This is NOT a supernatural TV series! You are still with us at Denimio Blog and this time, we bring you to something fun. Let’s talk about standing jeans! How can jeans stand on their own? Jeans from…
Sorry, this entry is only available in 简体中文. 自去年5月开始接触日本牛隐藏品牌ONI DENIM,也已经一年半的时间,我手上有同是20oz『鬼秘』这块布料的506ZR(烟管)与546ZR(窄直筒),详细介绍可参考: php?f=597&t=4613354&p=1…
Not long ago, you got to know Denimio better through our interview with Robin Denim: Denimio first interview with Robin Denim. After confiding our insider information in you, Denimio wants to share even…