实一 – “靛蓝植物不是蓝色的”
现在,有时你会发现一些日本牛仔裤被标为“天然靛蓝”或“天然染色”牛仔裤。例如,最畅销的牛仔裤之一,Pure Blue Japan 的ai-001天然正蓝染色常规直筒。那么这个标签到底是什么意思呢?没错,这些牛仔裤是用天然靛蓝染料染色的,如上所述,这是一个非常耗时的过程。
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 天然正蓝染色牛仔裤
事实二 – “纯靛蓝诞生是为了辅助工业”
与天然靛蓝染料不同,纯靛蓝染料是由德国化学家Adolf von Baeyer于1865年首次合成的。1897年晚些时候,德国巴斯夫化学公司(目前世界上最大的化学生产商)开始大规模生产这种染料。这标志着所谓“纯靛蓝”牛仔时代的开始。
事实三 – “手工染色的靛蓝是很难落色的”
比如这个是手工靛蓝染的一个裤子,Pure Blue Japan AI-002 天然正蓝染修身直筒。
事实四 – “机械染色法使强对比落色成为可能”
当谈到强对比落色牛仔布,我们不得不提及顶级牛仔布生产商Oni Denim。他们发布的最惊艳的天然靛蓝染色产品可以在Oni Kiraku系列中看到。(点击这里阅读我们之前关于Kiraku的故事博客。
4种不同光线和版型的ONI KIRAKU产品
事实五 – “天然靛蓝牛仔裤也可以是买得起的”
Burgus plus 850 $165 – 右边是口袋上有袋花的版型
上图是 Burgus Plus 的低腰牛仔裤,剪裁舒适、时尚,腿部略微收窄,密度为16盎司。在这里,我们以“纹理”的形式展示他们非常美丽的质地,这些纹理具有快速褪色的特性和天然靛蓝的绝妙颜色。
A另一款天然靛蓝牛仔裤是ON850ST 15盎司Burgus Plus x Oni Denim。采用天然植物靛蓝染色牛仔布为,添加2%的弹性纤维。从外观和性能来看,这款牛仔布与经典的100%纯棉牛仔布一模一样。它稍微更有弹性,并给予更多的运动空间。对于长时间、久坐不动的工作来说,这些牛仔裤是一个很好的选择。
牛仔布的制作是复杂的,这就是为什么每一条日本牛仔裤都很独特。我们相信,对于牛仔爱好者来说,在买到一条牛仔裤之前,先了解它们的制作原理会更有趣。天然靛蓝和合成靛蓝在不同的染色方式上都有很好的效果。天然靛蓝是最正宗的染料,而纯靛蓝具有更好的落色潜力。如果你从来没有尝试过任何一种天然或纯靛蓝牛仔布,将会有许多不同的和令人兴奋的体验等着你。做我们的客人,通过聊天与我们分享你的经验 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:de]In times, you discovered that some of the most popular Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ or ‘PURE INDIGO‘ jeans. What exactly do these labels mean? What are the differences between these 2 different dyes and how do they affect the quality of each denim? After all, can you really be a denimhead without knowing about the most critical factor that makes up jeans?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:es]In times, you discovered that some of the most popular Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ or ‘PURE INDIGO‘ jeans. What exactly do these labels mean? What are the differences between these 2 different dyes and how do they affect the quality of each denim? After all, can you really be a denimhead without knowing about the most critical factor that makes up jeans?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:fr]In times, you discovered that some of the most popular Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ or ‘PURE INDIGO‘ jeans. What exactly do these labels mean? What are the differences between these 2 different dyes and how do they affect the quality of each denim? After all, can you really be a denimhead without knowing about the most critical factor that makes up jeans?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:it]In times, you discovered that some of the most popular Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ or ‘PURE INDIGO‘ jeans. What exactly do these labels mean? What are the differences between these 2 different dyes and how do they affect the quality of each denim? After all, can you really be a denimhead without knowing about the most critical factor that makes up jeans?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:pt]In times, you discovered that some of the most popular Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ or ‘PURE INDIGO‘ jeans. What exactly do these labels mean? What are the differences between these 2 different dyes and how do they affect the quality of each denim? After all, can you really be a denimhead without knowing about the most critical factor that makes up jeans?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:ru]Наверняка вы не раз замечали такие обозначения у известных японских джинсов, как ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ и ‘PURE INDIGO‘ . Что обозначают эти термины, как это влияет на конечный продукт? В конце-концов, как можно быть настоящим любителем джинсов и не интересоваться, каким способом и чем окрашена ваша любимая пара?
Чтобы удовлетворить ваше любопытство, давайте начнём с основных знаний о видах красителей индиго. Denimio с удовольствием поведает вам 5 очень познавательных фактов, касающихся этого вопроса. Оставайтесь с нами и вы наверняка узнаете много нового и интересного. Итак, начнём!
Факт No.1 “Цветы индигоферы не являются тёмно-синими” 🙂
Чтобы создать краситель из натурального индиго, в качестве исходного сырья используется растение индигофера. Индигофера представляет собой кустарник с высотой до 2 метров, с удлинёнными листьями и очень красивыми цветами. Иногда индигоферу культивируют просто как декоративное растение.
Пример готового красителя в виде порошка рядом с сушёными листьями индигоферы и цветами растения.
Сам краситель получается из высушенных листьев индигоферы в ходе длительного процесса. Сначала листья тщательно измельчаются и высушиваются, затем готовится экстракт, который настаивается в специальных ёмкостях. После этого происходит процесс настаивания и созревания экстракта. Это требует тщательного внимания работников и периодического перемешивания. После того, как экстракт окончательно созреет, из ёмкостей сливается вода и сам экстракт высушивается до превращения его в порошок характерного цвета.
Сейчас вы можете заметить пометку ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ или ‘NATURALLY DYED’ у некоторых джинсов. Например одни из самых известных джинсов, которые окрашены растительным красителем Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. Здесь используется самый дорогостоящий и самый трудоёмкий ручной метод окрашивания Awa Shoai, уходящий своими корнями в эпоху Эдо.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Факт No.2 “Чистый индиго появился при развитии химической промышленности”
В отличие от натурального растительного красителя индиго, чистый индиго (Pure Indigo) был впервые синтезирован немецким химиком Адольфом фон Байером в 1865 году. Затем, в 1897 году, немецкая химическая компания BASF (в настоящее время известная, как крупнейший химический производитель в мире) начала производить этот тип красителей в промышленных масштабах. Это отмечает начало эры так называемого «чистого индиго» для окрашивания джинсов.
Нити, окрашенные чистым красителем индиго, имеют красивый и равномерный оттенок. Примерно в это же время химическим чистым индиго начали красить нити для старинных джинсов.
Часто считается, что чистый краситель индиго – это нити, окрашенные классической химической формулой без дополнительных примесей. Такой деним не имеет дополнительных оттенков (таких, как red cast, green cast, gray cast).
Чтобы узнать больше о видах денима с дополнительными оттенками индиго, вы можете прочитать нашу статью ‘Узнай свой цвет – красный, зеленый, синий!”. Кстати, вы можете тщательно изучить ваши любимые джинсы, окрашены ли они чистым индиго или имеют, красноватые, зеленоватые или сероватые оттенки индиго. Дайте нам знать в комментариях к этому посту!
Факт No.3 “Окрашивание растительным индиго вручную является самым стойким”
Главной особенностью метода окрашивания вручную натуральным индиго (Awa Shoai) является очень устойчивый и долговечный цвет. При многократных циклах окрашивания, промывания и высушивания нить прокрашивается почти насквозь. Постепенно нить меняет цвет от светло-зеленого до насыщенного цвета индиго.
Джинсы, окрашиваемые таким способом, могут получать лишь очень незначительный фейдинг на сгибах. Сам изначальный цвет с различными оттенками индиго по всей длине нити, является настоящим произведением искусства и очень ценится среди ценителей японских джинсов.
Пример джинсов, окрашенных вручную натуральным индиго, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
Деним имеет изначально очень красивую игру цвета и неоднородности фактуры денима, позволяющую получить замечательный “узор индиго”.
Факт No.4 “Контрастный фейдинг возможен при механических способах окрашивания нитей”
Существует несколько способов механического окрашивания нитей красителем индиго. Самым известным является канатный способ (rope dyeing). Этот метод используется как для окрашивания синтетическим индиго (включая чистое индиго), так и натуральным растительным индиго. Специальная машина погружает нити в краситель, а затем нити сушат. Этот процесс происходит непрерывно по многу циклов, как показано на фото ниже.
Когда дело доходит до контарастного фейдинга, красивой фактуры и насыщенного цвета, мы рекомендуем наш любимый бренд, Oni Denim. Совсем недавно вышел новый выпуск Oni Kiraku series с денимом, окрашенным натуральным растительным индиго (Читайте наш пост о дениме Kiraku здесь)
4 различных фасона Oni Kiraku
Это очень легкий, комфортный и красивый деним с чистым и глубоким цветом натурального растительного индиго. Если при замачивании или стирке джинсов вы увидите воду, окрасившуюся в «винный» цвет, то это один из признаков того, что джинсы были окрашены натуральным красителем индиго. Они также имеют характерный приятный запах.
Факт No.5 “Джинсы, окрашенные натуральным индиго могут быть вполне доступными по цене”
В большинстве случаев, джинсы, окрашенные растительным индиго бывают весьма дороги, поскольку такой способ окрашивания требует определённых усилий. Однако, в каждом правиле есть свои исключения. Да, иногда натурал-индиго джинсы могут быть вполне бюджетными.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – Справа версия этой модели с вышитыми арками на карманах
Выше представлен такой пример от Burgus Plus Это очень удобный фасон с невысокой посадкой и слегка сужающейся штаниной. Это очень красивый деним с быстрым контрастным фейдингом, подчёркивающим фактуру в виде “зёрен”. Эта модель окрашена натуральным растительным индиго, который данный бренд специально импортирует из Индии.
Со временем эти джинсы приобретут очень красивый фейдинг.
Другой очень интересной моделью является коллаборационный выпуск ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. В данном случае этот вид денима имеет специальные 2% эластичные добавки, чтобы дать возможность обладателю получить большую свободу движений. По всем своим свойствам этот деним ничем не отличается от классического денима, сделанного из 100% хлопка. Здесь также нити окрашены растительным индиго на основе экстракта индигоферы. Если кого-то заинтересовала эта модель, вы можете посмотреть пользовательский видеообзор здесь.
Изготовление денима любым традиционным способом является сложным и трудоёмким процессом. Именно такой внимательный подход к производству делает японские джинсы особенными. Мы считаем, что любителям денима будет интересно узнать, как сделаны их джинсы и как много труда в них вложено.
Натуральный растительный индиго, также как и чистый синтетический индиго являются традиционными красителями, дающие возможно получить уникальный продукт. Наиболее старым и аутентичным способом окрашивания нитей джинсов безусловно является тот, который использует растительный краситель. В тоже время чистый синтетический индиго не уступает натуральному красителю по контрастности фейдинга. Если вы раньше не пробовали ни один из видов натурального / чистого индиго, вас ждет множество захватывающих впечатлений. Будьте нашим гостем и общайтесь с нами в нашем чате;)
Думайте об индиго. Думайте о Denimio.[:th]เมื่อเวลาผ่านไปสักพัก คุณจะพบว่ากางเกงยีนส์ญี่ปุ่นรุ่นฮิตส่วนใหญ่เป็นผ้าเดนิมที่ย้อมด้วย
‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ หรือไม่ก็ ‘PURE INDIGO‘ แต่… คุณเคยรู้ถึงความแตกต่างของผ้าทั้งสองแบบนี้หรือไม่? การย้อมทั้งสองแบบส่งผลโดยตรงอย่างไรต่อเนื้อผ้า? หลังจากที่ได้อ่านบทความนี้แล้ว รับรองว่าเลเวลเรื่องยีนส์และเดนิมของคุณจะอัพเกรดขึ้นมาอีกหนึ่งระดับเลยทีเดียว
และเพื่อทำให้คุณหายข้อใจ เรามาเริ่มกันที่เรื่องของ Indigo กันก่อนบล็อก Denimio ภูมิใจเสนอ 5 เรื่องจริงสุดเจ๋งของIndigo dye ตามมาดูพร้อมๆ กันกับเรา เพราะหลังจากนี้คุณจะได้เข้าใจอย่างถ่องแท้ว่าความแตกต่างของ Indigo และ Natural Indigo คืออะไร มาเริ่มกันเลย!
ความจริงข้อที่ 1 “ต้นอินดิโก้ไม่ใช่สีน้ำเงิน”
การย้อมเดนิมญี่ปุ่นด้วย Natural Indigo จะใช้ต้นไม้ที่มีชื่อว่า Indigofera พืชชนิดนี้มีความสูงอยู่ที่ 2 เมตร และมีใบเรียวยาวและดอกสีชมพูสดใส
การย้อมด้วยอินดิโก้จะต้องใช้ใบแห้งของต้น Indigofera แล้วนำมาผ่านกรรมวิธีที่ซับซ้อน คือการนำใบไม้แห้งมาแช่ในถังแบบพิเศษเพื่อทำการสกัดให้ได้สีอินดิโก้ ทุกขั้นตอนต้องทำอย่างประณีต และต้องคอยคนอย่างสม่ำเสมอ และหลังจากได้สารสกัดแล้ว จึงทำการเทน้ำทิ้ง เหลือเพียงผงอินดิโก้สีเข้มที่พร้อมสำหรับใช้ในการย้อมเดนิม
มาถึงจุดนี้ ย้อนไปในบางครั้งที่คุณดูสเปคยีนส์ คุณอาจพบว่ากางเกงยีนส์ญี่ปุ่นมีการระบุบนเลเบลว่าเป็น NATURALLY INDIGO หรือ ย้อมอินดิโก้ธรรมชาติ อย่างเช่น ยีนส์รุ่นที่ขายดีของเรา
Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight ซึ่งก็หมายถึง ผ้ายีนส์รุ่นนี้ได้รับการย้อมด้วยสีอินดิโก้ธรรมชาติ ตามกรรมวิธีที่สลับซับซ้อนข้างต้นนั่นเอง
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
ความจริงข้อที่ 2 “Pure indigo เกิดขึ้นเพื่อรองรับอุตสาหกรรมยีนส์”
Pure Indigo มีความแตกต่างจาก Natural Indigo ซึ่ง Pure Indigo นั้นเกิดขึ้นครั้งแรกเมื่อปี 1865 โดยนักเคมีชาวเยอรมันที่ชื่อว่า Adolf von Baeyer ซึ่งต่อมาใสปี 1897 โรงงาน BASF (ปัจจุบันคือผู้ผลิตเคมีรายใหญ่ที่สุดในโลก) ได้นำเอาสาร Pure Indigo มาใช้ในระดับของงานอุตสาหกรรม ซึ่งมีสเกลที่ใหญ่ขึ้น และนี่คือที่มาของ ยุคที่เราเรียกกันว่า “ยีนส์ Pure indigo”
ด้ายที่ได้รับการย้อมด้วย Pure Indigo จะให้ความสวยงามและมีเฉดสีที่คงที่ ซึ่งสาร Pure Indigo นี้ก็ถูกนำมาใช้ในการย้อมด้ายสำหรับยีนส์วินเทจอีกหลายรุ่น
มีหลายคนเชื่อว่าการย้อมด้วย Pure Indigo มักให้สีนำ้เงินบริสุทธิ์ และไม่มีสีเขียวหรือแดง (Green cast หรือ Red cast) ปนในเนื้อผ้า
อันที่จริงเราเคยเขียนเรื่องเกี่ยวกับเฉดของยีนส์เอาไว้เมื่อสักพักใหญ่ ซึ่งคุณตามไปอ่านเรื่องราวของเฉดสีพิเศษในเดนิมได้ที่บล็อก ‘สีไหนที่ใช่คุณ? – แดง เขียว หรือน้ำเงิน!’. มาถึงตรงนี้ คุณอาจอยากเช็คว่ายีนส์ที่มีอยู่นั้นเป็น Pure indigo หรือ Natural indigo กันแน่ เช็คแล้วมาแชร์บอกเราที่กล่องคอมเม้นท์ด้านล่าง!
ความจริงข้อที่ 3 “อินดิโก้ย้อมมือ คือความคลาสสิคขั้นสุด”
การย้อมด้ายอินดิโก้ด้วยมือถือเป็นฟีเจอร์ที่ดีที่สุดสำหรับยีนส์เฟด เพราะผ้ายีนส์จะค่อยๆ ให้สีที่สว่างขึ้นในบริเวณที่เกิดรอยพับ วิธีการนี้เป็นการย้อมที่หายากและมีต้นทุนสูง และใช้กับเฉพาะ Natural Indigo เท่านั้น ด้ายจะถูกย้อมซ้ำๆ นำมาทำให้แห้ง และซักด้วยมือ วิธีการนี้มีความสลับซับซ้อน รวมทั้งต้องอาศัยการทำด้วยมือทั้งหมด
ด้ายจะค่อยๆ กลายเป็นสีเข้มในที่สุด นอกจากนี้สีอินดิโก้ที่ได้จากการย้อมวิธีนี้จะให้เฉดที่แตกต่างกัน (ผสมผสานด้วยด้ายสว่างและเข้ม ให้สีผ้าโดยรวมเป็นธรรมชาติและมีความซับซ้อนอย่างน่าสนใจ)
นี่คือตัวอย่างของการยีนส์ที่ทำจากอินดิโก้ย้อมมือPure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
เนื้อผ้าและสีที่ดูแพง มาพร้อมกับเฉดอินดิโก้ที่แตกต่าง และด้วยความมีเอกลักษณ์นี้เอง จึงทำให้ผ้ามี “แพทเทิร์นอย่างมีศิลปะ” โดยอัตโนมัติ
Fact no.4 “เฟดคอนทราสเกิดขึ้นได้เพราะการย้อมสีด้วยเครื่องจักร”
ที่จริงแล้วมีวิธีการย้อมอินดิโก้ด้วยเครื่องจักรหลากหลายวิธี โดยวิธีที่นิยมมากที่สุด ได้แก่ การย้อมเชือก (Rope Dying) ซึ่งใช้กับทั้ง Indigo สังเคราะห์ (Pure Indigo) และ Indigo ธรรมชาติ โดยเครื่องจักรพิเศษจะจุ่มด้ายเพื่อย้อมและทิ้งไว้ให้แห้ง กระบวนการนี้จะเกิดขึ้นซ้ำๆ ตามตัวอย่างที่คุณเห็นในภาพ
และเมื่อเราพูดถึงความคอนทราสจากการเฟด ก็คงจะขาดไม่ได้ที่จะพูดถึงแบรนด์ผู้ผลิตอย่าง Oni Denim โดยยีนส์ที่เพิ่งเปิดตัวล่าสุดได้รับการผลิตจากเดนิม Natural Indigo ผ้ารุ่น Oni Kiraku series (ตามไปอ่านบล็อกเกี่ยวกับ Oni Kiraku ได้ที่นี่ here)
4 Oni Kiraku กับทรงและการให้สีบนแสงที่แตกต่างกัน
ผ้าชนิดนี้มีน้ำหนักเบา ใส่สบายและเป็นเดนิมที่สวยลงตัวแบบสุดๆ เมื่อตอนแช่ยีนส์ คุณจะเห็นได้ทันทีว่าน้ำจะเปลี่ยนเป็น “สีไวน์เข้ม” อันเป็นสัญลักษณ์ทีบ่งบอกให้เรารู้ว่าผ้ายีนส์ชนิดนี้ได้รับการย้อมจาก Natural Indigo
ความจริงข้อที่ 5 “กางเกงยีนส์ Natural indigo ไม่ได้ราคาแพงเสมอไป”
ยีนส์ Natural indigo ผลิตยากและต้องใช้เวลานาน ดังนั้นจึงทำให้บางครั้งยีนส์เหล่านี้จะมีราคาสูง แต่เชื่อหรือไม่…ยีนส์ Natural indigo ราคาไม่แพงมีอยู่จริง
Burgus plus 850 $165 – ทางด้านขวาคือรุ่นที่มีอาร์คบนกระเป๋า
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus ยีนส์รุ่นที่สว่มใส่สบาย มาพร้อมกับทรงโมเดิร์น ขาค่อนข้างเล็ก ยีนส์น้ำหนัก 16 ออนซ์ และจากในภาพคุณจะได้เห็นเนื้อผ้าที่มาในรูปแบบของ “Grains” (มีเท็กซ์เจอร์คล้ายเมล็ดธัญพืช) ซึ่งถือเป็นปัจจัยหลักที่ทำให้เฟดไว และให้สีสวยแบบสุดๆ
เมื่อคุณใส่ยีนส์ไปสักพัก เนื้อผ้าจะเฟดอย่างมีเอกลักษณ์และสวยงาม
ยีนส์ Natural Indigo อีกรุ่นที่น่าสนใจ ได้แก่ ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim เดนิมย้อมจากอินดิโก้ธรรมชาติ สมผ้ายีนส์ 2% ซึ่งเมื่อดูจากภายนอกแล้ว ไม่ต่างอะไรกับรุ่น 100% Cotton แต่อย่างใด ซึ่งผ้ายีนส์นี้ให้ความยืดหยุ่นและความสบายเมื่อคุณเคลื่อนไหว เหมาะสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องทำงานเป็นเวลานานๆ
การผลิตเดนิมคือเรื่องที่ซัซ้อน และนั่นก็คือเหตุผลหลักที่ทำให้ยีนส์ญี่ปุ่นมีความพิเศษ เราเชื่อว่ามันคือเรื่องน่าสนุกสำหรับคนรักยีนส์ที่จะได้รู้เบื้องหลังการผลิตในทุกขั้นตอน ก่อนที่จะหยิบและซื้อยีนส์แต่ละตัว และไม่ว่าจะ Natural Indigo หรือ Pure Indigo ต่างก็ทำหน้าที่และให้ความโดดเด่นที่แตกต่างกัน ซึ่งหากคุณยังไม่เคยลองเป็นเจ้าของหนึ่งในยีนส์ทั้ง 2 แบบนี้ เราขอเชิญให้มีไว้ในครอบครอง ความแตกต่างและประสบการณ์น่าตื่นเต้นรอคุณอยู่ และแน่นอนว่าเรายินดีเป็นอย่างยิ่งที่จะให้ข้อมูลที่คุณอยากรู้ ทักแชทเรามาได้บนหน้าเว็บไซต์ 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:ms]Kadang-kadang, Anda mendapati bahawa beberapa jins Jepun yang paling popular dilabel sebagai ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ atau ‘PURE INDIGO‘. Apakah maksud label ini? Apakah perbezaan di antara dua pewarna ini dan bagaimana ia menjejaskan kualiti setiap denim? Lagipun, bolehkah anda sebagai denimhead tidak tahu faktor yang paling penting dalam membuat seluar jins?
Untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahu anda, mari kita lihat fakta penting pewarnaan INDIGO. Dengan bangga, blog Denimio menyajikan 5 fakta menarik tentang pewarna indigo. Masih bersama kami, Anda akan memahami lebih banyak mengenai pelbagai pewarna indigo dan boleh membezakan antara denim semulajadi dan indigo tulen. Mari kita mula!
Fakta no. 1 “Seluar Indigo tidak ‘biru’”
Untuk mencipta warna asli indigo dalam denim Jepun, tumbuhan yang dipanggil Indigofera digunakan. Tumbuhan Indigofera adalah sejenis semak pendek yang boleh mencapai 2 meter. Tumbuhan ini mempunyai bentuk daun yang panjang dan bunga merah jambu yang indah.
Contoh pewarna dalam bentuk serbuk di sebelah daun indigo kering.
Pewarna indigo sendiri diperoleh daripada proses pengeringan daun Indigofera yang panjang. Pertama, daun Indigofera mesti dikeringkan sebelum esens diambil dan bercampur dalam larutan khas untuk esens ini. Selepas itu, esens akan melalui proses pemeraman pewarna, yang memerlukan perhatian dan pengadukan berkala. Selepas esens telah dicampur dengan teliti, air tangki akan dikeluarkan dan dikeringkan. Akhirnya, esens menjadi serbuk biru gelap. Menarik, kan?
Nah, selalunya awak jumpa seluar jins Jepun ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ atau ‘NATURALLY DYED’. Sebagai contoh, pertimbangkan jins best-seller kami, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. Jadi apa makna sebenar jenama itu? Oleh itu, seluar jins ini dibuat dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi yang telah melalui proses yang panjang seperti yang dinyatakan di atas.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fakta no.2 “Indigo tulen wujud untuk menyokong industri denim”
Berbeza dengan pewarna indigo, ejen pewarna indigo tulen dicipta oleh ahli kimia Jerman Adolf von Baeyer pada tahun 1865. Kemudian, pada tahun 1897, BASF, syarikat kimia Jerman (kini dikenali sebagai syarikat kimia terbesar di dunia) mula membuat pewarna ini pada skala besar industri. Ini menandakan permulaannya era denim “indigo tulen”.
Benang dengan pewarna indigo tulen mempunyai warna yang cantik dan seragam. Pada masa yang sama, indigo sintetik digunakan untuk mewarnai benang tenunan pelbagai seluar jins vintaj.
Pewarna indigo tulen sering disalah anggap sebagai benang berwarna dengan formula pewarna kimia indigo klasik. Kebanyakan orang percaya bahawa indigo denim tulen tidak mempunyai tekstur berwarna hijau atau merah. Malah, terdapat beberapa warna indigo lain yang telah digunakan dalam denim Jepun.
Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai warna denim yang berbeza daripada biasa, Anda boleh mendapatkan lebih banyak maklumat dengan membaca artikel kami yang terdahulu ‘Ketahui warna Anda di sini – merah, hijau dan biru!”. Anda mungkin mahu melihat lagi pada seluar jins anda untuk memastikan seluar jins denim anda adalah Indigo Tulen atau Indigo Semulajadi. Marilah kita tahu di dalam kotak komen di bawah!
Fakta no.3 “Pewarna indigo dibuat dengan tangan yang lebih tahan lama”
Sebab terbaik untuk benang yang dicelup secara manual ialah hampir tidak ada pudar kerana semua benang berwarna dengan baik. Seluar jins berwarna manual hanya memudar pada lipatan. Proses pewarna sangat jarang dan mahal ini, hanya digunakan dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi. Benang berwarna, kering, dan dibasuh berulang kali dengan tangan. Kaedah ini memerlukan banyak usaha dan kerumitan.
Warna benang akan perlahan menjadi lebih gelap. Dan sekali lagi, warna indigo yang dihasilkan dalam denim dengan kaedah ini mempunyai nuansa yang berbeza (benang mempunyai warna yang lebih muda dan lebih gelap, dengan produk akhir semulajadi dan canggih.)
Inilah contoh jeans indigo diwarna tangan, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
Tekstur dan warna denim yang berharga ditunjukkan di bawah ini, dengan nuansa warna indigo yang berbeda-beda. Karena inilah “pola artistik” yang unik pun terwujud.
Fakta No. 4 “Pudar berbeza dalam seluar jins yang boleh terjadi kerana mekanisme mewarna yang sengaja”
Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk mewarna benang tenunan dengan pewarna indigo. Yang paling popular adalah dengan pencelupan tali. Kaedah ini digunakan untuk mewarna kedua warna indigo sintetik (termasuk indigo tulen) dan pewarna indigo semulajadi. Mesin khas memerah benang tenun ke dalam pewarna kemudian benang itu dikeringkan. Proses ini dijalankan secara berterusan, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar di bawah.
Bercakap denim dengan warna yang berbeza, kita juga perlu bercakap tentang pengeluar denim terbaik, Oni Denim. Seluar jins terbaik mereka dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi boleh dilihat dari Seri Oni Kiraku (baca blog kami sebelum ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Kiraku denim) here)
4 Oni Kiraku di bawah cahaya dan dengan cutting yang berbeza
Denim ini sangat ringan, selesa, dan cantik dengan warna-warna indigo yang semulajadi dan gelap. Apabila semasa mengecut seluar jins, jika Anda tiba-tiba melihat air berubah menjadi warna “wine” yang padat, maka ini adalah tanda bahawa seluar jins berwarna dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi.
Fakta no.5 “Jeans dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi boleh memiliki harga yang berpatutan”
Jeans indigo semulajadi sukar dibuat kerana teknik ini memerlukan banyak masa dan kepakaran profesional, sehingga proses produksi membuat harga denim tinggi. Tetapi, percayalah atau tidak? Terdapat jeans dengan pewarna semula jadi mempunyai harga yang berpatutan.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – Gambar kanan menunjukkan arches bermodel di kantung jeans
Di atas adalah jins low-rise dari Burgus Plus dengan pemotongan yang selesa dan moden dengan potongan yang agak sempit pada kaki, dan berat 16oz. Di sini kita dapat melihat tekstur yang indah dalam bentuk “biji-bijian”, yang mempunyai kualiti pudar yang cepat dan warna indigo semulajadi yang luar biasa.
Lama kelamaan, apabila seluar jeans dipakai, ia akan menunjukkan pudar yang unik dan cantik.
Satu lagi model jins dengan pewarna indigo semulajadi adalah ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Pewarna denim semulajadi dari tumbuh-tumbuhan indigo dengan bahan tambah elastik 2%. Apabila dilihat secara langsung, denim 100% sama seperti denim kapas. Tetapi sedikit lebih anjal dan memberikan ruang kosong lebih. Seluar jins ini adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk anda yang bekerja di pejabat (jam panjang dan tidak banyak pergerakan).
Fabrikasi denim rumit dan itulah yang menjadikan setiap seluar jins Jepun istimewa. Kami percaya bahawa ia lebih seronok jika Anda dapat mengetahui cara membuat jins ini sebelum membeli. Kedua pewarna semulajadi dan sintetik menghasilkan warna yang baik untuk pelbagai jins. Pewarna indigo secara semulajadi jadi denim paling tulen manakala indigo tulen menyediakan potensi pudar yang terbaik. Jika Anda tidak pernah membeli jins daripada dua pewarna itu, akan ada banyak pilihan dan paparan yang menanti Anda. Kami menunggu cerita Anda dan beritahu kami melalui chat ping!
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:ko]In times, you discovered that some of the most popular Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURAL INDIGO‘ or ‘PURE INDIGO‘ jeans. What exactly do these labels mean? What are the differences between these 2 different dyes and how do they affect the quality of each denim? After all, can you really be a denimhead without knowing about the most critical factor that makes up jeans?
To satisfy your curiosity, let’s start with the essential INDIGO dye knowledge. Denimio’s blog is proud to present 5 informative/interesting facts of indigo dye. Be with us, because after this chock-full-of-info piece, you’ll have a better understanding of various indigo dye and be able to distinguish the differences between natural and pure indigo denim. Let’s start!
Fact No.1 “Indigo plants are not blue”
To create a natural indigo color for dyeing Japanese denim, a plant called Indigofera is used. Indigofera plant is a low shrub with the height that reaches up to 2 meters. It has elongated shape leaves and lovely pink flowers.
Example of a finished dye in the form of powder next to dried leaves of indigo.
The indigo dye itself is obtained from the dried leaves of the Indigofera plant in a long process. Initially, the Indigofera leaves are thoroughly dried before the extract is prepared and infused in special vats. Following that, the extract is going through a dye maturing process, which requires detailed care and periodic stirring. After the extract is perfectly infused, the water from the tank is drained and dried. Finally, the extract is taking the form of a dark blue powder. Interesting?
Now, sometimes you found that some Japanese jeans are labeled as ‘NATURALLY INDIGO’ or ‘NATURALLY DYED’ jeans. As an example, check out one of the most best-selling jeans, Pure Blue Japan ai-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Regular Straight. So what exactly does the label means? Right, these jeans were dyed with the natural indigo dye that has been processed in a time-consuming process as described above.
Pure Blue Japan AI-001 Natural Shoai Dyed Jeans
Fact no.2 “Pure indigo was born to support industry”
Different from natural indigo dye, pure indigo dye was first synthesized by the German chemist Adolf von Baeyer in the year 1865. Then, later in the year 1897, BASF, a German chemical company (currently known as the largest chemical producer in the world) began to produce this type of dye on an industrial scale. This remarks the begin of the era of the so-called “pure indigo” denim.
The threads dyed with pure indigo dye has a beautiful and uniform shade. Around the same time, synthetic indigo was used to dye yarn for various vintage jeans.
Pure Indigo dye is often assumed to be threads that are dyed with the classical chemical formula of pure indigo. Most people believe that pure indigo denim does not have additional shades of the green or red cast texture. In fact, there are several indigo shades that have been introduced among Japanese denim.
To know more about the non-standard shades of pure indigo denim, you can get more information about it by reading our previous article ‘Know your colors – red, green and blue!” here. You might want to check your jeans to make sure if they’re Pure indigo or Natural indigo denim. Let us know in the comment box below!
Fact no.3 “Hand-dyed indigo is ageless”
The best feature of the manual dyeing of indigo yarns is the almost complete absence of fading as the thread is thoroughly dyed. Such jeans only slightly brighten at the folds. It’s a very rare and expensive method of dying, which is used only for natural indigo dyes. The threads are repeatedly dyed, dried and washed by hand. The method requires extremely complicated and painstaking manual work.
The threads will gradually become a darker color. In addition, the indigo color made with this method of dying has different shades (lighter and darker threads interweave, giving the finished piece a natural and intricate look).
Here’s a sample of hand-dyed indigo jeans, Pure Blue Japan AI-002 Natural Shoai Dyed Slim Straight.
The texture and color of expensive denim are shown below, with different indigo shades. Due to this, a unique “artistic pattern” is organically created.
Fact no.4 “Contrast fading is possible because of the mechanical staining method used”
There are several ways to mechanically dye yarns with indigo dye. The most famous is the rope dyeing. This method is used both for dyeing synthetic indigo (including pure indigo) and natural plant indigo. A special machine dips the threads in the dye and then the threads are dried. This process takes place continuously, as shown in the photo below.
When it comes to contrasting denim, we shall mention the top denim producer, Oni Denim. The greatest release of their jeans with natural indigo can be shown in the Oni Kiraku series (read our previous blog story to know more about Kiraku denim here)
4 Oni Kiraku with different sunlight and cutting
This is a very light, comfortable, and beautiful denim with the pure and deep color of natural plant indigo. When shrinking jeans, if you suddenly see that the water is turning into a thick “wine” color, then this is a sign that the jeans were colored with natural indigo dye.
Fact no.5 “Natural indigo jeans can be affordable”
Natural indigo jeans are difficult to produce as they require a lot of time and professional skills, so the production process keeps the denim at a high price. But, believe it or not? Natural indigo jeans on a budget can be real.
Burgus plus 850 $165 – On the right is the model with arches on the pockets
Above are low-rise jeans from Burgus Plus in a very comfortable and modern cut with a slightly narrowed leg, and it has a density of 16OZ. Here we showcase their very beautiful texture in the form of “grains”, which possess fast-fading qualities and the amazing color of natural indigo.
Over time, when the jeans are worn, it will show unique and beautiful fading.
Another model of the natural indigo jeans is ON850ST 15OZ Burgus Plus x Oni Denim. Dye from natural plant indigo denim was used but added with elastic additives of 2%. Externally and according to its properties, this denim is exactly the same as the classic 100% cotton denim. It is slightly more elastic and gives more freedom of movement. These jeans would be an excellent option for long, sedentary work.
Bottom Line
Denim fabrication is complicated and that’s what makes every Japanese jeans special. We believe that is more fun for denim lovers to know how things work before they buy a pair on the shelf. Natural and synthetic indigo both do great jobs on different styles of dying. Natural indigo is the most authentic dye while Pure indigo gives a better fading potential. If you haven’t tried on either type of natural/pure indigo denim before, there will be a lot of different and exciting experiences waiting for you. Be our guest and share with us via ping on chat 😉
Think Blue. Think Denimio.[:]